The Stage of Time
Page 10
In many ways, the Anunnaki could be considered nothing more than puppets for this powerful and all-seeing “prime” creator, who permits duality as a means of exploring all forms of free will and self-expression. In the end, despite the sheer abundance of evil that still rules our world, the specific laws that were woven into the design of the universe itself mean that the likely outcome will be one of growth and unity, rather than chaos and division. This hidden design can be seen throughout nature and has been echoed by past cultures and secret societies since the very beginning.
Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets, such as the Atrahasis, explain that Enlil was designated by Anu to become the all-mighty ruler and controller of the skies and upper dimensions of Earth. Because of that, his symbol became the eagle. This symbol was also shared by many of the Igigi (the Watchers), along with his son Ninurta, who later became associated with the Byzantine, double-headed eagle of the Roman Empire. These “gods of war” were responsible for the creation of powerful empires who systematically conquered the serpent-dragon civilizations of antiquity, nearly eradicating any evidence of their existence and polluting their teachings. That’s how so many of our most important symbols that lead back to achieving higher states of consciousness and spirituality eventually became demonized and inverted over time.
This struggle of the eagle and serpent has been seen by many academics as merely symbolic, and not actually representing real beings. To me, this thought process represents a linear way of thinking, by ignoring the extensive evidence that exists showing the influence that these beings had on cultures across the world, who were sometimes separated by vast oceans and great distances. The chance that these similarities could have occurred naturally across all of these civilizations, with no outside intervention, is nearly impossible in my opinion, and in many ways illogical. The task of the objective researcher seeking the truth should always be to follow the evidence wherever it leads and to never allow predetermined conclusions to cloud one’s judgment.
Enlil’s half-brother and polar opposite was known as Ea to the Babylonians, and Enki to the Sumerians, which translates to mean: “Lord of the Earth.” This title helps to show the particular role that he played here. Enki was represented by four primary symbols throughout history: the serpent-dragon, caduceus, fish, and the lifeforce of fresh water. The use of these symbols varied based on the time period, as well which specific role he was playing at the time. In ancient Mesopotamia, Enki was frequently portrayed as an aquatic fish-being known as Oannes. It’s fascinating to learn that this same representation can also be seen in Mali, Africa with the Dogon tribe, and the beings they referred to as the “Nommo.”
When one compares the detailed descriptions and unique fish symbolism shared by both Oannes and the Nommo, the evidence becomes almost impossible to refute. Clearly, both Oannes and the Nommo come from the influences of Ea. The historical comparisons and connections for Ea’s influences in the past don’t stop there though. When studying the significance of the religious Mitre Hat worn by the Pope and bishops in the Catholic Church, the similarities are uncanny and clearly point to its origins being linked back to Ea (Enki) and his role as Oannes during the days of Pisces. This all makes logical sense when you consider that one of Ea’s roles and titles here was “Lord of the Waters,” which is commonly shown in cylinder seals from Mesopotamia.
The use of numerous names and extensive symbols to represent the various influences and incarnations of these beings here is one of the major reasons why they’ve managed to remain secret and largely hidden from most of society. This is especially true when you consider all the tampering that’s gone on with many of these ancient texts over time, as well as the likelihood that some of the Anunnaki left our physical realm long ago, as Thoth states in the Emerald Tablets. These challenges allowed the truth about the Anunna to become nearly lost to history and considered nothing more than a myth by most mainstream experts. That’s why learning about this is so important to do right now; since we’re living in a time period when this information is both free and readily accessible to most.
Of all the Anunnaki, the Sumerian gods of Enki and Ningishzida were the ones who were the most frequently associated with the symbols of the serpent and caduceus. This shows their dedication as eternal teachers for humanity, helping society reach higher states of consciousness and energy. Ningishzida, also called Gishzida, was assigned by Anu and Enlil to become a guardian and messenger for Enki in the underworld. That’s the reason Ningishzida became associated with the role of a teacher and guide since both he and Enki took great pity on the unbalanced means by which our reality had been designed.
Evidence shows that Ningishzida was likely associated with the Atlantean priest Thoth, also called Tehuti in Egypt, who eventually assumed the role of Kukulkan and Quetzalcoatl in the America’s, and later Hermes to the Greeks. All Hermetic writings are based on this great legacy left behind by “thought” (Thoth). That’s why Thoth was portrayed in ancient Egyptian and African societies with the head of an Ibis bird, who’s commonly shown holding a writing utensil in one hand, symbolizing his eternal dedication as the patient teacher of mankind. Still, even with all of these glaring facts that reveal the positive influences that these serpent-dragon wisdom bringers had on cultures in the past, they would still become demonized as evil by the modern church. Eventually, most of society would also buy into this lie.
As I stated previously, most the Anunnaki became firmly split between two dualistic mentalities; with some focusing on wanting to assist mankind’s progression, and others wanting to halt or slow it down. This distinction is necessary to point out, as Enki was assigned or even forced, into ruling the realm of the underworld as a means of maintaining balance there. That’s why at times he had to assume a more negative or deceptive role in our reality. It’s very important to understand that not all entities or beings that reside in the underworld are benevolent. In fact, according to the writings of the Emerald Tablets, most of them may be quite malevolent towards humanity, playing a significant role in much of the darkness and suffering seen throughout history.
Enki was assigned to the underworld to provide balance there, alongside his counterpart Nergal. This means that at times they’ve both had to play a negative and deceptive role to mankind. Some of the beings and entities that reside in the underworld can be conjured into our reality through the practice of black magic and blood sacrifice, which is why ancient texts describe how certain civilizations eventually became corrupted through its use, such as the Atlanteans, Babylonians, Aztec, and Maya. For those who are interested in learning the difference, a malevolent underworld spirit that was brought into the third dimension by a mortal priest was called an Utukku, while a benevolent spirit was known as a Lamassu. Much of this should begin to make sense when looking at the events of history and the confusion that surrounds the realm referred to as “hell.”
Enki has been known by many names throughout history, including Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Oannes, or Ninsiku, and like Ningishzida, has played several important incarnation roles here. The most famous of these incarnations can be seen through the Greek god of Poseidon, as well as the Egyptian god Ptah. These various incarnations, names, and titles held by the Anunnaki can be accurately identified by studying the clues left behind in Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets and then separating out the various traits and symbols that each one of them carried. Quickly you will notice certain similarities and traits that are consistently shared by these beings in nearly every ancient culture. A good example of this can be found with the Greek god of Zeus (known as Enlil in Mesopotamia), where he’s frequently portrayed in statues and murals with an eagle perched near or even on him. This type of objective reasoning can also be used to identify the specific influences they each had here in the past, by studying the symbolism found in flags and crests around the world.
As I have stated previously, both Enki and Enlil have played major roles in the rise and fall of human civilizations throughout history and sh
ould be seen as the primary players competing in this chess-match like game of controlling our reality here. The primary reason these two brothers became so divided is that each of them was given dual ownership of the realm of Earth, but neither shared any common mentalities or viewpoints. Due to these constant disagreements, Enki and Enlil (along with their numerous offspring commonly referred to as demigods), became separated into certain factions known as Enkiites or Enlilites. This division created the dualistic struggle that we still see today between the eagle and serpent. Now you may be asking yourself, what is the evidence that shows this struggle is real?
Cuneiform tablets state that thousands of years ago before these two Anunnaki brothers came to our realm, they were known as Ea and Enlil. At the time, Enki was referred to as Ea because he hadn’t officially gained his title and status yet. The reason why I’m pointing out this distinction is to show that Enlil had already been given his official title before Enki was even assigned one. This shows that Enlil’s royal status among the Anunna was higher than that of Enki. But why? Evidence indicates that Enki’s mother was likely a consort to his father, which meant that his status and ability to govern would always be overshadowed by his brother. This represents one of the main reasons why Enki’s first-born son Marduk decided to play such a complicated role in our reality; due to his father, as he would never be able to obtain full royal status within the Anunnaki. Because of this, Marduk often considered himself the ultimate sacrifice to mankind.
According to ancient Mesopotamian genealogy records, Enki was a son of the Anunnaki elder known as An, and his mother was called Nammu. Because Nammu was a consort of An, Enlil was considered next in line to rule the Anunnaki. Enlil also held a higher status and title than that of his half-brother Enki. This distinction in title is very important to understand, as it helps to explain both why human history has been ruled by so much control, war, and chaos under Enlil’s reign, as well as the reason that there has been such a focus on protecting certain bloodlines here. It’s by no means a coincidence then that we find that many of the most powerful monarchies and elite family dynasties of the world still maintain this status quo here, just as many of the kings and rulers of history once did.
Due to Enlil’s viewpoints of humanity, as well as his status within the council of the Anunna, it permitted him (and those loyal to him), to allow corruption, deception, and war to dominate our reality for thousands of years. As I stated before, this despicable act was done to block higher consciousness and spiritual ascension within mankind, as well as to attempt to play the role of gods. The only reason you’re able to read these words now and not be at risk of torture or being burned at the stake is due to certain laws and freedoms that were finally enacted which have temporarily allowed this control system to lose its grip here. That’s why this particular time period is so important.
These draconian decisions, which are based on a lack of compassion and severe mental psychosis, can be observed within many of the high-ranking military leaders and rulers of the past, who were often used as nothing more than pawns to promote a higher agenda. These kings and rulers were often promised ultimate power in exchange for their blind loyalty and dedication, which unknowingly led to the corruption of their souls in the end. That’s the main reason why the symbol of the eagle (and phoenix) became embraced by so many warring empires of antiquity, while the serpent was eventually conquered and demonized.
To better understand which of the Anunnaki brothers influenced the various human cultures and empires across the planet, we need to follow their various names and symbols. The chart below contains a list of the possible names and incarnations that each one of these beings may have used over time. For those who are interested, an expanded version of this chart can be found towards the end of the book.
Enki and Enlil God Table
Human Civilizations
Ahura Mazda
Angra Mainyu
I would like to strongly point out that evidence exists showing that Enki and Enlil likely played roles in other cultures as well, such as in India and the Americas; however, I didn’t include them in the chart above due to conflicting information and a lack of specifics. My goal with this book is accuracy, so I will allow the reader to determine those influences for themselves.
The early aboriginal tribes of Australia referred to Enki as the “rainbow snake” and claimed that he inhabits the deep oceans and underworld realms of the planet. Enki was considered by them to be one of the greatest creators in all the universe. Pay close attention to that reference, as it also correlates with what Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets say about him. These conclusions make logical sense considering the fact that Enki is mentioned in the Atrahasis and Enuma Elish as being the creator of mankind, who was responsible for the specific design of the chakra centers in the human body. These chakra centers just so happen to perfectly reflect the vibrational energy of the visible light spectrum. That’s why Enki is referred to as the “rainbow snake” by these aboriginal tribes of Australia since the term “rainbow” is both referencing his connection to the seven colors of the visible light spectrum, as well as “serpent,” meaning his role as a wisdom bringer.
These inherent responsibilities given to Enki to manage the energy and soul incarnation cycles on the Earth is why he eventually became associated with Osiris in Egypt, due to his specific role as a balancer in the underworld, referred to as the Duat. Previously, Enki had assumed the role as a powerful pharaoh in Egypt before his brother Set (also known as Enlil), betrayed him and forced him to eternally rule in the underworld. This famous story is also echoed in the cuneiform tablet known as the Legend of Etana, along with other ancient text from around the world. Afterward, Horus; the son of Osiris and Isis, overthrew Set to take back control of Egypt and rule as it’s pharaoh. This clearly shows the significance that Egypt represented to the Anunna. The reason Egypt was so important to them was due to its specific location on the planet in relation to electromagnetic energy intersections, known as ley lines; which is why the great pyramids were built there in the first place.
The responsibilities given to Osiris in the underworld included the “weighing a human soul” after its death to determine final judgment. This is commonly depicted throughout history as a scale with a feather on one side, and heart on the other. If the human heart, represented through the pure karmic energy of that soul, weighs less than the feather, then it’s allowed to ascend and leave this system of incarnation that was created here. To better understand how these various realms of Earth were divided and governed by the Anunnaki, along with the specific symbols they used to represent themselves, we turn to the ancient cuneiform tablet known as The Legend of Etana for answers.
The Legend of Etana, also known as the Myth of Etana, is a set of Babylonian cuneiform tablets that provides an important historical perspective for the Post-Diluvian time period of Mesopotamia. Etana was considered to be the first king of Kish, which was a city located in the Fertile Crescent region of Iraq and Syria. According to the Sumerian King List, Kish was the first city on Earth that “kingship” was lowered to after the deluge. The reason the Legend of Etana is so important is that it provides a rare glimpse into the violent events that occurred just after the Epic of Atrahasis. This helps to fill in many of the gaps we still have for correctly understanding the timeline of the Younger Dryas period and how it impacted the ancient civilizations that existed at that time. These cuneiform tablets represent one of the earliest references ever made for the serpent and eagle, as we
ll as explaining how Enki and Enlil became associated with their particular roles within our reality.
The Legend of Etana was written in such a way as to hide its true meanings within clever parables and symbolic metaphors. This has caused it, and many other cuneiform tablets like it, to be largely ignored by most mainstream experts and academics, who consider them unimportant to history. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth as you will soon read below.
Tablet 1 of the Legend of Etana begins with:
They planned a city
The gods laid its foundations
They planned the city [Kish]
The Igigi-gos founded its brickwork
"Let him be their (the people´s) shepherd,
"Let Etana be their architect... "
The Great Anunnaki gods ordainers of destinies,
Sat taking their counsel concerning the land,
The creators of the four world regions, establishers of all physical form,
By command of all of them the Igigi gods
Ordained a festival for the people
No king did they establish, over the teeming peoples,
At that time no headdress had been assembled, nor crown,
Nor yet scepter had been set with lapis.
No throne daises whatsoever had been constructed,
Against the inhabited world they barred the gates...
The Igigi gods surrounded the city with ramparts
Ishtar came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,
And sought for a king everywhere.
Inanna came down from heaven to seek a shepherd,
And sought for a king everywhere.