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Patient Mates: (Book 7 Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

Page 10

by Price, E A

  The Alpha squared his shoulders. “For years I’ve cleaned up your messes and I’ve had it! You’re weak. You can’t even keep your own mate in line. No wonder she left you. You allowed a female to make a fool out of you.”

  Joseph shook with the effort to remain in his skin form. “Fuck you! This never would have happened if we’d just taken Lilah when I told you too.”

  “And done what? Killed the other female? The Alpha would have come after us in a second.”

  Kira realized they must have been talking about Jolene. And yes she had no doubt that Adam wouldn’t have hesitated in retaliating if Jolene had been killed defending Lilah.

  “So what? You fucking wimp! I could have beaten him and taken over this pack.”

  The Alpha snorted derisively. “Arrogant little prick. I’ve met Adam Grey, he would have ground you into dust.”

  Joseph howled and shifted to his wolf launching at his father. He landed on top of him with a bone crunching thud. The Alpha shimmered and shifted too. The large wolves began snapping and swiping at one another. The crashed into furniture destroying anything in their tumbling path.

  The shifter and the wolf that had been guarding the door rushed inside and froze at the sight of their leaders brawling. The wolf swiftly shifted to human.

  “Ooof!” The shifter with the bloody arm gurgled and collapsed on the floor.

  Deanna stood behind him triumphantly waving a heavy duty frying pan and training her gun on the two shifters who had started creeping to the door. “Don’t even think about it wolfys.”

  Kira tackled Carly out the way of the struggling wolves. Joseph the younger, faster wolf roared and ripped the throat out of his father. With a strangled sob the older wolf fell to the floor as Joseph howled out his triumph.

  Joseph’s razor sharp fangs dripped with blood as he swung his attention round to Carly and Kira. Joseph made a lunge toward them and Deanna promptly fired three rounds into the huge wolf. With a wretched whine he nose-dived and slumped to the floor.

  The two she-wolves stared at him in shock. The remaining members of Joseph’s pack fled from the Diner running smack into the Alpha, the Beta and Gabe.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Joseph and Joseph Sr were both dead. The two other wolves shot by Deanna were hurt but they’d live. The rest of the Charming pack wolves were easily subdued, including the wolf bitten by Deanna who whined incessantly about a tetanus shot. Deanna told him to shut up or she really was going to show him just how sharp her fangs were.

  The incident was reported to the Council of Shifters (CoS) who, mindful of the impending bad weather, hurried to clean up and take away the Charming wolves. Both dead and alive.

  Kira and Gabe clutched each other tightly and smothered one another with kisses. Kira phoned her sister just to make sure she was okay. Lilah said she was fine, she was a little dazed to learn of Joseph’s death but Mac, Jolene and Felicity were there if she needed them.

  Alec tried to calm the nerves of his agitated Deputy and commended her for her bravery. Adam was completely pissed to find Carly there.

  “What the hell is Carly doing here?” Hissed Adam, glowering at Gabe. “Did you ask Carly to come here?”

  Adam disliked putting members of his pack above others, but Carly was the weakest member of the pack. He would no sooner send a pup into a dangerous situation than he would Carly. She was the Omega, they needed her safe and sound for the emotional wellbeing of the rest of the pack.

  Carly thoroughly felt like a naughty child and bristled at her Alpha’s tone. Although there was no way in hell she was going to call him on it. “He didn’t, I was just here and wanted to make sure Kira was okay. I figured something was going on because of the ban on going out into the woods.”

  “What happened?” Asked Kira.

  Gabe stroked a thumb over her cheek. “Someone, I’m guessing Joseph and his father, set loads of bear traps out through the woods. They covered them in wolfsbane. We figure they did it to distract us so they could grab Lilah. Guess they thought it was easier to get you first.”

  Kira smiled triumphantly. “Yeah well they were wrong.”

  Adam huffed. “You could have been hurt Carly.”

  Mindful of the Alpha’s bad mood Kira bared her neck before speaking. “If Carly weren’t here we would have been hurt.”

  Carly shook her head effusively. “No if it weren’t for Deanna we would have been.” Carly placed a hand on Deanna’s arm. “Thank you.”

  Deanna gave them a weak smile. “Just doing my job.”

  The little bobcat was still shaken with having taken a life. She knew she had to do it but it was still jarring and difficult to come to terms with. Carly’s soothing presence was certainly helping though.

  “What did Carly do?” Asked Gabe curiously. He liked Carly but she could hardly be considered intimidating. She would be the last person Gabe would want in his corner during a fight.

  Carly blushed. “It was nothing…”

  Kira interrupted her. “Carly manipulated Joseph and the Alpha into attacking each other. They were so focused on hating each other that they ignored us. Carly you’re a freaking rock star!”

  Alec cocked his head on one side and gave Carly a steady gaze. “I’m impressed you were able to manipulate an Alpha.”

  Carly shrugged but anyone could see she was a little pleased by the compliment. “He wasn’t that much of an Alpha. I could never do that to you Adam or even you Alec, not that I would ever try! But they were a little more susceptible.”

  Adam gave Carly’s shoulder a squeeze. “Well done… but just don’t try anything like this again.”

  Carly grimaced. “No worries there, this was just a little too exciting for me.”

  After a lengthy hug from Kira and Carly Deanna was driven home by Alec. Carly, although she tried to hide it, was pretty upset by the evening’s events too, and Adam insisted she spend the night at his house so Rosalee could fuss over her.

  Kira called Lilah again who insisted she was fine. Felicity had called her mate Esther over to spend the night, just in case any of the Charming pack got it into their heads to try anything else. Three she-wolves and a she-bear should act as a deterrent. Jolene’s little house was pretty much full, so that just left the question of where Kira should sleep…

  When they were finally alone in Gabe’s car Kira kissed her mate deeply and shocked him with her proclamation. “I want to bond.”

  Gabe blinked at her. “We will I…”

  Kira placed her fingers on his lips. “No I want to bond now.”

  Gabe looked at her uncertainly. “Are you sure…”

  “Yes! I’ve been thinking of it all day but after what happened… I could have been hurt. I could have been killed.” Tears started welling up in her eyes. “I mean I’m trying to put on a brave face but all I can think about is that I could have died without ever seeing you again, without ever bonding with you. And it scares the hell out of me. I love you.”

  “I love you too, and I want to bond with you more than anything.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “But…”

  His wolf howled in delight. “No buts. No excuses. No more hesitating. I want you woman. Now!”

  Kira barked out a laugh. “Woman? I don’t know, you actually seem kind of bossy… maybe I’ve changed my mind.”

  Gabe’s eyes flashed to amber and he beamed a gorgeous smile at her. “The hell you have!”

  He pulled her in for a thorough kiss before driving home as quickly as the falling snow would allow. Kira stared out the window in giddy excitement as her wolf yipped happily.


  When they arrived at Gabe’s house they quickly shucked out of their warm coats, boots and socks. Kira half expected him to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to the bed before ripping her clothes off. But he didn’t.

  Gabe wrapped her in his arms and crushed his mouth to hers. He nibbled on her bottom lip until she opened for him, dipping his tongue in her mouth gently tasting and
teasing her. She melted against him and smoothed her hands down the taut muscles of his back.

  Gabe planted feathery kisses over her cheeks before moving down to her neck. He ran his hands down her soft curves and rested on her rounded ass. He nipped her neck with blunt teeth and she shivered in his arms. Kira mewled as he drew away from her body.

  He smirked. “Come on, it’s getting cold. I’ll light a fire.”

  Knowing the cold weather was imminent Gabe had prepared and stocked up on food, drink and firewood. It occurred to him that they could stay locked in his house for days. That thought was very appealing…

  Kira leaned against the door jamb and enjoyed watching his tight backside as he leaned over to pick up firewood. Damn he was fine. She blinked as she realized he was looking at her smugly.


  He snickered. “If you’ve finished enjoying the sights why don’t you open up a bottle of wine?”

  Kira stuck out her tongue and ambled back to the kitchen ignoring his peals of laughter. She returned with a bottle and glasses to find him knelt stoking the fire. He had spread a blanket on the floor; she sat down next to him and poured them each a glass.

  Kira watched in excited anticipation as the fire flourished. Her wolf was wagging her tail like a pup. The heat that had assailed her body all day was simmering. She put her wineglass down and turned to find Gabe watching her smiling.

  He rubbed a thumb over her shoulder. “Are you nervous?”

  Kira watched the fire. “A little… I uh don’t really have much experience.”

  “Well if practice makes perfect you’ll be an expert by morning!”

  Kira swung her gaze back to Gabe and slapped his arm playfully. “Wow that’s so romantic!”

  Gabe chuckled; it was a deep melodious laugh that made her body tingle. “Just lightening the mood flower.”


  Gabe rolled his shoulders in a shrug. “Yeah I figure since I’m destined to be called Bambi you ought to be flower.”

  “Hmmmm I like it and I’m impressed you know the names of the Disney characters.”

  “Yeah I’m a sucker for cartoons. God don’t tell the rest of the pack!”

  Kira teased her fingers through his silky. “Your secret’s safe with me Bambi.”

  “Thank you flower.”

  Gabe carefully drew her near to him. He kissed her eyebrows, her cheeks, her lips and her chin before moving down her neck. He pulled away for a few seconds and swiftly drew her sweater over her head.

  His eyes flitted to amber as he took in her luminous dark skin. He flicked a claw and sliced through her bra before sucking a breast into his mouth. She gasped with pleasure as he tugged the pebbled point of her nipple between his teeth.

  Unable to hold back Kira pushed him away and leaned forward to slowly unbutton his shirt. She placed soft kisses down his chest as each button revealed his caramel skin to her.

  Gabe groaned as his wolf sighed ecstatically. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and almost cooed in delight. It occurred to her she had never seen him naked. Through their teasing courtship every part of her had been revealed to him but she had never seen him, and he was beautiful. Truly he looked like an angel among men. She almost checked him for wings!

  Her eyes gleamed amber with hunger as her wolf howled. She smiled naughtily and stood up. Teasingly slowly she unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her legs kicking them away. Gabe gave her a predatory grin before slicing through her panties and tossing them aside. He unhurriedly travelled up her legs planting small kisses and delicate bites.

  “You just destroyed my underwear Bambi.” She breathed. “Why did you do that? I’ll be half naked without it.”

  Kira gasped as he plunged a finger between the folds of her sex into her slick channel. His eyes gleaming he brought the finger to his lips and sucked her juices. “I think you answered your own question flower.”

  Swiftly yet gently Gabe pulled her down to the ground. He slipped out of his jeans and kneeled between her splayed legs. She propped herself up on her elbows and gaped at his twitching manhood. He seemed impossibly big for her small body!

  Dipping his fingers in her honey he smoothly rubbed the juice over his steely cock. She licked her lips imaging how he would taste. Later. For now she needed him inside her. Impatiently she angled her hips toward him and lifted her legs round his waist trying to pull him towards her.

  Gabe gave her a maddening chuckle but quick as a flash positioned himself over her body. She clamped her legs round his body, refusing to let him get away. Mine.

  He held himself up on one elbow and reached between their bodies. Firmly grasping his cock he rubbed the swollen head over her tender clit. Kira let out a lusty oooohhhh and wiggled beneath him as her wolf barked for him to hurry.

  Kira’s claws and fangs descended, she let out a melodious growl. Then Gabe did the same.

  Gabe murmured the word ‘mine’ before placing himself at her drenched entrance and thrusting inside. He watched her face in wonder, every flicker of surprise and lust delighting him, as he pushed inside inch by inch.

  Fully seated within he paused to enjoy the luxury of her snug walls. His wolf crooned at how glorious her body felt.

  He looked down at her passion filled eyes. “I love you.”

  Kira stroked his cheek. “I love you too… Bambi.”

  With that he began rocking in and out of her body. He set an unhurried pace as she became accustomed to his size. The twinge of pain she had felt at accommodating his huge length soon subsided and was smothered by pure pleasure. Her body eagerly accepted him as she felt a feeling of warmth bubbling inside her demanding release.

  Her wolf yipped at her and she started forcing her hips against him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Gabe started plunging into her harder and faster as his own wolf roared at him to bond. Kira sank her claws into his shoulders and he howled, enthusiastically taking her with short, rough jabs.

  Gabe feeling his own release surge nuzzled the juncture between her neck and shoulder, lathing the silky skin in preparation. As her breathing hitched Kira did the same, she scraped her fangs over his skin and he groaned into her neck.

  His movements inside became jerky and Kira felt her own pleasure spiral. Each time he drove inside he crushed her clit and she let out small moaning squeals. With a final firm thrust he swelled inside and the two wolves sunk their fangs into each other. As Gabe burst inside her Kira felt the orgasm cascade through her. Their wolves roared in satisfaction as they tasted each other’s blood.

  As their bodies shuddered their emotions swirled. The feelings of love and satisfaction poured through their bodies joining together to create an enormous wash of pleasure that triggered secondary mini-orgasms through both of them.

  Pulling his fangs away Gabe bellowed, “mine.”

  Kira did the same and echoed the word to her mate. As their joined bodies trembled they licked at the bonding marks, sealing the wounds.

  Reluctantly Gabe pulled away, his softening manhood slipping from her clutching core. He could happily have stayed nestled in her arms all day but he feared he might squish her. Instead he maneuvered them to their sides and lay behind her so he could reach round and caress her soft breasts whilst laving her bonding mark.

  Kira could already feel his manhood pressed against her ass twitching to life again.

  Kira pulled his arm round her and laced her fingers through his as he continued to lazily lick the mark. “Mmmm that was wonderful you’re very good.”

  Laughter shook throughout his body sending vibrations through hers. “Why thank you, you’re very good too!”

  Kira sighed contentedly. “The double orgasms… are those normal for you?”

  “No, only with you flower.”

  “Good.” She said smugly. “Isn’t making love in front of a roaring fire a bit of a porn cliché? Not that I’ve ever watched one!”

  She felt him shrug against her body. “Uh yeah me neither.”

>   Kira snorted and scooting round to face him she leaned over him to started fingering his clothes.

  He frowned. “What are you doing?”

  Kira pouted. “Just looking to see whether your pants really were on fire or not.”

  Gabe groaned and hauled her back beneath him. “Flower you are a minx.”

  Kira leaned up and nipped the bonding mark with her blunt teeth. “Only for you Bambi, only for you.”


  Kira and Gabe spent the rest of the snowstorm in Gabe’s house getting to know each other. At the end of their seclusion Kira looked radiant and full of life. Much to the amusement of the rest of the pack Gabe was looking a little tired and worse for wear.

  After the storm it was a given that Kira would move into Gabe’s house. Gabe tried to persuade her to also take his last name, since they were married by pack standards. Kira demurred and suggested Gabe take her name instead. At that Gabe stopped trying. It was just a name after all.

  Adam contacted the Charming pack Beta and threatened him about what would happen if any member of his pack ever tried to harm Lilah or Kira again. Or if he ever caught any of the Charming pack near his land. Whether it was the relief that both the Alpha and his son were dead or the fact that Adam was downright terrifying the Beta quickly assured Adam he had nothing to fear from Charming.

  The Beta was keen to make it clear that the rest of the pack had no idea what the Alpha had been up to. Adam seriously doubted that but considered it was unlikely that the Beta would attempt any retaliation. Not with the SoC watching him like a hawk. And Adam made sure that Albert Peterson’s brother retained his job. After all if the Beta knew nothing of what was happening he couldn’t possibly have a reason to punish the man could he?

  Lilah decided to go home to New Mexico. Their parents and sisters were horrified to hear of Joseph’s behavior and persuaded her to come home to recuperate. Kira was disappointed but Lilah promised she would visit as often as possible, and she said she might consider returning to the pack one day. Adam promised her she would always be welcome.


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