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Gray, Beth - Cougar Hunting [Modern Cougar] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 15

by Gray, Beth

  Chapter 22

  Chad never enjoyed wearing a suit. He wandered around his office, studying the various papers and magazines. The press was having a field day at his expense and that of Terri, depicting them as two out of control boozers trying to sell a muscle bag no one wanted. Photos of them in the Miami clubs, in Colorado, and, of course, on the now-infamous cruise. Photos of him with many models were overexhilarated, but perhaps made some photographer some good money.

  He expected his investors to call him at some time, but didn’t expect it this fast. Sales were much lower than expected. The Buffer Bag had not caught on as all had hoped. His dad had talked to him all morning, preparing him for the worst.

  He heard a knock on his door and straightened his tie and pushed the intercom system so the others would join him. Folding several papers and the magazines, he placed them in a pile on the side of his desk.

  He opened the door and saw several men standing on the other side. Many of the men he knew, but some were new faces. “Hello, please come on in.”

  They all introduced each other as they filed into his office. He had anticipated many people and had extra chairs available. He hoped his support would arrive quickly. Bobby came first, with Charlie and his dad close behind. His dad stopped long enough to close the door.

  After a brief silence, the leader proceeded to get to the point. “I assume you have seen the sales figures. The presales were way off, and it doesn’t look much better this week.”

  Chad reached for a pad he intended to make notes on. “The Buffer has only been on the market for a few weeks. I think we all knew it might take some time to build up recognition and sales.”

  “All we can compare it to is what we had expected. We also have major concerns about how our money is being spent. It looks like most of it is wasted on useless parties and drinking binges.” He tossed one of the magazines depicting a wild party aboard the cruise ship on the table. “I’m sure you all enjoyed that very much.”

  “As a matter of fact, we worked very hard to get those pictures on the front page.” Chad handed him several other papers and magazines. “This takes time to make an impression and to create a demand for a product.”

  “We’re not so sure and feel like we are going to lose all of our investment. We know at this rate all funds will be depleted soon and we will receive nothing back as returns on our investment.”

  Chad tossed the magazines on the corner of his desk. “What do you suggest?”

  “First, we need to get your wild spending under control, perhaps even hire a new advertising firm that can get the sales rolling.”

  “Sorry, but the advertising firm is working as hard as they can.”

  “We thought we would receive your opposition to this, especially in light of your romantic affair with the owner of the agency.” He tossed another photo on the table, one Chad had not seen before. A photo of Terri leaning over and kissing him in a hot tub had large words underneath calling him the playboy specializing in hunting cougars.

  Chad glanced at the top of the publication and didn’t recognize the name of the publisher. He handed it to his dad. “I’m sure we will check the article in full later. Slander is one thing I don’t think can be allowed.

  His dad stood to speak. “I’ll definitely be looking into this.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you will. But, in the meantime, we are losing our butts.” The point man for the group’s voice spiked as his face reddened.

  “I thought we had your support in this. I’m very capable at making this work.”

  “Really, we will be happy to get back twenty-five cents on the dollar now.”

  Chad had all he could stomach of the gutless wonder. “Put that in writing, and I will be more than glad to buy you out.”

  “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “I didn’t make the offer. And I’m not the one acting like a chicken shit.”

  “So you’re not planning on complying with our wishes to make some changes?”


  “A half million and it is all yours. You are throwing money down a stinking shit hole.”

  Chad glanced at his dad. “How long will it take you to draw up the papers?”

  “Maybe a couple of hours at the most.”

  “Men, it will be your loss.” He walked over to the door.

  “We need to be paid in cash—we do not intend to hold any promissory notes.”

  “I understand. I’ll make some calls and let you know as soon as it can be arranged.”

  The men turned and walked out the door without shaking anyone’s hand.

  Charlie and Bobby shook their heads as Bobby asked first, “Chad, do you have that kind of money left?”

  “I hope so. Everyone get on the phone and let us see what we can raise before they change their minds.” He had favors he needed to call in.

  Chapter 23

  Terri stopped by her hotel room in Miami long enough to drop off her luggage and freshen her makeup. She worried about the call from Chad earlier. She wished she could have been there when his investors showed up. She felt sure they were unhappy with the sales numbers. Like most people, they expect too much too fast. She lost the call as she boarded the plane in Atlanta. She knew he must be in a meeting since he never answered again.

  The request to come to Miami surprised Terri. She had worked for LeAnna for years, and she, above all people, knew how advertising worked. Jessica had gone ahead a day earlier and was with LeAnna when Terri called. From her carefully chosen words, Terri understood Jessica couldn’t really talk at the time.

  The warm weather and blue skies looked great. Memories of the cruise played in her head. It had been a lot of work. The press had loved the promotion. The buzz for the new line was right on target, she thought. She wished the sales reflected the estimates everyone had predicted. She should have said something then. They were too high.

  The cab turned into the corporate office complex in the fashion district. She checked her clothes, a carefully chosen power suit, perhaps a little too masculine, but anticipating the reason for the trip, she wanted to be as professional and confident as possible.

  The receptionist recognized her as she walked in. “Hello, Terri, how was your trip?”

  “Not bad, the pilots and I are quickly becoming best friends.”

  “I’m sure. LeAnna and Jessica are waiting on you.”

  “Great, I know the way.”

  Jessica and LeAnna could be heard laughing half of the way down the hall. Terri breathed easier. She stopped at the door. “I must have missed the party.”

  “No, you’re just in time. Come on in.” LeAnna wore a comfortable plain cotton dress and walked around barefoot.

  “Thanks.” Terri walked over to a large chair and made herself comfortable as she hoped Jessica would clue her in soon. She held her briefcase in her lap, prepared for questions on the lower-than-expected sales reports. Jessica passed her a nod, indicating all was good.

  “We were just talking about Charlie.” Jessica cast her eyes back at LeAnna.

  “I see. I do need to see him some time soon.”

  “Oh, I bet you do. Jessica told me about you finding the painting. We were wondering when he might get around to painting us.”

  “Got ya.” Terri wondered who all knew about her painting. “I saw it and will have to say he flattered me in some aspects and missed the mark in other places.”

  “And I assume you liked the painting overall.”

  “Nope, not at all.”

  Jessica hit a pose. “Since we all know I slept with him, he would not have to use his imagination too much.”

  LeAnna laughed. “In my case, he needs to learn how to work in clay. I’m sure he didn’t miss many spots. I still can’t believe I got so drunk that night.”

  Terri could see some lady revenge in the making. “So, what do we have planned for Charlie?”

  “Payback can be fun, especially when the target has no clue what is abou
t to happen.” LeAnna pointed to some photos on her desk. Charlie was seen slapping some of his buddies on the back and drinking with several more. “I don’t think there is any way faster to ruin a playboy’s life than for women to all think he’s gay.”

  Terri held her hand to her mouth. “He’ll die for sure.”

  “We don’t want him to die. We just want him to decide on one of us to prove to the world he’s not.”


  “Oh, we both like him. We just don’t want to both love him at the same time. We can handle his decision, but don’t mind making him squirm a little first.”

  “I got ya.”

  LeAnna had a seat. “But that all depends on how fast I can get my divorce settled. Here is the problem, and I’m so glad Jessica came early to explain this to me. I’m sure you remember when Jessica sold you her agency.”

  “Yes, she needed to make sure her ex-husband never got hold of her money.” She might be slow some times, but the message registered. “Oh my God! I think I understand. What are you planning?”

  “He thinks this new project is hot, and he wants to hike up my net worth. With Jessica’s help and yours, I think I know a way to see that he never gets a cent.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I invested four million dollars in this project. If it is deemed nearly worthless and I can post a large loss, it will give my lawyers all of the ammunition them need to say my net worth is zero and thus stop him cold in his tracks.”

  “But how do you prove it is worthless?”

  “I heard from Chad this morning. He has convinced his investors into taking twenty-five cents on the dollar. If I can sell my part for the same, I have all of the proof I need.”

  “Yes, that could be smart. But, you will still be losing three million dollars plus any potential profits from your hard work.” Terri studied the plan as she rubbed her eyes.

  “As you know, I never like to lose money. I would assume you would make it up to me in the future by providing me with some great advertising work.”

  “I hope to always do that.” She still couldn’t understand.

  “Terri, at twenty-five cents on the dollar, you will love this investment.”

  “Me, you want me to buy you out?” Terri wished she had that kind of money. “I wish I could.”

  Jessica leaned forward. “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t have to be cash.”

  “I think I understand. Do you think it will work?”

  “Like a charm,” Jessica said as she exchanged a high five with LeAnna. “How is it going to feel, being a 50-50 owner with Chad?”

  Terri had to close her eyes to think. “I wasn’t going to mention this to anyone, but now I think is the perfect time to do so. Chad and I are becoming more serious with each other. I never thought this would happen.”

  Jessica and LeAnna passed sisterly smiles and spoke in unison, “We know.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?”

  “We’ve known it for a long time and just wondered how long it would take you to figure it out.” Jessica focused her stare on her.

  Terri had a hard time continuing. “Well, I’m not sure yet. We still have so much to work out.”

  “Like what? He will no longer be a client. He will be your partner. How much of a partner is up to you.” Jessica words sunk in.

  “It still takes two to tango, so they say. I’m not sure how to read his mind. He has a wild side to him and…”

  “Let me see. He’s young, rich, and successful. And, we should be also adding, an absolute stud.”

  “I’m not sure how he will take to all of these deals happening. He has his own way of doing things. How soon will you need to have an answer?”

  “I think the sooner the better. I can sell it to others, but with you, I can be sure I will not be cheated. I know I can trust you. In fact, with ownership in your name, I am sure the Buffer Bag will do extremely well.”

  “Okay, I will do it. But, Jessica, I will need you to help me on this, big time.”

  “Don’t worry. We have already figured out what we need to do to make it a success.”


  “We need a central spokesperson for the Buffer Bag. Someone that everyone could identify with.”

  “That sounds reasonable. Who do you have in mind?”

  With both eyes focusing on her, she wished she had not asked that question. “Wait, I’m not a model or a spokesperson. I’m just me.”

  “I think we have a solution to all of your problems and something that will really shock the guys soon. What if we all hit a health farm for a couple of weeks? There are plenty around here to select from. I think I can talk my soon-to-be-ex-husband into signing the papers, and Jessica and I can lay the trap for Charlie. The timing will be perfect.”

  Terri had many wheels turning in her head. She needed a little time to decide what she wanted. Her feeling for Chad had grown so much over the last week. Being apart from him would be hard. Could it be conceivable that a new life with him, one that could last forever, maybe even end in marriage, be possible? She figured the difference in age again. She was seventeen years older than him. Her head hurt.

  “I think I’m going to need a drink tonight.”

  The two girls rushed to her side and offered hugs. “Not a problem. We have lots of planning to do tonight. This is really going to be exciting.”

  Terri knew she was being rushed, but felt like she had no choice. She only hoped that in their rush to help, they did not scare him off. She never thought she would fall in love again. Is that what she was feeling? If so, these were the few people she could tell it to. She needed more than one drink tonight. Should she call Chad?

  LeAnna pulled her to her feet. “Come on, we need to get some more details out of you. We are going to have a blast tonight.”

  Terri heard her phone ringing. She glanced to see who was calling. Chad’s name appeared on the screen. She showed it to the others. Now what?

  Chapter 24

  Terri huffed and pushed her legs harder. Five minutes more and she could rest. The treadmill hummed and showed no signs of mercy. Her trainer, Matt, had made her work at becoming the perfect spokesperson for the Buffer Bag. A photographer and videographer followed her all week, documenting her progress. She didn’t consider herself fat before. Now, she was ten pounds lighter and sported an abdomen many models would die for.

  She heard the chime ending her session. Matt walked over. “I think you have to be one of the most dedicated people ever to complete a full-week boot camp here.”

  “Well, I don’t have the luxury of a long-term plan.” Terri wiped her face of the excess sweat.

  “I’ve seen some of the videos earlier. I think you have almost everything you need. I know I can sell many of the videos here. I hope you like my recommendations and will use them to endorse your Buffer Bag.”

  “You can count on it. We have one more production tomorrow morning, and we are done. I hope to make sure we don’t miss anything.”

  “Trust me, the video is hot. I understand that Chad’s friend Charlie is going to be filming with you tomorrow.”

  “Oh yes, tomorrow is going to be exciting. He doesn’t know Jessica and LeAnna are both waiting on him here.” Terri couldn’t control the laugh, realizing how much fun this was going to be. “Chad is coming with him, but will not be here tomorrow. We will present the entire video to Chad later tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to seeing him.”

  “I can’t wait to see the final product.” Matt offered her a small shoulder rub. “Now, before we have to order you a stretcher, hit the showers.”

  Yes, the showers. But she also had full intentions to enjoy one last spa treatment tonight. She loved this place.

  * * * *

  Charlie wore a muscle-builder-type T-shirt as he strolled around the spa. With years of pumping iron obvious in his bulging muscles, the chances of being recognized as a world-class painter were next to nothing. Terri watched him glancing in one roo
m after another.

  “Hello, Charlie. I’m glad you could make it.”

  His smile radiated with teeth overly whitened. “Chad said you wanted me to help with a video you were making.”

  “Yes, we have most of the work completed, but still need help with one very important aspect of the video.” She reached over and handed him a Buffer Bag. “I have some outfits inside that you can use. You need to hurry. We don’t have the videographer for much longer.” She didn’t give Charlie much time to examine the contents. She turned and walked again as she yelled over her shoulder, “I’ll see you in a minute.”

  Terri joined Jessica and LeAnna in the small exercise room where the video crew had set up lights and various props. “He’s getting ready. This is going to be so much fun.”

  Jessica and LeAnna straightened their fitness outfits.

  “I hope he can be a good sport about this later.” Terri walked over to the videographers to make sure they understood what their mission was.

  Charlie strolled into the room. He had found a large towel to wear above one of the outfits. “You have to be kidding me. Who picked out this outfit?”

  LeAnna walked around some of the crew. “Hello, Charlie, I made them especially for you. Don’t you like them?”

  “I should have thought so. They’re a little glittery.”

  “Well, you know we have to make a statement. You know how the advertising business is.” LeAnna pushed close to him and allowed him to study her body beneath the skintight fitness suit.

  Before Charlie could answer, she pushed him toward a backdrop. “Come on, drop the towel.” Terri waved at some awesome-looking girls passing by. The diversion worked as Charlie dropped the towel.

  Terri threw him the Buffer Bag. He turned it over several times. “Hey, this is nothing like what I’d carry with me. This looks almost like what a gay guy would carry.”

  All of the girls laughed. “Exactly.”


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