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Dragon's Curvy Dilemma

Page 11

by Mychal Daniels

  Fireflies danced in the backyard, providing an added pleasure to the gift of wind nature was bestowing on her. It was as if Mother Nature had the exact remedy for what ailed her. Daryl propped the back of her lounger back up a few notches to watch the light show the flies put on. As the sound of wind continued to come in waves, Daryl accepted the beginnings of drowsy calm to come that had eluded her before. She snuggled into the lounger, grateful for the gift of nature of tranquility.

  Then louder sounds of more wind displacement coaxed Daryl to sit up. Still unable to make out much, there was no fear that she was in danger. Then she saw it. A large shadow of a bird moved across the dimly lit ground of the backyard. Transfixed with the prospect of watching it land in the shrouded protection of stingy snatches of moonlight, she sat up. Close to the edge of the property, away from the house and nearer to the thicket of woods, a large bird—too large to be a regular one—made a vertical descent landing. The descent was much like a helicopter.

  It moved in the shadows as she strained to make out its actions. Her breath held watching and waiting to catch a glimpse of what would happen next. Air, still and quiet now gave her needed oxygen as Daryl pulled in long breaths in anticipation. Sitting up with her feet planted on the deck, her attention was fully engaged. Something unique and electrifying surrounded this creature. She couldn’t tear herself away from capturing another peek at it. The excitement of seeing flight in motion turn into a landing had to be part of the appeal of bird watching. Envious of how free birds were, unencumbered by fears of height, Daryl waited and watched. Expecting the creature to either emerge out of the shadows or take flight again, she kept silent as the dead.

  Her eyes played tricks on her as movement and weight caused the trees and ground to respond. She blinked, still unable to make out what it could be. Wings, wide and huge reflected off a snatch of moonlight. That couldn’t be right. Another few purposeful blinks to clear her vision and Daryl leaned in, almost hovering her chest over the lower half of the lounge chair. She too was hidden by the shadows of the house. That was part of her armor against being afraid of what might be out there in the darkness.

  Deep breaths, larger and louder than the deer from the first night out here, reverberated through the air. A complex mixture of curiosity, excitement, and fear mingled to keep her planted to that lounge chair. Then it happened. The being took steps, advancing out of the shadows. It moved toward the main house! Too shocked to run, Daryl watched, certain her eyes didn’t deceive as a beast, tall, huge, majestic, and seductively alluring walked toward her location. Still too hard to get definitive detail, what she could make out was a hide the color of obsidian and green. And where those scales? The way they moved didn’t look or behave like feathers. Willing her eyes to adjust to better night vision, she strained to make out more.

  Wings, astoundingly large and angelic folded to cover its back as it advanced. Daryl imagined them being what angelic beings’ wings would have to be like to command that much power of the air. Too overcome with excitement and awe to stop and retreat now, she dared to take in the body and head. Strong and muscular, the creature was no bird. It was a predator for sure, and… a Dragon!

  A hiccup, amplified by force of surprise, and the quiet, still night air escaped her and caused the being to stop. As if watching a movie thriller, it stopped and looked over to her like in the movies. There was no doubt it saw her. Even in the dimness of the moonlight, she saw large brilliant green eyes flash as it took in her sight.

  Those eyes!

  They were familiar and hypnotic. Fear ebbed away to be replaced by an unexplainable calm. This being was no beast. It had extreme intelligence and control. Summoning her commitment to being the woman she needed to be, Daryl stood firm ready to face whatever came next. Gone was the scared girl who’d run from a deer. Daryl was ready to face life in a new and brave way, even if her mind played tricks and projected it in the form of a Dragon to help her do it. Yes, this had to be some cosmic message to help her cope.

  Changing direction to come to her, the Dragon lowered its massive head, as if in a posture of peace. Daryl remained steady as she stood, moving to the front of the chair. Free from the entanglement of deck furnishings, her hand lifted as if reaching out to the being. It was as if her body had a mind of its own, but the creature did not frighten her. If anything, she was mesmerized by it and magnetized to come closer.

  It was cool how her mind was creative enough to help her grow and learn to deal with her life with this fantastical dream. She’d always loved Dragons, and it made sense that it would come as her spirit animal. The dragon took more steps, slow, but closing the space between them. The ground vibrated ever so with each step it took under its massive weight. Wow—the ground shook. As if snapping out of a haze, it dawned on her that her dreams were never that three-dimensional.

  There was no way this wasn’t real. The freaking ground was shaking. Oh God, there was a real Dragon, and she was mere feet away from it!

  Swallowing down the old habit loop to retreat, Daryl summoned the power of deep breathing to stay in her body and face the approaching creature head on. Nothing about this situation was usual. Towering over her, the being emitted no threat or danger vibe. This was meant to be. Wisdom and another life decision in the making happened right before her. Daryl was confident this was another crossroads of her life. Closing her eyes for a body check in, the solid clarity that she was supposed to be here at this moment kept her steadfast and unmoved.

  “Who are you?” she asked, marveling at her choice of words. She hadn’t asked what it was.

  Only about fifty feet away and outlined by the moonlight, the being stopped and stared as if considering her words. In a flash, a thought of Asher dashed through her. This was something he’d do. Seeds of the spectacular formed in her thoughts. This being had the same essence and familiarity as Asher. Could it be connected to him in some way?

  In an active answer to her thought, the air around her sizzled and popped with energy and life. The creature began to shrink in size. Wind swept through to surround it as a torrent of activity and transformative power swirled in a seduction of otherworldly effects. Daryl could make out its head in the flurry. What had looked like a dragon’s head that boasted a thorny crown had transformed into black hair, thick and unruly. Hope sprang up that her far-flung guess might be true.

  The transformation continued to swirl and crackle as the wind played a masterful part in hugging the figure tight, containing it in an ever-shrinking controlled cyclone until it was complete. Instead of a creature the size of what she could imagine a dinosaur must have been, now stood Asher Princeton, clad only in a pair of loose fitting shorts.

  Daryl rushed to him before thought and reason could stop her. What had happened defied understanding, but she believed it was a sign that she’d been given a second chance to let him know how much she wanted to explore a relationship with him. It didn’t take words for her to understand that he had allowed her to see him transform. On a primal level, she got how big this was. And, everything within her clicked on that he was the one person who trusted her enough with something this powerful about himself.

  “Ash—it is you!” she said, meeting him halfway as he ran to her.

  Lips collided in fiery passion as Daryl pushed caution to the wind. Scents of power, passion, the outdoors, spice and citrus filled her nostrils as she held onto him. He returned her kiss, hungry and aggressive, holding nothing back. This was the Asher she’d wanted and needed. Trembling with the sheer number of stimuli and inputs coming at her, Daryl felt herself shaking and unable to stand.

  Before she crashed to the ground, she was up in Asher’s arms and heading back to the deck of the guest house. He was gentle as he sat down with her in his lap on the lounge chair she’d previously occupied. Daryl clung to him as if her life depended on it.

  Hunger and need, raw and unbridled, drove her as her hands roamed the expanse of his chest and arms. Tears flowed, and she felt like she was seein
g him and being seen by him for the first time.

  Green eyes, deep and cloudy captured hers. “You saw what I am and yet you still want me?”

  His question made no sense.

  “Of course, I want you. I see you Asher Princeton, and I want to be with you. Thank you for sharing this precious gift with me.”

  Maybe it was the quality of light that distorted her vision, but Daryl thought she saw moisture rim his lower lashes.

  “I want you to be mine forever, Daryl Livingston,” he said. “There are things about me that you still don’t know that could make you leave me. But, if you promise to give me a chance, I’ll make certain you never regret accepting me as yours.”

  She had to stifle the laugh that came. “You know you sound like some romance movie right now? I’m a plain girl who needs plain speak, Asher, if you’re saying we need to do this and be together, I’m so down with that it hurts. If you’re saying, you’ve done some shit in the past that I might not like when I find out? That’s plausible, and if you’re saying that you’re in this for the long haul willing to work on it, then I’m completely ready to be in it with you. Is that what you’re getting at?”

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, bringing her mouth back down to his.


  Daryl—Back of the Guest House

  She moved to straddle Asher on the lounge chair as he schooled her on how exquisite a proper kiss could be. A bulge, hard, thick and long pressed against the inside of her thigh. Excitement and passion ignited at the sensation. Daryl had purposely waited, believing she’d know the right time and person to share herself with. This was that time, and Asher was that man.

  Gone was all the petty bullshit self-doubt. He was a man; she was a woman. If it didn’t work out in the future, she’d survive. Deep down where it wouldn’t be changed or refuted, Daryl knew that. Her confidence didn’t rest on his reaction to her. Hell, she’d seen him transform from a Dragon without flinching. Their relationship was built on some next-level shit, and she’d be a fool to get caught up in the mental crap that kept her from exploring what life with him could hold.

  Whispering in his ear, she said, “I’m going to cuddle you so hard, Dragon.”

  His chuckle was low and sultry. “You sure? Don’t you want to wait until we’ve had a chance to talk about what happened?”

  Daryl sat up to gain his complete attention. “I almost missed my chance to go after what I wanted earlier today. I’ve learned my lesson. Coming here to your home was an act of blind faith. Approaching your company with my energy idea was a stab in the dark. And, falling this hard for you is an exercise in exploring my fears, hangups, and shortcomings. I can’t afford to wait to live life. Nor, do I have the luxury of being uncertain. Ash, I made myself a promise and damn near vowed that if I got a second chance to kiss and show you how you make me feel, I’d go for it.” She leaned back into him and encircled his neck with her arms. “From this moment on, shut the hell up and let me enjoy my second chance. You got me?”

  Her smile exploded when all he did was a nod and give her a huge grin, followed by recapturing her lips in a scorching kiss. Daryl couldn’t get enough of how hot his skin burned beneath her probing touch. Her fingertips roamed the width of his lower back that didn’t touch the lounge chair. Feeling the rush of how great he made her feel, daring pushed her to move her hands down, tracing his spine until she met with the hem of his shorts. Determined not to pull back where he was concerned, she pressed on, plunging her fingers beneath the hem to grab what she could of the start of his ass cheeks.

  He moaned in her mouth at her daring touch. Daryl began to massage his ass, deep and slow in concert with how her body began to ride him. Her pussy was drenched, and she needed more of him. If she could, Daryl would press into him until they became one. Her nipples ached to be rubbed and pinched. Obeying the need, she removed a hand out of the back of his shorts to take his hand and place it on one of her throbbing nipples.

  Without words or explanation, Asher began a slow charm of her nipple, rubbing and thumbing it into a taunt summit of painful pleasure. Unable to reach the zenith of what she needed from his touch, Daryl removed her top. Asher pushed her hands away to finish by removing her sturdy, large-cup bra. He was quick to catch the weight of her breasts in his waiting hands as the soft, warm mounds of flesh swayed free from their feminine imprisonment.

  He sucked her bottom lip, licking it in a rapturous appeal to give him her all. This was done while the pads of his thumbs coaxed her nipples into tight nubs of delight. With a pop, he released her lip and plunged his head down between her overflowing breasts. Daryl gave in and arched her back, giving him full exposure to her breasts. One after another he devoured them, placing tiny, gentle but hungry kisses on them. When he’d successfully covered each one with kisses, Daryl cried out with tortured pleasure as he took a nipple into his hot mouth and sucked with demand and ownership.

  “Mine,” he mouthed over and over as he sucked, nipped and licked alternating nipples.

  Outside with the stars above was how this was supposed to be. They were free to explore and be with each other. The cares of the day and the world were far away to be dealt with in the hours to come. But, for now, she had him, and he had her in the sanctum of their private escape.

  Daryl gyrated her hips, rubbing herself against his ever hardening shaft. He moaned again and stopped.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, not caring that it was laced with pleading.

  “If I don’t, I’ll take you right here.”

  She refused to entertain any form of restraint from either of them. She’d make this easy for him. Leaning in to kiss him again, she plunged her tongue into his mouth moving her tongue in a duel with his like he’d taught her. Daryl managed to stand up enough to clear the width of the chair. Without losing contact of the intensity of the kiss, she pushed and wiggled her drawstring shorts down to the ground. Once she’d stepped out of them and kicked her flip-flops off, she was back on top of him.

  Asher was so caught up in the kiss; it took him a moment to realize she worked on the front of his shorts. Instead of the pause or protest, she thought he’d lodge, skilled hands unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts. Daryl stayed the course determined to get what she wanted. Her hands searched to free his massive cock from the shorts and briefs only to realize he went commando. She giggled in spite of her determination to take the lead in this seduction.

  When she freed the head of his cock from the shorts, Asher’s hips instinctively lifted. Quick to respond to the opportunity, she released him from the kiss to concentrate on getting those damned shorts off.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Shh, this is on my turf, my rules,” is all she said.

  He remained quiet, watching her next moves like a hawk. Daryl came back to straddle him again. Her pussy was so wet; she could imagine her juices dripped by now. Green eyes followed her hand as she gently closed her hand around as much of his shaft as she could. Daryl might be a virgin, but she knew the mechanics of how this was going to work. She’d watched enough porn and masturbated to glean the basics.

  Positioning his large flat tip at the seam of her pussy lips, Daryl took in a breath. She felt the hot stare of his gaze on her as she continued. She was in total control of how this went, and it was how she’d needed it to be. Rubbing his tip along the seam of her vagina’s lips to get it lubricated from her juices, she wasn’t ready for the sensations that zinged through her body. His cock was hard, thick and long with smooth, velvet skin. She paused to look back up at him. It was imperative she be looking at him for her next move.

  Staring back at her in the dim moonlit where green eyes, large, expressive, hungry, passionate and full of love. That’s all the assurance she’d needed to proceed. With a determination to breach her wall, Daryl exhaled and sunk down hard. The fire, pain and burning inferno that erupted inside felt like her body wanted to split in two.

  Large hands grabbed her by the waist pulling her back toward him

  “Baby, why didn’t you tell me? I thought it might be true, but why didn’t you say you were a virgin?”

  Daryl trembled from the intense pain. She couldn’t form words at first, opting to ride it out before answering. When she was composed enough to string words together, they were reclined with her laying on top of him.

  “I thought I could make it quick.”

  He rubbed her back, allowing his fingertips to skim her skin.

  “Daryl, my sweet Daryl. I’m larger than most men. I could have really hurt you. We need to take this slower. How about we go to bed? You can rest up. I can wait for as long as you need.”

  “No, I want you now, right here.”

  “I don’t have any condoms, and I don’t want to take that choice away from you.”

  “I don’t care; and no, I’m not stupid. If this is going to work, I don’t want any barriers between us. As you know, I’m a virgin, and I don’t have any diseases. From all the folklore, I have heard and read, aren’t beings like you free from disease too?”

  His hand stopped tracing its imaginary route on her back. He said, “Yes, that’s true, but I didn’t think you’d know anything about that.”

  “When I was a kid I had a thing for Dragons and read anything I could get my hands on about them. I believed they were real when I saw Japanese architecture built to allow them, I mean you access to fly through the buildings unhindered. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I gave up the idea that you existed.”

  His deep chuckle rumbled in his chest beneath her ear. “So, you’re a Dragon groupie then?”


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