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Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Page 57

by Dragon King

  Hao Ren could imagine what a storm this would be when the raindrops reached the ground.

  This was exactly ‘Commanding the Power of Heaven and Earth with Domineering Prestige’!

  Hao Ren asked Zhao Guang under the sound of the thunder after he had come to himself, “What level is Elder Xu on?”

  “Not very high. He is only on Gen-level,” Zhao Guang answered calmly.

  “Qian, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, Zhen, Li, Kan……” Hao Ren recited the levels in his heart. Gen-level was indeed not that high; even Lu Qing was on Kun-level.

  Then, he realized that if even a Gen-leveled master could cause such astonishing effects, what would it be like for a Qian-level master to apply his or her techniques!

  Zhao Guang didn’t pay attention to Hao Ren’s facial expression. He continued, “Several Elders are in charge of generating rainfall in turn. They have to be at least on Zhen-level to do so. Zi’s level was not stable, yet she insisted on trying last time, and that caused the whole incident.”

  Hao Ren nodded and thought to himself, “I wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for Zhao Yanzi’s mistake last time.”

  He thought Elder Xu looked very impressive while directing the rain; his power was enough to empty a giant lake.

  “When can I get as powerful as him…” Hao Ren thought as he used the Spirit Concentration Scroll to maintain his warmth.

  “It’s time to eat. Let’s get back down!” Zhao Guang created another light sphere with ease and dashed down with Hao Ren.

  The descending speed was even faster than the ascending speed; Hao Ren felt like he was falling straight down from the sky; it was scarier than the turbo drops he experienced in amusement parks.

  Hao Ren opened his eyes and felt like he was being thrown to the ground like a bomb. Suddenly, he realized that no extreme sport could be exciting to him after this.

  Even Zhao Guang could easily take his life by letting him go from a height like that, let alone Zhao Yanzi’s Third Uncle who was the most powerful person in the Human Realm. Hao Ren wouldn’t be able to stay alive even if he cultivated the Spirit Concentration Scroll to the max!

  Hao Ren shivered at the thought of this, “With a powerful father-in-law like him, and a group of strong Elders who care so much about Zhao Yanzi, how dare a Fuma like me even look at other girls!”

  Boom! Zhao Guang and Hao Ren landed on the balcony, causing no damage to the house.

  Hao Ren checked his outfit and found himself completely dry.

  They went downstairs to the dining room, and Zhao Hongyu was just putting all the plates in order.

  “It’s dinner time, and you are still wandering around,” Zhao Hongyu glimpsed at Zhao Guang and said in dissatisfaction.

  “Hehe, nothing special. Ren was interested in a China from the Qing Dynasty that I had in my room, so I showed it to him,” Zhao Guang sat down as he said to Yue Yang and Grandma as if nothing special happened.

  106 Difficult Mission

  “Alright, let’s eat!” Yue Yang clapped and sat down.

  She was very busy today. First, she took her mother-in-law to the supermarket and bought gifts for the visit. Then, she arrived at Zhao Yanzi’s house earlier to help with cooking. As a scientist who was usually busy with research, it wasn’t easy for her to do all these.

  However, she still wanted to try her best as she was grateful towards Zhao Yanzi’s family for taking care of Grandma during the most crucial period.

  Six people surrounded the dining table and sat down.

  It was still raining outside, but the rain didn’t affect the harmonious atmosphere.

  “You guys don’t have to do this. In the future, don’t buy so many expensive gifts when you come to visit,” Zhao Hongyu put some vegetables in Grandma’s bowl and said.

  “You guys cooked a meal for us. We can’t come without bringing anything,” Yue Yang said.

  “We’re a family. Don’t worry about it,” Zhao Hongyu smiled and said.

  Yue Yang smiled and replied, “I heard from Ren that Zi’s grades for the midterms are very good.”

  “It is all thanks to Ren. If he didn’t tutor Zi, Zi couldn’t improve so much,” Zhao Hongyu said.

  With the presence of Grandma and Yue Yang, Zhao Yangzi couldn’t argue and had to admit it.

  “Not really. Zi is pretty smart too, and she could understand concepts right away,” Hao Ren said.

  Zhao Yanzi stepped hard on Hao Ren’s foot under the table and thought, “Humph, it’s too fake that you’re saying good things about me now.”

  “Ren’s dad is on a business trip again?” Zhao Hongyu asked Yue Yang.

  “Yeah, it’s for an Academic Conference in the States. He’ll probably return in a week or two,” Yue Yang said.

  “Come to our place more often in the future and bring everyone. You guys don’t have to buy us anything,” Zhao Hongyu said politely.

  “Haha, our house is near the beach, and it’s far from the city. However, you guys drive, so it’s convenient for you guys too. Come to visit our home at any time,” Yue Yang replied.

  “Sure thing!” Zhao Hongyu smiled pleasantly.

  These two mothers were both well-educated. Yet, Zhao Hongyu seemed gentler while Yue Yang gave people a stricter impression.

  “Auntie could also come live with us often in the future. That bedroom will be empty for you and is cleaned regularly,” Zhao Hongyu said to Grandma.

  “Haha, I feel bad,” Grandma laughed happily and replied, “I’m an old woman and don’t want to bother you guys, but Ren could stay over at your place if needed.”

  “Ren had stayed over many times already!” Zhao Hongyu said gently.

  Hearing Zhao Hongyu’s words, Yue Yang turned and looked at Hao Ren with a quizzical gaze.

  “Haha, two families have become one already. Zi can also come to visit our place often!” Grandma was pleased and treated Zi as her granddaughter-in-law.

  “We still have to rely on Ren to help Zi with her studies from now on,” Zhao Hongyu said.

  “Of course!” Grandma agreed and didn’t think that there was any problem with Zhao Yanzi being both her granddaughter-in-law and her grandson’s ‘student’ at the same time.

  While the grown-ups were chatting with each other, Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi didn’t talk at all.

  After dinner, the grown-ups didn’t finish chatting and wanted to talk more. Besides, it was still raining hard outside, so they couldn’t leave until later. Hao Ren and Zhao Yanzi weren’t interested in joining their conversations. They were on the same page in this aspect and found a reason to chill in Zhao Yanzi’s bedroom upstairs.

  After returning to her bedroom, Zhao Yanzi turned on her computer, got rid of her slippers, and crossed her legs as she sat on the chair. She opened her QQ as well as a gaming platform; she didn’t want to do homework at all.

  Hao Ren was also too lazy to scold her. He walked to the window, saw that the storm was still ongoing, and thought that summoning the rainfall wasn’t an easy task either.

  As he thought of the scene where Elder Xu swayed and controlled some of the powers in nature, Hao Ren felt a sense of excitement. The feeling of freedom and power was a tremendous spiritual shock.

  Suddenly, Hao Ren was hit with an epiphany. He picked a corner, sat down, rotated the Nature Essence using the Spirit Concentration Scroll, and entered the realm of ecstasy.

  Zhao Yanzi turned her head back to look at Hao Ren and murmured, “Fake!”

  She concentrated on playing games. She decided to reward herself for obtaining good grades in the exams, and she couldn’t study that hard anymore.

  Some water elements entered the house through the window that was slightly open and entered Hao Ren’s nine major acupoints. Zhao Yanzi, who was concentrating on playing games, certainly didn’t notice these dense water elements that formed white mists.

  Hao Ren felt that his nine major acupoints were gradually being filled up. The water elements in this world were slowly replenishing the
acupoints that couldn’t be filled up before.

  Hua, hua, hua…

  The noises made by the rain decreased gradually, hinting that the storm had been weakening rapidly.

  Hao Ren opened his eyes and felt that he was about to break into the third level of the Spirit Concentration Scroll, but he couldn’t describe what it was like.

  “Never mind, I’ll ask the cultivation master, Su Han, tomorrow,” Hao Ren thought as he stretched his body and stood up.

  He looked at Zhao Yanzi; she fell asleep again with her body leaning on the table and her hand still holding the mouse.

  “This little brat didn’t do homework at but played games,” Hao Ren thought. He didn’t want to wake her up, so he put a blanket on her and went downstairs.

  Yue Yang was in the living room when she saw that the rain was almost finished. She saw Hao Ren come downstairs, waved at him, and said to Grandma, “Mom, I told you that the rain is at most two hours, and you didn’t have to worry.”

  “Fine, fine, you’re the expert,” Grandma patted herself and stood up. “Hongyu, it’s about time for me to go back. I’ll visit you again sometime,” she said.

  “Have a safe trip, Auntie. If you want to come and live here, you’re welcomed at any time.” Zhao Hongyu walked grandmother to the door respectfully. Even though Zhao Guang didn’t talk much, he was still an excellent host and took good care of the guests. He followed Zhao Hongyu and walked Hao Ren’s family to the door.

  Yue Yang drove the white Ford and brought Hao Ren and Grandma home; she drove safely because the road was slippery. In the presence of Grandma, Hao Ren didn’t dare to drive even though his mother drove very slowly.

  “Grandma have to tell you again, Ren. We owe Zi’s family a big one. No matter what, you can’t be ungrateful to Zi. You must take good care of her in the future.”

  “Mom, let the kids deal with their own things. I think Zi’s too young, and Ren might have someone else he likes already,” Yue Yang said.

  Grandma suddenly raised her tone and said, “I only want Zi as my granddaughter-in-law. I don’t want anyone else!”

  Yue Yang wanted to say something for Hao Ren, but she couldn’t do anything after Grandma’s rejection. She had the final say in her research institute, but she just won’t even talk back to her mother-in-law at home.

  In her mind, she actually preferred Xie Yujia.

  “That Class President is similar to Hao Ren in age, has a gentle appearance, and is the best candidate for a daughter-in-law,” she thought.

  Hao Ren felt helpless when he saw Grandma getting mad.

  “Don’t worry, Grandma. I will treat Zi nicely,” he replied.

  “That’s my grandson!” Grandma rubbed Hao Ren’s palm, lowered her voice, and said, “Grandma wants to have great-grandkid…”

  “Uh…” Hao Ren’s entire body froze.

  “That mission… is extremely difficult…“Once the most popular social media and messenger platform in China; similar to Facebook.

  107 Spare a Hand?

  Yue Yang sent Hao Ren to school the next day and pretended she didn’t know that the Class President was teaching him how to play basketball. She dropped Hao Ren off at the entrance of the school and left.

  Hao Ren saw that it was still early and went to wait at Hongji Square on purpose.

  A moment later, Xie Yujia, who was in a tennis outfit, rode her bicycle and appeared in Hao Ren’s sight. She came to the booth of the shredded pancake and was slightly surprised to see Hao Ren there.

  “I knew you are going to treat me again, so I came early to wait here,” Hao Ren took out some money and bought three shredded pancakes.

  Xie Yujia smiled, got off her bicycle, and took the pancake that Hao Ren handed over. She ate as she walked her bike to school.

  Xie Yujia gave Hao Ren a comfortable view in this pleasant breeze. The students who pulled all-nighter playing games just came out from the Internet Cafe.

  They saw Xie Yujia and Hao Ren eating breakfast and entering the school together and were jealous. Who would stay up all night playing games if they had girlfriends?

  The basket on Xie Yujia’s bicycle held a basketball, and she pushed the bike with one hand.

  It was a quite pleasant view when the elements of basketball and girl were matched together.

  “I didn’t return the basketball yesterday and brought it back to the dorm,” she explained.

  “Um,” Hao Ren swallowed two shredded pancakes in one gulp. Then, he took away the paper bag in Xie Yujia’s hand, ran to the side of the road, and threw it away with his own paper bag into the garbage can.

  When he returned, Xie Yujia took out a napkin from her pocket and handed it to him as she said, “Wipe your mouth. Your mouth is so greasy.”

  “Thank you, Class President,” Hao Ren took over the napkin and wiped casually.

  “You didn’t wipe here properly,” Xie Yujia pointed at the left side of Hao Ren’s lips.

  Hao Ren wiped casually again, but he still couldn’t wipe off the crumbs at the corner of his mouth. Thus, Xie Yujia took the napkin from Hao Ren’s hand and said, “Don’t move!”

  Hao Ren stood straight and didn’t move. Xie Yujia looked at Hao Ren’s cheeks, raised her small hand, and wiped the crumb and greasiness off the corner of his mouth.

  After she finished doing all this, Xie Yujia threw the napkin into the garbage can. This precise shot looked like she was shooting a basket.

  Hao Ren touched the corner of his lips and suddenly fell into a state of bliss.

  Xie Yujia didn’t think that much of it and continued to push her bike towards the school.

  They soon arrived at the basketball court in Zone B. Xie Yujia parked her bike on the side, grabbed the basketball from the basket, and started today’s lesson - shooting.

  “Shooting is actually not hard. The key is two specific movements. One of them is your posture when you shoot, and the other is the way you hold the ball…,” Xie Yujia held the basketball as she demonstrated and explained at the same time.

  Then, Xie Yujia corrected Hao Ren’s posture one by one from his palms to wrists, elbows, shoulders, waist, and legs.

  Seeing her being so meticulous, Hao Ren didn’t want to disappoint her and practiced with more effort.

  Two hours passed by fast. The accuracy of Hao Ren’s two-point shots raised from 10% to 70%; it was a miraculous improvement.

  “As a Power Forward, the accuracy isn’t the most important. The movement of shooting is to confuse the opponents and create chances for your teammates. Yet, because of this, the opponents won’t defend against your shots as much. Therefore, if you have great accuracy and could score unexpectedly, it’ll achieve great results…”

  Xie Yujia looked at Hao Ren who was practicing shooting as she stood on the side and explained.

  Hao Ren admired the Class President even more. Not only was she good at basketball, but she was also great at the strategies. She was indeed the younger sister of Xie Wanjun, who led the school’s Basketball Team to the national college championship.

  It was almost eight thirty, and their first class of the day was about to start. Xie Yujia asked Hao Ren to stop shooting, returned the basketball to the stadium, and went to the cafeteria with Hao Ren to eat.

  After the interactions these few days, they seemed to have gotten closer to each other. However, Hao Ren knew that Xie Yujia wasn’t into him, so they maintained their current relationship.

  Hao Ren also thought that an outstanding girl like the Class President would either like a Prince Charming who was handsome and had very good grades or a bright and athletic guy. He definitely had no hope because he was nowhere close to either side.

  After eating breakfast, Hao Ren and Xie Yujia went their separate ways to classes in different Academic Buildings. Because they didn’t select the same courses other than the major courses, many of their courses were different.

  He returned to his room after two classes and found Zhou Liren and Cao Ronghua still
sleeping; these two guys overslept and skipped classes. Sure enough, they had taken one step closer to the attitude of a third-year student.

  “Room inspection!” Hao Ren yelled loudly.

  Zhou Liren and Cao Ronghua jumped up abruptly and said, “We’ll wake up right away, right now. Don’t deduct points!”

  Their faces were solemn when they saw it was Hao Ren. “Damn, it’s you! Why didn’t you come back again yesterday?” they yelled.

  “I went back home to grab some stuff. Where’s Zhao Jiayi? He’s not back yet?” Hao Ren asked.

  “He has been practicing basketball so hard now. He woke up at five and hasn’t come back yet; probably still practicing at the stadium. He still practiced basketball at night for the past two days and didn’t come back until the dorm is almost closed,” Zhou Liren said.

  “Is that so…,” Hao Ren somewhat admired Zhao Jiayi for his effort. He then looked up at Zhou Liren, who was sleeping in the upper berth, and asked, “Why don’t we go see him at the stadium?”

  “Can we go inside?” Zhou Liren doubted.

  “We should be able to. Zhao Jiayi is training inside, and it shouldn’t be a problem to watch him!” Hao Ren said.

  Zhou Liren was suddenly interested. “Sure, I’ll get up now. Let’s go together, Cao Ronghua!”

  “Okay!” Cao Ronghua removed his blanket.

  Thus, the three of them departed from the dorm to visit Zhao Jiayi in the stadium. As it was almost ten o’clock, the weather started to get hotter. They were all covered in sweat after walking the long distance to the stadium.

  When they arrived at the entrance of the gym, they heard the piercing sounds of shoes scraping the floor and loud yells before entering.

  Through the iron gate, three of them went in sneakily and saw a dozen players on the basketball team having a scrimmage.

  Because the stadium was sealed and didn’t turn on central air conditioning for the game, the seemingly huge place felt like an enormous steamer and was hot and stuffy.

  Zhao Jiayi, who was playing in the scrimmage, didn’t notice Hao Ren and the other’s entrance from the corner. He ran quickly and yelled, “Bear! Pass!”


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