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Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Page 298

by Dragon King

  “Fiancée …” This word appeared in Hao Ren’s mind.

  Suddenly, he no longer minded the many bite marks she left on his body.

  Playing on the beach, going to sleep to the hypnotic sounds of the ocean waves, small crazy antics and sweet moments; they looked like a young couple who had just graduated.

  Hao Ren held Zhao Yanzi’s small round shoulders and placed his cheek against her shoulder while readying himself for her sudden wake and attacks.

  “Fuma! Fuma! Something important happened!”

  The yelling outside the door almost startled Hao Ren and made him jump off the bed.

  Zhao Yanzi turned slightly, looking as if she would wake up at any moment.

  Hao Ren got out of the bed, rushed to open the door, and leaped outside in a hurry.

  “Fuma… These are…”

  Seeing the bite marks covering Hao Ren’s face, arms, and shoulders, Premier Xia was astonished.

  “Oh, these…” Hao Ren pulled up his clothes in vain and asked with a serious expression, “Premier Xia, what happened?”

  Immediately, Premier Xia’s doubting and curious gaze turned serious, and his tone became stern. “Dragon King Zeng of the West Ocean Dragon Clan died in an explosion last night while he was trying to charge at the Heavenly Dragon Realm.”

  “What?!” Hao Ren was astonished to hear the news.

  Undoubtedly, Dragon King Zeng of the West Ocean Dragon Clan was the overbearing Oldman Zeng. Although Hao Ren didn’t like him and his grandson, Zeng Yitao, he was surprised to the core.

  “The Dragon King is in the Grand Hall waiting for you to discuss this situation,” Premier Xia continued.

  “Ok!” Hao Ren quickened his steps toward the Grand Hall of Summer Palace.

  “Fuma, your face…” With his back hunched, Premier Xia followed Hao Ren closely and reminded him.

  Rubbing his cheeks, Hao Ren felt several bite marks on them, realizing that Zhao Yanzi had indeed bit him hard…

  “Forget it. I’ll deal with them later!” Hao Ren waved his hand, knowing now was not the time to dwell on this problem.

  When he walked into the Grand Hall, Elder Lu, Elder Sun, and Elder Xingyue had all arrived. In the middle of the hall sat Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu.

  They were slightly surprised when they saw the bite marks all over Hao Ren’s body but didn’t say anything. Only Zhao Hongyu silently scolded Zhao Yanzi for her extravagant behavior.

  “According to the intelligence report we just received, Zeng Xin of the West Ocean Dragon Clan failed and died when he tried to charge at the Heavenly Dragon Realm. Right now, only the young Zeng Yitao is in charge of the West Ocean Dragon Palace. Meanwhile, the demon beasts in the Demon Sea that were close to the West Ocean Dragon Clan are swarming to the West Ocean Dragon Palace.” With a gloomy face, Zhao Guang looked around at the people in the hall and said.

  Having met and dealt with Zeng Xin a few times, Hao Ren had a deep impression of the old man. But still, he was surprised that the old man had taken such a risk, tried to charge at the Heavenly Dragon Realm, and died in the process.

  The path of cultivation was indeed treacherous.

  “In the past year, the West Ocean Dragon Clan tried to take more land and treasures from us. However, instead of realizing their plan, their strength was greatly damaged. I suppose Zeng Xin wanted to reverse the unfavorable situation of West Ocean by trying to become a Heavenly Dragon,” Elder Lu said with a frown.

  “Unfortunately, his cultivation strength was not great enough to reach the Heavenly Dragon Realm. Besides, I guess he was stirred by the fact that Third Lord had successfully used the mystic crystal,” Elder Sun said.

  The extraordinary changes in nature caused by Zhao Kuo’s use of the mystic crystal informed the West Ocean Dragon Clan. Judging from the magnificent changes, they must know that the quality of the mystic crystal Zhao Kuo got was extraordinary.

  If the West Ocean Dragon Clan wanted to surpass the East Ocean Dragon Clan, it must get a Heavenly Dragon before East Ocean.

  “Was Oldman Zeng’s realm high enough to charge at the Heavenly Dragon Realm?” Hao Ren asked in bafflement.

  “There are two ways of charging at the Heavenly Dragon Realm. One is to reach peak Qian-level to activate the Heavenly Tribulation naturally, and the other is for the cultivators who are near the end of their lives to take the risk and activate the Heavenly Tribulation by force.”

  “Oh…” Hao Ren nodded, knowing that Zeng Xin belonged to the latter group.

  Elder Lu and Elder Sun’s analyses were correct, but they didn’t know that after Hao Ren circulated Zhao Haoran’s cultivation strength and created a huge crater in the ocean with the Mystic Water Sword Techniques last night, West Ocean mistakenly thought that this terrifying power came from Zhao Kuo who had successfully planted the mystic crystal. Stunned at the discovery, Zeng Xin had considered for a long time before deciding to take the risk.

  More importantly, Zeng Xin thought Zhao Haoran was still alive, supporting the East Ocean Dragon Clan. Zeng Xin once thought that he could outlive Zhao Haoran and then suppress the East Ocean Dragon Clan with his status and realm. However, during the war between West Ocean and East Ocean, Zhao Haoran took the battle head-on with a very healthy and powerful look, plunging Zeng Xin into despair.

  He had no idea that the East Ocean Dragon Clan hid the news about Zhao Haoran’s death.

  The power of Zhao Haoran, Zhao Kuo’s breakthrough with mystic crystal, and Hao Ren’s show of strength at the Dragon God Shrine; all these scared Zeng Xin and made him regret his decision to mess with the East Ocean Dragon Clan with the excuse of Zhao Yanzi.

  “We don’t have time for these analyses.” Zhao Hongyu interrupted Elder Lu and Elder Sun while frowning slightly. “The West Ocean Dragon Clan was the most powerful force among the four Ocean dragon clan, which is why they attacked the demon beasts in the Demon Sea the hardest. Now that the strength of the elders of the West Ocean Dragon Clan decreased greatly, the troops were beaten in the war with us, and Oldman Zeng died in the Heavenly Tribulation, the demon beasts close to the West Ocean Dragon Palace have nothing to fear and are now all rushing to the West Ocean Dragon Palace for revenge.”

  She looked around at the people in the Grand Hall. “Now, we need to decide if we should send troops or not.”

  Elder Lu and Elder Sun exchanged a look and remained silent.

  Elder Xingyue also lowered her head slightly and didn’t say anything.

  Zhao Hongyu looked toward Hao Ren. Hao Ren was the Fuma and also the Commanding General of East Ocean who controlled all the troops.

  “Even if we don’t send troops, the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan will send their troops,” Hao Ren said.

  Zhao Hongyu shook her head. “From what we know right now, these two clans have not sent any troops, and I think they are pretending that they haven’t received the news yet. As to the West Ocean Dragon Palace, it is in a mess and probably hasn’t been able to send any signals for help yet.”

  “No. The troops of South Ocean and West Ocean must be on their way right now,” Hao Ren said immediately.

  Zhao Hongyu looked at Hao Ren in doubt.

  “Report…” A loud shout sounded from outside of the Grand Hall.

  “What’s the news?” Zhao Guang looked toward the gate.

  “Commanding General, Dragon King! The South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan have each sent 300,000 soldiers to the West Ocean Dragon Palace,” the soldier reported in a loud voice.

  Zhao Hongyu looked at Hao Ren in astonishment, wondering how he had made such an accurate prediction.

  “Mom! What’s happening?” In a small shirt, Zhao Yanzi walked into the Grand Hall.

  When she saw the red bite marks covering Hao Ren’s neck, she immediately lowered her head and tried to go back while blushing.

  “Zi!” Zhao Hongyu looked at her in anger, and Zhao Yanzi had to walk over to her obediently.

With his hands on the table, Zhao Guang stood still and looked at Hao Ren. “How many soldiers do you think we should send?”

  Now that the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan had sent troops, it would be hard for the East Ocean Dragon Clan not to help.

  “Half a million soldiers!” Hao Ren said.

  “Isn’t 500,000 a bit too many…” Premier Xia reminded in a low voice.

  Hao Ren smiled, but the purple bite marks on his cheeks made the smile less radiant.

  “Do you think Third Uncle would have sent troops?” Hao Ren asked.

  Premier Xia shook his head. “Third Lord hates the West Ocean Dragon Clan the most. He wouldn’t have sent troops to save them from this trouble.”

  “I think so as well.” Hao Ren nodded. “However, we need to send more soldiers to take more territory.”

  Hearing his words, everyone including Elder Lu and Elder Sun was stunned.

  Instead of fighting the demon beasts, they were going to occupy the territory of the West Ocean Dragon Clan! Hao Ren’s words revealed the real intention of the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan!

  Kind and merciful, the East Ocean Dragon Clan didn’t turn their thoughts in that direction after getting the news.

  “Summon the generals!” Hao Ren shouted.

  506 Half A Million Soldiers

  One hour later, more than 100 golden-armored generals of East Ocean gathered together on the beach of Purple Bamboo Island.

  In a set of silver armor and a black cape, Hao Ren stood on the viewing deck of Summer Palace.

  With two cloth bags containing ice, Zhao Yanzi stood beside Hao Ren reluctantly and placed the bags against both sides of Hao Ren’s neck; this was the punishment Zhao Hongyu gave her.

  On the ocean surface stood hundreds of thousands of black-armored soldiers. It was a magnificent sight.

  “Left General, Chen Rong!”

  “Right General, Lu Yuantao!”

  “Middle General, Hu Chunyi!”

  Hao Ren injected magnificent nature essence into his voice. “Each of you leads 150,000 soldiers!”

  “Yes!” The three golden-armored generals took three steps forward from the team of generals.

  In fact, Hao Ren had chosen these three generals at the suggestion of Premier Xia; the latter told him that these three men were all fierce fighters.

  After receiving Hao Ren’s order, the three generals began to select their assistant generals.

  Everything went orderly while the soldiers standing on the ocean surface were quickly divided into three groups under the commands of the three main generals and more than ten assistant generals.

  Those generals who hadn’t been appointed by Hao Ren and the three main generals must return to their previous positions to guard and patrol the territory of East Ocean.

  “Commanding General! I have objections!”

  Suddenly, a thick voice sounded on the beach.

  Hao Ren looked toward the voice and found that the man who shouted was Liu Yi, the West Gate General who had challenged him at the banquet.

  He now had a green dragon crescent blade in his hand, and he was standing tall behind those golden-armored generals in his silver armor.

  “Commanding General appointed me as the Pioneer General. Why didn’t you send me to the battle this time?” Liu Yi raised his head and yelled again.

  Hao Ren looked at him from afar. “Liu Yi, you’re supposed to guard the west gate of the dragon palace. Why did you come here without permission?”

  This time, Hao Ren only summoned the troops outside of the dragon palace, which was why Liu Yi, a general of the dragon palace, was not supposed to be here.

  After looking around him and realizing that no one will talk for him, Liu Yi yelled with a loud voice, “I want to join the force and attack West Ocean!”

  Looking at him, Hao Ren felt amused. Liu Yi knew nothing but that the East Ocean Dragon Clan was sending troops to the West Ocean Dragon Palace, and he thought the East Ocean Dragon Clan was going to attack the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  “I’ll give you 50,000 black armored cavalrymen as the herald general!” Hao Ren said.

  Elated, Liu Yi immediately single-kneeled on the beach to thank Hao Ren. “Liu Yi will follow the order and beat them out of their wits!”

  In the war when the West Ocean Dragon Clan attacked the East Ocean Dragon Palace, Liu Yi had fought very courageously and fiercely guarded the west gate. However, since the main battlefield was at the main gate of the dragon palace, he didn’t use all his strength.

  “If you gain military merits, I’ll forgive you for leaving your position without permission. If not, I’ll spank your behind into a bloody mess after you return!” Hao Ren continued while standing on the viewing deck.

  “Hahaha…” The generals around laughed.

  With his reddened neck, Liu Yi yelled, “Commanding General, don’t underestimate me!”

  He stood up immediately with the green dragon crescent blade. Then, with a somersault, he jumped onto the ocean waves while the 50,000 black-armored cavalries followed him and dashed toward the direction of the West Ocean Dragon Palace.

  The black horses that the soldiers rode on were no ordinary horses but demon horses with demon beast bloodlines.

  It was a magnificent sight while they galloped on the ocean waves.

  Seeing Liu Yi’s heroic presence while leading the troops, Hao Ren thought that this man was powerful but a little arrogant. After all, Liu Yan didn’t even get any assistant generals.

  What Hao Ren didn’t know was that the generals inside and outside of the Dragon Palace were in two separate systems, which was why Liu Yi wasn’t familiar with the generals battling outside of the Dragon Palace and thus couldn’t select them as his assistant generals.

  “Uncle, I’ll go with them,” Hao Ren looked at Zhao Guang and said.

  “Ok!” Zhao Guang nodded gravely.

  Seeing Hao Ren’s confidence while he gave orders to the generals on the high platform, Zhao Guang felt Hao Ren had far surpassed his expectations, and his hope for Hao Ren increased.

  In fact, Hao Ren was forcing himself into the role. After all, as the Commanding General of East Ocean, he couldn’t stammer in front of the generals and soldiers.

  Dropping the ice bags, Zhao Yanzi yelled immediately, “Dad, I want to go, too!”

  “Nonsense!” Zhao Guang looked stern.

  “Let her go,” Zhao Hongyu interrupted.

  Zhao Guang glanced at Zhao Hongyu and then at Zhao Yanzi. “If you make trouble for Hao Ren, I’ll deal with you!”

  Feeling wronged, Zhao Yanzi pouted, thinking that Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu both favored Hao Ren.

  “Hao Ren is sleeping with me in his arms! What can I say?” she thought.

  “Take the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting.” Zhao Hongyu took out the dharma treasure and told Hao Ren the simple instructions on how to use the painting.

  Hao Ren took Zhao Yanzi’s arm lightly and spread out the painting with his nature essence.

  “Elder Lu, Elder Sun, Premier Xia, you go with them.” Fearing for Zhao Yanzi’s safety, Zhao Guang instructed.

  “Yes, Your Majesty!” The three of them immediately stepped onto the painting.

  The River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting flew toward the sky.

  Watching the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting shrinking into a red dot, Zhao Hongyu turned to look at Zhao Guang. “Ren is considerate, and Zi needs to learn with him.”

  “I’m afraid Ren doesn’t like Zi,” Zhao Guang said.

  “Impossible.” Zhao Hongyu smiled with confidence

  East Ocean’s troops traveled on the ocean waves.

  The troop was being covered by a red energy sphere and was invisible to mortals.

  They needed to cross the Demon Sea to get to West Ocean. Since the demon kings and demon beasts lived at the bottom of the ocean, it was safer to travel on the ocean surface.

  Even if a few demon beasts were c
lose to the ocean surface and saw them, they wouldn’t dare to mess with such great troops.

  After all, the East Ocean Dragon Clan’s overall power was great, which was why the big demon kings in the Demon Sea signed a peace treaty with them.

  Standing on the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, Hao Ren and his companions were more than ten meters above the ocean surface, and they caught up with the herald troop led by Liu Yi.

  According to Hao Ren’s plan, most of the 500,000 soldiers were mainly used to stun the enemies, and the main force that would battle the demon beasts head-on were the 50,000 black-armored cavalries led by Liu Yi.

  Some level 8 and level 9 demon beasts rose to the surface and then sank back into the ocean at the sight of the troops of East Ocean.

  The demon kings in the Demon Sea usually didn’t allow the cultivators to pass through their territories, but they made an exception for the East Ocean Dragon Clan.

  While Hao Ren stayed on the River-Mountain Qian-Kun Painting, Liu Yi galloped on the ocean waves with the black-armored cavalries. Only half a day later, they had crossed the Demon Sea and entered the ocean area of the West Ocean Dragon Clan.

  Boom! Boom… The sounds of fierce battles sounded from the bottom of the sea.

  “Liu Yi, just block the demon beast and keep the soldiers safe,” Hao Ren said.

  “As you wish!” Liu Yi cupped his hands.

  On the way, Liu Yi had finally understood that his mission wasn’t to attack the West Ocean Dragon Palace but to take territory from them. He was fine with either.

  Hua! Hua… The 50,000 black armored cavalries submerged into the sea instantly. It was a magnificent sight.

  Hao Ren and the group entered the sea after them.

  Under the sea surface, the white-armored troops of the West Ocean Dragon Clan were fiercely fighting with a large number of demon beasts coming from the Demon Sea.

  The troops of the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan were stationed on both sides of the troops of the West Ocean Dragon Clan, helping with their defense.

  Obviously, the demon beasts were attacking the West Ocean Dragon Palace, and the troops of the South Ocean Dragon Clan and the North Ocean Dragon Clan were mainly defensive and didn’t try to kill the demon beasts with full forces.


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