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The Accidental Virgin (First Time Contemporary Romance): Accidental Swingers Part 3

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by Mia Moore

  Amanda reached for her wineglass and drained it. “Sorry, Danny and I weren’t that close; I really didn’t know.”

  Mila smirked. “And I took his cherry as well as he took mine!” She shrugged. “My brush with fame, I guess.” She was still smiling.

  “You guys still keep in touch?”

  She gave a small nod. “Sort of. We trade likes on Facebook and stuff, but that’s about it. I don’t pester him from his past. That’s not my style. If I’m ever in New York, I’ll give him a message or something and see what happens, but that’s about it.” She looked at their empty glasses. “Want to order another round?”

  Amanda shook her head. “No, I’ve had enough.”

  “We are both off tomorrow, you know.” Elena and Kira were covering the store on Tuesday.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “So whatcha’ doing tonight?”

  “Well…” At that moment, Mila’s cell phone buzzed and before Amanda could finish her begging off, Mila swooped it out of her purse. She glanced at the caller ID and let out a squeak of delight and pressed the answer key.

  “Hi Carrie!” she said. She pressed the mute button and said to Amanda, “This is Carrie and Josh! They’re awesome peeps!” Disabling the mute, she said, “Tonight? Sure! What time?” After a pause, she said, “That’s not a lot of notice, I just got off work!” She laughed and said, “Yeah, you’re right.” She fired a glance at Amanda, and said into the phone, “Hey! Can I bring a girlfriend? She’s not into the Lifestyle, but she’s curious.” She paused and listened. “Nope, you’ll love her.” Another pause and Mila said, “Well, I’ll see if she’d like to, and then I’ll head right over!”

  Amanda watched as Mila ended the call and asked, “What are you up to, Mila?”

  Mila tucked her phone back in her purse and folded her hands on the table. Looking as prim and proper as she could muster, she said, “I’m inviting you to the home of dear friends for a steak and shrimp dinner. Josh and Carrie are a little older than us, but are a lot of fun.”

  “You said Lifestyle.” Amanda felt a chill go up her spine.

  “I sure did. You won’t have to do anything or bring anything but an open mind. What do you say?”

  Maybe if she hadn’t had that second carafe of wine. Or maybe if they hadn’t been talking about the unbelievably sexy Danny Carmody – a presence in a lot of her high school fantasies – or maybe it was just the right time. In any case, Amanda sucked in a lungful of air and said, “Okay, let’s go before I lose my nerve.”

  Chapter 5:Naughty Bits

  Josh and Carrie lived in town, not far from the Denny’s the girls had been drinking in. They decided to split a cab out to their place rather than take a chance getting behind the wheel of a car. Mila was pressed up close to Amanda in the back seat.

  She took her friend’s hand in hers. “Now listen, you can back out any time without having to squeak or run out the door, okay? It’s no fun for anyone if someone who’s there feels like they ‘have to’ go through with anything.”

  Amanda squeezed her hand back. “Thanks. Even if all I want to do is watch?”

  “If that’s all you want to do, that’s fine. But if that’s all you do, I want you to promise me right now that you won’t judge me for what I might or might not do, okay?”

  Amanda turned her head to look into Mila’s eyes. They were bright with excitement, yes, but there was a sense of uncertainty there too. Mila was worried about what she thought? “Don’t worry about that, hon,” she said, patting the girl’s deeply tanned cheek. “Just because it could feel weird for me, doesn’t mean I’d judge you.” She suppressed a laugh. “After all, it’s me who’s the virgin here!”

  Mila nodded. “Speaking of that, how far have you ever gone with a guy?”

  “Not very! I let a couple of guys cop a feel of my boobs but that’s all.”

  “Whoa,” Mila blanched. “You never gave a guy a blow job?”


  “A hand job?”

  Mila bit her lower lip. “Amanda… have you ever touched a guy’s—”

  Amanda closed her eyes and shook her head ‘No’.


  Thank God for the booze, otherwise she’d be feeling really self conscious. “I did peek into the boy’s shower room once.”

  Mila rolled her eyes. “Wow— whatta slut!” They both giggled a little bit, but only a little.

  Before long they were pulling up to Josh and Carrie’s home. It was a single level ranch house, with redwood siding. The taxi pulled into the driveway behind two late model Japanese imports. They paid and got out.

  Before they could go up the walkway, the front door opened and Carrie and Josh stepped out together.

  Amanda felt… weird. She was coming to this couple’s home for a sex party and they looked… so… normal! Carrie was wearing black yoga pants and a light pink tank top under a cream button down blouse, and Josh was in jeans and a grey golf shirt.

  Carrie bounced down the steps with her arms out to Mila. “I’m so glad you decided to come! I’m sorry it’s so last minute, but Josh’s meetings ended early, and we’re both taking tomorrow off!” She gave Mila a big hug and turned to Amanda with her arms held out.

  Carrie was a little taller than Mila but more slender. Her blue eyes danced and her smile was genuine. “I’m Carrie, and this is my husband Josh!” she said, jerking a thumb over her shoulder at the taller man descended the stairs. He was smiling too, but seemed to be a little more laid back compared to his wife’s bubbly personality.

  “I’m Amanda,” she said. “I’ve never… uhhh…”

  “Don’t worry!” Carrie winked. “There’s a first time for everything, don’t you agree?” She held Amanda by the shoulders. “Trust me, losing my virginity was a lot bigger deal than playing grown up games with adults!” Tilting her head, she continued, “From what Mila texted, you guys are a few drinks ahead of us, so the steaks are ready to go on.” Carrie took Amanda by the arm, and Mila scooted ahead and gave Josh a hug and the four of them headed into the house.

  Geronimo? Or Heaven help me? She wasn’t sure, but let herself be led inside.

  The entranceway led into a wide open space. On the right was the kitchen/dining area, and to the left was a large living room with an overstuffed sofa and loveseat set at right angles to each other. Kitty corner to them were two more comfortable chairs. In the center of this arrangement was a sturdy coffee table. Amanda couldn’t help but wonder if the coffee table was chosen for its sturdiness. At the far end was a fireplace.

  “Let’s have a drink,” said Josh as he guided Mila to a seat on the couch. He went past her to a wet bar. “Scotch for you, right?” he said.

  “You have a good memory, Josh.” She turned to Amanda. “We’ve only met twice before.”

  “And it was such a wonderful way to get to know you!” Carrie said with a grin. “What will you be having, Amanda?”

  “White wine would be fine,” she said.

  “Chardonnay or Chablis?”

  “Whichever’s lighter tasting. I don’t know much about wine, other than I don’t like beer or whiskies.”

  “Not much of a boozer, huh?” asked Josh as he opened up a small fridge by the bar and took out a bottle. After preparing the round of drinks, he reached up to the wall unit and flipped a switch. A smooth, mellow groove of soft electronic jazz layered into the room.

  “No, she’s more the athletic type,” said Mila. She had flipped off her shoes and had her feet tucked under her as she sat on the couch. She smoothed out her burgundy skirt.

  “Look who’s talking,” said Amanda. “I don’t play rugby on Sunday mornings, and go to aerobics three times a week.” She sat down on the couch at the end opposite her friend. She had decided that she wasn’t going to sit in one of the chairs and be separate from whatever was going to happen.

  Mila brushed her long black hair behind her shoulders. “Well, when you got a body like mine, if you don’t work out you
get flabby pretty quickly. My sister’s only four years older than me, but she’s put on about fifteen pounds after she turned twenty five. I’m not going to let that happen if I can help it.”

  “Well, I’m a runner myself,” said Carrie, accepting the proffered glass of wine from Josh and sitting on the couch between Amanda and Mila. “I go for a run at least three times a week.” Nodding to Josh as he handed out the rest of the drinks, she said, “He’s the gym rat. He does all his exercising with weights and machines.”

  “I get work outs other ways, hon,” Josh said. “I’m pretty good at indoor sports, aren’t I?” He plopped down onto the loveseat.

  “I’ll vouch for that!” said Mila. She leaned forward and looked at Amanda. “The guy can go all night long, girl. The man’s a machine!” Carrie ‘hmm-hmm’ed’ in agreement.

  “Oh. That’s good to know?” Amanda squeaked. Was Mila expecting her to have sex with this guy this evening? Oh shit!

  “Hey…” said Josh. Amanda turned towards him. He was smiling gently. “We’re here to have fun, right? From the look on your face just now, you would think you’re waiting for a root canal!” He gave a short chuckle. “I don’t bite.” He shrugged and grinned. “Well, not without asking the first time anyway.”

  Mila and Carrie groaned in protest at the same time.

  “Laaame!” said Mila.

  “I’m just trying to help Amanda relax!” he said. “Look, if all you want to do is watch, that’s fine too, okay? Mila did say you’re new to the Lifestyle.”

  Amanda swallowed, and everyone in the room could hear her gulp. “I…” she felt her neck start to burn with the blush. “Would you guys mind a whole lot if I kept my clothes on?”

  Josh shook a look at Carrie, a million questions in his eyes. Carrie looked over to Mila, who nodded. Turning to Amanda, Carrie said, “You’re more curious than horny right now, is that the case?” Seeing Amanda’s silent nod, Carrie gave a shrug. “Mila says that you guys have been friends for years and years—”

  “Best friends,” Mila chimed in. “Just never on a sexual level.”

  “Well,” Carrie patted Mila’s hand, “that’s good enough for us.” She turned to Amanda. “Listen, and this might be hard for a single newbie to understand, but the key to this Lifestyle being such a rush is honest and open communication.” She glanced over at Josh. “Between couples most of all”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Mila are a rare entity; you’re single women. The Lifestyle’s made up of couples—either married ones, or couples that have a deeper level of commitment than just dating.” She gave a shrug. “Josh and I are involved in the Lifestyle because it ramps up our own sex life.” She gave her head a shake. “The level of intimacy we share—before, during and after play sessions like this one right now is incredible. But…” she held up a finger, “it all comes down to communication between everyone involved. It’s more important for you to tell us me…” she held her arms out to everyone else in the room, “everyone actually, what your limits are than it is for any of us to have pleasure at your expense.”

  Amanda nodded. “So I can keep my clothes on.”

  Carrie laughed. “Yes!” Seeing the relief in Amanda’s eyes, she said, “Great!” and turned back to Mila and took her hand. “So, what’s new?”

  Mila’s eyes danced. “Remember Elena and Matt talking about fantasies last weekend at Sylvia’s?”

  “Oh, the wham bam quickie?”

  “Yep! They did it today!”

  “No!” Seeing Mila smile, Carrie added, “She told you?”

  Mila shook her head, “I saw the evidence for myself when she was on a step ladder afterwards!” She squirmed in her seat. “Oh God, Carrie, I want to do those two so bad!”

  Carrie nodded. “I understand, baby… I know how you feel…” She scootched closer to Mila. “I know how you feel. Wanting to get it on with someone…” Her hand wandered down to stroke her exposed knee, her fingers fluttering at the hem of Mila’s skirt.

  Mila turned in the sofa towards Carrie. She hitched the knee that Carrie had begun to stroke up onto the cushion, keeping her other foot on the floor. The hem of her skirt stretched tightly across the now open space between her two legs. “Why Carrie, I had no idea!” she said in mock innocence. She leaned sideways into the back of the sofa, resting her hand on top of Carrie’s.

  “Well, the things you learn when you start speaking openly and honestly, eh?” Carrie purred. She put her wine glass onto the coffee table and leaned forward into Mila, taking the woman’s face in her hands. With a sigh, she leaned in and the two women kissed.

  It started as a warm kiss on the lips, but became much more when Mila’s hand rose behind Carrie’s head and held their faces together. Amanda could see both women’s mouths open and cover each other, each of them tipping their heads slightly to ensure a deeper joining.

  Sitting across from the sofa, Amanda and Josh were still and silent, the only sounds in the room the soft sucking noises of the women’s mouths, punctuated with soft sighs.

  Carrie leaned into Mila, and while still embracing her in a kiss, shucked over sideways between her legs. Mila leaned back onto the arm of the couch underneath her. Her skirt was now hiked up almost to her crotch.

  “I think I’m going to change my seat…” Amanda said, rising. As she stepped over towards one of the arm chairs, Josh caught her eye and patted the spot next to him on the love seat. She hesitated, and then with a feeling of resignation, she sat beside him.

  He leaned over and whispered, “Hey, if you’d rather sit alone, I won’t be crushed.”

  Amanda gave him a small smile. That was kind of sweet. “I just don’t want you to have any expectations, is all,” she whispered back.

  “You did say you wanted to keep your clothes on; I took that as meaning you didn’t want to play with anyone.”


  “Have sex. That’s the euphemism we use in the lifestyle. With his chin he pointed at his wife and her best friend. Their hands were busy now, rubbing, fondling and wandering over each other’s bodies as they continued their deep kiss. “As in Mila and Carrie are playing on the sofa.”

  She kept her voice low, under the music that was playing. “So playing’s making out?”

  “It’s the whole thing.” He chuckled. “Why do you think they call it ‘fore-play’? I’m pretty sure we know where those two are going to finish up—on the great ‘Orgasm Train’.”

  “So you’re okay with me not wanting to ‘play’ then?”

  He nodded. “Absolutely.” He must have felt her pride stiffen a bit because he turned and looked into her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, Amanda, you’re gorgeous, okay? I’d love to jump your bones, do the nasty, fuck you till you can’t walk, and play with you.” He gave a small smile. “But… I’m not all that interested until you’re as hot to trot as those two over there are.”

  “Thanks.” This guy was smooth. Backing off, but making sure her ego wasn’t bruised. What a… She couldn’t help but let out a giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, not taking his eyes off Mila and Carrie.

  “The irony. We’re sitting here watching those two, go at it like two cats in heat, and you’re such a… a gentleman about the whole thing!” She shook her head.

  A low snicker escaped his lips. “That’s me, the gentleman hedonist!” He took a pull on his beer and sat back. “Carrie’s been warm for Mila since they first met,” he said. “But at the house parties, she never was able to play with her one on one. I’m sure glad she called her!”

  “I think,” Amanda whispered, “Mila’s just as happy…”

  Mila was stretched out on the couch with Carrie above her. She had her knees spread wide, with Carrie sitting between them on her haunches. Amanda could see the outline of her pussy through the sheer fabric of her panties. A dark line down the center of the camel toe in her crotch belied her friend’s state of arousal.

  Mila’s breath was coming i
n short shallow pants as Carrie’s fingers fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. Neither of the women spoke as Carrie finished up and spread open Mila’s top. Her hands began to rub Mila’s bra cups, pushing the flesh of her breasts against the lacy edge at the top.

  Mila pulled at the hem of Carrie’s tank top, tugging the cotton fabric up and over her head. Now both women were on the couch in their bras. Amanda saw that Carrie’s breasts were about the same size as her own, easily covered by Mila’s own busy hands, which were mirroring Carrie’s movements.

  Amanda gasped when Carrie undid the front hook of Mila’s bra, freeing the woman’s lusciously ripe orbs. She licked her lips as she watched Carrie’s head bend and begin to wetly wash one chocolate brown nipple, leaving it gleam.

  “O fuck…” whispered Mila, “that feels niiiice…” Her knees were opening and closing around Carrie’s waist as the woman grasped and suckled on one wet nipple, then the other. “Oh, Carrie, babyyy…” she said softly.

  She fumbled with the back hooks of Carrie's bra, and undid the fasteners with a flourish. The straps popped open, and Mila pulled the shoulder straps down and away, depositing the lacy white undergarment on the floor beside them. Sitting up halfway, Mila shrugged out of her blouse and bra and Carrie lay them in the growing pile on the floor.

  “I love eating a girl out when she’s wearing a skirt,” Carrie gasped as she nudged herself down the length of the couch.

  “Glad to oblige!” Mila’s hand reached down to her crotch and pulled the front panel of her panties aside. She looked over to Amanda with a smile. “Enjoying the view, hon?” she said. Her eyes were bright with passion.

  Amanda realized she was leaning forward in her seat, her eyes riveted on the rich, dark lips of Mila’s labia. She bit her lower lip and nodded silently as Carrie’s head got in the way and Mila let out a grunt.

  “Oh shit, this is hot!” Josh said. Amanda turned her head to see Josh pulling down on the elastic band of his track pants, freeing his cock. “I hope you don’t mind,” he said, as he stroked his fleshy knob. His cock was only half erect as he tugged and played with the flesh. “I just love watching Carrie get it on with another woman!” His voice was almost a gasp.


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