The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3

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The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3 Page 2

by Mia Moore

  She clenched her eyes as a white hot orgasm took over, roiling and tumbling her senses down to her toes.

  “Oh fuck, oh shit! OH SHIT!” she panted, watching the words appear on the screen. “Oh my fucking GOD YES!” She thumped back onto her pillows completely drained, her toes still clenched in a tight curl.

  She stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes until the panting subsided.

  “Wow,” she said aloud. She needed that more than she realized! Lifting her head, she glanced at her laptop screen. The message window, read: ‘Hey, are you there?’

  She rose up to her elbow. Looking at the screen, the two 3D animated characters were lying entwined.

  “Yeah, I’m here. I just had to catch my breath,” she said.

  ‘You came for real???’

  “Yes.” Of course she had orgasmed! What would be the point of being on this website otherwise? Duh! When she thought of all the hours she had invested in learning how to use the program, setting up the voice commands, and creating ‘Venus’… She did all of that so she could get off! Amanda shook her head. “Why else would I come here?” she said into the mike.

  ‘I don’t know… to meet someone, maybe? Wait… you ARE a girl In Real Life, right?’

  Meet someone IRL? From THIS website of all places? That would be totally nuts. “Yep and Nope,” she said. “Yep I’m a girl, and Nope I’m not here to meet someone. I just come here to get off.”

  ‘Wham bam, thank you Sam, huh?’

  A small smile played on her lips. “Well, if it’s good for the Gander, why not the Goose?”

  ‘What’s that mean?’

  “You know what that means. Guys do it all the time. Get their rocks off, and then ‘poof’ they’re gone. Why can’t a girl be that way?”

  There was a bit of a pause. ‘Yeah, maybe so. I’m kinda new in this game so I don’t know what the etiquette is. This was the first time I had sex in this game to be honest. My mind’s a little blown, you know?’

  Amanda smiled. “That it could feel so damn real…”


  “But you didn’t really, really cum then, did you.”

  ‘You’re wrong there. It’s going to take me an hour to clean up over here! I hope cum doesn’t damage a laptop screen.’

  Amanda burst out laughing. She watched the voice recognition software go haywire trying to figure out what it should type in the screen and smiled. “Sorry, I just started laughing, you surprised me with that last comment,” she said.

  ‘It was a surprise to me! You were so hot! I mean your avatar in the game is hot, but then what you said got me so hot! You made it real for me, Venus! R E A L.’

  “Real enough, anyway.” She glanced at the computer screen. She had been getting laid enough online to have a pretty good idea what was coming next. Greg, or whatever his name was, would be trying to get to know her, and then hoping to start some long distance romance or something. Either that, or he’d just say ‘see you around’ and sign off.

  ‘I’m not sure what I should say right now, Venus.’

  That was a little different. Her curiosity was sparked. “What do you mean?”

  ‘Well, part of me wants to find out more about you and shit, and another part of me just wants to roll over and go to sleep. I’m here on my bed with my laptop—’

  She snorted. “I think everyone who comes into this game is lying on bed with a laptop.”

  ‘Ha ha. Yeah, well… I don’t want to offend you, but I don’t know what’s the right thing to do. So let me just say this: we just shared an incredibly pleasurable experience together. One that blew my mind as well as my load, LOL. I want to thank you for it, and send you all the best Karma Blessings that are out there.’

  Oh. Well, that was different… “Karma Blessings… that sounds kind of sweet and kind of cool.”

  ‘Thank you; I just made that term up. I hope you know what I’m trying to say.’

  She nodded her head slowly. “I think I do.”

  ‘Good. And with that, I’ll take my leave. Goodnight Venus, I’m happy we met.’

  “Goodnight Greg. And I’m—” But before she could finish the sentence, the chat box showed:

  Greg_238 has left the game

  “— still sending Karma blessings your way,” she said out loud anyway.

  Chapter Two: How Was Your Weekend?

  Monday morning bright and early, Amanda was the first to get to the store. She unlocked the sliding doors and pushed them open just wide enough for her to slip in. The mall wasn’t going to open until 9:00 am, and the hour beforehand was the weekly meeting. She hustled to the back room where she disabled the alarm system and turned on the lights for the rear of the store. Glancing at her watch she thought Mila and Elena should be here any minute.

  Bringing her coffee to the checkout counter, she checked the notebook to see if there were any messages from staff from the previous shift. Not that it really mattered, Mila had been on duty yesterday, and if anything had happened that was notebook worthy, she’d tell the story anyway. Especially if there was anything funny about it. Oh yeah, there was going to be a funny story. In the notebook, in bold capital letters was written


  “Oh yeah, there’s a story here!” Amanda said out loud. She looked up to see Elena, the store’s General Manager come through the opening in the front.

  “Good morning, Amanda,” she said. “How was your weekend?”

  “Pretty good. I was able to get out on the lake for a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday.”

  Elena shivered. “Ooo! It’s barely April! Weren’t you cold out there?” She hugged herself just at the thought, her arms folded in front of her generous bust. For a woman on the far side of 35, Elena still had the figure that a lot of girls Amanda’s age would kill for. Even with two kids, her waistline was slender enough to handle the black pencil skirt she was wearing, and not a hint of gray showed in her golden blonde hair.

  Amanda gave a dismissive wave. “No; you wear the right gear and you’re fine. Plus, the paddling keeps you warm, believe me.” She held up the notebook. “I think Mila’s going to have a story for us from yesterday!”

  Elena looked at the note and grinned. “Yeah, she sent me a text yesterday about it. I called the mall management office before leaving home. Someone should be here to check on it pretty soon.”

  Amanda accompanied Elena to the back of the store where they put away their purses and hung up their coats. The store provided a series of lockers for the staff; not all the chains in the mall did that.

  “So what did you do this weekend?” Amanda asked Elena.

  “Oh, just errands and stuff, mostly. Got together with some friends on Saturday night.”

  “Oh? What? Dinner? The movies?”

  “Ummm… no. Just a get together at their house, that’s all.” For some reason, Elena didn’t make eye contact.

  “Oh! A party! Was it fun?”

  Elena’s neck turned red and the crimson shade advanced to her ears. She was blushing! What the hell? She gave a slight shrug and said, “It was okay.” Keeping her head down, she said, “I have to check something in the office for a second, keep an eye out front, alright?”

  “Sure.” Amanda watched Elena step into the small office and close the door behind her.

  What the hell was THAT all about? She gave a shrug and stepped out to the main sales floor just as Mila was coming in.

  Mila’s four inch stilettos tocked, tocked, tocked across the hardwood floor like a machine gun. “You wouldn’t BELIEVE what happened here just at closing time!” she said, her hands flying. “Is Elena here yet? I swear to God it was the funniest thing!” Mila’s almost black eyes were dancing. Her teeth were in a wide, white grin, contrasting sharply with her deep olive Filipino features.

  Amanda held her hands out. “Whoa, whoa! Slow down, pardner! She’s in the office hiding for a minute or something.”

  “Hiding? What do you mean? Omygod! Don
’t tell me she tried to use the bathroom!” Mila’s almond eyes flew open wide.

  “No. She came in and when I asked how her weekend went, she got kind of funny and ran into the office.” Amanda lowered her voice to a whisper and bent down to her shorter co-worker’s ear. “I think she was blushing over what she was doing over the weekend!”

  “Oooh!” Mila said, nodding. “I see…”

  “What do you mean by that?” hissed Amanda. “What do you see?”

  Mila looked like a deer in the headlights. “What? Uh… nothing. Maybe she was having a hot flash or something?” Her hands started to fidget. “Shhh. She’s coming out!”

  The sound of the office door opening and closing ended the discussion of that topic, and Elena came out onto the sales floor. “Okay, Mila— what happened to the bathroom?” she asked.

  “Beats me! All I know is that one of the weekend girls went in to pee just as we were closing up and the next thing I know she came out screaming! I ran in and water was shooting everywhere from where the pipe comes out of the wall or something. It stopped after a few seconds, and that’s when I texted you.” She burst out laughing. “You should have seen the state Jessie was in! She looked like someone hit her with a fire hose!” Holding her tummy, she hooted, “She looked like a drowned rat!”

  Amanda couldn’t help but grin at the image. Jessie was the skinniest worker at the store. Even though she wore a size ‘0’, even those clothes were a little baggy on her sometimes. She had long jet black hair that hung in tight ringlets. If she had gotten drenched, it would have been a sight for sure.

  “She’s okay?” asked Elena, unable to hide her own grin.

  “Oh yeah, she’s fine!” Mila said, waving a hand. “She even thought she looked hysterical when she stood in front of the mirror.” Mila arched an eyebrow. “She picked some stuff off the clearance rack to wear home. I told her to save the tags and we’ll process them as a return or something when she comes back in.”

  Elena nodded. “Sure, that makes sense. Good job.”

  “So how did your weekend go, boss?” asked Mila. Amanda saw her lips were pursed in a smart assed small smile.

  The room was silent for a five count as the two women looked at each other silently.

  “Same old, same old, Mila. Visited some friends.”

  “Old friends, huh?”

  Elena’s eyes darted from Mila to Amanda. “Yes. Old friends. Let’s get to work.”

  Chapter 3: What Sort of Party?

  Amanda spent the rest of the day puzzling over the exchange between Mila and Elena that morning. It wasn’t what was said between the two women, it was what was unsaid that sparked her curiosity. Mila’s smart ass smile and crack about ‘Old friends’ and Elena’s not taking the bait was odd. But when Amanda cornered Mila later that morning to ask about it, Mila pretended she didn’t know what she was talking about.

  No way. There was something going on there for sure.

  Oh well, there was plenty to keep the three of them busy for the rest of the workday. Monday was the big delivery from central distribution, and they were doing the seasonal change over as well. Home office had sent them a small mountain of last year’s unsold Spring wear to put on clearance—if there was one thing the Blacks Rapids store had, it was a huge customer base that loved a good bargain.

  After lunch, Amanda was at the Customer Service counter ticking off inventory while Mila and Elena changed the wall displays. She glanced up at the two of them when she heard the squeak from the step ladder.

  Elena was at the top of the ladder hanging sample ensembles from the delivery on the wall behind the racks and Mila was holding it for her. As she stretched up, Amanda watched Mila bend her head sideways to look up Elena’s skirt. Damn, that girl was a horn dog without shame. She watched Mila’s eyes pop open wide, then lick her lips. When Elena finished making the final adjustment on the hanging display, Mila whipped her head back and reached for the next item to pass up.

  When Elena reached across to the other side of the ladder, Mila ducked her head down again, peered up and pursed her lips into a small ‘O’. She must have felt Amanda’s eyes on her, because she turned her head. As they locked eyes. Mila’s eyes flashed and she gave a huge grin.

  Amanda ducked her head back down to the printout on the counter she was working on. What did Elena have under that pencil skirt anyway? She kept her head down as Elena came off the ladder, but still watched from the corner of her eye as Mila, eyes twinkling in mischief, whispered something to her.

  Elena gave a small smirk and gave Mila a nudge on her shoulder. The two women twittered. When they did, Amanda looked up.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Mila’s face took on a countenance of pure innocence and looked to Elena. “Why don’t you tell her, boss?” She still had that teasing expression on her face.

  Elena’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh! Ummm… nothing.”

  “Looked like something from over here…”

  Elena gave a small shrug. “Well, it’s just that Mila was… uhhh… teasing me about…” her hands fluttered in the air as she reached for words.

  Amanda wasn’t going to let it go. “About what?”

  “Oh, I was just bugging her for wearing heels on the step ladder silly! No big deal, okay?” Mila interjected. She turned her head to Elena. “Isn’t that right boss?”

  “Yes, that’s it! She was giving me a hard time over workplace safety!” Elena couldn’t hide the relief in her eyes as she nodded.

  Mila turned back facing Amanda across the store. “Satisfy your curiosity, Detective Bailey? It was no big deal.” She was still smiling, but her eyes had a challenging look.

  “Just askin’” Amanda bent back down to her work. They’re both full of it.


  At 6:00, Kira came in, saying hi to everyone. African American, she was Elena’s age and worked at the store as the relief manager when the other three weren’t able to cover. Like Elena, she was married with few kids, but because her husband’s awesome job, her family didn’t rely on the pay from the store to make ends meet. Elena would fill her in on the week’s objectives, but Mila and Amanda were free for the day.

  As they were getting their stuff from the locker area, Amanda asked Mila, “Okay, what was that all about?”

  With wide eyed innocence, Mila said “What was what about?”

  “Come on! You know exactly what I mean! That whole back and forth on the step ladder today!”

  Mila looked over her shoulder back to the main sales floor. Elena and Kira were going over the plan for the week. She turned back to Amanda. “I’m sorry, Amanda. I was out of line there. My bad.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She dropped her head, staring at her feet. “Well, it has to do with sex, and since your melt down on New Year’s Eve,” she looked up at Amanda, her eyes steady, “we’ve pretty much avoided talking about stuff like that.”

  Amanda put her hands on her hips. “I see.” She felt her face begin to burn, recalling the disaster that had been New Year’s Eve. Running her hand through her hair, she said, “I wish I…” her voice faded.

  Mila tilted her head. “You wish what?” When Amanda didn’t respond, she stepped over to her friend and said, “Hey…”

  Amanda shut her eyes tightly for a second, a diamond pearl tear leaking out one side. “I wish I wasn’t so fucked up!” she hissed.

  “Look— it was too much for you to handle, that’s all. We’re still friends, right? I mean, after New Year’s Eve, you said you wanted to keep anything to do about sex off the table of our friendship, and I’ve respected that, right?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “Okay then, so what’s the big deal? We still go shopping together, we go to the movies, right? We do stuff together, so what’s the big deal?”

  Still with her head down, Amanda said, “Yeah, and I love you to pieces for that.”

  Mila giggled. “Don’t worry; I had my good time on New Year
’s. Even though you bailed at the last minute…”

  Amanda’s head jerked up. “And you never asked me why I bailed!”

  Mila’s lips pressed together in a slight grimace. “You were pretty freaked out. I figured if you wanted to talk about it, you’d raise the subject, hon.”

  Amanda felt her chest tighten. All she wanted was some store gossip, and now they just dropped back down the rabbit hole that was New Year’s Eve a few months ago. It had been such a mess. Damn it, this conversation had gone off track for sure. She closed her eyes slowly and opened them again.

  “Maybe I should talk about it then,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Mila must have noticed the deer in the headlights look. She looked over her shoulder to the main sales floor and back. “Not here. Let’s get a drink or something. Meet me at Denny’s, okay?”

  “Denny’s? We never go to Denny’s.”

  “That’s why we’re going today!” Mila said in a low whisper.

  Oh. That kind of made sense. “Okay.”

  Ten minutes later she was pulling into the parking lot of the only Denny’s in Blacks Rapids. It was, as many of them were, attached to a Days Inn. She saw that Mila’s Honda Civic was already there. A minute later she was sitting across from her at a booth.

  Mila leaned across the table and patted her friend’s hand. “I wasn’t sure you were going to come,” sitting back, she said with a nod, “good for you for showing up.”

  “Well, I really ought to explain myself to you for what happened.”

  “I’m all ears.”

  Amanda felt her face warm again. Staring down at her hands on the table top, she inhaled deeply and in a rush, she said, “I’m a virgin.”


  Amanda jumped and looked around the restaurant. The tables next to them were vacant; still, there was an elderly couple three tables over. They must not have heard Mila, thank God. “Shhh!” she said.


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