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Highlander's Caress: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 2)

Page 17

by Joanne Wadsworth

  In her chamber which she’d shared with Mama this past month, she changed into her darkest clothing to hide her form as best as she could for their trip out on the water. Black breeches donned, she tucked the hem of her black tunic in then bundled her hair under an equally dark woolen cap. With her black cloak on and Mama and Grandma wearing similar dark attire, she walked outside and joined Grandpa and Ethan as the sun lowered on the horizon.

  “Are we all ready?” Ethan slung a satchel over his shoulder.

  “Aye, as ready as we’ll ever be.” Mama hooked one arm through both hers and Grandma’s and they walked together along the tree-lined trail toward Kinloch harbor.

  As the dark fully descended and the moon rose, only a slight curve of golden yellow in the night sky, they cleared the woods and arrived at the entrance to Kyle Rhea. Breathing deep of the fresh sea air, she hopped on board her grandparents’ skiff secured to its mooring. Ethan raised the sail while Grandpa sat at the stern and gripped the rudder. The wind blew and the pine trees rising high on her left swayed, while across the thin kyle on her right, the mainland rose. Ardan House beckoned.

  * * * *

  Slouched in the padded armchair in his chamber, Duncan took a long swig of the ale from his tankard, the drink doing naught to dull his endless pain. Legs stretched out and crossed at the ankle before the fire, the night sky beyond his window haunted him. With the passing of each day this past month, he’d joined his men as they sailed alongside the length and breadth of his land in their attempt to halt the MacDonald in his raids and attacks, their last battle a deadly one fought right here on Loch Carron. Now though, with the MacDonald retreating back to Skye, he sorely hoped for a small reprieve from the warring.

  “My laird.” A knock rattled his door. “’Tis Ivor. You have a visitor, well actually you have five visitors, but only one wishes to speak with you right this very moment.”

  “I’ve no wish to greet new arrivals this night, but by all means ensure they have a pallet to sleep on in the great hall and I’ll talk to them in the morn.” Behind him, his door swung open and he growled under his breath then shoved to his feet. “I said—”

  Ivor didn’t stand there, only a hallucination of his wife.

  “Ella?” He dropped his tankard and it crashed to the floor, ale splashing the hearth and flames and making the fire sizzle. Thoughts of this woman had plagued him every waking hour since he’d left her, and now she appeared exactly as he’d envisioned her, dressed in lad’s clothing, her cheeks and nose pink and her hair bundled up under a black woolen cap. She was his every dream come true.

  “Aye, ’tis me, and you look terrible.” She pulled thick fur gloves off her hands and stuffed them into the pocket of her black cloak.

  “Are you really here?”

  “I am.” She searched his gaze, the gold flecks at the edge of her brown eyes flickering in the firelight.

  “You shouldnae be here. Danger lurks if you’re seen with me.” He had to send her right back out and away.

  “Mama and Ethan came with me, Grandpa and Grandma too, all disguised. We sailed from Skye, will leave while ’tis still dark as well, but I needed to speak to you this night and it cannae wait.”

  “Then speak, and make it quick.”

  “I still hate you.” Her bottom lip wobbled. “So much it hurts.”

  “I still love you, so much it hurts.” He shoved his hands behind his back to keep from reaching for her. “Was there aught else you wished to say?”

  “Aye, I love you too.”

  “I know.” He moved not an inch, even though all he wanted to do was sweep her up in his arms and toss her onto his four-poster bed so close behind her.

  “Ivor informed me that you’ve successfully chased the MacDonald back to Dunscaith. That is news I had no’ heard.”

  “For now, although I dinnae doubt he will return again afore too long.”

  “He isnae one to forgive and forget easily.” She pulled the cap from her head and her long brown tresses cascaded down to her waist, the odd golden strand shimmering within the silky mass. Swaying a touch, she shrugged out of her cloak and laid it over the back of his armchair. “’Tis warm in here.”

  “You’re making yourself rather at home in my chamber. If you’ve said all you need to, then I want you to leave.” Sending her away before he lost his resolve not to, hammered at him. Aye, maintaining her safety and protection was all that mattered and having her here at Ardan House wasn’t acceptable. She’d surely placed her life in danger simply by coming here. Now, he needed to send her away, immediately.

  “There is more I need to say.” She closed her eyes then opened them again, wobbled and leaned against the back of his armchair. “I’m sorry. I’ve eaten little this day and what I do consume does no’ always stay put.”

  “Then sit for a moment.” He aided her to his bed and she eased down on the edge while he paced before her. “I can send for a tray if you like.”

  “Nay, I’ll eat with my kin at the tavern. Mama longs to visit Mary and William and we shall do so afore returning to Skye.”

  “The MacDonald must never know you’ve set foot on my land. You must take care while at the tavern as well.” He halted before her, lowered to his knees and swept a lock of her silky brown hair back from her face. Hell, he longed to touch more of her.

  “The MacDonald is far away right now.” Such need flared within her gaze, likely the same need that flared within his. “I’ve missed you, more than my heart can stand. Have you been well?”

  “As well as can be.”

  “You’ve no’ taken any injuries during your battles with the MacDonald?” She cupped his cheeks, stroked her fingers slowly back and forth along his jaw.

  “Only the odd nick.” He covered her hands with his, reveled in the sensation of her soft touch. “Dinnae forget that I hold the battle skill, Ella. That gives me far more strength than one man usually holds.”

  “I’ve seen that strength and skill for myself.” She leaned closer, pressed her forehead to his, her mouth a mere breath away. “Would you kiss me?”

  “That is one tempting offer, but one I’ll have to decline.”

  “Please, just one kiss.” She licked his lower lip and he released a low rumble.

  “Damn it, woman.”

  “Kiss me.” Her sweetly hypnotic voice swirled around him. “One more time.”

  Unable to deny her command, he seized her lips and molded their mouths together. She tasted like pure heaven, achingly beautiful and his restraint broke. He deepened their kiss, everything within him demanding the return of his mate and the only woman who’d ever hold the other half of his soul. Locking their bodies tighter together, he devoured her, tasting deeper and deeper until her soft little moans had him sweeping her black tunic over her head. He growled as her full breasts spilled forth, the tips beaded with stiff nipples he wanted to suck on.

  “Aye, this is what I need. Make love to me, Duncan.” Another compelling command, and he had no ability to fight it.

  He hauled off her knee-high leather boots, almost tore her breeches in his eagerness to get to her and once her body was bared, his mouth watered and every rational thought fled his mind.

  Her eyelids were half-lowered, her breath coming harder and faster, the same as his.

  Gently, he glided his hands over her sides and under her lush bottom. “You take my breath away, Ella.”

  “I want more. Take your clothes off.” A command of the deepest sort.

  “Damn it, we’re going to regret this. You need to cease compelling me.” He pulled his boots off, shoved his black pants down his legs then stripped his shirt over his head. “Tell me to stop.”

  “Lie down.” Another command.

  “You arenae listening to me, woman.”

  “Right beside me.”

  He did as she bid and she crawled over top of him and sat astride his hips. Leaning forward, she brushed her breasts against his chest, pressed her lips to his neck and rubbed her entir
e body against his. His cock throbbed hot and hard between them.

  “I will never regret any joining with you.” She wrapped her fingers around his fiercely erect shaft.

  Hell, he needed her, so badly, to have their bodies joined together and—sweet heaven. She grasped his shaft tighter and it pulsed in her fisted grip. So close. He was on the brink of coming right here and now, could barely hold onto his great need to join with her.

  “You need me the same way I need you.” She feasted her gaze on his straining member then bent and licked him with one hearty swipe right across the head. “I’m going to take you in my mouth.”

  A sizzling pressure buzzed at the base of his spine and his cock lengthened to the point of pain. Just the thought of her wrapping her lips around him made him so hard. Damn it. He’d never get through this moment if he didn’t take back the control. “I want my wife,” he muttered, teeth clenched.

  “I’m no longer your wife, but you can take me all the same.”

  Aye, he’d steal this moment for them both and treasure it until the end of his days. He flipped her over and she squealed as she landed on her belly and bounced.

  “Duncan.” Smiling, she lifted up onto her hands and knees and wriggled her backside at him. “Is this how you want me?”

  “Aye, so stay still.” On his knees, he crawled in over top of her, eased one arm around her waist, her back heating his chest so deliciously. “Very still.”

  “Mmm, this position is interesting, and making me rather wet.” She wriggled her pert backside at him, her silky brown hair sliding off her back and brushing his pillow as she peeked over her shoulder at him. “There are so many ways we’ve never loved each other.”

  “I need you, badly.” He ran one hand underneath her raised body, over her swaying breasts and along the flat line of her belly, his need for her an unstoppable beat in his blood. Head dipped, he kissed her neck, nipped her ear then pushed his cock through her drenched folds and surged deep inside her. Perfect, so perfect, every single exquisite inch of her. He pumped in and out and his mind went dark with lust.

  “More, give me more.” She reached underneath her, cupped his balls slapping against her bottom and pushed her backside even deeper into his groin.

  “You’re my mate, my lover.” He trailed one hand over her curls below, touched her nub and as she arched her back and cried out, he caressed the spot which always brought her such pleasure. Stroking her, he slammed balls-deep inside her, over and over again.

  “Aye, always yours.” She cried out as she shattered, her channel locking tight around his cock and making him lose all control.

  He pushed all the way to her core and as her inner muscles clenched so deliciously around him, her body bathing him in a liquid heat he completely adored, he came, his seed shooting from him and coating her deep within.

  “I love you, Duncan.” She went limp in his arms.

  “There is none I love more than you.” Gently, he lowered her onto her front then pulled himself out of her. All he wanted to do was remain deep inside her, but the need to ensure her continued safety roared through him far stronger. He nabbed his pants and yanked them on. “Are you well? I didnae hurt you when I took you?”

  “I’m feeling very well taken. You have my thanks.” Sated, she rolled over onto her back and stretched.

  “Then ’tis time for you to go.” He jiggled her breeches up her legs, pulled her tunic over her head, laced her boots and grabbed her cloak and held it out to her. “Now, and never return. Do we have an understanding?”

  * * * *

  “Aye, we have an understanding.” Mayhap she shouldn’t have come to Ardan House after all, but she’d never regret this moment, of taking back her words of anger and ensuring he knew her true feelings. Heart still breaking, she swung her cloak over her shoulders and walked out his door, traversed the long length of the gloomy passageway and halted at the top of the stairwell. Aye, their situation was no different to how it had been when he’d last left her on Skye, except for one glaring issue. She now carried his child and—oh drat. She’d clear forgotten to tell him.

  She turned around and lost her breath. He stood outside his door, his leather pants hanging loosely on his hips, his feet and chest bare and his blue eyes blazing with need.

  “Go!” He stormed back inside his chamber and slammed his door shut. The harsh sound bounced off the stone walls, the wind rippling over the single candle burning in an iron wall sconce beside her.

  The flame died out and she sank back into the darkened niche across from the stairs, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. Embracing the dark, she took a few necessary moments to breathe deep and clear her thoughts. Mayhap she’d tell Ivor about the babe instead. He could pass the message along to Duncan for her. As long as Duncan knew of the child, it mattered little who he learnt the truth from.

  “Ella!” Duncan’s door crashed open and he raced past her hidden spot, a mere blur as he bounded down the stairs still yelling her name.

  Never could she give him up the way he’d given her up. She wiped her tears away with the collar of her cloak, his shouts continuing to echo, although they now seemed to be coming closer. Clearly he wished to make certain she was gone.

  “Ella!” Footsteps pounded up the stairs and she stepped out of the niche as he made the top step. Half bent over, hands grasping his knees, he lugged in a deep breath. “Ivor said you hadn’t left yet.”

  “I’m on my way. There’s no need to tell me to leave yet again.”

  “I’m sorry.” He straightened, raked one hand through his messy black locks and tumbled them about even more. “I shouldnae have spoken so harshly to you, have never done so with another woman afore, and I’ve certainly no desire to start now.”

  “I should be the one apologizing. I arrived unexpectedly, and you did expressly forbid me to come.” She shoved her hands behind her back, wrung her fingers together. “You likely dinnae wish to hear this either, but I did come for a reason. If ’tis a boy I carry, I shall name him Hacon after my papa, and if a girl, Beth after your mother.”


  “There is to be a child born from our time together while handfasted.”

  “You’re expecting?” His face paled.

  “I am, and should you wish to see the child once born, then send a messenger to my village with the place and time you wish to meet. I will never deny you the time you need with our child. We will come, unless of course you wish only to see the child then Ethan can travel in my stead. Whatever you desire can be arranged.”

  “You’re truly expecting?” His shock dispersed and sheer wonder coursed across his face. He caught her arms, pressed her back against the wall, his gaze roaming down her body to her belly. Gently, he spread his hand over her stomach and went completely still. “Truly?”

  “Aye, I’m certain, although it took both Mama and Grandma to make me see the truth.”

  “My mother passed away during labor.” Pained words and they made her heart ache with the desperate need he laced within them. “I cannae lose you that way.”

  “I would never allow death to take me, no’ from you or our child, no matter we’ve parted ways.” She looked into his eyes, wanting only to kiss him, for him to say he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. “I could even compel myself to remain alive if need be.”

  “You can do that?” He kissed the tip of her nose then both cheeks before trailing down and nibbling on her lips.

  “It cannae hurt to try,” she mumbled between his kisses.

  “Your belly with grow large with our child and I’ll miss every moment of it.” Still kissing her lips, he slid his hand under the hem of her tunic and softly caressed her skin. “I’ve already missed the first precious month. Have you been ill? When you arrived, you said you’d eaten little this day, and what you do consume does no’ always stay put.”

  “Aye, but in truth, my desire for food has been gone since the day you left. Being parted as we have been hurts terribly, u
ntil I cannae see a way past the pain anymore. I miss being your wife, to the depths of my soul.” Speaking the truth eased a little of her heartache, and having him this close, even more so. “Why are we allowing the MacDonald to control our actions, as well as the direction of our future?”

  “To ensure the safety of your kin. Your grandparents live on Skye, right within his reach. Should he discover that we spoke handfast vows, he’ll come after them, as well as Ethan and your mama. His need to retaliate right now is too strong.” He slowly lowered to his knees, pushed her tunic up higher and rubbed his cheek against the bare skin of her belly.

  “What if we all lived together, right here?” She’d be uprooting her kin, every single one of them, tearing her grandparents from their home on Skye and Mama and Ethan from their beloved village. Although keeping her child and its father apart was a thought she could barely tolerate.

  “I cannae ask that of you and your kin.”

  “I believe I was the one doing the asking.”

  “They’d be forced to give up all they love and adore, their home and their clan.” He shoved to his feet, hope burning bright in his eyes. “Although I’d offer them Ardan House as their own, my clan here as theirs. If I asked them to stay, would they agree? There is now a child to consider.”

  “We’ll all be safe here, correct?”

  “Aye, I’d ensure it.” He searched her gaze. “If they agree, then I’m going to send for a priest immediately. I will wed you proper, then lock you in my chamber until I’ve loved every single inch of you, in every single possible way.”

  “I will certainly never speak handfast vows with you again, no’ since you broke your last vow. A proper marriage it would have to be.” Her heart lifted with the possibility of remaining right here with him, of never having to leave this place or her chosen one, to have all her loved ones so very close as well. “We’ll ask them together.”

  “We’ll ask them now.” He scooped her up in his arms and strode downstairs with her, his muscles tight and his body so very tense.

  “Walk slower.” She wanted to hold onto this moment forever, for in these few heartbeats of time she finally held hope as she hadn’t in one very long month. Either her greatest desire would soon be granted, or completely stolen away from her.


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