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Callous Heir

Page 12

by Michelle Heard

  “It’s going to take me a while before I’m happy with any of this,” Mr. Reyes grumbles, but he still gets up to hug Carla. “God, I can’t believe my baby is going to have a baby.”

  “I’m happy, Daddy,” Carla murmurs, and then her shoulders jerk as she buries her face against her father’s chest.

  It takes every ounce of strength for me to sit still and not to get up and pull her to me.

  Mr. Reyes rubs a hand over her back. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Carla pulls back, and when she looks up at her dad with a pleading face and tears on her cheeks, I have to clench my fists against my thighs to keep from moving.

  “But you’re angry,” she whimpers.

  Mr. Reyes’ expression instantly changes from stern to loving. “No, sweetheart. I’m just shocked. Like your mom said, as long as you’re happy, we’re happy,” he tries to pacify her.

  If she ever looks at me like that, I’m in deep shit.

  When everyone seems to have calmed down, Mrs. Reyes asks, “Do you know how far along you are?”

  “Six weeks,” I answer. “Give or take. We still need to confirm the due date.”

  “How’re the symptoms?” Mrs. Reyes asks.

  “I can’t stand the smell of fried chicken,” Carla says.

  “Ugh, I had the same,” Mrs. Reyes replies.

  Mr. Reyes lets go of Carla, and then his gaze locks on me. “Let’s leave the women to talk.”

  I rise to my feet and give Carla a reassuring smile before following Mr. Reyes to his office.

  When he shuts the door behind us, he says, “Take a seat.”

  I wait for him to sit down before I do the same.

  Mr. Reyes stares at me for a while, but I meet his gaze, ready for anything. Finally, he asks, “How long have you and Carla been dating?”

  “Two months.”

  He begins to nod slowly while muttering, “Didn’t waste any time, did you?”

  “I wanted to wait, but then it just happened,” I try my best to explain.

  “Do you have any intention of marrying my daughter?”

  “Yes, but if I propose now, Carla will think it’s only because she’s pregnant.”

  He nods again. “True.” He tilts his head, lifting an eyebrow at me.

  “I do plan on marrying her once our baby is born.”

  Mr. Reyes lets out a chuckle that sounds more like a warning. His eyes settle hard on mine. “Carla is and always will be my little girl. God help you if you hurt her in any way.”

  “I won’t,” I assure him.

  He lets out a scoffing sound. “You did once before, so I guess that remains to be seen.”

  I take a deep breath, then say, “Carla was fifteen. I thought you would understand why I rejected her back then?” I don’t wait for his reply but carry on, “I’ve always wanted the best for her, and I did what was right. I will always do what’s right when it comes to her. I love Carla. I’ve never felt about anyone the way I feel about her.”

  The corner of Mr. Reyes’ mouth lifts slightly, and then he agrees with me, “Yeah, you did the right thing.” He leans back in his chair. “So you’ve been dabbling in investments?”

  Knowing the worst is over with, my body relaxes as we begin to talk business.

  Tomorrow we’ll tell my parents, and then Carla and I can focus on our baby.

  Chapter 20


  Sitting in Mrs. West’s office, my knee keeps bouncing until Noah places his hand on my leg. I’m going to have a total nervous breakdown before we’re done telling everyone.

  I glance at the family portraits on the desk's side and the achievements framed on the wall. My gaze darts to Noah, and I scowl when I see how calm he looks.

  “Are you really not worried?” I ask.

  “Nope.” He even lets that damn ‘P’ pop, which earns him a glare from me.

  Just then, the door opens, and the second I lay eyes on Noah’s parents, my heart races out of the office, and I shrink back against the chair.

  God. They’re going to kill us, and we barely survived my parents.

  Noah gets up to give his mom a hug and to shake hands with his father. I force myself to stand on shaky legs.

  I manage a nervous smile as I step forward to shake their hands. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. West. How are you?” At least it doesn’t sound like I’m about to have a breakdown.

  “Hi, Carla,” Mrs. West smiles at both of us as she takes a seat behind her desk.

  Imma gonna die.

  Mr. West’s gaze darts between us, then he asks, “You said you had something to tell us?”

  My mouth dries up, and I begin to sweat as if I just ran a marathon. My leg’s back to bouncing as if it’s trying to break a record.

  “Carla’s pregnant,” Noah drops the nuclear missile.

  My eyes widen, and my mouth drops open. I manage to gather myself enough to glare at Noah. “Seriously? That’s how you tell your parents?” I turn an apologetic expression to Mr. and Mrs. West. “I’m so sorry. It was an accident. We didn’t plan it. I had –”

  Mrs. West’s mouth curves up in a smile as she interrupts me. “Take a breath, Carla. It’s okay.”

  Either Mrs. West is super good at keeping her composure, or… I don’t know. I’m expecting an outburst at any moment.

  “Hold up,” Mr. West murmurs, and my gaze locks on his face. “Run that past me again.”

  “Carla’s pregnant, Dad. We’re having a baby,” Noah tells him again.

  Mr. West’s eyebrows rise as he asks, “How did that happen?”

  “Really, Jaxson?” Mrs. West chuckles. “You know how it happened.”

  My heart’s pounding against my ribs, and I clasp my hands tightly together on my lap as my eyes dart between them.

  “Yeah,” Mr. West mutters. I watch as he takes a deep breath, then he says, “How do you both feel?”

  “Happy,” Noah answers.

  Mr. West’s eyes lock with mine, and it has me sputtering, “Like I’m about to have an anxiety attack.”

  My reaction makes Mr. West smile, and it sets me a bit at ease.

  “It’s a huge responsibility, but hopefully, it will be a happy one,” Mrs. West says.

  “It’s going to be tough,” Mr. West adds. “But as long as you’re happy.”

  Mrs. West seems just as calm as Noah, and then her eyes lock on mine. “Have you had a blood test done?”

  I shake my head.

  “We’ll do one before you leave. Have you seen a gynecologist?”

  I shake my head again.

  “The hospital has a good doctor. I’ll arrange an appointment with her on your behalf.” Then she gets up, which also has me rising to my feet, but she indicates that I should sit again. “I’m just going to draw a vial of blood.”

  “Wow,” Mr. West murmurs again, drawing my attention back to him. His gaze keeps darting between Noah and me. “I’m going to be a grandfather.”

  Mrs. West gets everything she’ll need to draw blood and pauses as a smile spreads over her face. “Aww… our first grandbaby.”

  Noah places his hand over mine. “Relax. I told you my parents would be okay.”

  God help me.

  My eyes almost roll back in my head as I widen them at Noah.

  “Of course, it’s a shock with you both still at Trinity, but we have to make the best of the situation,” Mrs. West says as she pulls a chair closer to my left. She takes hold of my arm and wipes alcohol over the inside of my elbow.

  “I’m taking my finals in a month,” Noah drops another bomb.

  “Yeah, I guess with the pregnancy, that would be the best thing to do,” his mother agrees.

  “Oh?” Mr. West’s eyebrows lift again. “So you’re going to start working in the new year?”

  Noah nods.

  I lean a little closer to Mrs. West and ask, “So you’re really not upset?”

  She shakes her head, then gently sticks the needle into my arm. I watch as she draws two vials
of blood. “You’re the ones who will be changing the diapers and getting up at ungodly hours.” When she’s done, she presses a piece of cotton ball to the site, and meeting my eyes, she continues, “There’s no sense in getting upset. We just have to move forward and take it one day at a time. Right?”

  “Right,” I murmur.

  “How far along do you think you are?” Mrs. West asks.

  “Give or take, six weeks,” Noah answers.

  Mrs. West labels the vials then says, “I’ll call the moment we have the results.”

  Noah rises to his feet, so I do the same.

  Mrs. West surprises me by coming to give me a hug. Then she murmurs, “Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” I reply as she pulls back. Wanting to gain some ground with Noah’s parents, I say, “Noah’s been great, though.”

  She gives us both a warm smile and presses a kiss to Noah’s cheek. “I have surgery to prep for, but we should have dinner together soon.”

  “Yes, definitely,” Mr. West confirms as he comes to give me a hug before shaking Noah’s hand. “Take good care of Carla.”

  “Of course,” Noah answers. “Let me know when’s a good time for you, then we’ll come over for dinner.”

  When we leave the office, I frown up at Noah. “That went well, right?”

  He lets out a burst of laughter before pulling me into a hug. “Will you relax now? My parents are fine with the pregnancy.”

  I tilt my head back to meet his eyes. “We survived.”

  Noah presses a kiss to my mouth, then murmurs, “I never had any doubt that we would.”


  “I’m going to wet myself,” Carla grumbles under her breath as we sit in the waiting room to see Dr. Wells. “Why do they tell you to come with a full bladder if they’re going to make you wait forever?”

  I give her hand a squeeze. “Can you hold for ten more minutes?”

  She slants a glare at me. “That’s what you asked ten minutes ago. I swear you’ll clean up the mess if I pee myself.”

  “Miss Reyes,” the receptionist finally calls. “Dr. Wells will see you now.”

  “Finally,” she mutters while a smile spreads over her face.

  When we enter the office, Dr. Wells smiles at us. “Miss Reyes, Mr. West, it’s good to meet you.”

  She indicates that we take a seat, which has me saying, “She needs to use the bathroom. Can we get the urine test out of the way?”

  Carla widens her eyes at me while Dr. Wells lets out a chuckle. “Sure.”

  Once Carla has relieved herself, she comes to take a seat next to me.

  Dr. Wells asks a bunch of questions, and once she has all Carla’s information on file, she says, “Come lie down for me so we can check if everything is okay with you and the baby.”

  Carla positions herself on the bed, and Dr. Wells begins with the regular checks. When the doctor squirts a bit of gel onto Carla’s stomach, my excitement level shoots up. I move closer and take hold of Carla’s hand as Dr. Wells begins to move the Doppler around in the gel.

  “It’s still early, but let's see if we get lucky today,” Dr. Wells murmurs as she keeps moving the Doppler over Carla’s skin.

  A heartbeat sounds up, which has Dr. Wells explaining, “That’s mommy’s heartbeat. Baby’s will be a lot faster.”

  My eyes zero in on the Doppler, and then all of a sudden, a fast heartbeat fills the air.

  “Oh my gosh!” Carla exclaims, a wide smile spreading over her face.

  A wave of emotion hits me right in the chest as I hear our child's heartbeat for the first time. Leaning down, I press a kiss to Carla’s forehead before I listen to the quick beat again.

  “That’s our baby, Noah,” Carla whispers.

  Smiling at her, I squeeze her hand tightly, my chest humming with happiness and pride.

  Dr. Wells gives Carla a paper towel to wipe up the gel, and then she says, “You’re around eight weeks pregnant, which means your baby’s the size of a raspberry. Soon all the essential organs and body systems will begin to develop.”

  My eyes dart to Carla’s face, which is filled with rapt wonder.

  “At your sixteen-week check-up, we should be able to determine the sex. Will that be something you want to know beforehand?”

  Carla’s eyes dart to mine as she begins to nod excitedly.

  “That would be a yes,” I chuckle.

  “Good. Make your next appointment at reception on the way out.” Dr. Wells rises from her chair and shakes both our hands.

  After stopping at reception, we leave the hospital. Carla tightens her grip on my hand and almost begins to bounce next to me. “We have a little raspberry.”

  A wide smile spreads over my face when I see how happy she is. “A raspberry with a strong heartbeat,” I murmur.

  Once we’re in the car, I drive us to the baby store. “Only one stuffed animal,” I warn her as we climb out of the vehicle.

  Carla pouts at me. “Fine.”

  “You already have five. At this rate, there will be no space in your bedroom for anything else if we keep getting one every week.”

  We walk into the store, and Carla heads straight for the newborn section. “Noah, look!” She grabs something, and then I come face to face with a tiny elephant. “It’s an elephant ring rattle, and it will match the first stuffed animal we got.”

  Wrapping my arm around Carla’s shoulders, I pull her tightly to my side and say, “I wish you could see the excitement on your face when we’re here.”

  She grins at me, then she says, “It’s because I’m getting a cuteness overload.”

  Wandering through the store, I make sure to get more stretch mark lotion before heading to the register to pay.

  The cashier, Chrissie, recognizes us, and smiling, she asks, “Will that be all for today?”

  Carla nods. “Thank you.”

  “How far along are you?” Chrissie asks.

  Carla’s hand protectively settles over her stomach as she replies. “Eight weeks.”

  When we’re done paying, Chrissie chuckles, “See you next week.”

  Leaving the store, Carla chuckles, “We’re regulars already.”

  When we’re back in the car, I ask, “When do you want to tell our friends?”

  Carla shrugs. “Seeing as our parents know, it doesn’t really matter when the rest find out about Raspberry.”

  “Raspberry,” I repeat. “Is that what you’re going to call the baby?”

  “Yeah, I like it.”

  Seeing the happy glow on Carla’s face, and knowing everything is going well with the pregnancy, fills my heart with more joy than I ever thought I’d experience in a lifetime.

  Chapter 21


  After telling our parents, we figured it’s only right we let our siblings know next.

  We’ve asked Dash and Jase to meet us for lunch because we’re telling Kao and Fallon tonight.

  “I’m starting to get the hang of this,” I mutter as we walk into a restaurant near the business district where both Dash and Jase’s offices are situated.

  “We should’ve gathered everyone together and done it in one blow,” Noah says.

  Dash is already waiting at a table, and when she spots us, she gets up to give us each a hug, then she looks at Noah, “It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

  “It’s been a while,” Noah agrees.

  He pulls a chair out for me and waits for me to sit before he takes a seat next to me.

  Smiling at Dash, I ask, “How are you?”

  “I’m good.” She gives us both a knowing look. “You’re either getting married, or you’re pregnant.”

  I let out a sputter of laughter. “Pregnant.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much when you asked Jase and me to meet with you.”

  Just then, Jase appears at the table, and after greeting everyone, he takes a seat. “What’s up?”

  “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out. />
  Jase stares at me for a moment, then his eyes slant toward Noah. “This is your way of taking care of my sister?”

  “It’s not like we planned it,” I grumble at Jase. “It happened, and we’re happy.”

  “That doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it,” Jase snaps. “Christ, Carla, you’re eighteen.”

  “Nineteen in a month”

  “Doesn’t mean shit. You’re too young,” Jase argues.

  An awkward silence falls over the table.

  Noah takes a deep breath and turns his gaze to Jase. “Obviously, we would’ve liked to wait, but Carla’s pregnant, and nothing’s going to change that. I’ll be there every step of the way.”

  Jase’s eyes snap to me. “What did Dad say?”

  “He wasn’t happy, but he understands,” I answer. Then I give Jase a pleading look. “We can’t change what happened. Please, just be happy for me now.”

  He shakes his head and stares at the table cloth. “How are you going to finish your studies? What about your position at CRC?”

  “I’m not going to stop studying. God, you make it sound like my life is over,” I mutter, a second away from losing my temper.

  “I’m helping her with her school work. She won’t fall behind,” Noah adds.

  “Will you finish sooner, Noah?” Dash asks.

  “Yes, I’ll start at Indie Ink in January.”

  Jase’s eyes dart back to Noah. “That means you have to write your finals in a month.”

  Noah shrugs. “I can write them tomorrow.”

  “At least that will take care of finances,” Jase grumbles. He stares at me, and then he lightly shakes his head again. “You’re happy? This is what you want?”

  I don’t hesitate to answer, “More than anything.”

  Jase signals for a waiter. “I don’t care what the time is, I need a drink.”

  “So you’re okay?” I ask.

  “Not today, but once I’m over the shock, I’ll be fine,” Jase mutters.

  Dash places her hand on mine. “I’m happy for both of you. If I can help with anything, just let me know.”


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