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Slave Jade

Page 3

by Claire Thompson

  Ridiculous! He knew it even as it soared into his brain on an arrow of desire. The image of Slave Jade, bound and naked, completely at his mercy, made his cock rise up hard in his khakis.

  He loped into the shoe store, quickly sliding his time card through the slot. He barely noticed the disapproving glare of his manager and the tapping of a finger against a watch.

  The day passed in a daze. Even though he knew the idea was preposterous, it wouldn't leave him. Plans sprung full blown in his mind about how he could do it.

  He had no ties here in New Jersey. He'd only landed here because he'd found a job near the college he'd dropped out of. He had no lease. He had no friends, no family in the area.

  Who would notice if Gilbert Johnson quit his job and moved to Middletown, New York? Surely there were plenty of jobs there, if you were willing to lower yourself, as Gilbert had been, to menial labor.

  He put the thoughts aside over and over, but they persisted. Lisa's image swirled provocatively in his mind. The possibility he might actually physically possess her began to take over his reason.

  That evening he raced to his computer. Even before logging on, he masturbated to the photo of the lovely bare-breasted girl on his screen. He stared at the digital image, pumping his cock as he imagined what he would do to those breasts once he had her under his control.

  He'd read a story online once, of a Dom forcing his sub to hold her breasts up for the cane. She would drop them each time, as the pain from the stroke made her lose control. Calmly, he would make her lift them again, and again he would strike her.

  The thought of doing that to Slave Jade, to Lisa, sent Gilbert over the edge. Each slice of the cane, each breathy cry from his captive, sent a jolt of pleasure through Gilbert’s cock.

  Reaching for an old dish towel, he wiped his sticky fingers and groin and zipped his pants. He logged onto the site, scanning the list of online members. She wasn't online, but that was okay. He had an email to write.

  Dearest Slave Jade, I wanted to tell you that our conversation last night meant a great deal to me. As you know, I have always made it a firm and fast rule that I keep my distance from online affairs. You know as well as I that once that element of real life is introduced, the relationship alters, usually for the worse.

  I have found, when taking submissive women on their own erotic journeys, they need to be completely free to express themselves without fear of being pressed or hassled by some guy who just wants to get laid. Some guy who imagines that real life and fantasy can merge. It is rarely the case, alas.

  And yet, something seems to have happened between us—between Lisa and John, that I haven't experienced before. I find that my connection to you isn't merely academic or spiritual, but almost real. I say almost, because how can anything be truly real, when the two people involved have never spoken to one another—have never heard the sound of the other's voice?

  I'm going to ask something of you I never thought I would ask an online friend. I would like to speak with you on the telephone. Only if you feel completely comfortable with the idea, and with the full understanding that I have no desire or plan to meet you in real life.

  What we share is fantasy, but I think it can be so much deeper and more special if we spoke. If we heard each other's voice and got more of a true sense of one another.

  If you think this is overstepping, believe me, I entirely understand. I am not sure myself if it is even wise, given the limited nature of our relationship. I will leave it up to you. I won't ask you about it when I see you online. If you decide it is not a good idea, we’ll leave it at that, and I won’t bring it up again.

  However, if you are so inclined, I leave my number here. I think it better if the woman calls the man. That way you are not compromised in any way. I should tell you that I don't have Caller ID. I don't believe in it—I prefer the surprise. So if you call and I am not at home, please leave a message if you wish me to return your call. I can be difficult to reach, as my research at the University sometimes gets the better of me, and I forget to come home! So, if you wish, the number is 973-555-5525.

  Yours with affection, John

  He reread it several times, changing a word here and there. He especially liked the bit about no Caller ID. The eccentric professor had no use for such modern intrusions. He held his finger above the key for a moment, and then pressed it, sending the message. The wheels were in motion.

  Gilbert didn't go online again that evening. He had no interest in typing with the other sub girls who hovered about, eager for a word from Master John. And he didn't want to chat to Jade. He wanted her to read his email, and pick up her phone, and make the call.

  Three hours later, three endless hours, the passing of which was aided by several bottles of beer, the phone rang. Gilbert's phone rarely rang, and yet, he did have Caller ID, because it had been part of the phone package he'd selected. He didn't pick up, of course.

  He stared down intently as the number scrolled across the screen. 845-555-5997. Below it read, Preston, L. He waited while his answering machine clicked on and the automated voice informed the caller the person they were calling was not available.

  Then she spoke. “John? Master John? Uh, hi. It’s Lisa, I mean, Slave Jade. You had said to call? Um. I guess I’ll try back another time. Bye.”

  Her voice was as sexy as the rest of her, though he could tell she was nervous. It was a smooth, sensual contralto. How would it sound when he whipped her? How would it sound when he made her come?

  Gilbert replayed the message, stroking his cock to the sound. He played it again and again until the words were imprinted on his brain. Beautiful Lisa. Soon you will be mine.


  Opening Google, Gilbert went to work, playing the detective. It was surprisingly easy to find her address. On a particular white pages site, he just typed in the phone number and voila! Her name and address popped up. It was really quite amazing what you could find on the Internet. There was even a little star on a miniature map of Middletown, indicating her street address.

  It didn't take long to find a place for rent in Middletown. Conducting his business by phone, Gilbert was able to get an appointment for the upcoming weekend to check out what was actually a small guest cottage, complete with its own one car garage at the back of someone's property. Perfect for the discreet renter who didn't want others butting into his business. It wasn't far from Lisa's street, and, even though it was slightly more than Gilbert could afford, it was too perfect to pass up.

  Well satisfied with his work, Gilbert logged on to his favorite site. She was there, and immediately instant messaged him.

  Slave Jade: I called last night. You weren’t there?

  Master John: I’m sorry. I was detained at the college. But you know, I think maybe it was a blessing in disguise. I realized how inappropriate I had been in even asking you.

  Slave Jade: It’s okay. I wanted to hear your voice too. But your machine was one of those automated voice mails. Should I call now?

  Master John: No. I think it’s better if we stick to cyberspace. I overstepped in asking you to call. I apologize. I let my own feelings get in the way of your training. I honestly think it would be counterproductive to your submissive journey for us to speak at this point.

  Slave Jade protested at first, but Master John was firm, though gentle. He distracted her by having her describe what it was like to masturbate, knowing the orgasm belonged to him as she brought herself to the edge over and over again.

  It had been hotter than she expected to bring herself close to orgasm and then stop. She pretended it was Master John’s fingers and mouth, stroking and licking her until she was writhing with pleasure.

  “Please, sir, may I come?” she said aloud in her empty bedroom.

  “No.” His voice was deep and firm, brooking no disobedience. Reluctantly she pulled her hand away. Her fingers were wet with her desire. She lifted them to her face and breathed in the scent of her own arousal.

  In a way t
he experience highlighted her loneliness. Though she didn’t miss Tony, she missed being part of a couple. She’d even taken to going out again with the girls, scoping out the clubs and bars for eligible men, but so far that had gotten her nowhere. All the good ones, it seemed, were taken or gay.

  Why was Master John so dead set against their meeting? Was he married? That was probably it, though his profile said he was single. She shook her head, refusing to believe it. Whatever else he was, Master John was honest. She trusted him. No, there must be a different reason. Maybe he really meant it when he said their meeting would inhibit her submissive training. Maybe he meant she just wasn’t ready yet. Yet…which meant, if she was very good and submissive, and followed all his instructions to the letter, he might one day agree to meet her for real.

  They would fall madly in love and he would make all her submissive fantasies and dreams come true…

  For now she needed to focus on Master John’s latest assignment. He would want to know every detail. The thought infused her with excitement. She would hold nothing back. She would bare herself for her online Master.

  Reenergized at this thought, she dipped her fingers back into her wet, sticky sex and rubbed her clit with two fingers, With her other hand, she penetrated herself, imagining it was his cock.

  She fixed her eyes on Master John’s sexy, masterful face, pretending he was in the room watching her, waiting for the right moment to push her hands away and plunge his hard cock into her wet heat.

  This time she didn’t stop as a climax rose within her, sending warm, buttery waves of pleasure shuddering through her. Though she knew this wasn’t technically part of the assignment, she knew he would understand and forgive her.

  “Please, sir, may I come?” She almost heard his voice, whispering, Yes, fair one. Come for me.

  Chapter 3

  The cottage was perfect, set far enough back from the main house so the owner wouldn’t overhear the sweet cries of his captive. It was already furnished with ugly, bulky dark furniture crowded into every room, but that didn’t matter. They wouldn’t be staying long. The garage was empty, so he’d be able to store the few things of his own he decided to keep when he moved.

  Gilbert spent the next two weekends packing his things and conducting a job search in his chosen city. He found another mall job that actually paid more than the one he left.

  He managed to get a good reference from his old boss, who had been sympathetic when he explained his mother had just been diagnosed with stomach cancer, and he had to move back home to nurse her, but couldn't afford not to work.

  The new job was also in a shoe store, but this time he would be assistant manager, paid a salary rather than an hourly wage. Gilbert took this as a good omen—he was meant to move to New York—he was meant to be near his darling Lisa.

  Through it all, he remained the implacable but loving Master John online with Slave Jade. Though she suggested he call her Lisa, he refused. He continued to address her online as Slave Jade, claiming her training would move more smoothly if they remained in their Dom/sub personas. He wanted to continue the illusion that he had no desire to make any real physical connection with her.

  When she confessed to her stolen orgasm during the masturbation exercise, he ordered her to use the ruler again—five hard swats on her pussy for her disobedience. Slave Jade eagerly complied, even sending him an unsolicited picture of herself, naked with the ruler in her hand. Clearly, she wanted to be punished. She needed it.

  Online Master John encouraged Slave Jade to explore her feelings regarding the timeless theme of being swept off her feet—abducted by a secret lover who would come to claim not only her body, but her heart and soul. The way he described it, taking whole passages directly from an erotic romance novel he'd purchased on the subject, seemed to enchant Slave Jade.

  They did some role-playing in their erotic chats that included the captive damsel and the mysterious knight who claims his woman on every possible level. Gilbert was pleased at how easy it was to plant the idea as erotic in his impressionable online lover. How would real life play against the fantasy?

  Moving day came, and Gilbert loaded his boxes and few pieces of furniture into the rented U-Haul and drove himself to a new city, with no regrets. As he drove, he had time to contemplate what he was planning. His new job hours would be in the evenings and on weekends. Not the best shift for most people, which is probably why it was available. But for Gilbert's purposes it was fine. He would be able to scope out Lisa's movements during the day, and on his evenings off, he'd check out her nightlife patterns.

  The owner of the cottage, a short heavyset man with piggy eyes, looked Gilbert up and down, his face pinched with distaste he didn’t bother to hide. “No funny business. No drugs, no girls. None of that.”

  “Of course not,” Gilbert said, nodding soberly.

  The man looked skeptical, but that didn’t stop him from accepting the envelope containing two months rent, in cash. He peered inside, fingering the bills and handed Gilbert a key. “There's a phone, but I don't want you using it.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said, there's a phone in there. I never took it out. It's got the same line as my phone. Just turn off the ringer, so you don't hear it. I leave it there because sometimes I have family stay there. Don't worry, they won't be here anytime soon. You can have the place for three months, like I told you. Just don't use the phone, unless of course you have an emergency. I know all you young people have cell phones anyway. No point in setting up phone service for three months.”

  Gilbert quite agreed, especially because he didn't particularly want a record of his name with the phone company. Couldn't play it too safe. This fellow had asked to see Gilbert's license, and Gilbert had presented the fake NY ID he'd purchased online for just such an occasion. The landlord had eyed it, comparing the photograph to Gilbert's face, and handed it back. Gilbert had produced an envelope of cash containing two months rent in advance. This seemed to suit the old fellow fine.

  He wasn't inclined to make small talk and showed no interest in helping Gilbert with his boxes or making him feel welcome. It was as if the situation were made to order, with his private space and an indifferent, recalcitrant landlord. Gilbert had his own driveway, where he parked his old car, U-Haul attached, and entered his new abode.

  He made a spot in the crowded living room for his computer desk by hauling an old rocking chair to the garage. Happily the owner had Internet service and he was able to connect through his wireless service. Staying connected online with Slave Jade was paramount while he bided his time.

  The second bedroom, which was really little more than a windowless sewing closet, was crammed with boxes and a sewing machine circa 1935. It didn’t take too long to haul it all out to the garage.

  Satisfied with his work, he stared around the empty room. This would be Lisa's room. Since the master bedroom already contained a large four poster bed, Lisa would get his old mattress. He had tossed the broken old box springs before moving. Slaves didn’t need beds.

  He’d acquired an old footlocker from an Army Navy surplus store in which was already stored a nice collection of whips and chains—items he’d purchased selectively over the years, plus a few new ones just for his captive sex slave.

  Captive sex slave. He quite liked how that sounded. To think, he was in her town, just a few miles from where she lived!

  Lisa lived alone. It was her first apartment on her own. Master John had teased this fact out of Jade in a supposedly offhand conversation about the difficulties of roommates. She wasn't dating at present, but Gilbert knew that could change at any time. Such a lovely girl was surely fair game for all the eligible young bachelors in Middletown.

  Gilbert would have to move quickly, before she took some man into her apartment. He wanted her alone. Alone and defenseless.

  Early the next morning Gilbert awoke confused for a moment as to where he was. It came rushing back, and his cock rose hard against his belly as he p
ondered his physical proximity to the girl of his dreams.

  Turning on his computer, he opened his favorite picture of Slave Jade. It was a full frontal nude, with the girl perching on a barstool. Her legs were slightly parted, just a hint of her pussy showing in the shadows, her breasts prominently thrust up by her arms pressing on either side. A lovely flush covered her cheeks, and it was clear she was embarrassed by the pose. And yet, she had sent it to Master John, with xxx's and ooo's in the header.

  Gilbert masturbated to the erotic image, squirting his jism into his hand and wiping it on a paper towel. The edge of his lust slaked, he grabbed his car keys and headed off to find his prey.

  He almost missed her. He was sitting in his car in the small parking lot of her apartment complex, hiding his head behind a newspaper, sipping coffee from a Styrofoam cup. He kept swiveling to keep the whole lot in his line of vision. A young woman stepped out and for a minute he thought it was Lisa, but when she drew closer he saw he was mistaken.

  At the same time, however, another woman left the building and headed toward her car. Still focused on the wrong woman, he caught her in the corner of his eye and his heart missed a beat.

  “Lisa,” he breathed.

  She was dressed with understated elegance in a tailored black jacket and narrow skirt. Her slim figure and ample breasts were hidden in the long lines of her suit. Her legs were shapely in sheer stockings and sensible pumps. Her long dark hair was pulled back and secured with a barrette at the nape of her neck.

  Tossing the paper aside, he turned the key in his ignition, hoping she wouldn't look around. She didn't, continuing toward a late model red Toyota, swinging her red pocketbook as she walked.

  Unlocking her door, she got in and started it, looking behind her as she slowly backed up. So she locked her car and she was a careful driver. Good traits, though he wished she didn't lock the car. But it didn't matter. He would get her when the time was right. He was a patient man.


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