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Lovers' Tussle

Page 4

by India-Jean Louwe

  Aiden bristled. The searing pain that had attacked his very soul had damn near brought him to his knees the second Roth had touched Tienna. He swallowed thickly. The moment she had reciprocated, he’d been almost crippled. The pain had twisted his heart and guts until he had been unable to breathe. “As did I when you placed your filthy paws on her.” It had taken all his strength to turn and flee into the night. It was either that or kill Roth on the spot. Perhaps he could reason with the man. “Confound it, Roth. She is a Lady and, as such, deserves the life I can give her. What will you do with one of her status? Offer her temporary housing on your ship you set sail in every few months? Have her sit here in your dour accommodations while you continue to roam the world, praying for your safe return when in all likelihood you are conscientiously courting your own demise?”

  The growl rumbled from deep within Roth’s chest. “I will not leave her as easy pickings for a vulture like you.”

  “Ah. So she shall have to develop sea legs fast enough. Are you really that selfish?”

  “And are you that obtuse? Did you not feel the instant arousal I evoke in her?” More crudely Roth added, “She came alive like a starved bitch in heat.”

  That was the last straw. Aiden rose and leaned over his desk menacingly. His voice left him through gritted teeth. “She was not exactly immune to my touch, either. The only thing that halted our pleasure was your untimely interference.”

  Roth laughed, but the sound held little humor. “And I suppose rushing straight into my arms was her only alternative.”

  “You forced your will on her!”

  “I force no woman, brother. I may not be able to provide the worldly decorations you are capable of giving her, buying her off with. But I can damn well give her something you can’t. Passion. Raw and unbridled, just as she craves it.”

  A brittle laugh answered that statement. “Yes, and I suppose your passion will keep her belly filled, her love for grandeur appeased. Wake up, Roth.” Aiden smiled slyly. “She is above your station. Your mockery with regards to me buying her generates solely from your obvious inability to be able to afford her.”

  “You egotistical bastard, not everyone is like you. Some people will not be bought off.”

  Aiden flushed. “I owe you nothing. Now get out before I have my pack tear you beyond recognition.”

  Roth snorted as he turned to leave. “That is where you are wrong. You owe me everything, little brother. Don’t make the mistake of ever forgetting that.”

  Aiden slumped back down into his chair. Roth was becoming a loose cannon, and that made him dangerous. There was much he could lose should Roth choose to open his bag of dirty little secrets, more commonly known as his mouth. Maybe the fight to death was the only alternative left. But he would do it with honor. It would take place in some filthy wilds under the cover of darkness, but it would be a duel nonetheless. And his teeth would be the bullet that would triumph, sunk straight into his treacherous brother’s heart.

  * * * *

  Tienna latched on to all the chaos within her and somehow managed to transform it into fuel. Her paws barely scraped the ground before taking flight again. The guilt that had overcome her as she’d faced not one but two men’s torment due to her wanton displays sent heated blood pumping into her veins, feeding her fleeing limbs. The confusion she felt at her own desires lodged a lump the size of a boulder in her chest. She used that obstruction to gasp precious air more desperately. The tremendous need to be selfish just this once and have them both brought tears to her burning eyes. Bloody icy England wind, she lied to herself. But it was not easy hiding the truth from her own self. And she did not get anywhere near doing so no matter how far and fast she ran. She lusted after something that was simply not possible, and it was tearing her apart. She wanted both of them.

  The confession had her grinding to a halt as effectively as slamming into a solid oak tree. But the respite such a barrier would have brought her by jarring her brains into blissful oblivion, even for a moment, was not a mercy she was afforded now. The impact of that last thought remained fresh and disgustingly clear in her mind.

  Without conscious thought she trotted to the nearby ledge. She had not even realized she had spent the time running uphill. But she noticed now. The valley at the bottom, even in the dark, appeared to be a far way down. Tienna turned her face upward instead. The moon had always provided her with comfort and illuminated even her darkest hours.

  Aiden and Roth were as different as two men could possibly get. As foreign to each other as day and night. How could she be attracted to both of them? She must have a very unstable character indeed. Aiden, with his gentle ways, allowed her to close her eyes and relax. She was comfortable and at peace in his company. He made her feel safe. Wasn’t that infinitely better than anything else?

  Apparently not. Roth was a man she could never close her eyes even long enough to blink around. He could snap and change from one moment to the next. And deep within her she had to admit two things. She didn’t want to close her eyes, not out of fear, but out of the insane wish to not miss a single daring move on his part. Secondly she reveled in the feelings of danger and excitement he evoked in her. Safe and dangerous, how much more contradiction could she get?

  While Aiden allowed her to breathe, Roth breathed life into her. Could she choose between them? It was like having to choose which part of herself she wished to embrace and which to eradicate. She snarled softly, the only sound of disgust she could think of making in her current wolf form. Whichever way she looked at this, she always came to the same point. Full circle. Living without either man would be like being only half-alive.

  Her whiskers twitched as she studied the wise moon, so openly revealing yet silent. There was still so much she did not understand. They felt it when the other touched her. Sadly it obviously hurt them. Even worse, it angered them. The temper of a wolf was not something to taken lightly. It was not something that could be ignored either. Just how far could they be stretched before they snapped? And who would pay the ultimate price for that transgression?

  Another thing that puzzled her was the actual ability to sense and even hear each other. Hadn’t Aiden frozen in that dark garden on the low growl of Roth? Yes, he had definitely heard him, but how? It was not possible. For goodness’ sake, they were known enemies, so there was no chance that they came from the same pack. Their looks were as far apart as the stars, so they could not be related.

  The sudden rustle of leaves behind her had her spinning instantly. Her breath slammed in her lungs and remained there as she failed to draw in fresh air. Someone was watching her. She could feel the gaze almost like a physical touch. Her body crouched down low, assuming the battle or fleeing position, whichever this interlude called for, hugging the tightly packed damp earth. Silence so thick it became a living presence pressed down on her but, frustratingly, like a cold compress, provided no comfort beyond an unwelcome chill. Her nostrils flared, straining to catch the scent of the intruder.

  A slender shape moved out from beneath the cover of the trees. “Do not be alarmed, Lady Tienna.”

  Aiden. Tienna slumped in relief. She eyed him as he approached. His coat was such a lush white it hurt her eyes. It was so very pristine in its starkness she was almost afraid to touch such purity, fearing soiling it. He was absolutely splendid, a celestial being who stole her breath by tiny degrees the longer she stared at him. His form moved with the muscles rippling, graceful with the light-footed stealth of a predator. His eyes were keen and alert and had her holding yet another painful breath. Never before had she seen such a wondrous shade of blue, at least not in something that could look right back at her. There was no denying he was strong and quite magnificent. But she knew firsthand that beneath that mass of corded tendons and rich, decadent fur lay a soul that was gentle and patient. She could not help the purr of welcome that rumbled in her throat.

  Perhaps he had come to offer some way forward in this dilemma. Or maybe not. While his use of her
formal title confused her, the look in his expressive eyes spoke volumes as well. His attraction to her had not lessened.

  The joints on her limbs stretched as she straightened. “Are you following me?” she addressed him as she transformed into her human form, making sure she concentrated sufficiently on her apparel this time. It was not difficult. Aiden did not stop her brain from functioning the way Roth did.

  “I apologize for startling you.” He followed her transformation with his own and bowed elegantly.

  The crisp, curt action amused Tienna, seeing as they were deep in the wilds and even savage animals themselves. But she played along, curtsying and responding. “And for following me?”

  “Alas I have no excuse for that except to say I wished to see you.”

  His smile was disarming. It was so soft, warm, and utterly boyish she could not help returning it. “And now you have my ear.” The mischievous look he gave her told her plainly that her ear was not the only thing for which he’d come searching. Tienna’s heart skipped a beat. He may be adorable, but he was also a devilish rogue. He held within him the power to turn women into soft clay. Her legs certainly did not feel so sturdy any more.

  “I missed you at the Craven’s ball.” He gestured to his formal attire. “It was quite the crush, and anyone who is relevant should be in attendance.”

  Tienna admired the expert cut of his coat, the way it molded to his broad shoulders and hugged his straight, narrow hips. Of course he was one who did go for silken stockings and highly polished buttons and buckles, but she found no fault with it. The attire suited him to perfection. He was, after all, her dashing nobleman. “I prefer not to allow society to determine my worth based on my attendance or absence from inane affairs.”

  “You do not like the grandeur the privileged are afforded?”

  He appeared to be taken aback, and Tienna knew this was not as simple a question as he made it out to be. In essence he was asking her preference, one she did not quite know herself. Opting for the middle ground, she replied, “I like the social swirl as much as any young lady, however, I also choose to attend according to my desire to do so.”

  “Yes, I had pegged you for one of an independent mind.” He took her hand with the gentlest of care and turned to the view behind her. “Do you like coming out here for a quiet respite?”

  Tienna sighed in relief at his simple acceptance of her answer. She was not ready for any deeply vested answers, and she was definitely not in the mood for being pushed. His hand was large and strong around her tiny one, and she immediately felt at ease and safe. She also felt small but in a good, feminine way. “I like to come here when I am troubled. But it is not for the view you speak of.” She pointed to the moon with her free hand. “That holds my fascination.”

  Aiden’s chuckle was deep and warm and flittered over her senses like heated honey. “Just as all us cursed animals do.” He studied her quietly before lifting her fingertips to his lips. “You are absolutely breathtaking under the moonlight. Had it been my choice, I would have you bathed in this light forever.”

  Tienna blushed at the compliment. She was, for all the experience she had gained from her three years of ballroom antics as well as subsequent “on the shelf” status, quite inexperienced with men. Rakes especially had been a terrifying breed of gentlemen she had steered well away from. But had she known they could be quite so diverting, she would have been more accommodating. “I thank you. Your wolf form is also rather dashing in the moonlight.” She flushed as she realized her faux pas. “Not that your form as a man is any less awe inspiring.”

  Aiden’s lips twitched at the corners in amusement. “I should hope not, for I also have befriended the night quite intimately. Heaven forbid that I not look anything less than devastating at that time.”

  She knew he was teasing and was thankful. His light banter set her a bit at ease. But sadly, not completely. Self-consciously, she glanced around. Of course she knew no one was here to witness her compromising situation, but one could never discount how much Roth could sense. It was unnerving knowing he could spring out from behind a bush at any time like a ghoul out for revenge. Or more like a fire-breathing dragon out to incinerate everyone in its path. “It is getting late. I must be getting home before my family misses me.”

  Every bit the gallant gentleman, he did not hesitate or argue. “I shall see you home.”

  Tienna nodded. She was also reluctant to leave his company just yet. It was a bit of distance back, and that suited her just fine. She accepted the arm he offered. “Why are you and Roth enemies?” She had not expected that question to pop out quite so soon, but it had, and it appeared to have magical powers. His forearm stiffened beneath her fingers.

  “We simply do not agree.”

  Well, that explains a lot. Tienna frowned at the dark path ahead. Half the ton did not agree with each other and that did not make them lifelong enemies. “That hardly appears to be a sufficient enough reason to hold grudges.”

  “It is when you’re dealing with a man like Roth.”

  Now that did explain everything. Roth could be stubborn to the point of being a brick wall. Not even close to having her curiosity fulfilled, she inquired, “So it was over some altercation or difference in opinion that the dispute began?” She wanted to know specifically what had caused the rift. Perhaps if she could somehow mend that broken bridge, there may be a way for all of them to move forward, together.

  Aiden, however, while highly approachable, was proving to not be very forthcoming. “You could say that.”

  Pursing her lips in dissatisfaction, Tienna opted for another approach. “How is it you’re able to hear him in your mind?”

  His pensive expression was not very reassuring. Aiden chose to ask a question of his own instead. “You know I am your mate. Why do you run away and hide?”

  Tienna blew out a breath of exasperation. He was no popinjay, easily lured into revealing himself. The realization took her by surprise. Aiden was proving to be an enigma, an image he apparently was not going to dispel easily. “Because you were not the only one.”

  “Ah, I see.” He seemed to consider her answer before adding his conclusion framed as another question. “That would explain your wish to have us pitted against each other.”

  Tienna was reluctant to reveal her father’s part in the plan simply because she fully agreed with it. And thus she accepted full responsibility. “It seemed the easier path.”

  She caught his half smile from the side. “And do you still believe that?”

  The lazy pattern he was tracing on her fingers tucked in the crook of his elbow was slowly doing what he so excelled in doing. He was stealing her away again, patiently, masterfully. She swallowed hard, trying to force down the slow rise of desire. Unsuccessfully. “I’m not sure what I believe anymore.” Her reply left her on a whisper.

  His response, however, certainly did catch her by surprise. “Neither am I.”

  Tienna blinked rapidly. He was not so lofty that he kept his weakness hidden. It did unexplainable damage to her resistance, adding another charming characteristic to his steadily growing list of attributes. He was honest, even about his weaknesses.

  She opened her mouth, fully intent on gaining more answers, but no sound came out. She tried again but was met with the same failure. The heat of his body was penetrating the side of hers. His closeness was affecting her breathing, her thinking, and even walking. With a start of alarm she realized she was not merely walking beside him anymore. She was practically leaning into him. And he was proving to be an excellent pillar of support.

  Her body applauded with rapt enthusiasm. He was strong and hard, and it took every bit of her strength not to press into him completely, not to stop and offer herself. She was in a lot of trouble if this was the effect he wrought of her simply by taking a moonlit stroll. For heaven’s sake he hadn’t even kissed her and her belly was turning over, expelling heat and wanton passion as fast and furious as her heart was pumping blood through
her veins.

  Suddenly, with calm efficiency, he stopped and turned to her. Tienna flushed. Could he sense her arousal, smell it on her heated skin? She was once again struck by the beauty of the man as she watched him. His midnight-blue eyes were quite simply the most wonderful pair she had ever seen, and shadowed beneath thick lashes they promised such delight. Sleepy eyes, dreamy. She wanted to simply join in the unspoken sinful promise he offered.

  The back of his hand was warm against her cheek. The touch of lips was hot. She sighed blissfully, greedily yearning for more. But he remained adamantly aloof, keeping his essence fully concealed behind sealed lips. She enjoyed the moment, however. The slow build of sensuality within her was excruciating, bitter anticipation yet so very sweet all at the same time.

  A blast of heat suddenly infused her senses. But this was not the same as the passionate swirl that was stealing over her. Her mind was left reeling along with her shaking knees as Aiden suddenly drew back.

  “Let us not tempt the devil further.” His voice was husky, showing his own reaction to the kiss. He cupped her cheeks lightly. “Sweet dreams, lovely Tienna. Perhaps I shall visit you there.”

  It took a full three rapid blinks of her eyes to comprehend what he was saying. Good grief, have we already arrived? She smiled, still a little dazed, and slipped through the foliage, edging toward the domain of her family and leaving behind a man she was ready to admit she’d fallen head over heels in love with.

  She sighed happily as she approached the stream bed. The reflection of the stars dancing merrily across the surface matched her moods perfectly. She wanted to join them, except it was cold and the water would be frigid. But that did not mean she could not revel in the feeling of dancing within her. Her feet fairly skipped as the elation in her grew. Perhaps Aiden was the choice her heart yearned for.

  Suddenly she was seized from behind. A large hand cupped over her startled grunt, sealing it back into her mouth, uselessly. Her back was wrenched against a solid wall of unyielding muscles. Her heart slammed painfully, drumming an alarming tempo against her eardrums.


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