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Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)

Page 6

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Ella lay sprawled on the grassy verge and he bounded through the surf and sprinted across, dropped down beside her and tipped her back over onto her back. Her hair lay tangled around her face, her skin ashen and her lips an icy blue with barely a whisper of breath moving from her mouth. She was cold. Too cold. “Bring me as many blankets as you can and get a fire lit,” he yelled to Ivor, the closest of his men running toward him.

  “Will do.” Ivor skidded in the sand, turned back and raced to the galley being hauled the last few feet into shore.

  Gently, he scooped Ella up and carried her toward a more sheltered area under the trees while his men saw to the fire. Sticks caught alight and flames soared as they built the heat. Hamish tossed several logs onto the crackling blaze and Duncan laid Ella down as close as he dared to the flames, wrapped her tight in his arms and rubbed her back. “Wake up, Ella.”

  “I’ve got what you need.” Ivor bounded back, spread blankets and furs over him and Ella and tucked them tight. “Does she breathe?”

  “Aye, but barely.” He had no choice left to him and underneath the layers piled over him, he tugged Ella’s wet clothing off, her riding boots, tunic and breeches. She likely wouldn’t appreciate that he’d done so, but sharing his body warmth with her right now was imperative. Even his men understood that, wouldn’t question his decision to strip her and do so. She was under his protection and he wouldn’t fail her now, or at least not again as he’d just done.

  Once he’d stripped them both, he stuck her frozen fingers between them and clamped his legs either side of her legs. Skin against skin, he warmed her as best as he could, the heat of the fire penetrating through the blankets and warming them further.

  Hamish wrung out their wet clothes and tossed them over the branches of the closet tree before handing him a skin. “’Tis whiskey. Make sure she gets some of it down.”

  “She needs more than whiskey.” He lifted the skin to Ella’s lips and dribbled a little of it into her mouth. She gagged but got some down and he took a swig himself, then nodded at his man. “It might be a long night.”

  “I’ll keep the fire burning, as well as ensure our men patrol this area. This is MacDonald land and we’ll need to take every precaution while seeking shelter on it.”

  “Mayhap Gavin and his men too were forced to seek shelter as we have.” None could sail far in such a heavy fog.

  “I’ll remain alert for a vision, will send out some teams to search the coastline immediately.” Hamish disappeared within the foggy haze, his men dispersing as well although a small guard remained near his beached galley to watch over them.

  “Ella, open your eyes for me, please.” He tucked the covers over their heads to keep the warmth fully inside, the fire’s light penetrating through with a reddish-orange glow. She released the softest sigh against his chest then wriggled closer. “That’s it, seek the warmth you need from me. I’ll always offer it.”

  “You arenae dressed and neither am I,” she grizzled, her husky words barely audible but easing the tightness within his chest all the same.

  “That’s right, my grumpy one. Keep talking to me.”

  “I’m no’ your grumpy one.” She moaned again then rubbed her cold nose across his chest. “Well, actually I might be grumpy at the moment, and how on earth are you so warm when that water was so dreadfully cold?”

  “’Twas no’ cold for me, no’ when I train daily in the sea.” He swam several miles at the break of dawn each day, no matter the season. “A number of my men have left to search the coastline for Gavin. If he and Ethan are here, we’ll find them.”

  “Dinnae let any of them hurt Ethan.”

  “None of my men would ever harm one of the fae. You can be assured of that.” He caressed down her back, stroked over her smooth bottom and pulled her even closer against him.

  “You are getting rather familiar with me, Duncan MacKenzie.” She snuck one hand out from between them and swatted his backside. “You need to cease touching me where you’ve no right to touch me, unless I say you can.”

  “For now, I’ll touch you wherever I please.” Such relief poured through him, her grumpiness soothing him beyond belief. “Put your hand back between us. I’ve no wish for you to lose your fingers due to the cold.”

  “My fingers are perfectly fine where they are.” Still, she did as he’d commanded her and snuck her hand back between them. With her nose buried in his neck, she nipped his flesh.

  His cock twitched and hardened, his blood pounding and his need for her rising so swiftly.

  “I can feel you,” she breathed raggedly. “And I mean that part of you prodding into me.”

  “That prodding is an expected reaction when a man is forced to hold a woman so close while wearing naught. Ignore my arousal.”

  “How do I ignore that? You’ve a rather large, well, it’s rather large by the feel of it.” She wriggled some more, her squirms only making him harden further.

  “Staying still might help.” Gritting his teeth, he kissed the top of her head. “Please.”

  “I’m starting to feel quite hot.” Within the darkness of the covers, she looked into his eyes, the fire’s glow which penetrated through lighting the gold sparks gleaming within the heavenly shade of brown. “Push the covers back a little, please.”

  “I’ll decide when you’re hot enough.”

  “Have you ever been aroused this way with another lass afore?” She arched a brow. “Be honest with me, because those who are mated can barely tolerate the touch of another and the feel of you against me is rather thrilling, no matter my growling.”

  “Damn it, Ella. We arenae mated.”

  “So you say, but so I disagree. I’ve never felt such a deep desire for another as I do for you, although for you to be my mate would mean you’re hiding your fae blood from me. I also did no’ fall into the water. Someone tossed me overboard, right before apologizing for having to do so. One of your men fears that I might compel you all to your death.”

  “There isnae a man on board my galley who’d toss an innocent lass into the sea.”

  “Yet someone did.” She cupped his cheeks in her hands and murmured, “Many of our fae-blooded kind are soul bound to another, and when we come of age and find our chosen one, we join together in all ways, the silken strands between our souls fully weaving together into one. ’Tis a bond we desire, hope with all our heart is gifted to us. I can sense that bond taking form right now between us.”

  “There is no bond forming, no matter how much you wish for it.”

  “The odd marriage has taken place between our clans over the years. Are you certain you dinnae hold even a trace of fae blood, that it does no’ flow within your father or mother’s line somehow?”

  “Beyond certain.”

  “Then mayhap you’re unaware of that fae blood.” She touched one finger to his lower lip, swept it from corner to corner with a soft sigh escaping her lips. “Could I ask a request of you?”

  “That depends on what it might be.”

  “Would you kiss me?”

  * * * *

  Never in Ella’s life had her heart beat this fast, or her desire risen to such a staggering need. Surely she wasn’t the only one feeling these incredibly new and wonderful emotions. “I want you to kiss me, to know what it’s like to share the same breath as you.”

  “You truly are an annoyance, one I wish I’d never laid eyes upon, whether you compelled that of me or no’.”

  Fierce need rushed through her and she pushed him onto his back and scrambled on top. “There is something growing between us and you must give it a chance to take a firm hold. Damn well kiss me now, or else I’ll kiss you.”

  “Are you always this demanding?”

  “I am this night.” She leaned closer, her lips a mere breath away from his as she whispered, “Surely one kiss willnae hurt you.”

  “How about you kiss me instead?”

  “Agreed.” She would get the truth out of him somehow, but for now, she w
ould allow the ties between them to continue to strengthen and deepen, for him to see that none could halt the mated bond when it took form, not him, and certainly not her. She licked his lower lip, wanted so much more, and she took. She kissed him, their mouths joined and his breath mingling so sweetly with hers. Clearly one kiss wouldn’t be enough. She delved deeper, urged his lips farther apart and kissed him with all the fierce need roaring to full and vibrant life within her.

  “Ella.” He murmured her name, clamped her backside tight and kissed her just as greedily as she kissed him, his hips rocking against hers and his shaft a hard rod of steel poking into her belly.

  “I like your kisses, Duncan. I want more of them.” She molded her body to his, left not one inch of them separated.

  “You are clearly intent on ravishment.”

  “Aye, I am this night.” She couldn’t keep her smile at bay. “We will make a good match, no matter you’re a MacKenzie and I’m a Matheson.”

  “I willnae take advantage of an innocent lass in the dark of the night, and while on enemy soil no less.” He rolled her over under the furs, came up over her and kissed her with a breathless urgency that thrummed through her too. “Ella.” He skimmed her sides, slid his hands under her. “Dinnae encourage me any further.”

  “When you’re ready to trust me with your secrets, then I’ll be here.” She seized his biceps and kissed him again, passionately, until the heat between them blazed and swarmed her senses.

  “Have to stop,” he muttered as he lifted his head. Panting, he rolled off her and onto his back, pushed the covers clear of their heads and peered through the thick fog.

  Mayhap they should stop. They were on his enemy’s soil and two of his men remained close. She could just make them out where they kept guard near his half-beached galley.

  “I want you to close your eyes and rest.” Firm words, his gaze unarguable as he faced her on his side.

  “Only if you stay with me.”

  “Of course.” He grumbled some more under his breath and she snuggled against him, the blankets a haven a warmth surrounding her, just as his presence was.

  Slowly, she drifted, never more at peace than at this moment. Aye, he was her chosen one, and of that she no longer had any doubt. Only now, she needed to make him see so as well.

  Ha. That might just be her greatest mission to come.

  * * * *

  A seagull screeched overhead and Ella stirred awake as a soft breeze rose. She stretched and pushed the covers back off her head and smiled. The skies had lightened, dawn close and the cloying fog beginning to swirl away. The misty silhouette of Duncan’s two guards standing on patrol near the galley became clearer, while at her side her mate snoozed and although he’d denied their bond last eve, she’d never have fallen asleep so readily beside him if he didn’t hold the other half of her soul. Smiling wider, she ran her fingers through his black locks and touched her nose to his. “Wake up, my stubborn one.”

  “I need more sleep,” he muttered and hooked his arms around her waist. “It cannae be morning yet.”

  “’Tis close and we must dress afore your men return.”

  “Dress, aye.” He blinked his eyes open, kissed her forehead then grumbled loud and long as he sat up and reached behind him. He snagged his satchel next to the fire and grumbled some more. “I shouldnae be kissing you.”

  “You’re clearly no’ a morning person.”

  “I simply find it annoying to wake up next to you.” He foraged within his bag, pulled out a tunic and eased the soft blue cotton over his head then thrust a pair of brown rawhide breeches under the covers and shuffled into them. Once dressed, he slipped out, stuffed his feet into his boots and sheathed his claymore at his side before passing across her bag someone had kindly thought to leave for her. “Hamish hung your wet clothes on the branch behind you. Dinnae forget to collect them.”

  “Thank you.” She flipped open the top flap of her bag, pulled out her blue breeches and cream tunic, shoved them under the blankets and dressed while he turned his gaze away. “We might be mated, but clearly ’tis too dangerous for me to stay here with you when one of your men tossed me overboard. Even though he apologized for having to do so, I must still leave. I cannae take the risk to my life, no’ when Ethan needs me, my mama too.”

  She shuffled out of their warm cocoon, tugged her riding boots on and slid her dagger inside an ankle sheath.

  “I’ve already told you that none of my men would dare harm a lass. You must be mistaken.”

  “I understand your loyalty belongs to your men, and rightly so.” She couldn’t fault him for his trust in his men. “Although there have simply been too many years of warring between our clans that cannae be forgiven or forgotten. So many fear my skill as well, particularly when ’tis well known I could kill a man if I wished, and with only one word.”

  “I’ve given you my vow of protection.”

  “I’m most grateful for it, but it isnae enough at present.”

  “You’re remaining here with me, and I’ll have it no other way.”

  “Spoken like a true mate.” On her toes, she smiled and kissed his cheek. “Mayhap we’ll continue this conversation later. I require a few moments of privacy so I might tend to my needs.”

  “Of course, although dinnae wander too far.” He stormed down toward his guardsmen.

  Wonderful. It appeared she’d been gifted with the most stubborn mate there was. She slung her black coat on and once wrapped within its warmth, ducked into the trees. She trekked a hundred feet inland then once she’d found a thick bush, crouched behind it. Done, she walked back to the beach and washed her hands at the water’s edge.

  Duncan still stood with his two guardsmen, his arms crossed over his wide chest while behind him the sun breached the horizon and sent a heavenly wash of gold and pink streaming through the pale blue sky. The ocean’s skyline outlined him to perfection, her warrior who was armed and ready for the trials of the day to come. Unfortunately, she’d likely continue to be one of them.

  She plodded to her bag and sat, pulled out an oatcake and ate. As she finished her meager meal, a team of his men trekked out of the woods with a dozen fish hanging from a long stick between them.

  Two of the men set their catch over the fire, added more logs to keep it ablaze while the others dispersed about the beach, some washing up where the waves tumbled into shore and others perching on low boulders along the grassy verge of the bank. None cast her any strange looks or seemed overly worried about her. Who on earth had decided to do her harm? If she could pinpoint the man, ’twould make things far easier.

  Another team of men returned, the warrior at the head holding clear Viking heritage, his pale hair shining a golden-white in the morning sun and his legs as thick as tree trunks.

  “Ivor!” Duncan hailed the man over and the Viking joined him. Gripping the man’s shoulder, Duncan asked, “Did you find aught?”

  “We tramped to the village at the tip of Loch Ainort, spoke to a lad who said no fog had descended on them. The boy had caught sight of a vessel out on the water during the night, one holding six or seven men. It sailed on down Loch na Cairidh toward the Isle of Scalpay. Once we learnt of this, we turned and tramped back.”

  “That’ll be Gavin MacDonald for sure. We’ll break our fast and sail directly to Scalpay, see if we can spy him there. The others willnae be far away so break your fast now afore we leave.”

  “How does the lass fare this morn?” Ivor glanced her way, worry swirling within his striking green eyes.

  “She fares far better than she did last eve, although has declared one of my men tossed her overboard, right afore apologizing to do so. Keep a listening ear out for any dissension amongst the ranks. I dinnae believe one of my men would ever harm her, but should that no’ be the case, then I’ll have that man’s head for what he’s done.”

  “Aye, my laird. I’ll keep out a listening ear.”

  “Good.” Duncan walked away from Ivor and crouched nex
t to the fire. He tore some of the cooked fish free and ate as he eyed her.

  A standoff. She could handle such from him.

  Another team of men returned with plucked geese swinging from their hands and they skewered the meat onto sturdy sticks and propped it over a rack to cook.

  “You appear hearty and hale this morn, a welcoming sight for certain.” Smiling, Hamish dropped in beside her, having appeared right out of the woods. “Is all well?”

  “Aye, I’m much better, although I wouldnae mind getting my voice fully back.” Whispering all the time wore on her.

  Leaning closer, he murmured, “Your ability to compel shall come and go this day, then be far more reliant by this eve.” A knowing glimmer flickered in his gaze. “Give Duncan some time. He’s no’ yet ready to accept you and your bond.”

  “You’ve seen that what I’ve said is true?”

  “Glimpses here and there, but enough to confirm you two are in fact soul bound.” He patted her leg, this fae-blooded seer now possibly her greatest ally. “I’ll do what I can to aid you in your mission with him.”

  “More so I’d rather have your aid in another matter. I was tossed overboard last eve, didnae fall at all. The man apologized first, clearly fears me and what I can do. Did you see aught?”

  “Nay, and like most fae seers, I dinnae always see all.”

  “I understand.” ’Twas the same for Nessa, the seer within their village. She tucked the rest of her belongings away in her satchel, pushed to her feet and nodded at Hamish. “Do excuse me.”

  “Of course.” He nodded and headed across to the fire, plucked some meat from one skewer and leaned against a tree to eat.

  Time for her to go. She walked down toward the shoreline where her skiff sat beached on the sand near the galley.

  “Ella.” Duncan stormed after her. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m leaving, as we discussed.”

  “Nay, you’ll be staying, as we discussed.”

  She rested one hand on his chest. “I need to continue my search for Gavin, although I can no longer remain on board your vessel to do so. Our time to part has come.” Aye, her mate would continue to deny their bond unless she perhaps forced him to see the truth. Their coming separation would aid him with that, as well as ensure her safety by distancing herself from the warrior who’d thought to do her harm. She stepped away, tossed her bag on board the skiff and shoved her boat into the water.


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