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The Caelian Cycle Boxed Set

Page 52

by Donnielle Tyner

  I snatched up the note and unfolded it like there might be a bomb hidden inside. There wasn’t. Just a single paragraph, written by hand with crisp, slanted letters.

  Don’t see loss as an ending, but the start of a new chapter. Death is painful for those left behind, but don’t let that pain blind you. SEE, Sadie. See and feel and know that justice comes to all. Accept this and discover your path.

  - Until we meet again, Jed

  Of course Jedidiah would leave me a cryptic handwritten note instead of a detailed communicator message. Although I appreciated his comforting message about death, his reference to justice left me unnerved. Not to mention that it was the second time he had asked me to see. I re-read his letter until the words blurred on the page, hoping to gain another clue to no avail. I was exhausted and wasn’t getting anywhere that night. With that thought, I rolled over and almost instantly fell asleep.

  Chapter 27

  Press Release

  Former Human Purist Coalition organizer, Dean Kerrington, has now topped the America’s Most Wanted list. His crimes of fraud, false imprisonment, deadly conduct, manslaughter, murder, and now evading arrest has made national news this week.

  Since our last broadcast asking our viewers to contact the local police with information on Mr. Kerrington’s whereabouts, an anonymous source submitted to the FBI an overwhelming amount of evidence against the zealot.

  A second copy was sent to Global News with a note that expressing concern that without due pressure from the media, the government would “sweep it under the rug”.

  We contacted Director Rodgers of the FBI, and he has confirmed that they received a similar note, but stressed that the FBI has and always will do all it can for the citizens of America.

  Click the links below to view the note and files.

  Chapter 28

  “Sadie.” A soft, almost tinkling voice pulled me from the blissful darkness of sleep.

  “Sadie. Wake up.”

  I sat up with a gasping breath and scanned my room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. My furniture, nothing but darker blotches in the already inky blackness of a moonless night, were exactly where they were supposed to be.

  “Sadie. Good, you’re awake.”

  “Mae?” I whispered.

  “Don’t say anything aloud. Project your thoughts to me and we can communicate without causing alarm.”

  “Okay,” I thought, “Is this working?”


  “Where are you?” I demanded as I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around my knees.

  “In a park, about a mile away from your location.”

  “Your ability has grown.”

  “It had to in order for me to evade the HPC this long. I have been on the run since the night the HCA busted you out.”

  “Thank you for showing my friends where I was.”

  “It was the least I could do.”

  “Where have you been? I’m told you disappeared after the HCA arrived.”

  “The idea of another organization using my Talent scared me, so I ran. I spent a few weeks hiding, trying to figure out what I to do with my new freedom, but all I could think about was getting revenge. So I approached McCredie.”

  “How’d you infiltrate the HCA?”

  “Sadie, come on.”

  “Oh. Yeah.” I paused for a moment as a wave of embarrassment washed over me. “I’m half asleep and have had a really bad day. Forgive me for being a little slow.”

  “It’s understandable.”


  “Yes, I told him that I had detailed information implicating my father and wanted to help, on the conditions that I would work on the outside and never show my face unless I choose to.”

  “And he took you up on it. Just like that?” The disbelief was evident, even in my thoughts.

  “No. He told me there had to be mutual trust. So I agreed to meet with him alone. It took some time, but we worked it out. The meeting went well. I told him everything I knew and he confirmed my description and Talent with your report.”

  “Good. McCredie is a respectable man.”

  “I agree. Which is why I accepted his mission.”

  “What mission?”

  “My primary mission is to get a sample of the serum so they can reverse engineer it.”

  “Oh.” Fear knotted my gut. Mae was barely a preteen; she shouldn’t be asked to put herself in such danger. “And your secondary mission?”

  “To unearth the spy remaining in the underground.”

  “I thought Joshua was the spy.”

  “He was one, but since he’s been gone there have been other information leaks.”

  “Oh.” I warred with the desire to beg her not to go. It wasn’t like we were close, but we shared a bond from that HPC hell.

  “I feel your conflict. Don’t worry about me. Infiltrating GenCorp will be easy. They know who I am and will understandably be sympathetic to my intense hatred of norms. It won’t be hard to fake that anger. I keep it reserved for when I meet my father again.”

  “How will you get out?”

  “The war will hopefully be ended before my betrayal is noticed.”

  “But what if…”

  “Don’t. Everything will work out. Just be happy that I am free to choose how to live my life and that my Talent will be used for the good of everyone.”

  “I am happy.”

  “Me too.” The silence grew, and I began to think she had left. Just as I was about to think her name, her quiet voice broke through. “Sadie?”


  “I’m glad you’re not insane.”

  A barking laugh escaped my pressed lips before I smothered it will a pillow. “Me too,” I thought back.

  “We’re going to finish this.”

  As I lay in bed, replaying the conversation with Mae over and over in my head, the unease and fear I had felt began to melt away. Mae probably was the only person the HCA had who could infiltrate GenCorp with any success, and with her Talent, it would be easy for her to know if she had been discovered. Maybe with her help this war could end soon, before the loss of life tally grew.

  A peaceful lull pulled at me until I again fell fast asleep.

  Bright lights danced behind my closed eyes, warming my face and pulling me from a deep, dreamless sleep. I stretched out my stiff muscles, leisurely curling my toes in the silk sheets before turning to look at the clock.

  1pm. I sat upright, forgetting my lazy mood, and rushed to get dressed. It had been months, maybe even a year since I slept in. Definitely not since I moved in to the Moreau estate. My mind whirred with the implications.

  Did something happen to Francis? Marianne?

  Dressed in record time, I flew down the hallway while simultaneously pulling my hair back into a haphazard bun. Halfway down the stairs, I slammed into a hard body, tipping us both downward. A strong arm wrapped around my waist, stopping our descent with a painful squeeze against my ribs.

  Kian. His familiar Talent wrapped around me, calming my frazzled nerves.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To find out what’s wrong.”

  His forehead wrinkled in thought. “Other than the usual? Nothing else is wrong.”

  “Why didn’t Francis wake me up at the ass crack of dawn, then?”

  “Because Dr. Sokoloff thought it would be best if you had a good night’s rest. We were all under orders to leave you alone.”

  “Oh.” Heat flamed my cheeks. In order to hide my embarrassment, I pressed my face into Kian’s neck. He smelled like sandalwood, leather, and pine. The heady scent left me thinking of nothing but him. My lips grazed the dip where his neck and collar bone met before I pulled back.

  “What was that for?” he asked, breathless.

  “No reason.” I smiled at him as I stepped to the side, unraveling his arm from my waist. “I’m starving.”

  “The chief has a plate warmed for you in the kitchen. Would you like for me to jo
in you?”

  “Sure.” I shrugged as I descended the stairs at a much slower pace.

  Kian’s warm hand engulfed mine as he caught up to me. His thick fingers slid between mine, capturing my palm. “So,” he broke the silence. “What was going through your mind to make you completely miss someone on the stairs with you?”

  “Worrying over nothing, apparently.”

  “You didn’t see my Talent with your secondary?”

  I racked my brain trying to remember if I had seen anything. “I wasn’t paying any attention to it, I guess.”

  “That’s a first.”

  “Yeah. Probably won’t happen again.”

  “I would hope not.”

  I stopped short. Kian turned when the tension between our hands nearly broke the connection.

  “What?” His question was laced with uncertainty.

  “You’re the first person besides Jedidiah who doesn’t want to inhibit my Talent in one way or another.”

  “Why would I want you to hinder a Talent that has the potential to keep you safe from harm? Your secondary is an amazing gift. You would be one bad ass bounty hunter, if you so choose.”

  My returning smile pulled hard at my cheeks. “Maybe I will do that once everything …”

  “Yeah,” Kian agreed.

  We continued our walk to the kitchen in silence. My lunch was where Kian said it would be, and I ate without saying another word. Afterwards, we walked the gardens until coming twilight painted the sky with oranges, reds, and purples.

  As we walked back into the estate, I saw the dull glow of Lacy’s energy just outside of the small infirmary. As we rounded the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks at the livid expression on her face. She was arguing with a handsome Caelian. I nudged Kian in the ribs and brought his attention to the argument. He nodded before we both walked toward the two.

  “God, Eric, you are such a douchebag.”

  “At least I’m not a raging bit—”

  “Yeah. I’m going to stop you right there before you call my friend something that will cause me to yank your tiny balls off.”

  Lacy crossed her arms and glared. Whether it was at my interference or the almost derogatory name d-bag Eric just attempted to drop on her, I didn’t know.

  “Oh look, the princess has arrived,” Eric sneered with a mock bow.

  “Excuse me?” I clasped my hands behind my back in order to make myself look a little taller. Also because I was dying to punch the smirk off that asshole’s face. Marianne wouldn’t like it if I attacked another one of the family members.

  “Your highness. I would have never thought a lowly healer such as myself would have the pleasure of being in your company,” he continued as he stretched his arms behind his back and clasped his hands at his neck. My secondary flared to life, competing with my vision enough to make me pause.

  “Yeah. No. I don’t have time for assholes today, so I will be taking my friend and going.”

  “You pal around with Luca and this guy,” he pointed to Kian who leaned against the wall with a proud smile on his face. “I’d say you have plenty of time for assholes.”

  Deciding to ignore Eric’s jab at my other friends, I turned to my friend. “Lacy, why are you even talking to this guy?”

  Nervousness flashed before her eyes before she shook it off. “He’s my partner for the final examinations in the Caelian portions of my medic training. He seems to think that I am here because of my association with you instead of my high marks and knowledge.”

  I nodded in understanding. “So Eric, are you discriminating against Lacy because she’s a norm? That sounds mighty elitist to me and in our current environment, I’m sure others in the Moreau family would see your prejudice as a betrayal to the family.”

  “What are you insinuating?” Eric growled as he took a threatening step toward me. At the same time, I pushed Lacy behind me, ignoring her loud protests. My secondary hovered right at the edge of my vision. Eric’s Talent beat at an irregular rhythm that it hadn’t earlier. Something about it was entrancing, and I had a hard time focusing on his dangerous behavior instead of his Talent.

  “Nothing, yet. Just that hostility toward any norm will be perceived differently now.”

  “I wouldn’t ever side with the Koenigs,” he stated with a hard edge, although his face betrayed how worried he was about what I had said.

  “Never said you did.” I shrugged and took a step back. He was much too close for my own comfort. “Oh, and approach me like that again, I will hurt you. Since you know so much about me to call me princess, then you ought to know I can deliver on that promise. With interest.”

  “Until we meet again, princess.” Eric sneered before walking away.

  “That will be much too soon,” I mumbled as I turned around to Kian and Lacy. Kian still leaned against the wall with that stupid smile, although now he shook his head before distracting himself with his communicator.

  Lacy stood on the other side of the hallway, arms crossed and her glare aimed at me.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “I can fight my own battles, you know.”

  “I know you can, but…”

  “But nothing. Now I’m going to have to work extra hard to get him to respect me.” She groaned and rubbed a hand over her face. “Even if you had legit points and were hella scary, he is and probably forever will be an ass. One I have to work with.”

  “God, I’m sorry Lace. I just didn’t like hearing him yell at you and call you names. I guess I’m itching for a good fight. I haven’t been to training since you guys showed up.”

  “Maybe you should get with Luca and take out some of that she-rage on him.”

  “You’re right.” I reached my arms out wide in invitation. “You forgive me?”

  “Of course.” She stepped into my embrace. “Just quit acting like a momma bear.”

  “Oh, all right,” I conceded with faux reluctance.

  She stepped out of my arms, rubbing her eyes again. Now that I got a good look at her, she looked just this side of exhausted. She must have really been studying hard when not hanging out with us. “I’m beat. See you in the morning?”

  “Sure thing.”

  I watched her walk away for a moment before I felt Kian step beside me.

  “Do you think I was out of line?”


  “Oh really?” I turned to look at him, eyebrow raised.

  “You didn’t know the situation and you threw yourself in the middle of it. That was out of line, especially if you truly believe Lacy can take care of herself.” I nodded in agreement as he continued. “But on the other hand, he was insulting your friend and then you, so…”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I get it.” I punched his arm. “Take me back to my room, peasant. This princess is exhausted.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He bowed with an extravagant flourish before offering me his arm. “Your bed awaits.”

  Chapter 29

  Live on the Scene

  Due to massive casualties, General Jones has decided to pull back the remaining troops who were attempting to infiltrate the GenCorp compound in order to capture Miles Koenig.

  The exact number of deaths at the hand of the Koenig family will not be released until all next of kin have been notified, but it is rumored to be in the hundreds.

  Sources say congress has discussed an aerial assault, but the majority is against the notion due to GenCorp’s location in a highly populated area.

  It is currently unknown how our government will stop the Koenigs, but we know for certain that the random deaths from the Koenig serum across the country will not subside until Miles Koenig is behind bars.

  Chapter 30

  A few days later, Marianne called me into her atrium office. As I stepped in, the first thing I noticed was that she was glowing and much healthier than the last time I had seen her. The second was McCredie standing beside her, looking haggard and drawn.

  “Hello Sadie,” McCredie stated wit
h a listless smile.

  “Hi McCredie.” I returned his smile as a perfunctory response. It seemed we both still mourned Mrs. LaMotte.

  “Well,” Marianne clapped her hands together and offered me a seat. “I bet you are wondering why we asked you in for a meeting.”

  “I was worried it was about that wall I knocked down yesterday while training with Luca, but somehow I doubt McCredie cares about some drywall.”

  “No. I don’t.” He chuckled lightly, the usual twinkle in his eye returning for a brief moment before they dimmed.

  “How’s Cayden?”

  “Sad, understandably, but he’s adjusting well and working on an anti-toxin for the Koenig serum.

  “Really? That’s awesome! If anyone can figure out what GenCorp has been up to, it’s Cayden.”

  McCredie nodded in agreement while Marianne smiled.

  “So…” I started.

  “Yes, well.” McCredie coughed while straightening his tie. “We wanted to let you know that our media campaign focusing on you has been successful, especially after the Koenigs’ power play.”

  “That’s what we’re calling it?” I seethed. “Let’s just call it exactly what it was. My grandfather is mad that I’m not with him, so he murdered two innocent people. One anonymous norm who looked eerily like me and embodies everything he hates. The other——one of the closest people in my life and the sister to the leader of the HCA. He murdered people. On television. To get a rise out of everyone.”

  Sadie from a month before would have been pacing and struggling with her Talent. Today, I was just worn down from all the death and destruction. Today, I wanted to have a plan. Something to keep me focused so I wouldn’t lose myself in the misery.

  “You’re right. We shouldn’t sugar coat Miles Koenig’s actions,” Marianne agreed with lukewarm enthusiasm. “Which is why we must continue our campaign against everything the Koenigs and those who follow them have been doing. We need support or the Talent Registration Act will pass.”


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