The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3

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The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3 Page 3

by Mia Moore

  Mila leaned forward and hissed. “A virgin! How come you never told me this before!”

  Amanda leaned forward and hissed back. “You never asked!”

  Mila’s eyes crossed. “Well, I assumed…” She sat back in the booth and eyed her friend. “You messing with me?” Nodding to herself, she sat forward again. “You are, aren’t you? You’re messing with my head, right?” She slowly shook her head from side to side. “You really got me there, Amanda; that was a good one.” She snorted. “A viiirgin! Yeah, right!”

  Amanda’s jaw dropped. “It’s the truth!” She sucked in her breath and exhaled. “I’ve never been with a guy.” She held up her hand like a stop sign. “But I have used dildos up inside…” Her eyes looked hopeful. “Maybe I’m not really a virgin…”

  Mila shook her head ‘No’. “That’s nothing other than a big tampon in my book.” She tapped the tabletop with her index finger, the nail making clicking sounds. “If you’ve never fucked a guy, you’re a virgin.” She leaned across the table. “You’re messing with me here, right?”


  Mila gasped and her eyes took on a dazed look. “Omigod.” She inhaled deeply. “Omigod you’re telling the truth!”

  Amanda nodded.

  “How did you…?”

  Amanda’s face screwed up in puzzlement. “How did I what?”

  “I mean… how do you get to be a virgin at twenty four?”


  Mila’s hands groped the air in front of her. “I mean… I didn’t think it was possible!” She narrowed her eyes. “You sure about this?”

  “I THINK I WOULD BE!” The elderly couple three tables over jerked their heads over at them.

  Mila’s hands flew to her lips. “Shhh! Keep it down!” She looked side to side. “You want the world to know?”

  “Everything okay over here?” They both jerked their heads up at the server. She was in her fifties, and, thank God, she wasn’t a guy. She held a pair of menus.

  “Yes, we’re fine,” Mila said brightly. “My friend here just gave me some surprising news is all.” She took the proffered menus. “I’d like a scotch on the rocks, please. Make it a double, actually.” Looking over at Amanda, she continued, “My friend here, will have a carafe of white wine.”

  Amanda just nodded dumbly, and the server took off.

  “How the hell did that happen, Amanda?” Mila leaned forward. “I mean… you look so normal!”

  “Thanks a lot!”

  “Shhh! Keep your voice down!”

  “You make it sound like I have some kind of disease or something!”

  “Not VD, that’s for sure!” Mila smirked, and with a nod, said “But you definitely have a condition.” She looked off to the side and said quietly, “Well, that explains New Year’s Eve then…”

  “Ya think? I didn’t know you were planning an orgy at your place! You didn’t say anything about that!”

  Mila’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah. Well… It was more of a spur of the moment kind of thing, actually. We were all dancing and most of the people there were making out like crazy already…” she hunched her shoulders. “And I only have a one bedroom…” Her hand came up and she started rubbing the back of her neck. “And when the ball dropped, it dawned on me that I had gotten it on with more than half the people that were there at one time or another…”

  “Mila! You had twenty-seven people there!”

  “Oh. You counted, huh?” Mila shook her head in resignation. “Well, in that case, most of the people there…” She blew out a breath. “And I was pretty drunk… so I figured what the hell…”

  “What the hell? Jumping on top of the coffee table and ripping off your clothes yelling ‘Hey everyone, let’s fuck in the New Year?’ What the hell?”

  Mila shrugged her shoulders. “Seemed like a good idea at the time?”

  “I couldn’t believe it.” Amanda’s face took on the same stunned expression she had that night. “Especially when everyone cheered, and started taking off their clothes!” She narrowed her eyes at Mila. “Did you spike the booze with something?”


  “And you wonder why I freaked out?”

  “Not anymore!”

  Amanda’s heart was going a mile a minute, just like it had been that night. She had been at the farthest spot from the door when Mila pulled her stunt. She was completely shocked that people could be so… so blatant! She let out a loud squeak and made for the door as if the apartment was on fire. Thinking back… She looked at Mila, “Well… I guess you think it was pretty hot…”

  Mila gave a few small, short nods. “Yeah… well…” Her eyes flashed in pleasure. “It sure was!”

  Their drinks arrived and they asked the server for a few minutes. Amanda drained her wineglass in a single gulp and refilled it from the carafe while Mila took a long sip of her scotch. “I just wish you had warned me it was going to turn into an orgy!”

  “I didn’t have a clue until I was half naked!” Mila put her glass down. “But honestly, if I knew then what you just told me, I wouldn’t have done it in a million years.”

  Amanda shook her head. “I don’t know about that…”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. But…” Mila held up a finger. “But I do know I would have given you some kind of warning.”

  “Was I the only one that left?”

  “No. A few other couples left.” She giggled. “Cynthia and Eric took off pretty quick, and Hugh and Katie sort of sauntered out too.”

  “I ran like the wind.”

  “Yeah, you sure did!” Mila replied with a laugh.

  “So everyone else stayed and had sex with everyone else, huh?”

  Mila’s looked up at the ceiling. “No, not at all. Some people were happy to make out really hot and heavy, others were happy to watch.” She gave a short nod. “But yeah, a bunch of others got down and did the nasty.” She gave a small grin to Amanda. “It was all over in about fifteen minutes, to tell you the truth.”

  “I was barely home by then.”

  “What can I tell you? Then as people were putting their clothes back on, we all pigged out on the rest of the food and went home.” She raised her glass to Amanda. “At any rate, ‘Happy New Year’.”

  They clinked glasses.

  “So,” said Amanda, ‘what was going on at the store between you and Elena anyway?”

  Mila’s eyes widened. “Oh. That. Ummm…”

  “Umm? What’s with the ‘umm’?”

  Mila looked down at the table top. “I don’t know if I can tell you.”

  “What? Are you kidding me? I just told you my deepest secret and you don’t want to tell me about some dish from work? Are you kidding me?” Amanda sat back with a huff. “Now who’s weird?”

  Mila grimaced again. “Well, it’s kind of more than that.”

  “More than what? Elena wasn’t at your New Year’s Eve party.”

  “No…” Mila was toying with her glass. “But it still has to do with sex and stuff.”

  “What the hell? You’re kidding!”

  Mila shook her head. “No, I’m not.” She looked over at Amanda. “Remember when Elena’s cell phone went off after lunch and she had to ‘duck out for a few’?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure it was a text from her husband. They were playing some kind of role playing game, I think. Anyway, I’m pretty sure that she went to one of the restaurants that are in the mall and got fucked in the Ladies’ room.”


  Mila gave a sort of half assed cheese grin. “Well, at least I think she got nailed in the Ladies’ room in one of the restaurants.” She stuck out her lower lip thinking. “Or maybe it was in one of the changing rooms at Target?” She tilted her head thinking. “Or maybe he jumped her in the underground parking…”

  “Mila! How can you be so sure!”

  “Well, that’s the hard part for me to tell you. I know that it’s a fantasy of theirs. An
d I do know that Elena got well and truly fucked when she stepped out.” She scratched the back of her neck. “Tho’ I’m not sure exactly where in the mall she did get it on…”

  “How are you so sure she had sex?”

  “Oh! That part’s easy! Because when she was on the ladder, I saw cum oozing down her thigh!” She gave a small shudder. “Ohmygod! I woulda’ licked her totally fucking clean if I thought she’d let me! Matt’s so fucking hot!”

  “Her husband…”

  “Yeah! You met him in the store a bunch of times.”

  Right. Matt Johnson was a stud. He worked construction or something. Late 30’s, about ten to fifteen years older than Amanda, tall, kind of swarthy from working outdoors. Yeah, totally hot. She nodded. “Yeah, I remember… he is hot.” Her eyes flew open wide. “Waitaminnit!”


  “You saw cum oozing down her thigh when she was on the ladder?” When Mila nodded, she went on. “And you know a quickie at the mall during work hours is a fantasy of theirs?” Mila nodded again. “What? You know it’s one of their fantasies? How can you know that?”

  Mila took another slow sip of her scotch and put the now empty glass on the table top. “The only reason I’m telling you this is that you trusted me with your secret.”

  “How. Do. You. Know.”

  “They told me.”

  “Oh.” Amanda tried to say something else, but her voice had left the building. Which was a good thing, because all that would have come out would have been gibberish. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she gave up. She looked at the table. She still had an almost full glass of wine. She took the glass and downed it like a person dying of thirst in the desert and put it back on the table top and let out an ‘Ahhh’ that ended in a sigh.

  “They told you.”


  “Where? When?”

  “At a party.”

  “A party.”


  “A birthday party?” Mila shook her head ‘No’. “A housewarming party?” Again another shake of the head. “What sort of party were you at with Elena and Matt, Mila?”

  “A Swingers House Party, Amanda. An orgy.”

  Chapter 4: Truth and Trust

  Mila watched her best friend get very still. The only reason she spoke out of school right now was because Amanda had told her that she was a virgin. How long had she been carrying that one around? She gave herself a mental slap upside the head. Her entire life, you idiot! She didn’t know if she had been wrong or not in telling her about Elena and Matt, but she did know that her friend needed her support right now after letting that cat out of the bag.

  And besides, it was kind of sort of on the topic of discussion, right?

  “You’re not going to say anything to anyone, are you Amanda?”

  She shook her head. “Of course not, silly. I trusted you, and you trust me. It makes us sort of even or something, I think.”


  “But now that you told me— have you and Elena—?”

  Mila shook her head. “No. She’s not comfortable with the idea of screwing around with her staff, you know?”

  “I think it would be Matt that would be doing the screwing, Mila.”

  “Ever hear of a strap on?” She laughed at the latest look of shock on Amanda’s face. Dayum, that girl’s face can create more versions of ‘WTF’ expressions than anyone!

  When Amanda collected herself, she kept up the questions. “So, how did you find out about this fantasy anyway?”

  “Hot tub chat. The hosts of the party we were at have a hyuuuge hot tub. It can hold eight, ten, maybe even twelve people at once. We were all sitting in it at the same time and the topic of sexual fantasies came up.”

  “And Elena just let it all hang out?”

  Mila shook her head. “No, it was Matt who told that one. And he said that he’d take her panties with him when they would do it so it would run down her legs.” She shrugged a little. “I dunno… some guys get a charge out of girls walking around with cum dripping from their pussies that nobody else knows about.” She knitted her eyebrows. “I think Elena was expecting it today, though. That pencil skirt was pretty long hemmed, huh?”

  “I… guess…”

  Mila looked across at her friend. She and Amanda couldn’t be more different. Of the two of them, Amanda was definitely more meticulous—bullshit; anal retentive. When they were talking about the New Year’s Eve party, she actually did count how many people had been there. That number twenty seven wasn’t a guess. Amanda was the kind of girl who would check the math on her bank statements, even though a computer had printed them off. Herself? She never even bothered to open the monthly statement! She would check her bank balance online, and that was that.

  And whereas Amanda was fair skinned, with long dark hair and a slender build, she was short, stacked and hourglass shaped. Amanda loved to play individual sports like golf or tennis, and Mila had a blast playing in the Blacks Rapids women’s rugby team.

  They couldn’t be more different. And still, they had been best friends since the ninth grade when they met at high school.

  But a virgin? At the age of twenty four and she didn’t go to church? That was insane! Okay, the one topic that had been out of bounds for their entire friendship was Amanda’s sex life. But she did go on dates, so Mila just assumed…

  She was going to have to do something about this. Her friend needed help.

  The wine had gone down pretty fast, and Amanda wasn’t a big drinker on the best of days. She signaled their server for another round. Maybe a little ‘In Vino Veritas’ was in order.

  “So, what do you think of that? The boss ducking out for a quickie?” she asked.

  Amanda was shaking her head. “Wow. I mean, Elena’s gorgeous and stuff, but she’s always pretty businesslike, you know?” She lifted her eyes to look at Mila. “And for her to go out and have sex during a break!” She shook her head again. “I’m seeing her in a totally different light!”

  “Yeah, well, mum’s the word, okay? She’d be really pissed off at me for telling you that.”


  “Hell yeah. Confidentiality’s a huge deal in the Lifestyle.”

  “Lifestyle. Sounds like the name of a gym.”

  Mila snorted. “Well, you sure can work up a sweat!” They both laughed.

  The server deposited their fresh drinks and left. Mila raised her glass. “To truth and trust.”

  They clinked and each took a sip.

  Sitting back into the booth, trying to seem as casual as she could, Mila said, “So, anyway Amanda, why haven’t you gotten laid yet?”

  Amanda dropped her eyes to her wineglass as she traced the rim with her finger. “I’m not sure.”

  “Do you like sex?”

  Still keeping her eyes down, she nodded. “Oh yeah, I do.”


  Amanda lifted her head. “Just because I haven’t been with a guy doesn’t mean I haven’t masturbated you know.” She tilted her head and looked off to the side. “I can get turned on. It’s just that in high school, I guess I was a late bloomer or something. I was more interested in doing well in class, and I really enjoyed the sports I played…”

  “You did go to the prom.” Mila giggled. “A lot of girls stop being virgins on that night!”

  Amanda smirked. “Not you, though. You got laid in grade 11!”

  Mila shrugged. “Morals of an alley cat, then. Color me guilty.” She raised a finger. “Even though I was only 16, I always practiced safe sex.” With a shake of her head she said, “Some of the guys I fucked refused to wear a condom, but I stuck to my guns.” Looking around the restaurant, she continued, “No teenage pregnancy, no abortion, and no STD’s. All I had was fun.”

  “Yeah, I guess so…” Amanda looked her in the eye. “In high school I didn’t feel like I was missing anything.” She arched her eyebrows. “Sure, it would have been great to have a boyfriend, but I wasn’t up
for the drama of that stage in my life. I was busy enough and I enjoyed myself.”

  “So no regrets.”

  “Not for then… for now, yeah.” Amanda nodded. “Now… for having waited so long, it’s a lot bigger a deal for me, you know? Now… it scares the shit out of me.” She ran her hand through her hair. “And that’s fucked up.”

  “I think I understand…”

  “Oh really? How?”

  Mila took another sip of her drink. “It’s like learning how to drive a car. When you’re a kid on a bike, the idea of getting behind the wheel of a car is a huge thing.” Her eyes became unfocused. “I remember the first time I got behind the wheel of a car, I was so shit-scared. I mean, I really wanted to learn how to drive, but when I had to actually do it…” her voice faded and a sad smile took over.

  “What happened?”

  Mila let out a cackle. “I threw up!” She sat back in her seat. “Honest to God, I flung open the door and I barfed!”

  Amanda rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Thanks a lot! You’re telling me the first time I’m going to do the deed I’m going to hurl?”

  “No, dummy! I’m trying to get across to you how I can understand how crazy it can be to really want to do something you’ve never done before and be scared to death at the same time!” She cocked an eyebrow. “You’re not required to barf, hon.” She tilted her head and stroked her chin. “It’s kind of funny; the first time I had sex I wasn’t nearly as scared as the first time I got behind the wheel of a car…” Her eyes flashed. “But then, Danny Carmody was totally hot!”

  No doubt. Running back on the football team and a member of the gymnastics team. Hot didn’t even begin to describe the awesomeness of Danny Carmody. “Whatever happened to him?”

  “You didn’t hear? He moved to New York to try to break into male modeling.”

  “He get anywhere?”

  Mila’s eyes almost fell out of her head. “You shitting me, right?”

  “No? What happened?”

  Mila shook her head slowly. “He starved in New York for a year, then did a walk on tryout for the New York Jets. He’s a second string receiver! A Cinderella story if ever there was one!” She held out her hands. “Good grief, Amanda! It was in the papers and on the news!”


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