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The Caelian Cycle Boxed Set

Page 47

by Donnielle Tyner

  “Well that was rude.” Rebecca poked me in the ribs from behind. She and Luca must have followed us over to Lily.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I felt the sarcasm dripping from my voice. “Hi. My name is Sadie. Please tell me what the hell you did to me?” I cut my eyes to Rebecca. “Better?”

  Rebecca shook her head in answer.

  Lily’s voice shook as she spoke, cutting Rebecca and me off from our argument. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be nice to me. My Talent … it’s difficult to be around. That’s why Mrs. Moreau had me confined to the opposite side of the estate while you healed.” She swept her eyes over our group as she talked.

  No one responded, waiting for her to continue. She swallowed and focused her gaze on me. “My Talent is called ‘nightmare’ for a reason. It latches on to your subconscious fears and makes you feel like you’re experiencing your nightmares in real time. It’s a defensive Talent and will latch on to the person who is the biggest threat. I didn’t know it would come after you.”

  “What did you see, Sadie?” Kian squeezed my hand reassuringly.

  “Dean Kerrington and the HPC hellhole I was trapped in,” I responded, not looking anywhere except at Lily. Beads of sweat dotted her upper lip and forehead. Her hands were shaking. I wouldn’t have noticed if she weren’t clasping and releasing her hands nervously.

  “Oh my God!” Rebecca screeched.

  “Are you okay?” Luca and Kian demanded at the same time. I turned my friends. Each face wore an almost identical worried expression. Every now and then, they would glance away at something. I tried to follow their gaze, but couldn’t see what unsettled them.

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that? Do I look like I’m about to break down?”

  Luca laughed while Madison grinned. Rebecca and Lacy shifted uncomfortably while Kian reached around and gave me a warm side-hug.

  “Well,” Rebecca spoke up. “We know you’ve been doing well with your therapy and Luca has kept us in the loop about your well-being, but you never told us you were doing this well. You’re almost normal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at the walls.” Madison smiled as she pointed across the room.

  I looked, but nothing registered. My face must have expressed my confusion because Lacy grabbed me and turned me toward the wall. “They’re white!”

  “Oh,” I stated, still a little confused. “Ohhh!” When had I gotten over my fear of white walls? The revelation lifted my spirits and exploded out of me in an ecstatic guffaw. The others joined in congratulating me between laughing fits.

  “I’m confused,” Lily said. I had forgotten she was there. The joy of learning I had overcome a fear trumped the weirdness of earlier.

  “It’s a long story,” Rebecca answered with a smile.

  “Okay.” Lily’s eyes widened as if she were hoping for an explanation, but I wasn’t going to give her nightmare Talent any fodder. The tremors spread to the rest of her body.

  “Are you alright?” Kian asked.

  “My Talent doesn’t like to be held in. It’s made to defend me from others, and when I force it down, it rebels against my body.”

  “My brother’s Talent did the same thing,” Luca stated as he studied Lily. Kian’s hand tightened in mine and I glanced up at him. He was staring at Luca, his features pinched in thought, but quickly turned away when Luca spoke again. “What do we need to do to help?”

  “Everyone needs to throw up mental walls. It’s easy. Just imagine your Talent wrapping around your mind.” Lily’s voice strained as she spoke.

  I nodded and did as she said. It had been easy and I wondered why no one had told me I could use my Talent in such a way.

  “I’m good,” I stated and everyone else responded in kind.

  Lily’s body sagged in relief and I braced myself for another nightmare attack. Nothing happened, but I felt a pressure against my Talent. That must be her Talent trying to get in.

  “Don’t worry, Sadie. My Talent doesn’t attack.” Lily smiled for the first time since meeting her. She radiated happiness and I couldn’t help but return her smile. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. There’s so much I want to talk to you about, but I wasn’t able. Mrs. Moreau was afraid I would unintentionally cause you more harm. Nightmare Talents are rare, so most people don’t know how to fight my defenses, but everyone at the Moreau estate knows how to shield against my Talent. Usually Mrs. Moreau will warn others before they come in contact with me.”

  Well that explains why I didn’t know the mental wall trick.

  “This meeting was put together rather quickly. She probably forgot,” Rebecca added. “It’s a good thing Sadie is in such a good place right now.”

  “You probably would have caused some serious damage if we had met sooner,” I agreed. “I’m just glad you weren’t attacking me. I thought … I don’t know what thought.”

  “Everyone please take a seat,” Francis announced at the podium.

  “We’ll talk later.” Lily nodded before leaving to sit with a group of young Caelians I hadn’t met before. They stopped whispering among themselves when they noticed Lily’s return, and after she sat down they took turns staring at me with wide eyes.

  Kian led the group to sit next to Dr. Sokoloff, who gave me tight smile as I sat next to him.

  “Are you okay now?” he whispered.


  “Good. I am not thrilled that we weren’t warned about that girl’s Talent. It could have set you back, but it seems all is well.” He patted my leg before turning toward the podium, ending the conversation.

  Silence descended on the group as the screeching of chairs stalled. Francis introduced my aunt and took a seat to the side of the makeshift stage.

  “Good morning. I’ve called this impromptu family meeting to discuss certain events that have transpired recently. I’m not one to sugar coat things, so I will just come right out and say it.” She took a deep breath and looked around the room. Her eyes connected with mine and for a moment, she looked panicked. “As you know, Caelian and norm relations have been strained as of late. Violence between the groups has escalated.”

  Murmurs of agreement sounded around the room as Marianne paused.

  “A few days ago, the Virginia National Guard called in assistance from the HCA to help with a protest turned riot when Caelian victims turned their Talents against their norm attackers. During the skirmish, another group arrived and inflicted significant damage on both groups. During the fight, there was confusion as to who the new arrivals were, but one person recognized the Koenig family symbol. There were many casualties. As horrible as the loss of life is, something else concerns both the HCA and myself more. It is why I brought in most of the Caelian Council. During the conflict, teams lost contact, causing a mild panic that allowed the Koenig family the chance to abduct two Caelians who have close relations to one of ours.”

  My heart stopped beating in my chest. I didn’t want to hear what she had to say, even though a part of me knew where this was heading.

  “Joshua, a student from St. Vincent’s orphanage, and a former teacher, Mrs. LaMotte, were taken from the scene. There are still a few others missing, but their location is unconfirmed. There is a list available at the back if you want to search for a loved one.”

  A resounding screech of chairs echoed in the ballroom as everyone turned to look at me. A few jumped at the chance to go and check the list, Madison and Lacy included. My brain registered jostling and raised voices around me, but I was numb to it all as the meaning of what she said sunk in. The knowledge unfurled a deeply seated fear and it blossomed in my chest, taking my air and stalling my heart.

  My grandfather had Mrs. LaMotte.

  Chapter 16

  “Let me go get her!” I demanded again.

  “Sadie, we cannot allow you to traipse into GenCorp when we have no intel. Besides, you know this is exactly what he wants.” Marianne demanded, her jaw locked in determination.

hen the official meeting adjourned, the council members, along with Jedidiah, continued their meeting in the atrium. I had waited exactly 5 minutes before forcing my way into the meeting. It wasn’t a difficult thing to accomplish since the guards either feared my Talent or feared what Marianne would do if they inadvertently harmed her only relative.

  “How do you think a retaliation would work out, my friend?” Jedidiah asked. He stood apart from the council members, leaning against one of the tropical trees adjacent to the patio where Marianne kept her desk. “Even if we knew the exact number of GenCorp soldiers and where they would be stationed, would you be able to control your Talent enough to rescue your friends and mentor?”


  “Tell me, is it wise to run off half-cocked without all the facts?” He continued. His golden eyes began churning at a nauseating tempo. I wanted to look away, but his gaze entranced me and I couldn’t find the strength. I took a step toward him, wanting to get closer to those golden pools, but his eyes shifted away, breaking me from their spell. His narrowed gaze focused on the council members. “If you do not share what you know with Sadie, I will tell her myself.”

  “That information is classified,” one of the council members replied. His voice sounded familiar, but I didn’t look at him. My eyes were locked on Jedidiah, who looked as if he grew in size with each inhalation. “We are not in the habit of sharing vital information with an untrained teenager. Especially one who has been lambasted in the media. If she goes after Miles Koenig it will do nothing but further his cause and give the anti-Caelian groups the noose to string us all up.”

  I snapped my gaze to the councilman. His portly gut rested on the edge of Marianne’s desk, which disgusted her as much as it did me if her pinched expression was any indicator. His jowls shook as he listed all the reasons I shouldn’t be privy to whatever information Jedidiah thought I should know.

  And he was right. I stood at the precarious age of bourgeoning adulthood mixing with the inexperience of adolescence. Coupled with minimum combat training and an untrained, dangerous Talent, my interference could spell disaster for both myself and those around me. Because of the videos of me committing the almost murder of Jesse and the actual murder of Link, I had somehow become the poster girl for ‘why Caelians are dangerous’. I wasn’t qualified on paper, but a deep awareness swirled behind my breast, telling me I could to fix everything.

  I wished I knew how.

  “Sadie.” Jedidiah’s plangent voice brought me back to the atrium. “There is much to discuss, but I promise I will tell you all there is to know.”

  “You will do no such thing!” the pot-bellied councilman screamed. “I will have you—”

  “You can do nothing to me,” Jedidiah answered with a bored sigh. I cut my eyes to the councilman as he opened and closed his mouth in a humorous pantomime of a fish out of water while his face brightened to almost match the cherry red of Lily’s hair.

  “Is he breathing?” I whispered to Jedidiah.

  “Yes, but finding you’re not as powerful as you thought can take your breath away.” Jedidiah’s lips curved into a conspiratorial grin.

  “What are you?”

  “Just a man who can see more because he has no ties to those in power.” He winked.

  Another evasive answer. Jedidiah was truly a mystery, but he felt honest and safe.

  “You must leave now,” he stated with gentleness. I began to protest, but he clamped his large hands on my shoulders and turned me toward the door. “There is much for you to do before we meet again. Go visit with your friends. Listen to what they have to say and follow your instinct—it will not lead you astray.”

  With those last words, he locked his gaze on mine as if he were trying to sear them into my head. I nodded.

  “Good,” he smiled and winked. “We will begin training tomorrow, my friend. Until then have a pleasant evening.”

  As the door to the atrium slammed behind me, I felt the finality of what had happened. I clutched my chest as the reverberations echoed throughout my body. They weren’t going to rescue Mrs. LaMotte, and I didn’t have the means to safely go after her.

  Multiple sets of arms snaked around me, and I felt the press of my friends’ Talents in my mind. I let them overwhelm me, reveling in how the weight of fear lifted.

  “I take it they aren’t letting you run after Mrs. LaMotte,” Luca stated. I shook my head, their Talents making my senses dull and my mouth unable to move. “Good. You’re not ready.”

  “Who are you to tell her what she’s ready to do?” Kian demanded, gathering my shirt in his fists at my waist and pulling me against his chest. The heat from his body melted into mine, soothing and igniting. I resisted the urge to press back against him.

  “Your caveman antics are making you blind to what is happening to Sadie right now.”

  “What do you mean?” Madison demanded as she stepped away from me. Each of my friends stepped away, until only Kian held on to me. I could see their Talents burning bright just a few feet away.

  “Holy shit!” Lacy breathed as her dull light brightened a little. Rebecca gasped and Madison mumbled something incoherent. As their Talents went unchecked, I felt my senses dull even more.

  “What?” Kian’s voice shook with confusion. Silly lover boy. Luca is right, he’s blind when it comes to me.

  “I can’t … stop it.” My voice sounded as if it came from somewhere across the room.

  “Luca, what do we need to do?” Rebecca’s whispered voice was tinged with worry.

  “We need to go somewhere private. Kian, carry Sadie and tuck her head on your shoulder like she’s asleep.”

  “Why?” Kian started.

  “Don’t question me. Just do it.” Luca’s voice was distorted, as if he were talking through a wall.

  I felt weightless as I floated in the darkness, guided only by the swirls of Talents dancing in my mind. It was wonderful, but the floaty feeling didn’t last long. The colorful, familiar Talents pressing against me sparked a memory. I wasn’t supposed to be floating in darkness. There was something more. Tingles spread from the tips of my fingers and toes, traveling upward and bringing back sensations in my skin. I felt something hard and cool pressing against my back.

  A loud pop followed by a series of crackling brought back my hearing.

  “How long has this been happening?” I heard Kian’s voice above me.

  Luca’s voice was strained. “We first discovered it during one of our sparring sessions. She’s been working to push it away, but it has never been this bad.”

  “Do we need to pull Jedidiah out of the meeting?”

  “No. She’ll come out of it soon.” Luca answered.

  “Maybe she did this on purpose,” Madison whispered. More sensations awakened as I felt her warm hand squeeze mine. “You don’t know how many times after John died that I wished I could be numb to the world.”

  “Oh Maddie,” Rebecca’s warmth pressed on the opposite side of my body and I felt the moment she connected with Madison. A conduit of Talent flowed between the three of us. It awakened me. Shame at my reckless, selfish behavior flooded my body with a burning regret and weighed me down. I’m stronger than this!

  I felt Lacy’s fingers combing through my hair, halting my spiral. “Sadie has been through a lot and no offense, Madison, but I don’t think she would allow herself to become this helpless. If anything, she would want to become stronger.”

  “You’re right,” Madison sighed. “I guess I was projecting my feelings onto her.”

  “I think between the devastating news and our Talents flaring unchecked, she became overwhelmed. Usually, she can feel the slip happening and will warn others to tone it down,” Luca offered.

  “Sadie isn’t weak,” Kian grumbled as the burning sensation in my throat dimmed to a dull heat.

  “No, I’m not, but I’m not unaffected by my own Talent’s weakness.” My voice came out as a croak. For a second there wasn’t a sound, and then all at once ev
eryone started up again.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Do you need anything?”

  “What does it feel like?”

  I held up my hands. “Stop now or I’ll go under again. Control your Talents.” Silence weighed heavy as each person focused on their own Talents. Bit by bit, my vision came back as if I were focusing a telescope until I could see each and every person. “Maybe y’all should keep them locked down while my body recovers.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Rebecca smiled as she squeezed my hand.

  “Need help up?” I nodded as both Madison and Rebecca helped me to a seated position.

  “Well, now you all know my big weakness.” My arms shook feebly as I raised both hands in the air. “Surprise!”

  Kian knelt in front of me, his eyes bloodshot and lips pressed into a flat line. “I’m not okay with finding out like this. I thought you were dying. Again.”

  “I was going to tell you all, but everything got out of control before I could. It wasn’t a conscious decision to keep secrets.” I gave Kian a pointed look. His eyes widened before he adverted his eyes, regret sharpening his features. “But Luca thought it would be best if we didn’t discuss something so big over the communicators.”

  “Smart move,” Lacy agreed as she pressed into a standing position. “Are you okay now?”

  “Physically? Peachy. But then there’s the whole my mentor and friends being kidnapped by my evil grandfather thing.”

  “About that…” Madison started.

  “It can wait until tomorrow,” Lacy snapped.

  “Really. I’m fine as long as you all keep your Talents in check.”

  “How do you even survive being surrounded by Caelians when your secondary is so out of control?” Rebecca asked.

  “It’s not like every unchecked Talent overwhelms me. It’s a mixture of my emotions, those around me, and the fact that my Talent has been acting weird.”

  “Weird how?” Kian reached out to help me stand.

  “First my secondary is always activated and there is nothing I can do to turn it off. It was overwhelming at first, especially before Dr. Sokoloff arrived.” I turned to Kian. “By the way, thank you for making sure he was available to me. I’m not sure how you did it?”


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