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ZetaTalk: Awakening

Page 2

by Nancy Lieder

  Apr 16, 2011

  Ning Address

  Water purification, C2C monster sun, STO behavior, Aftertime schools, Japan

  Answer Archive UFOs, ESA plate monitoring, Sunspots, China entertainment restrictions, Murder

  and mayhem increase, Asteroid excuse

  Apr 9, 2011

  Ning Address

  Ottawa valley, Gadafi's exit, Jumbled speech, Blue Spiral, NASA probes, Florida

  Answer Archive faults, Chicago UFOs, Japan quake flash, Pacific compress, Indonesia status

  Apr 2, 2011

  Ning Address

  Japan rescues, Survival motivation, Dead starfish, Star Children missions, Alien

  Answer Archive technology, New geography, Survivor slavery, Fukushima plant

  Mar 26, 2011

  Ning Address

  Soul growth, Sunda Plate, Turkey, Rush to safety, Puppet Master's media, Nancy's

  Answer Archive role

  Mar 19, 2011

  Ning Address

  New Madrid, Japan quakes, Pacific compressing, ZetaTalk fame, Cassiopaeian

  Answer Archive Org, The Call, New England quakes, Japan nuclear disaster, Newfoundland,

  Sinking pace, Nuclear power squeeze, Hong Kong sinking

  Mar 12, 2011

  Ning Address

  Riots increasing, NASA launch failure, Bush family agenda, Marquesas Islands,

  Answer Archive Comet Elenin, Radon gas, New Madrid warnings, Migrations, Georgia Guide


  Mar 5, 2011

  Ning Address

  Pole Shift delays, German tsunami, Mexico, Taiwan Second Sun, NYC safety,

  Answer Archive Indonesia sinking

  Feb 26, 2011

  Ning Address

  Ontario, Philippines, Africa, Moscow UFO, NASA asteroid excuse, S America

  Answer Archive roll, Denver near miss, Africa revolution, Planet X location, Indonesia sinking


  Feb 19, 2011

  Ning Address

  Trimester effect, Brittany France, Subconscious preparations, Salt Lake condos,

  Answer Archive Montreal, Vietnam/Thailand, NYC manhole explosions, Europe overpopulated,

  Tyche disinformation, Blending seasons, Folding Pacific, Indonesia sinking pace

  Feb 12, 2011

  Ning Address

  China ghost cities, Norwegian summit, Internet future, Guarani Aquifer, New

  Answer Archive Mexico gas outages, Chemtrails, India tar pit, Pennsylvania blast[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  Feb 5, 2011

  Ning Address

  Ozone, Egypt protests, Obama's message, Sinking pace, State Department

  Answer Archive conclave, Star Wars, Jerusalem UFO, Wobble effect

  Jan 29, 2011

  Ning Address

  Seasons manipulation, Azores, Africa roll, Java CC, Moon swirls orbs, Pacific

  Answer Archive buoys

  Jan 22, 2011

  Ning Address

  Indonesia video, Uneven sinking, China fracturing, China talks, ZetaTalk

  Answer Archive forcasts, Philippine excuses, Greenland sunrise, Cuba, Lucas ETs, Imploding

  buildings, GPS

  Jan 15, 2011

  Ning Address

  7 of 10 timeline, Caribbean islands, Brazil flooding, 7 of 10 Central American

  Answer Archive volcanoes, 7 of 10 blame UFOs, Methane pockets, Rain excuse, Appalachian

  volcanoes, Fiji flooding

  Jan 8, 2011

  Ning Address

  Windmill windspeeds, Dead birds/fish, Bonin Islands, Philippines sinking, John P.

  Answer Archive Wheeler III murder, Cloud signs, Chupacabra, Queensland, Israel plans,

  Polyjuice intent, Great Peninsula in Washington State

  Jan 4, 2011

  7 of 10 Update

  Philippines sinking, Malaysia/Sumatra crumble

  Jan 1, 2011

  Ning Address

  Saving history, Montana, Egypt, Music, Brazil, Vanuatu seismograph, Folsom

  Answer Archive Lake, British Columbia, Cell phones, Russian army, Cover-up scapegoats, Arctic

  sunlight, 7 of 10 shock, New Madrid effect, Gulf of Aden vortex, Gouging during

  shortages, Africa 7 of 10

  Dec 31, 2010

  7 of 10 Arrives! Queensland flooding, Coral Sea bulge, Curve buoys, Caroline Plate drop

  Dec 25, 2010

  Ning Address

  Chavez decree, ZetaTalk promotion, Gold, Indonesia waves, Scotia Plate,

  Answer Archive Saratov, California elevation, Crowd control

  Dec 18. 2010

  Ning Address

  Tsunami frequency, 8 of 10 overlap, ZetaTalk dependency, N Atlantic rip, Call,

  Answer Archive Greenland/Iceland, Bunker living, Soul senses, Hong Kong tsunami, 7 of 10

  cover-up, Mexico 7 of 10, Israeli UFO, Nuclear warning

  Dec 11, 2010

  Ning Address

  Central America 7 of 10, X-37B agenda, Booms, STO cowards, Indonesia

  Answer Archive sinking, Altay mountains, Pakistan rip, 7 of 10 Seaway, India focus, Matt Hughes

  suicide, Norway tsunami, San Andreas fault, Lean to Left degrees, George Soros

  gold obcession, Wikileaks re UFOs, Bank bailouts, Cover-up future, Moon on

  SDO, Japan quakes, Brazil future climate, Arsenic microbs, Stereo deception

  Dec 4, 2010

  Ning Address

  New Zealand faults, Planet X location, Christmas hammer, Northern hemisphere

  Answer Archive booms, Rapid climate change, 7 of 10 movement, Reincarnation encounters,

  Planet X 270° roll, Past lives, Planet X approach, Wikileaks, Moon Swirl

  locations, 43% insane, EM flux influence, 8 of 10 details, STS sentence, Element

  of Doubt during 7 of 10, Last weeks travel, Tilted Moon

  Nov 27, 2010

  Ning Address

  S Africa fault lines, Quick STO lessons, East Australia lift, Fragile financial

  Answer Archive system, Canary Islands, West Coast volcanic ash, Martinique safety, Brazil

  quakes, Nuclear shutdown safety, Dalai Lama retirement, Migrating hoards,

  Hawaii, India 7 of 10, Folding Pacific, Korea confrontation, Staying behind,

  Kokomo visit, Michigan peninsula, Moon craters, Hong Kong, Magnetosphere

  eddy, New Zealand volcanoes, Changchun City

  Nov 20, 2010

  Ning Address

  Closed borders, G20 finances, Folding Pacific, Russian quakes, Pole shift

  Answer Archive hurricane, 7 of 10 reverberations, Kazakhstan pentagram, Australia 2/3, Heroes,

  NASA announcement, Pole shift gloom, Africa roll, Solar Wind, LHC agenda,

  Karachi, Pole shift epidemics

  Nov13, 2010

  Ning Address

  Crust shift, Fireballs excuse, UFO highways, STO viewpoints, ZetaTalk chats,

  Answer Archive Indonesia buckling, Fluoride, Gibbs in India, Australia surveillance, California

  contrail rocket, Stereo satellites, Seismograph wobble, Martial law, Kazakhstan

  UFO, Unsparked souls, Farm land confiscation, Bush book tour, STS visitations,

  Indonesia pipelines, Moons on SOHO/Stereo

  Nov 6, 2010

  Ning Address

  Short wave radio, Sweden, Puget Sound, Iceland, Heads of State awareness,[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  Answer Archive Volcanoes, Indonesia's elite, China media, Low profile communities, Northern

  Russia, Obama Asia tour, Planet X on Stereo Behind, Seasons blending,

  Disclosure, Quebec, 7 of 10 Italy, Jewish culture, NASA gunman on CNN

  Oct 30, 2010

  Ning Address

  Evil essence, Jesse Ventura, Inuit broadcast, NASA lies, Denver
airport, Sitchin

  Answer Archive RIP, Interference exceptions, Born wealthy, Dependent souls, Octopi transplants,

  Nuclear failure, Prison gangs, Survival community size, Stockton fault, Non-

  interference rule, Ozone depletion, France tsunami, Light form visitations,

  Belarus, 7 of 10 precision

  Oct 23, 2010

  Ning Address

  Nancy in media,Tidal bore, Krakatao, Clashing tides, Chile 33 rescue, Timeline

  Answer Archive rules, New Madrid impact, Revenge, Pole shift estimates, Glen Beck warning,

  Alien assists, Tribal awareness, Spiritual growth, Mother Shipton, Medicinal


  Oct 16, 2010

  Ning Address

  NWO plans, Magic tea, Google/Yahoo sites, Japan 7 of 10 tsunami, New

  Answer Archive Geography confusion, Aftertime children, Vigilante justice, SOHO appearance,

  7 of 10 Sequence Indonesia 7 of 10 elevations, 7 of 10 prediction, Menstral periods disturbed,

  Medicine availability, N Korea dictatorship, Annunaki in NJ, 10/13 prediction,

  India 7 of 10 tilt, Magnetic sickness, German nuclear power, Mediterranean 7 of

  10 tsunami, Plastic garbage, China 10/13 village, Webbots, 1984 movie

  Oct 9, 2010

  Ning Address

  Microwave weapons, Safe site preparation, Lost history, Terrorism, Earthquake

  Answer Archive lulls, Asthma, Incarnations, Self study schoolhouse, STS avoidance, 7 of 10,

  Diaoyu Islands, Weather erratic, S American roll, Hartley 2 Comet, Red dust,

  Electronics protection, Unfriendly ET, Hungarian pollution spill, Rattled wobble

  Oct 2, 2010

  Ning Address

  Sierras, Egregors, UK tsunami, New Hampsire elite, Oil from tail, Texas safety,

  Answer Archive Continental drift, Exploding light bulbs, UN disclosure, Gas line dangers, New

  England rise, Government leadership, Falling in Love, Moscow UFO, Last weeks

  CC, Mercury on SOHO, Roma explusions, Social Security threats, Japan South

  Island tsunami, 7 of 10 speed, Elite space abodes

  Sep 25, 2010

  Ning Address

  Chemtrails, Owens Valley Fault line, New Grange structure, Red dust

  Answer Archive accumulation, Deagle Gulf Stream claims, Iraqi hot earth, STS soul vibes, Planet

  X photo, Cults, New Madrid Fault reach, Oregon safety, Angry populace, Newly

  dead, Herbal meds, Kazakhstan, Magnetic people, Nevada's Lake Lahontan, Birth

  accidents, Vatican money laundering, Soul memory, Japan tsunami, Aftertime

  atmosphere, Japan's Senkaku Islands, Jupiter rumors, Space debris

  Sep 18, 2010

  Ning Address

  San Bruno Gas Explosion, European Tsunami reaction, Hand wringing, Grid

  Answer Archive survival; Mount Bugarach; Perpetual batteries; Contact etiquette, Spain as

  island, Compass, Wandering Stones, Colorado safety, Annunaki density, Montreal

  safety, Cover-up techniques, Asymetrical crop cricle, Alien message, California

  valleys, Media agenda, Intervention techniques, 7 of 10 reactions, Iraq safety,

  Boulder safety, Vladivostok UFO, Mexico safety, Saudi arms deal, Denmark


  Sep 11, 2010

  Ning Address

  Moon halos, Zeta protection, New Zeland quake, Equatorial bulge, 8 of 10,

  Answer Archive Conscious contact, Australia bend point, Uneven crop circles, Mitch Battros,

  Asteroid fireball excuse, 7 of 10 travel restrictions, Pole shift avoidance, Victoria

  sloshing, 18 hour wobble, China dancing cloud, Location analysis steps

  Sep 4, 2010

  Ning Address

  Soul awareness, Kenai peninsula, Mississippi sinking, Zapruder face, Trimesters

  Answer Archive cause, New Zealand safety, Nazca Plate, Pakistan flooding, Tidal tables, Scotland

  safety, Wobble CC, Land lines, Seaway split, 14 million miles, Star Child battles,

  Ukraine safety, Wikileaks rape, Iraq combat end, Flip-Flop CC, STS conscious

  contact, STS Call, Annunaki royalty, STO vs STS body types, Los Tayos cave,

  Swaziland safety, Mariner oil rig explosion

  Aug 28, 2010

  Ning Address

  Sunrise West, Finland safezone, Electric Universe, Ghosts, Point of Passage[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  Answer Archive triangle, Clock crop circle, London tsunami, Mayan knowledge, Elite attitudes,

  New Madrid process, Below ground housing, Earth changes astonishment,

  Rotation stoppage polar flood, Gulf microb, Walk-in experience, Mongolia,

  Mount Kailash, Carbon dating, Incarnation critique, Incarnation climates, STO

  vsw STS influences, Nursing home survival

  Aug 21, 2010

  Ning Address

  Money, SETI, Woble crop circle, Hotspots, Superbugs, Spend Uranium,

  Answer Archive Countering NASA, Bolivia dead fish, Victoria/Mineappolis UFOs, Denmark

  NASA Gambit

  during tsunami, Victoria tsunami, Winged Globe, African contact, Salvage post

  pole shift, Azores quakes, Cell phone outages, Michigan oil spill, Japan mega

  quakes 7 of 10 media response, Seattle booms, Australia safe locations, STS

  babies, Cover-up leakers, Hazy skies, Chemtrail stoppage,

  Guadalajara/Brandenburgo UFOs, Cloud orbs

  Aug 14, 2010

  Ning Address

  The Call, Mustard Gas depots, G1.9 NASA backoff, Biobio River in Chile, Clang

  Answer Archive crop circles, Contactee pets, Phillipines safety, Trimester crop circle, NASA

  Last Weeks

  cover-ups, Alaska Stevens/O'Keefe crash, Simons death, Last Weeks timeline,

  Killing consequences, Quake proof homes, 675 foot invasion, Asteroid hits, Black

  Sea heating, Giant frauds, Bosnia pyramids, Hurrican season, Rattle wobble crop

  circles, American Indian lore, European tsunami warnings, STO rules.

  Aug 7, 2010

  Ning Address

  Magnetosphere deforming, Contactee off-world, Alien cross-breeding, Venus

  Answer Archive blooming, Human extinction, July 20, Hybrid longevity, Second Sun placement,

  Heatwave crop circle, ISS safety, Aftertime Gulf Streams, STS empathy struggle,

  Denisova hominin, C3 CME media blitz, USGS cover-up, GPS, Slavic paganism,

  Jupiter wobble capture, Walk-ins, G1.9, Wobble crop circle, Gates Giveaway,

  Auroras, Moon Swirl photo, UFO in WWII, Obama disclosure, Child visitations,

  Taiwan UFO, STO voting process, Russia food exports, Simulated seasons,

  Unconditional love, Inbound/Outbound cropcircle

  Jul 31, 2010

  Ning Address

  Last Weeks crop circles, Conscious forgetting, Falcon HTV-2 failure, Planet X

  Answer Archive photo, Nevada, Planet X sling orbit, Moon Swirl crop circle, Disclosure, Zeta

  summary, Rattle wobble crop circles, UFO near Sun, Bigfoot, Occulted Moon,

  Uruguay UFO blitz, White Baby in Africa, Rapper rules, Weatherman angst, TV

  show clues, Themis space quakes, Human race extinction, Coldwave in S

  America, Dark Twin, the Lift, Graduation missed, California safety, Corporate

  STS, Ohio safety, Karachi crash, Rattle progression crop circle, 7 of 10

  Jul 24, 2010

  Ning Address

  Aftertime organization, Arctic fault lines, Thermosphere contraction, China

  Answer Archive UFOs, Fox News popularity, Conscious contact, DC quakes, Tangent crop circle,

  Civilization recovery, Portugal safety, Aftertime mental illness, Ricochet crop

  circle, Homeless mistreatment, Australia government, Kentucky s
afety, Aftertime

  latitudes, False faces, Quake quickening, Karachi clams, Live seismographs,

  Aftertime trade winds, Plate movement, Hybrid culture, Octopi worlds, Quake

  timing, Population explosion, Spiritual growth, Naivete

  Jul 17, 2010

  Ning Address

  Timeline restrictions, Heatwaves, 2012 Movie as reality, New Poles lat/long, Crop

  Answer Archive Circles, Magnetic Trimester precision, Contactee guided, Eclipse sighting,

  Florida during New Madrid, Call priorities, Earth unchecked, Element of Doubt,

  FEMA plans, Pole shift fear, Spirit Guides, Channeled disinformation, Guyana

  safety, Contactee reluctance, Psychiatric bigotry, Verbal abilities, Cup squeeze

  crop circle, Humbolt ridge, Chongqing UFO, Asphalt volcano rumors, Tail

  during pole shift, Cup squeeze progression circle

  Jul 10, 2010

  Ning Address

  Mississippi bridges, Survivor telepathy, NASA knowledge, Venus/DarkTwin size,

  Answer Archive Time-release contactee, Roles, New Madrid process, UK safety, Biologist arrests,

  Pre-shft actions, Serpentine Dance crop circles, Nebraska aftertime, Carolina

  clay soil, Second Sun sightings, Wobble claims, Mooonraker reality, Caribbean

  tsunamis, Post-tide mess, Supernova remnant claims, Crop circle competition, No[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  poop diet, Continents won, Soul densities, 4th density babies, Close encounters,

  4th density Human Societies, Chile safety, Hangzhou UFO, Wobble evidence,

  Pests, Corexi menace, Zeta projections, Arctic sloshing

  Jul 3, 2010

  Ning Address

  Moscow aquifer, Aftertime hurricanes, Second Sun capture, 30 million miles

  Answer Archive closer, European tsunami(s), India interior, Salmon survival, Extinction

  avoidance, Annunaki, Ufton crop circle progression, Gulf evacuation, Natural

  leaders, Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains, GOCE satellite, Second Sun prognosis,

  Trench shelter, Contactee/ZetaTalk connection, Buoy 55023, 4th density life,

  Telepahty, New Jersey, NASA desperation, New Madrid rupture

  Jun 26, 2010

  Ning Address

  Human appendix, The Matrix, Switzerland tidal waves, Pole shift aftershocks,

  Answer Archive China mud wells, European tsunami reaction, Narcissism, Anchor crop circle,

  Ning a threat, Wiltshire crop circle, Bilderberg group, Asia migration, Karachi,

  Space balloon videos, McChrystal's dismissal, Moon takeover, Food shortages,


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