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Finding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 6

by Briers, M L

  Many words went through her mind and none of them were good. How could a man who managed to bring to mind swear words she had never used in her life before, create such a desire within her?

  She couldn’t remember a time when she was more drawn to a man, and yet she also found herself being repulsed by his sheer arrogance. But the damn man was like an itch that she wanted to scratch, and yet she wanted to punch him in the eye at the same time.

  Maybe you’re going mad. Maybe you have a split personality…

  Kate didn’t notice the bedroom door being pulled open as she stalked towards her bedroom.

  And why the hell would you accept his invitation to stay here?

  Riff emerged, head down as he did the button up on his new pair of jeans that he had snagged from his Alpha’s wardrobe and she hit him full force. The impact felt as if she had hit a brick wall at speed, she practically bounced off him with a cry of pain, as her bruised hand connected with his hard muscles and she found herself falling backwards.

  Another squeal left her lips as she realised that the floor was about to hit her, but somehow a pair of hands grabbed her around the back, and strong arms locked about her body, stopping her in mid air and dragging her back up towards him.

  Kate’s brain couldn’t take the whole thing in. It all happened so fast that she knew she should be lying on the floor looking up at him right now and yet she was locked in his arms being pulled towards the safety of his chest.

  “What the hell are you doing!?” Dex’s deep tone’s came from behind her, and that shouldn’t have happened either, she told herself, knowing she had left him downstairs only moments earlier.

  She felt Riff practically foist her backwards away from him. The feeling of Dex’s strong arms around her and her back pressed against his chest made her want to scream with the absurdity of it all. What the hell was happening?

  “What am I pass the bloody parcel? Let go of me.” She spat out, trying to shake his hold on her, but he didn’t let go. That rumble of thunder that she heard earlier greeted her ears, but this time it rumbled through her back and she realised that it wasn’t thunder, it came from Dex.

  “She walked into me. I was saving her butt from hitting the floor.” Riff looked like a man caught red handed with someone else’s wife as he took a long step back from them.

  Kate felt the flush of anger run through her. Her brain was done trying to take the rest of this in, now she was focused on something she could do something about.

  “You don’t own me Mr Thornton, what’s it got to do with you what Riff was doing?” Kate couldn’t see the problem here. Why the hell this man was acting as though he owned her.

  She tried to squirm out of his hold, but he just wasn’t going to budge. Her eyes caught sight of the look of horror on Riff’s face as he shook his head forcefully like a dog trying to shake the water from his fur.

  “No. No. No, Dex, she didn’t mean that…”Riff took a couple of steps backwards as Kate managed to shift within his hold and turn her eyes up towards Dex, and what she saw there made her heart thunder a new powerful rhythm within her chest.

  A murderous dark rage was settled on Dex’s face. He looked as if he was going to reach out and snap Riff’s neck with just a thought, and if looks really could kill she would expect Riff to be dead on the floor already.


  “Not that we were doing anything. Your friend saved me from falling down when I walked into him.” She added quickly. Deciding that she needed to throw water on this particular fire and not more gasoline.

  Riff grabbed hold of her words like a lifeline for a drowning man. He pointed his index finger at Kate as she turned to look back at him and wide eyed with hope, for what she wasn’t sure, he rushed to make his point.

  “See. No harm no foul. I saved the lady…” Riff blurted out, starting to sidestep around them in the large hallway until he was on the other side of Dex, as Dex slowly turned her with him to follow his friend’s not so subtle retreat.

  A moment later he was gone and Kate took back to squirming within his arms for release, or even just a little space between them. Her body was enjoying the closeness of his body just a little too much, as her mind called for distance.

  “So it’s not just me you bully…” She managed to spit out before she felt his arms tighten around her again and lock her to him in a hold that wouldn’t even allow her any wiggle room.

  “I do not bully anyone. And you have a habit of bringing out the worst in me.” His deep tone sounded gravelly and slightly breathless to her ears as he spoke against her hair. His breath caressed her cheek and made her even more aware of him, if that was even possible.

  “So it’s my fault that you’re a bad tempered ogre…?”

  “Well I didn’t run myself over, knee myself in the balls and punch myself in the face Kate, as much as you would like to blame all of that on me…”There was an element of amusement to his tone now and she didn’t much care for it. But she did prefer it to his ogre impression.

  “Cause and effect.”She retorted, testing his hold on her. Nope, she was still stuck against him like she’d been at the superglue pot.

  “And what about you running into Riff. I’m seeing a pattern and that pattern of destruction is like a twister and the epicentre is you.”

  “Well if you don’t let me go…” Dex dropped his arm from around her immediately and she was stunned to be able to step away from him, even if it did take her a moment or two to persuade her feet to move. The man had the gravitational pull of a black hole and she thought his heart was probably just as black. His eyes certainly appeared that way at times.

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “I didn’t know I needed too.” She spun around to look at him. Bad move. She told herself as he seemed to be sending out the oh-so-sexy vibe in her direction.

  God, what was it about this guy? When did I start to like Neanderthals?

  “Ask and ye shall receive.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively and she snapped her head back on her neck and looked at him as if he had just growl another head.

  “Go take a long walk off a short pier.” She retorted as she turned on her heels and stalked away from him, when her body just wanted to turn around and go back. Her brain wanted to worship at the altar of his maleness and her eyes wanted to take in the eye candy that was Dex Thornton.

  My god she had a decision making disorder of the worst kind and it had to stop. She told herself as she disappeared into her bedroom and slammed the door behind her.

  Kate rested her back to the cool wood and felt her breath coming in shallow pants, like a dog. What the hell was she doing? And why the hell was she doing it? She seriously needed to get out more, get laid…

  Maybe that’s it, maybe I just need some more male company in my life to be immune to men like Mr-Grumpy.

  Where the hell was I supposed to find one in the middle of nowhere-ville at stupid-o’clock at night?


  “Maybe I should go and knock to see if she’s ok, she’s been in her room an awfully long time?” Zoe offered placing her palms down on the kitchen counter and starting to push from her chair.

  Riff snorted back a chuckle, “Maybe she escaped out of the window. I mean would you want to be mated to him?”

  Dex’s fist came out of nowhere and caught Riff in the jaw in exactly the same place as last time. His backside left the stool and he ended up sprawled on the kitchen floor and rubbing his chin as he blew a sigh down his nose.

  “That’s two brother, one more and I’m gonna punch back.” Riff informed Dex as he pulled himself to his feet and adjusted his clothing.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t already.” Zoe muttered eyeing her brother across the way. He seemed to be pretty much lost in thought.

  “I’m taking into account Dex’s situation and trying to be understanding, and hope he will return the favour should my time ever come. God forbid.” Riff dropped back down onto the stool and ey
ed Dex.

  “Well? How are you going to get her out of her room?” Riff cocked a brow at Dex when he raised his eyes to his Beta.

  “I’m not.” Dex said simply and Zoe frowned at him.

  “Why?”Riff didn’t really get this mating thing, he much preferred not having to think about mates and forever after.

  “Because she’s going to have to come out at some point. She can hide, but she can’t deny the calling. She needs to eat, she needs to work.”

  Riff had a gleam of respect in his eye now for his Alpha, “You’re going to let her come to you, wait until she gets all horny and then…” He was ready for the fist that came his way this time and ducked under it.

  Zoe smacked him on the back of the head and he turned on a low growl of annoyance, “what was that for?” He narrowed his eyes and blew down his nose as he held onto his temper.

  “That’s my sister you’re talking about.” Zoe thumbed her nose at him and he growled again as he dropped down from the stool and shook his head in dismay.

  “I really don’t get females.” He muttered to himself starting off for the back door. “I’m going home before I get punched, slapped or sniffed again.” Riff yanked open the back door and waved goodnight before escaping out into the darkness.

  “So, you’re really going to wait Kate out?” Zoe asked, amused with both Riff and Dex’s laid back attitude.

  “Yep. I’ve got her right where I want her…”

  “But you have no patience Dex. You see it, you want it.” Zoe reminded him and watched him shrug his broad shoulders in amusement.

  “This is different Zoe. Kate is worth the wait.”

  The shriek pierced the air and for a long moment reminded Dex of a banshee. That was a second before he was out of the shower and racing down the stairs following the shrieks and squeals of his mate as he tore through the house and into the kitchen.

  Dex took in the sight of his mate crouched up on the kitchen counter. Her face was flushed and as she turned to look at him there was real fear in her eyes. And then she dropped her eyes down his naked body until she rested her gaze on his half erect penis and she fell silent, her mouth opening on a gasp as she stared.

  “What the hell is it?” Dex demanded, dripping puddles of water onto the tiles from his body as she continued to stare.

  Kate swallowed hard, her eyes fixed on his manhood as her tongue came out to lick her lips. Suddenly she was parched. Dex caught the movement of her tongue and his penis twitched into full blown life as the blood rushed from his head right to his groin.

  “Thinking the exact same thing…” She muttered to herself, her gaze still unwavering as Dex grinned and took a long deep breath, his chest puffing out in a show of ego.

  “Honey this is a penis, but it’s not what made you scream, not yet anyway.” He drawled and she took a long moment to take in his words.

  Kate almost choked on her own tongue as she forced her eyes upwards to his face, mortified that she had been staring at him and shaking her head in denial.

  “Not that!” She spat out, turning slightly on her knees and pointing to where the dustbin sat on the floor at the end of the counter. “It’s small and furry and has four legs. I don’t think you can boast the same qualities.” She took to sneering now that she had recovered herself enough not to look at his manhood.

  Dex couldn’t help the chuckle that rolled through him. If only she knew what he could boast about, he told himself as he started towards the bin.

  “It’s probably a mouse…” The sight of his penis bobbing and waving at her as he strolled across the room had her eyes engaged on it again. “Is there something I can help you with, Kate?”

  He’d stopped and turned towards her and she mentally slapped herself right on the forehead with a sledgehammer as she realised she was damn well starring at it again.

  “Make it go away.” She bit out between clenched teeth as she tore her eyes from him again and heard his deep chuckle.

  “This…” He motioned towards his penis and she groaned as her eyes flicked to his shaft again. “I have no control over.” She tore her eyes upwards to the smirk that was wedged firmly on his face.

  “The mouse, damn it, make the mouse go away.” She narrowed her eyes and glared at him for a long moment before he turned away from her and she had a birds’ eye view of his hard muscled backside and groaned again.

  “I see it.” He moved quickly, first left and then right and her eyes followed his backside and the movement of his muscles in his thick thighs, catching the moan of pleasure before she voiced it.

  The sound of the mouse squealing made her jump and snap out of her appraisal of his assets.

  “Well don’t hurt it!” She choked out and heard him groan in disapproval.

  Females! She wanted the creature caught and out, but she didn’t want the damn thing hurt, better not tell her we have traps down, he mused to himself as he turned with the shrieking mouse towards her.

  Dex held the mouse out in front of him, caught between his finger and thumb, it dangled by its tail, squirming to get away. The animal wasn’t stupid. It knew a wolf when it scented it and the thing was scared out of its wits.

  “I’m not hurting it.” He gave a low growl of annoyance, both for her and the damn mouse shrieking like that. He wasn’t about to eat the damn thing, but how could he let the stupid beast know that.

  “It’s crying!” Kate accused him and he sighed on a roll of his eyes as he looked at his mate, wide eyed and nervous to be around the tiny animal, but compassionate enough that she had empathy with the critter.

  Great, scared of a mouse. What the hell was she going to be like with his wolf? He wondered as he tried to sooth the damn mouse. Soothing a mouse, there’s a first for an Alpha!

  “It’s not crying, it’s protesting being caught. I could put it back if you prefer?” He teased and she shrieked at the thought.

  “No! Make it go away. Just don’t hurt it.” She blurted out, drawing back away from him as he turned towards the back door with the mouse still dangling from his fingers. The little beast seemed much quieter now.

  “Irrational, emotional females.” He mumbled to himself as he walked the offending beast to the back door and yanked it open. Taking one step outside he deposited the mouse onto the ground and watched it take off as though his wolf were after it.

  Dex turned back into the house and caught sight of her climbing down from the kitchen side. Yanking the back door closed behind him he stalked back across towards her and she took a couple of steps backwards and put the kitchen counter between them.

  “Do you have to walk around like that?” She tossed out. Trying to look anywhere but at his naked body.

  “Well I heard a banshee wailing and didn’t think to put on my suit and tie before I rushed to see what tragedy had befallen her.” He retorted and the sarcasm wasn’t lost on her.

  “I was not wailing. And I’m sure you could have grabbed a towel to cover yourself with at the very least.” She snapped back and he groaned.

  “Thank you for saving me from the terrible beast that was attacking me…” He mimicked her voice as he turned on his heels and stalked towards the kitchen door and she huffed as she rolled her eyes.

  “You are so…” She groaned out and he stopped and turned to look at her over his shoulder.

  “No really, you’re welcome.” He tossed back at her before stalking out of the room.

  Kate growled out a string of mumbled curses as she huffed and puffed and tapped her fingers on the counter top in front of her. A small smile pulled at her lips as she thought about what had happened, biting down on a small giggle as she rolled her eyes and turned towards the coffee pot.

  “Exhibitionist.” She giggled as she started to make a fresh pot of coffee.

  He certainly had something to boast about though!

  Zoe wandered out of her bedroom rubbing the sleep from her eyes and stopped in her tracks as Dex walked up the stairs naked. He heard his sister groan an
d gave her a puzzled look.

  “Geez Dex, no wonder your mate was screaming…” She berated him and he growled his annoyance at her.

  “She saw a mouse smartarse.” He informed her and she couldn’t contain the amusement.

  “What like a big mutant mouse with two heads carrying an axe dripping with blood?” Zoe chuckled to herself as Dex shot her a dark look and she managed to clamp her lips shut, but she couldn’t contain the smirk on her face.

  “No. Like a little baby mouse…” He went to turn away and Zoe snorted another chuckle.

  “Wait until she gets a look at your inner self. I’m gonna buy some ear plugs for that event.” He went to turn back but his sister was already walking back into her bedroom and he sighed as he kept walking, shaking his head in dismay.

  Zoe was right, if a mouse had his mate cowering on the kitchen side what the hell would a wolf do to her?

  By the time Dex had finished his shower and had dressed in jeans and a top, keeping it casual for the trek he was going to be on with Kate today as he walked her over the site. He walked back into the kitchen to find his mate was nowhere to be seen and Riff was propping up the counter with a mug of coffee while Zoe made the breakfast.

  “I heard we have a big bad mouse slayer…” Riff started on a chuckle of amusement, but Dex was at his side in a heartbeat and Riff bit down on his amusement, even if it was still dancing in his eyes.

  “I do not want to talk about it.” Dex informed the pair of them.

  Walking to his seat at the end of the counter he accepted the mug of coffee that Zoe offered him and placed it down on the counter top in front of him.

  “He didn’t kill the mouse. Kate said he let it go.” Zoe informed Riff over her shoulder as she fluffed the scrambled eggs in the pan.


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