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Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)

Page 8

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “I knew you’d find me sooner or later. I’ve been having a difficult time keeping Gavin from causing complete mayhem. Has your chest illness cleared and your voice returned? You’re still whispering.” He hugged her just as tightly in return.

  “I’m on the mend. My voice is still gaining in strength, but this morn, for the first time since I fell ill, I successfully compelled a man and I intend to do so again now, with Gavin, or at least as soon as he tires of the wench.

  “I tried to halt Gavin at Inverarish. He certainly would have set fire to far more homes if I had no’ been there, although he does no’ listen to me, no’ one word. I cannae turn him from his current path.” He drew her deeper into the shadows of the nook he’d been hiding within, one she’d missed in her hurry to get to Gavin. With a watchful eye, he kept both her and the passageway within his sight. “We need to get Gavin back to Dunscaith and ensure his chief is made aware of all he’s done.”

  “I agree, and I’ll aid you however I can.”

  “Did you sail here alone? I saw our skiff out on the beach and knew to look for you.”

  “I’m alone, and how did you get past me? I didnae see you come in through the front door.”

  “I snuck in that way.” He gestured farther down the passageway to a side door leading outside, one barely visible in the gloomy dark. “I’m aware Duncan MacKenzie hunts Gavin. He’s been sailing hard on our heels since I infiltrated Gavin’s band of men.”

  “On Raasay, I accepted aid from Duncan, sailed with him last eve until I left him behind this morn. He’s most certainly after Gavin, is determined to halt him and make him pay for his strikes against him. I fear with his life as well.”

  “Why would you accept aid from Duncan?” Her brother frowned and she wasn’t surprised.

  “I have feelings for him, like that which arise between soul bound mates.”

  “What?” Shock washed across Ethan’s face then the emotion suddenly cleared. “Wait. In truth that actually makes sense. You two had quite the conversation at William’s inn and after you told me all about it, I did wonder if mayhap something more lay between the two of you.”

  “You truly wondered that? You should have said something.”

  “I could hardly get a word in edgewise. You wouldnae stop rattling on about him the entire journey home. You also seemed fixated on him in the days that followed afore you took ill. You even mumbled his name during your sleep.” He crooked a brow. “You awoke me doing so.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “If you two are in fact soul bound, then that must mean he holds fae blood.”

  “Aye, although he denies it.”

  “I’m sure you can ferret out the truth.”

  “Try and stop me.” She would never give up the desire to learn the complete truth. “I’ve been waiting three years for him, and now I’ve finally found him, I dinnae intend on letting him go, or allow him to let me go. Only he needs to learn first just how very deep the bond can run, that no one, no’ even a man in denial can truly release the one who holds the other half of his soul. Hopefully he’ll come to that realization sooner rather than later.”

  A crash sounded then the wench’s door rattled. Someone thumped heavily against it, again and again. Heavy grunts echoed and with each one, the door shook harder.

  “At every inn or village we sail to, Gavin takes one lass after another.” Ethan blew out a long breath. “I swear these isles will be riddled with his red-headed ilk afore too long.”

  A squeal and a lusty groan. The rattling ceased.

  “It appears they’re done.” She squeezed his arm. “We need a solid plan.”

  “As soon as Gavin comes out, you compel him. We need to get him to Dunscaith Castle where his uncle can deal with him. His attacks against Duncan and the innocent under his command need to halt, although you cannae travel with us back to the MacDonald’s stronghold. If you do, it’ll raise suspicion amongst his men. Gavin’s made his intentions clear. He wishes to leave here once the storm breaks and sail directly to Duncan’s land and cause even more mayhem than he currently has. Which means if there’s a change in plans, he and his men will presume you had something to do with it.”

  “Agreed. I can compel him now, then follow at an unnoticeable distance and meet you at Dunscaith.” Ethan’s plan ran right in line with her own thoughts.

  “I give you my word I’ll get him there.”

  “I know you shall.”

  The door swung open and Gavin emerged and closed the door behind himself. He righted the ties of his brown breeches and shoved the tails of his black tunic in, swung his cloak over his shoulders and tugged the hood back into place.

  She stepped out from within the nook, cleared her throat and hoped like hell she could bring her compelling voice forth. “Gavin MacDonald, here me well. You’ll leave this inn this night and seek shelter elsewhere from the storm and once all has cleared, you’ll continue on to Dunscaith Castle. There you shall account to your chief for your devious actions, both against Duncan MacKenzie and the innocent villagers on Raasay. I will be there to ensure you do. The Chief of MacDonald shall learn of all your misdeeds and no more shall you strike out against the innocent.” Her voice cracked on the last word, but his eyes still glazed over. “Am I understood?”

  “Aye, seek shelter elsewhere until the storm clears, then continue on to Dunscaith. Account for my actions.”

  “That likely willnae be enough,” she whispered to Ethan, “but ’twill have to do for now.”

  “You can compel him further once we reach Dunscaith.” Ethan kissed the top of her head. “We’ll halt his devious actions as best as we can.”

  “Be careful.”

  “You too.” He gripped Gavin’s shoulder and strode with him down the passageway.

  The front door banged shut after them and she hurried to the side door Ethan had pointed out earlier and slipped outside. Thunder rumbled and more rain lashed down.

  Quickly, before she got too wet, she snuck around to the front and ducked under the protection of the eaves. At the curve of the beach, Ethan, Gavin and his men heaved their vessel into the water, rowed out of the bay then raised their sail. She waited until their boat disappeared into the dark then released a long sigh.

  Ethan once again sailed away from her, but ’twas more than necessary this time. He’d been her shadow since her childhood, her closest confidant through the years following Papa’s death, and now a man fully grown and prepared to do all he could to prevent blood from being shed. Such pride filled her, would fill Mama as well if she were here. Papa too would have been so proud to see his son becoming the warrior he’d always hoped he would be.

  The wind whistled through, swept her skirts against her legs, the storm wild and only about to grow wilder. Lightning sizzled across the skies and something white flashed near the stables.

  “You shouldnae be outside in this weather.” A soft voice wisped all about her then the flash of white materialized. Cherub appeared out of the misty dark and took her full form, her white fur hooded cloak flapping back from her shoulders over top of her vivid red gown, her blond hair whipping about.

  “Cherub, what are you doing here?” All in her fae village knew her people’s guardian. Cherub was an immortal time-walker and the faerie king’s daughter, had lived over a thousand years and during that time had aided so many of her fae-blooded kind who walked this Earth, although she was only seen from time to time, and usually always with her mate, Kirk. This night though, Kirk remained nowhere in sight.

  “I’m here to ensure you and Duncan are reunited.” Her sparkly skin caught the lantern light and reflected it back with such stunning brilliance.

  “He’s in denial of our bond.”

  “Then work your wonders on him and ensure he listens to you well. ’Tis time for me to whip up an even fiercer storm that will bring him here and keep him here. Kirk is missing out on all of this fun.”

  “Where is he?”

  “My mate is visi
ting his brothers at Stirling Castle, although I’ll return to him the moment I’m done here and let him know all that’s happened.” Grinning, Cherub lifted her hands to the air and with a twirl, the wind roared louder and the storm churned into a raging mess. She motioned toward the hefty swell of the sea where a galley’s large square sail came into view with one very familiar man standing at the stern.

  Duncan’s dark war coat studded with steel whipped about his legs and grim anger slashed his face. “He comes.” She clutched her chest. “He really comes.”

  “Aye, your chosen one does and I’ll ensure he cannae leave until I deem the time is right. Remember, I’m always here should you have need of me. Simply call out and I’ll answer your summons.” Cherub blew her a kiss then shimmered away, disappearing just as quickly as she’d come.

  “Thank you, Cherub.”

  Aye, their fae princess always stood so firm beside her people, and now ’twas time for her chosen one to stand firm beside her side. She would do as Cherub had said and challenge her chosen one as never before.

  * * * *

  Through the cloying dark, the storm worsened and the rain pummeled into Duncan. Finding Ella this night was imperative, and he damn well hoped she no longer sailed these seas but had sought protection from the elements.

  Ahead, a secluded bay beckoned with a quaint wattle and daub inn sitting a hundred feet inland, one surrounded by towering pine and elm trees. He’d search this inn for her then continue on should he have no luck. “Lower the sail, and all to oars,” he commanded his men.

  As they glided into shore, he bounded over the bow, hit the knee-deep waters and surged through the waves. He jogged up the broken-shell pathway toward the front door then slowed at the sight of an ethereal vision appearing out of the dark before him. With her brown hair swaying to her waist and her beautiful eyes fixed on him, Ella stood in a stunning blue gown and he could barely breathe at the renewed sight of her. He’d finally found her. “Are you truly here or just a figment of my imagination?”

  “I’m truly here.” The velvet of her gown hugged her sensual curves, from the upper swells of her breasts to her cinched waist and flowing hips.

  “I’ve been searching for you all day.” Palms planted on the wall either side of her head, he caged her in.

  “And now you’ve found me. It also appears you’ve arrived just in time to join me for the evening meal.” An impish grin lifted her lips. “Unless of course you’re chasing another lass, other than me.”

  “You compelled me, forced me to allow your leaving. You even demanded I see you as naught more than an annoyance until I chose to see the truth and accept it.”

  “That I did.”

  “If you ever try to compel me again in such a way again, I’ll, I’ll—” Anger and frustration collided deep within him. All he wanted to do was toss her over his shoulder and cart her to a private room where he could ensure she understood exactly how much he wanted her, only they needed to talk before they ever took that next step. “You’re a handful, my grumpy one, but you’re still my handful all the same. I cannae lose you.”

  “What of the secrets you hold?”

  “We’ll speak of them.”

  “That sounds promising.”

  “Your voice also sounds stronger. There’s barely any rasp at all.”

  “I just enjoyed a hot cup of tea with honey and ’twas a most soothing drink.” She ran a finger down the front of his chest and molded his damp blue tunic to his skin, her gentle touch searing him like a brand and making fire race across his flesh. “I found Ethan and spoke to him.”

  “Where? When?”

  “Here, and no’ long after my arrival. Come inside and we’ll speak all about what’s happened.” She ducked under his arm, opened the front door and walked inside.

  He followed her as she weaved around the screened tables holding patrons, the main room lit by a roaring fire and candles flickering atop the tables. In the far darkened corner where little firelight reached, she sat on the bench seat and wriggled along to make more room for him. He eased in next to her, a screen at their back and the two corner walls forming the other two sides of their booth.

  Gently, he caught her hand, the long lace-edged sleeves of her gown draping over her wrists as he tangled his fingers with hers. “Last eve,” he began, “you lay in my arms without a stitch of clothing on. I want that again this night, to have you in my bed.”

  “That all depends on our coming conversation. First we need to talk about Ethan and Gavin. I’ve successfully compelled Gavin. He seeks shelter elsewhere until this storms breaks, then once the weather clears, he’ll continue on to Dunscaith Castle where I’ll meet him and my brother. Ethan and I will ensure Gavin is stopped, that you’ll never come under attack from him again, that his chief ensures it too.”

  “I’ll never allow you to travel to Dunscaith alone. You’re my mate.” He raised her fingertips to his lips. “Never will you leave me again.”

  “’Tis quite normal for the males within the bond to worry about their women in such a way, although I know how to look after myself, have done so for a very long time. There is no need to worry about me. Instead, let’s clear the air between us. You have secrets you need to share and I wish to hear them this night.”

  “Trust does no’ come easy for me, Ella. I want your word that what I share with you will go no further than us.”

  “Of course.” She gripped his shirtfront, tugged him closer, all rosy-cheeked as she breathed fast. “I’ve already told Ethan about our bond taking form and he of course guessed you must hold fae blood somewhere in your line, just as I already have. He’ll never speak of it to another. You can trust him with your secrets, just as you can trust me.”

  “None of my men are aware I hold fae blood, other than for Hamish, and that is the way it needs to stay.” Through the front door, his men trailed in and a serving maid showed them to their tables. “There’s to be no word spoken about our bond with them. Understood?”

  “Aye, understood.”

  “Here we are. Your meal, Mistress Ella.” An elderly woman with a loosely tied brown apron covering her ample waist and gray hair coiled into a knot atop her head, set a tray down on the scratched wooden surface. “Mutton stew and fresh bread, and another cup of honey-sweetened tea for ye.”

  “You’re a treasure, Miriam.” Ella grinned and accepted the food, picked up a spoon and dunked it into the stew. She moaned as she ate her first mouthful. “Mmm, this is delicious and exactly what I needed.”

  “Ye voice sounds so much better already.” Miriam set a bowl of stew before him. “Welcome to Scalpay, sir. I’ll tend to your men as well.”

  “Aye, please. You have my thanks.”

  “You’re most welcome.” Miriam bustled across the room with her tray and disappeared through the side door into the kitchens.

  Ella scooped up her bread, dunked it in her stew and took a dainty bite.

  He ate his own stew, the richly flavored juices hearty and delicious. “I have an admission,” he mumbled as he ate.

  “I’m listening.”

  “In the past, whenever I’ve met a woman who remotely appealed, I couldnae do more than steal a few kisses afore being overcome with the urge to step away from her.” He’d certainly never allowed a lass to touch him, and when he’d approached his brother about the issue, Coll had decreed he’d never been able to tumble a lass proper either, even feared he’d might never be able to.

  “Those who are mated can rarely abide the touch of another, no’ unless their mated one has chosen willingly to forego their bond, or of course if they’ve lost their mate due to death. Only then is it possible to move on. I’ve only ever allowed your touch, will only ever allow it.” She set her spoon down, her voice a seductive drawl across his senses, her sweet presence even more so.

  “I wish for your touch.” All he wanted to do was drown in her heavenly brown eyes, the flecks of gold twinkling so bright.

  “Then we should speak
, although in private. Move along and allow me out.”

  He shuffled off the bench, took her hand and aided her to her feet.

  “Meet me in my chamber when you’re ready. First floor, third door on your right.” Her compelling voice swirled so sensually around him, her decree to meet him one he couldn’t turn down, not that he wished to.

  “I shall be there as soon as I’ve collected my belongings from my galley.” He leaned in and kissed her, licked across her tongue then delved deeper and molded their mouths together until she clutched his arms, her breathing ragged.

  “Goodness, I love your kisses.”

  “I love yours.” Rough words, his mind still hazed by the sheer joy of touching her so freely. His men watched on and he reveled in the moment. No longer did he need to hide his desire for her.

  “From this day forth, Duncan MacKenzie, you’re mine. Never will I forego our bond.” Whispered words between them and he cherished each and every one.

  “Aye, I’m all yours, as you’ll soon be all mine.”

  Chapter 5

  Within the warmth of her chamber, Ella nabbed another block of peat from the wicker basket and tossed it onto the flames while the storm raged outside. The fire sizzled and the flames danced orange and red while the wind rattled the pane. At her back, her chamber door creaked open then clicked shut and she held perfectly still as Duncan’s heady scent enveloped her.

  “Thank you for the invitation to join you.” From behind, he curled one hand around her waist and touched his lips to her ear. “I had the need to change first, didnae mean to take so long.”

  “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” She turned in his arms, slid her hands around his neck and threaded her fingers through his silky black hair. Tingles raced across her fingertips as she leaned into him and stroked the back of his head. He now wore his great plaid belted low at his waist, the tartan slung up and looped over one shoulder where he’d secured it with a silver pin at his chest. She snuggled against him, rested her cheek against his broad chest and snuck her nose into the deep V of his billowy white tunic. “Mated pairs belong together.”


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