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Hearts On Ice

Page 13

by Janae Keyes

  “What is his problem?” Damian asked me as he nodded over to JC.

  “No idea,” I whispered to my friend with a shrug.

  “And who is he?”

  “Max’s best friend and manager.”

  Putting JC out of my mind, I focused my full attention on Max. The asshole guy I noticed was trying to get to him, but Max powered on. I wondered about our potential future, going to games, and Max coming to my competitions. We didn’t live far from one another, and although there would be times when our schedules wouldn’t allow us to be together, I was willing to put in the work. Was Max willing to work through the difficulties as well? I wondered.

  After practice, the guys went to the locker room, and JC trailed out without a word. Damian and I strolled through the halls chatting and checking out the memorabilia. There were retired jerseys of Olympic years past. We saw photos and news articles in frames that lined the walls. It was like a museum.

  “There’s my girl!” Max shouted.

  I turned sharply to see him coming down the hall toward me. I couldn’t help but break out running in his direction. I stopped when I reached him and rested my face on his chest. I inhaled. There was something arousing about taking in his clean scent as he held me close. I peered up into his eyes that caused me to swoon. Something told me I would be questioning my luck to have such a great guy forever.

  “You were so great. I know nothing about hockey, but it was awesome to watch you in your element,” I expressed to him before he pressed me to a wall and laced his fingers in my hair.

  He pressed his lips against mine. We were fire whenever we were together, and it showed in every moment. Max pulled away and gazed at me with a grin on his face. We were both totally out of breath and in our moment. I let him lace his fingers with mine as he strolled toward a waiting Damian.

  “The guys are going to some local spot for lunch. Do you two want to come?” Max asked Damian and me.

  “Of course,” I cooed, leaning into him while we walked. I placed a kiss on his arm as we reached the doors leading to the main lobby of the center.

  The moment the doors opened, we were greeted by flashing lights. Questions came from every direction. I squinted, realizing that the lobby was full of reporters. Max wrapped one arm around me protectively as he shoved the cameras out of our way with the other until we were at the exit.

  “Mr. Madden, does this mean you’re back in action?”

  “Mr. Madden, has Team USA kept you on the roaster?”

  “Lia, has your time at the Willows Center allowed you to heal for the World Championships?”

  “Do you have a car?” Max whispered in my ear.

  “Yeah, it’s over there.” I pointed to our rental car in the parking lot.

  “Max and Lia, are you two a couple?” a reporter called out from the building.

  There it goes. I think the world had already made up its mind after seeing us together. We continued ignoring the questions as we raced through the icy parking lot to the car. Max took the keys from Damian, and once we were all secured in the car, we sped off.

  Max rubbed my leg to relax me. I’d been a celebrity of sorts since I was a teenager. Although my life was relatively quiet, there were moments of explosions when I could become overwhelmed and flustered. Having Max with me was nice because he somehow appeared unaffected by it all, while I was a bundle of nerves.

  Upon arrival at the small Irish Pub in the city, Damian got out of the car first, leaving Max and me alone for a moment. Max’s hand touched my face and I leaned into his touch. He had a strong spirit, but now I knew his weakness and his secrets. I hurt for him.

  “I’m glad you came,” he said, stroking my cheek with his thumb. “You didn’t have to, though.”

  “I didn’t have practice today and after last night, I had to see you,” I said, giving him a smile.

  Max had grown up without a support system and any support he currently had was likely only around for the money. I needed him to know I was genuinely there for him with no ulterior motives. I only wanted the love he’d shown me. Max pulled me in, his lips on mine. I felt that fire that had erupted between us during our first kiss. The intensity of it could give one whiplash. It was a whirlwind experience I’d never felt before with anyone else. I felt his hand slide down my curves to my lap. I was in jeans, so he couldn’t do too much although through his intensity and the way his tongue explored my mouth, I knew he wanted to do a lot more.

  My sexuality had never been awakened at this level as it had with Max. I didn’t even have to be around him to want his touches and all that came with them. Whenever we together, we shared sexual tension that needed to be released as soon as possible. Max lit my fire.

  “Damn, it would be so good to have you ride me right here,” Max growled against my mouth.

  “Maybe another time,” I teased before someone knocked on the window.

  We turned to see that asshole guy at the window. “Playtime is over, cripple,” he mocked as he imitated an old man with a cane and walked away laughing.

  “Who is he? He’s an asshole,” I grunted as I watched him walk into the pub with a few other players.

  “That’s Derek Davis. I played with him before. I fucking hate that guy. He’s a piece of shit, and I want to pound his fucking face into the fucking pavement.” Max punched the palm of one hand with the other as he spoke of this Derek guy.

  I placed my hand on his bulging forearm, and he instantly relaxed at my touch and gave me a soft smile along with a nod. I leaned over and pecked his lips.

  “We should go eat now. Afterwards, I guess Damian and I will head back to the Willows Center.” I said with a sad face. I knew Max would only be gone a few more days, but being apart was hard.

  Once inside, we sat at the large cluster of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate the USA hockey team. JC sat across from me, frowning on occasion. As soon as Max and I were alone, I’d ask what JC’s deal was.

  “Heading back to the Sharks soon to finish the season?” one of the guys asked Max. I ran my hand along his leg and peered up at him.

  I loved looking at Max’s face. His jaw was triangular, strong, and covered in stubble. His nose was long but attractive. I adored his smile that brought him to life. I admired that after all he’d been through he could still smile.

  “JC is working on that for me. I’d love to play a few games and not sit the whole season out,” Max explained.

  I loved that my man was so eager to get back into the game. Hockey was his life and it made him happy.

  “Excuse me for a sec. I’m going to the ladies’ room,” I whispered to Max before I stood and left.

  While washing my hands, I realized it was my first time out with Max. We’d been sequestered at the center together, but now we were out in public for the first time. Max unlike me, was social. I had a few close friends, but I didn’t socialize often unless I had to. Max, on the other hand, was the life of the party and always made himself known. It was fun seeing him with the guys and having a great time.

  I left the restroom and started down the hall toward the dining room. I was stopped in my tracks by none other than Derek Davis. He towered over me as he stepped closer. I backed up until I hit the wall with a thud. There was a smirk on the edge of his lips as he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

  “Well, well, what is a pretty piece of ass like you doing with a druggie like Madden?” he asked, his voice deep and menacing as he pinned me against the wall. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. “Look at you looking good enough to eat with that round ass of yours. You want this, don’t you, baby?”

  “Please, let me go,” I asked with bravado in my voice despite how hard I was shaking physically.

  “Not until you answer a question.” He ran a finger along my jittering jaw line as he licked his lips before giving me a smile. “What does that chocolate pussy taste like?”

  I didn’t say a word. The look in his eyes was so sinister. I’d n
ever seen anything like it before, and it honestly scared the shit out of me. His hands grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head while his groin pressed into my stomach, preventing me from using my knee the way I wanted. The place was too loud, so nobody would be able to hear my yells and cries for help. I closed my eyes and wished that someone would come into the hall.

  “The fuck do you think you’re doing?!”

  The moment I heard Max’s voice, my heart palpitations mellowed out. Before I could blink, he snatched Derek away from me and slammed him against the opposite wall. Max stood over him for only a split second before he bent down and punched Derek in the face.

  I stood horrified as Max threw punch after punch at Derek. He was livid and out of control after witnessing Derek’s attempt to violate me. Max’s explosive temper was on full display in my presence for the second time ever. Derek fought back, landing a few good punches to Max’s midsection before the two men were snatched apart. Max needed at least four guys to hold him back. The entire time I stood completely frozen in place.

  “You piece of shit motherfucker!” Max spat angrily as he tried to break free of the guys holding him back. “Touch my girl again and I will fucking end you!”

  “Stupid druggie,” Derek rebutted.

  I could see the veins pulsing in Max’s neck as he strained against the guys to get back at Derek. My body pulled itself from its trance, and I rushed to Max’s side. I placed my hand on his arm, and his eyes bore into mine. It was like I could see the red he saw when I looked into his eyes. This wasn’t my Max, but someone else…someone who scared me.

  “Max,” I called out in a calm voice. “Baby, I’m fine.” Despite of my attempt to calm him, the rage in his eyes persisted.

  “Get the fuck off me!” Max shouted to the guys who continued struggling to hold him.

  “Someone get Derek out of here. That might help,” one of the guys suggested.

  Everyone around seemed to nod in agreement while the two guys who held Derek back struggled to remove him from the hall.

  “Max, listen to me. Please calm down.” I stroked his arm, just hoping for a moment of clarity from him. My heart pounded hard with each passing moment until his demeanor finally began to soften. “Baby, we’re all good. I’m fine. Please settle down for me.”

  He nodded. That was all I needed for the tension in my muscles to relax. The other guys loosened their grip on him, and he immediately pulled me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest.

  “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked me.

  I peered up into his steel gray eyes, giving him a smile for defending my honor the way he had. I nodded and stood on my toes to kiss him gently. Max allowed me to kiss him as he held onto me tightly.

  “I’m fine. Please never have a moment like that again. You scared me.”

  “I’ll try only for you. I want to be a better man for you.”

  Leaving Max was difficult, but Damian and I had to return. I had practice to keep me busy and on my toes. Nadia and I had perfected my routines, and it was time for Bev to return for the technical stuff.

  I stepped from the shower feeling refreshed after a hard, but productive practice session. Things were looking up, including my upcoming appointment with the center’s doctor to determine if I was ready to be discharged.

  As time went on, I knew the day would soon come. I’d arrived at the center unable to put weight on my ankle and now I was skating like a pro again. The only negative thing about being released from the center was leaving Max behind, but he wouldn’t be too far behind.

  Mom had called me the morning after I left Max in Colorado Springs. The media had apparently gone insane over seeing Max and me together. Mom had declined requests for comments left and right. Apparently, Lia Crestwood and Max Madden had become the new hot thing to the outside word. We hadn’t made any statements, though, preferring to keep our relationship to ourselves for now.

  I hummed a song as I sat on the bed in my bathrobe and painted my nails. Someone knocked on my cabin door. I hadn’t expected any guests, but there was a chance it was Damian wanting to hangout.

  Standing from my bed, I quickly walked to the door and opened it to find the guy who’d captured my heart wearing a lopsided smile.

  Max was holding a bouquet of flowers, but I didn’t care about that. I jumped into his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist as I kissed him hard. I couldn’t exactly tell, but it seemed as if he’d dropped the flowers on the floor before he wrapped his arms around me and kicked the door closed behind him.

  He carried me over to my bed and dropped me gently. I bounced on the mattress with my attention on Max. He’d yanked off his winter coat and kicked off his boots before he stood above the bed. I eyeballed him, taking in his every move as he nearly ripped off his T-shirt and pulled his jeans down his legs.

  I bit down hard on my lip as I boldly sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. My fingers gripped the elastic band of his boxers. Dragging them down his legs, Zeus sprung free. From my first time with Max, I received confirmation why he called his dick Zeus. Max was huge and his manhood was worthy to be named after a god. Zeus was rock hard, bulging, and aching to get inside me, but I had other plans for the time being. I leaned my body forward, my hands on Zeus. Clearly, I heard Max moan as his eyes pierced through me.

  “Lia,” he groaned my name.

  I licked my lips seductively and with just that action I took stock of Max’s eyes rolling backwards. Leaning toward his throbbing length, which I still held in my hands, I stuck out my tongue once more, but not to lick my lips. Teasingly, I ran my tongue along the bottom of his shaft before reaching the tip where a drop of seed awaited. I licked it up, taking his salty taste into my mouth.

  I opened my mouth and took him inside inch by inch. Max had a lot for me to take in, so I went at my own pace as I began to bob my head. I took in a bit more of him with each bob. Max tangled his fingers in my hair, pushing my head down lightly.

  The grumbles erupting from his throat were erotic and enticing. Knowing I was doing a good job, I increased my speed and my hands kept pace.

  I found myself wanting to laugh at my performance. Whenever Max and I were together it was as if we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. If we were not in public, we couldn’t keep off of one another. We were addicted to the bliss and connection we shared, there was no doubt about it.

  My actions made Max more engorged and rigid as I took him back toward my throat. He suddenly pulled me away. Saliva dripped down my chin as Max gawked at me lustfully.

  “You’ve got some mouth on you, baby girl,” he hissed as he pulled me to stand.

  “Well, I’ve been corrupted by Max Madden,” I joked as he untied my robe and pulled it off me, leaving me stark naked. “I could never get tired of seeing your sexy body. You’ve got curves in all the right places and you’re wet just where you need to be.” Max winked at me, and my cheeks warmed.

  He leaned into me, kissing and holding me tight before he laid me on the bed. I watched as he climbed onto the mattress and crawled up toward me like a lion seeking his prey.

  Max’s tongue slipped over my inner thigh. I leaned back onto my pillow, taking in the wonderful feelings that coursed through me. His big hands groped my thighs, spreading them wider. His hold was strong enough to give me bruises. Max was an animal, and whenever he was released from his cage, there were no survivors.

  “I never want to go another day without you,” he said, his lips planting heated kisses on my thighs. “I can’t stand another day without your sweet scent, your touch, or your taste.” His tongue extended and licked up my slit. My eyes closed in bliss.

  “Max!” I gushed in embarrassment, but he didn’t budge. He spread me open and began to devour me lick by agonizingly wonderful lick.

  My fingers gripped the sheets as my hips lifted from the bed and grinded against his greedy mouth. It was no secret that I belonged to Max Madden and he belonged to me.

  There’d been n
o time to come down from my high as Max flipped me on my stomach. I squealed as he dragged me down to the foot of the bed and lifted my bottom and torso. Max stood proudly at the foot of the bed as my feet dangled daintily in the air.

  He slammed into me, and I cried out in a mixture of pain and overwhelming pleasure as he stretched me to fit his generous size. Max’s large hands gripped my hips to keep me in place as he pounded into me. I tried to fight off my impending orgasm, but there would be no fight as I screamed out his name while tumbling forth. The force on my hips from Max’s hands grew stronger as he continued to thrust into me, shattering my sanity. The aftershock blew straight through me.

  “Fuck, baby girl, I love you,” Max grunted with his final thrust before spilling into me.

  I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I loved him too. It scared the life out of me, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. I was in love and for the first time, something outside of skating made me happy.



  We both knew the day was coming, but when it arrived, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Lia had reached the peak in her recovery and was given medical clearance by the clinical staff to leave the center. It was the day she’d leave and I never wanted to let go.

  I watched her slumber. My eyes travelled along her smooth ebony skin and plump parted lips as she breathed slowly. Watching her, my mind traveled back to that first day when I walked into the center just wanting to go home and have a drink. I remembered getting in her face and she refused to back down.

  When I wanted to give up, somehow she was always there as positive as ever. I could never figure it out, but at my lowest moments, Lia was there. She wasn’t like the others in my life who asked for money or fame. She wanted nothing in return for her good deeds. I’d never met anyone with such a pure spirit that helped to revive my broken one. I realized there was no figuring it out. I didn’t need to anyway, because we were meant to be.


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