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Hooked On His Thuggish Ways 3

Page 8

by Prenisha Aja

  She was currently sitting up looking at tv. That’s all she did these days. She didn’t really get out of the bed much like she used to and to be honest, she hadn’t been the same. No matter how much I tried to cheer her up or let her know that it was ok. That I didn’t blame her for what happened, none of it worked.

  She also had apologized to me so many times and I didn’t understand why. I mean, it wasn’t her fault that Samuel did what he did. It’s not like she made him do that.

  “I’m ok baby,” she replied lowly, giving me a faint smile.

  I smiled back at her and made my way farther into her room. I found me a seat on her bed.

  “Grandma, can we talk?” I asked her.

  “Yes baby,” she replied, picking up her remote and placing her tv on mute. “What you want to talk about?” she asked.

  I looked up at my grandma and I could tell just from her eyes that today was one of those days. One where she didn’t feel too well and wouldn’t eat much.

  “Grandma, I know I told you this before, but I don’t blame you. I don’t blame you for what he did. I promise.”

  “Baby, I know but I can’t help but to blame myself. I should have done something about him a long time ago. I should have.” Her voice trembled and her hands shook as she brought them up to her face to wipe away the tears that were starting to come down.

  “Yes, true, but you can still do it. We can still make him pay for what he did.” I grabbed her hand and held it tightly in my hand.

  “We got this. We will make him pay, ok.” I placed a kiss on her hand.

  My grandma sniffled but she still managed to smile. Even though I knew all of this chaos broke her spirit, I knew deep down she was strong. Too strong to let this defeat her.

  After talking to her for a little bit longer, I looked down at my phone to see a text from Jaxsyn, which instantly put a smile on my face.

  Walking to the door like Jaxsyn had asked me to in the text, I opened the door and there he was standing with the biggest smile on his face.

  “Why are you here smiling and shit?” I asked him as a smile crept up on my face.

  “I can’t stop by and see my baby? But it’s the weekend and I got something planned for you.” He pulled two plane tickets from behind his back.

  “Oh my god. Jaxsyn, what the fuck.” I beamed as I covered my mouth. I was excited as fuck, but truth be told, I didn’t know if I was ready to get on a damn plane.

  “You ready to fly out of state with yo’ nigga for the weekend?” He smirked.

  “Yes and no,” I replied, because even though I was excited for the trip that he wanted to take with me, I couldn’t help but to worry about my grandma. I didn’t know if I was ready to even leave her side and travel however far, with knowing that Samuel was somewhere possibly lurking.

  “Don’t worry about G-ma you already know that I got that shit covered. All I need you to do is go in there and pack a bag or truth be told, you don’t need shit. We can go shopping when we get there.” He tucked the tickets back into his back pocket.

  “Uhm, ok. And what about your sister?” I asked him, not being able to help but to be worried about everybody but myself and my happiness.

  “Kaizlyn, all you need to be worried about right now is you. You.” He poked me in my chest.

  “Ok,” I pouted. I then turned around and headed back inside.

  Before packing my bags, I went back into my grandma’s room. I let her know what was going on and I also let her know that she had nothing to worry about because Jaxsyn had some men guarding the house.

  After I gave her a kiss on her forehead, I headed into my room, packed me up a bag and made sure I had my ID before I headed out of the room and back outside where Jaxsyn was waiting for me.

  “What the fuck,” I said out loud when I saw Londyn standing by her car with her hand on her hip.

  I just couldn’t for the sake of it understand why the fuck this bitch wouldn’t disappear. What in the world was Jaxsyn telling her that was making her not move around? Usually, or should I say if it was me and a nigga made it clear that he had a bitch, I would move on. Yeah, it would probably be hard but when it came to my pride, I just couldn’t see myself going out looking like I was that damn bothered.

  Taking in a deep breath, I made my way down the stairs and walked over to where Jaxsyn was now standing.

  “Londyn, why the fuck are you steady fucking harassing me? You don’t have a new nigga to fucking aggravate?” Jaxsyn hissed at Londyn whose attention was no longer on him but more so on me.

  “Can me and my child’s father talk without you?” She shooed me away as if I was some type of peasant or as if Jaxsyn wasn’t my nigga.

  Looking at Londyn’s goofy ass, I thought long and hard on how I wanted to react to this situation. I was so tired of people trying to push over on me. It was like they felt like I was weak, and I was never one to be. Shit happened in my life that made me weak, but I was always a strong person. At least I thought I was.

  “Listen…” Jaxsyn was speaking but I quickly interrupted him.

  “Look bitch, I’m so sick of you and this fuckin’ weak ass shit. Do you not have any fucking pride about yoself? What is it going to take for you to stay the fuck out of my nigga’s face?” I was now invading her personal space as I pointed my finger all up in her face.

  “Jaxsyn, you better get this lil’ bitch up out my face because it’s obvious she doesn’t—” Londyn was speaking but I could no longer stand to hear her talk.

  Whap. I slapped her right across the fucking face, making her choke on her words.

  Londyn swung back and connected her fist to my face but that only made me madder. I had been wanting to release all of this anger on somebody. I had been mad at the world for a minute now and the only thing I had been doing was holding it in.

  “You fucking bitch,” she yelled out.

  “Fuck you bitch,” I roared as I twisted her hair into my hand and used my other one to punch her in the face.

  She didn’t have shit for me. She wasn’t no match or maybe I just had extra strength from having so much bottled up frustration. I could feel a warm liquid dampen my hand, but I didn’t care. I was tired of her.

  “That’s enough. That’s enough.” Jaxsyn pulled me off of her but I still had her hair in my hand. And even though he was pulling me, I was still dragging her.

  “Let her hair go ma,” Jaxsyn hissed.

  “Fuck her,” I screamed as I kicked at her, almost connecting with her face.

  “Chill Kaizlyn. Chill.” Jaxsyn placed me on the ground.

  “Move. Move.” I shrugged away from him.

  I turned, faced Londyn and before I walked off, I spit right in her direction, picked my bag up off the ground and walked calmly to Jaxsyn’s car, leaving him to hopefully get that bitch to understand what the fuck it was.

  I rested on the hood of his car. I placed my bag on the side of me, folded my arms and mugged the fuck out of both of them. I counted down from ten and Jaxsyn’s time with her was now up. I wasn’t about to stand there and watch him try to explain another word to her.

  “Jaxsyn, are we leaving or are you going to continue to talk to that bitch?” I yelled.

  He looked back at me, smirked and then walked off from Londyn. Her extra dumb ass began walking behind him, not even caring that her shit was leaking.

  Watching her disgusted me because on everything, I never, ever wanted to be that weak over a nigga to the point that I didn’t even have any dignity about myself.

  “And that’s why the fucking baby wasn’t yours,” she spat, and Jaxsyn stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

  “Bitch, you think I didn’t know that? The fuck. I don’t give a fuck. Now fucking get the fuck on before you be leaving this bitch with about eight bullet holes in your fucking body,” he threatened her.

  I guess she felt like he was bluffing because she took a step towards him. Jaxsyn grabbed his gun from the back of his pants and drew it on her. Her ey
es became big as the moon before she turned and scurried away. For the first time ever, she didn’t say nothing fly before she hopped in her car and burned off. All I could do was hope that she didn’t come back around with any more drama because I just wanted to be happy and drama free with my man.

  Jaxsyn tucked his gun in the back of his jeans and looked around to see that a few of the neighbors had come outside. He shook his head, walked over to me and grabbed me by the neck, lowkey scaring me.

  “You got my dick hard as fuck. I like to see you whooping bitches’ ass and handling yo’ shit, but I also like for my lady to let me handle the shit while she sits fucking pretty,” he told me, gripping my neck tightly but not in a way to hurt me.

  “Damn Kaizlyn,” he hissed lowly. Jaxsyn then aggressively pulled me close to him and bit down on my lip.

  “Next time, have yo’ bitches in order.” I jerked my head back. I just had to say some smart shit.

  Pulling me back, he kissed me. He stuck his tongue in my mouth and I couldn’t help but to let out a moan as he used his free hand to run his fingers along the side of my rib cage then down to my ass, that he always loved to grip.

  “I don’t have any bitches but you, and I like to think I got yo’ ass in order,” he boasted.


  “So, I don’t?” He jerked his head back and asked. “Kaizlyn,” he called my name when I didn’t answer him.

  “Yes, Jaxsyn, you do.” I rolled my eyes. I could have played hard and told him no but he and I both would know that I was lying. I loved Jaxsyn and because of that, he did have me in order but not in a way that I would do whatever he said if it pertained to me playing dumb behind him. He had my heart which meant I would do anything for him.

  “That’s what I thought and don’t roll yo’ eyes, because you got me in order too. I’m all yours. Believe me. You tell my ass to jump and I’m going to ask you how high,” he joked, which caused us to burst out laughing at the same damn time.

  As we laughed, Jaxsyn grabbed my bag, popped the trunk and threw it inside. He then came over to the passenger’s side of his car and opened the door for me. Before I got in and sat down, he grabbed my cheeks, kissed me and mouthed, I love you.

  “I can’t hear you,” I kidded.

  “I love you girl, damn.”

  “I love you too.” I laughed, pecking him on the lips, before having a seat in the car.

  Jaxsyn laughed, shook his head and closed the door for me. He then jogged around the front of the car, got in and drove off.



  “So y’all are just going to leave me up in the fucking house by myself, all weekend?” I pouted as I watched my brother walk to the front door with a duffle bag.

  “Nah, Ace will be here,” he replied, as he dug into his pockets and pulled out some money. “Here, this is for you.” He walked over and gave me a wad of cash, but my bitter ass didn’t even want it.

  I didn’t want to be stuck in the house while they went out of town and then to know that I was going to be stuck in the house with Ace, wasn’t really something that I wanted to do either.

  “Keisha, take this damn money. You know if you weren’t on them damn crutches you could have went. I promise whenever they take that shit off of you, you can go wherever you want to go.” He tried to cheer me up, but I was still sulking.

  I sat on the couch with my leg propped up and my arms folded. My lips were pouty, and my eyes sat low.

  “Jaxsynnnnn…” I whined. I was currently acting like the spoiled little sister that I had always been. Jaxsyn had always given me my way but I knew that no matter what I said or how sad I looked, he wasn’t budging due to the fact that my leg was broken.

  Hell, if it wasn’t for that I would damn near be back to myself. I was no longer feeling as much pain as I once was, so I felt like I could do a little more.

  “Keisha, you not coming. I gotta go. Ace is in the yard. Tell that nigga to take you somewhere or some shit,” he told me as he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

  “I hate you.”

  “I love you too. See you when I get back.” He smiled. My brother then disappeared out of the living room and out of the front door.

  I was now sitting on the couch, salty as fuck. Real fucking salty. I was tired of being in this damn house, looking at these white ass walls and watching the same damn shows. I needed some fresh air and if I didn’t get out of here, I was going to lose my damn mind.

  As I sat there in my feelings, in walked Ace looking better than ever with his brown skin glowing and shit. He had a fresh haircut and of course, I could smell him from way across the room.

  We hadn’t even talked much about the kiss we shared and to be honest, Ace was acting like it never happened. My ass, on the other hand, had been thinking about that shit. I was thinking about it a little too much, knowing that it would never happen again.

  “What’s good? I guess I’m babysitting your ass again.”

  “You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I sassed.

  It wasn’t so much that I was upset with him, but I was angry that nothing was fucking going my way.

  “Chill out.” He waved me off as he walked off towards the kitchen.

  When he came back, he had beer and a bag of chips in his hand. He plopped down beside me and popped the chips open and the beer.

  He grabbed the remote off of the table and basically made himself at home. Shit, I guess he had no choice since he was going to be here all weekend.

  An hour had passed, and I was bored out of my mind. I was tired of watching whatever whack ass show he had turned it on.

  “Oh my god, this cannot be what I am going to do all weekend,” I fussed.

  Ace turned the TV down, then looked at me. “It’s not like you can do much.” He looked down at my cast, then turned the TV back up.

  So, this nigga just tried to play? I thought.

  Frustrated, I hopped up like both of my legs were just A1, but I guess I was moving too fast because I quickly lost my balance and fell over, hitting my damn elbow on the end of the table.

  “Ouch,” I cried out.

  The pain that shot through my damn arm hurt like hell. I could feel a tingling sensation travel from my elbow and through my whole damn arm.

  “Damn Keisha. You good?” Ace pushed the table back and kneeled down in front of me.

  “Yeah, I’m ok. I just need help going to the room.” I sighed, avoiding eye contact with him.

  “You sure?” he cupped my chin and guided my face upwards until our eyes locked.

  What the fuck he do that for? I nervously thought to myself as butterflies swamped the pit of my stomach and my heart began to race.

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” I bashfully looked up at him.

  “Alright. Let me help you up.” He grabbed my hands and helped me up.

  I felt like my legs were putty and I didn’t know why, but standing in front of him made me feel so lightheaded.

  “Shit.” I tumbled into him a little bit causing him to wrap his arms around my waist.

  “My bad.” I looked up at him, apologizing for being so close and invading his space.

  “You good.” Ace licked his lips which sent chills down my spine. He made my heart speed up and for me to lose my train of thought.

  “Keisha,” he mouthed my name, and all I could do was focus on his lips, the way he glided his tongue across his teeth after he said my name.

  “You good?” he asked me, and it was like something came over me again. I knew better. I did, but I couldn’t stop myself, I didn’t want to stop myself.

  I kissed him. I didn’t care if he stopped me. I just had to feel what I felt when I kissed him the other day.

  “Keisha,” Ace moaned against my lips but never pulled away.

  “Shh,” I spoke softly against his lips while placing my hand on his smooth face.

  Shockingly, Ace didn’t pull away. Instead, he did exactly what I was hoping he would
do. He kissed me back. I could feel his hands roaming up and down my back.

  “Keisha, you know once we take it there ain’t no fucking coming back,” he finally broke our kiss and said.

  “I know. I know,” I replied quickly.

  We were now back kissing and trying to get each other out of our clothes. We stopped and laughed because I couldn’t move as fast as I would have liked to, due to my damn leg being fucked up.

  “Let’s go upstairs to your bed,” he said, breathing heavy with his pants halfway undone.

  “Okay.” I nodded as he swiftly lifted me up and carried me in his arms up the stairs.

  When he made it to my room door, I leaned over and twisted the knob and pushed the door open. He pushed his way inside and sat me down on the bed.

  “Keisha, you sure you want to do this shit?” he questioned me again.

  Instead of answering him, I lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, I then reached around and unhooked my bra. I let it fall to the floor as the cold breeze from the AC hardened my nipples.

  “Fuck man,” Ace hissed, not taking his eyes off of me. “Keisha, man,” he exhaled as he walked over to me and pushed me back gently.

  “Ace, shush, I just want you to make me feel good. Don’t worry about that other shit,” I stated.

  I just needed Ace to make me feel wanted. To make me feel beautiful. To make me feel whole again. It was like ever since that shit happened, I felt less than.

  Ace didn’t say anything else; instead, he got back out of the bed, stripped out of his clothes then helped me out of my bottoms.

  We were both butt naked and I couldn’t take my eyes off of his big dick. It was definitely not what I was used to. Whoodie didn’t have anything on Ace. Not even Sims, who forcefully took it.

  Thinking about that shit was ruining my mood and my eyes were now misty.

  Fuck man. I covered my face to hide the fact that I was crying.

  As I laid there, I could feel the bed sink in certain spots, so I knew Ace was now in the bed with me.

  “Keisha,” he said my name as he reached and moved my hands from my face. “You good?”


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