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Could It Be Magic

Page 7

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  Saul blushed. What the hell was he supposed to say? He didn’t have the faintest idea how he was making the tail swish, either. It was as if it just had a mind of its own… He leaned towards Laars, making very sure not to get too close because he really couldn’t trust himself not to just lunge at him and kiss his face off, “It’s magic.” He breathed.

  Laars eyes darkened with some sort of emotion that Saul didn’t even dare think about but he was damned sure it was lust, “Wow.” He whispered back, “I think I believe you.”

  Saul smiled. “Really?” he asked in delight. Wow! That was amazing.

  Laars grinned back at him, “You look absolutely fucking gorgeous – and I’m not just saying that because I’ve had this cocktail. “You really do and…” he took another gulp of his cocktail and then placed his drink back down on the bar and turned to face Saul, his face suddenly far more serious. He took a deep breath, “And don’t freak out on me – but I really want to kiss you.” Laars went bright red.

  Saul’s jaw went slack and his heart beat just about doubled, “You want to kiss me?” he parroted, “Seriously?” His utter surprise was turning into utter joy and his heart started to beat at double time, making him feel a little dizzy.

  Laars nodded, “I’ve never been more serious in my life.” He admitted, “And I’ve never wanted to kiss someone as much as I want to kiss you right now, either.”

  Saul burst into delighted giggles, “Oh, wow!” he shouted excitedly, “I’ve been dying to kiss you for weeks!”

  Laars laughed along with him, “Oh, thank God.” He said, clearly relieved, “Then, uh… shall we?”

  Saul nodded, “Shall we move over to the quieter area – over there?” he nodded to the sofas towards the back of the room, away from the dance floor and away from the loud music.

  Laars nodded, “Good idea.” He said. He took Saul’s hand and pulled him over to the sofas.

  They say down and Laars leaned in to kiss Saul for the first time…


  Saul held his breath and waited for Laars’ kiss but his mind was working overtime. He really should come clean and tell Laars the truth about his heritage before he kissed him and sealed his own fate as his partner for all eternity. He might not want to be the soulmate of a witch so bad at magic that he’d been more or less thrown out of the magical community. “Stop!” he said with as much force as he could manage given the fact that he was about to be kissed by his most favourite person ever. He forced himself to back away from Laars’ lips a nanosecond before they met his.

  Laars held his hands up and stared at him in shock, “What’s the matter?” He asked, looking utterly bewildered at Saul’s sudden change of heart, “Oh, my God. Have I totally misread the situation, here?” he looked totally appalled at himself.

  Saul felt terrible. He shook his head emphatically, “No, no, of course you haven’t, honestly. It’s just that I…” He trailed off. How on earth was he supposed to position it to Laars? Just tell him. His mother’s voice seemed to come into his mind from nowhere, making him jump. How the hell did she know about this? Doing his best to ignore her untimely interruption, he took a deep breath and faced Laars. “I haven’t been completely honest with you – and I really think you should know everything there is to know about me before you kiss me. I don’t want to… to hoodwink you into being my boyfriend.”

  Laars smiled, “Hoodwink?” He laughed, “What if I want to be your boyfriend?” He asked playfully, “Did you ever think of that?”

  “Just hear me out?” Saul pleaded.

  Laars sighed and nodded, “You’d better explain quickly.” He said, slightly impatiently, “Because I really want to kiss you.”

  Chapter 22 – Hoodwinked…


  Hoodwinked? Laars scoffed in his mind, What the hell is he on about? They were about to kiss and my God, he was ready for it – but then Saul had definitely panicked and he’d stopped him. Was he afraid of him?

  He hoped not. Although there had definitely been a couple of occasions when he’d just stared at him with a look of fear on his otherwise perfectly beautiful face.

  He smiled, “What if I want to be your boyfriend?” He asked, hoping like hell that Saul was on the same page as him, “Did you ever think of that?”

  Saul’s face was so serious when he nodded, “Just hear me out.” He said.

  Well, there was no way he was getting his kiss before he’d listened. Grousing about making his explanation quick, he flopped back against the sofa cushions and crossed his arms over his chest.

  Saul leaned a little closer, making his heartbeat quicken, “I honestly haven’t known how to even broach this subject…” he said, sounding worried.

  “Just tell me.” Laars said, “Nothing can ever be as bad as you’re making it out to be.” Well, he hoped not, anyway… The look on Saul’s face was beginning to make him feel really quite uncomfortable about the whole thing. And then there was George, the guy on his floor who had come as a demon horse – he was always saying weird stuff about Saul, too. Oh, God. It was obvious that George had a crush, but was it more than that? Were Saul and George secretly an item…?

  Saul opened his mouth and Laars was certain he was about to tell him that he was shagging George, when he shocked the hell out of him (and flooded him with disappointment and hurt) by jumping to his feet. “I’m sorry.” He gasped, “I uh, I just,” he looked around wildly, his face fearful. He was clearly checking out where the nearest exit was, “I have to go.” He said, looking as miserable as he did afraid, “I really can’t do this, right now.”

  He bolted for the door and was gone in seconds.

  Laars stared at the door for precisely one minute before rising to his feet. He had no idea what was going through Saul’s mind but he was sure about one thing. They most definitely had feeling for each other and, yes, they were pretty overwhelming feelings but he’d managed to come to terms with it and he was sure Saul would too, given time.

  He crossed the dancefloor quickly and headed out to Saul’s dormitory. There was no way they weren’t going to have the conversation that was giving Saul so much concern, tonight…

  Laars made it to Saul’s door in record time. Marvelling at his own speed, he knocked on Saul’s door and waited for him to answer.

  When he didn’t immediately open the door, Laars started to get a little impatient, “I know you’re in there, Saul.” He shouted through the door, “So get your cute little ass out here.” And let me admire it.

  Seconds later, the door opened. Laars turned to speak to Saul but he wasn’t stood in the doorway as he usually was. “Oh.” He peered into the darkness of Saul’s room, “Saul?”

  “Over here.” Saul said quietly, “I’m on the sofa.”

  Laars was familiar enough with the layout of Saul’s room to find his way easily over to the sofa and he could make out Saul’s form already sat down, “Why are we in the dark?” he whispered.

  “It’s not dark when you’ve been sat in it a while.” Saul whispered back, “The moonlight makes everything silver. It’s really quite beautiful.”

  Laars blinked in the gloom and realised a little begrudgingly that his friend was right, “Okay.” He agreed reluctantly as he sat down, “Now, what the hell did you run away from me for?”

  “It’s… complicated,” Saul hedged, “There are things that you don’t know about me.”

  Laars shrugged and nodded, “Yeah,” he agreed, “I’m sure there are but there’s stuff about me that you don’t know about, too – so what? Are you some sort of serial killer or something? Do you have a boyfriend at home that you’ve failed to mention?” His heart squeezed painfully in his chest at the thought. That would surely kill him, “What?”

  Saul smiled, “No and no.” he said, “But I’m serious. I have uh, issues, let’s say – with my family.”

  Laars resisted the urge to snort. His family were clearly not cool with him being gay. Well, that was nothing new… “Okay,” he said, “I’m
guessing they don’t like that you’re out?”

  Saul shook his head, “I’m not out.” He mumbled, “It’s worse than that – I can’t come out.”

  Laars’ heart stuttered at Saul’s admission. When he’d told his mother that he didn’t fancy girls but admired quite a few male pop stars, she’d been so understanding, he’d wanted to cry. “Then we won’t tell them.” He said gently, “We can pretend to just be mates for as long as it takes for you to come out to them. I’m really okay with that.”

  Saul shook his head, “It’s not that easy…”

  “It really is.” Laars insisted, “I’m cool with hiding in the closet with you if that’s what it takes for us to be together.”

  Saul gazed at him as if he really was capable of hanging the beautifully full moon that was currently lighting the room up unbelievably well.

  “Are you sure?” Saul whispered.

  He nodded, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life,” he said fervently.

  “Oh, wow.” Saul whispered, “You really are the one.”

  Laars grinned, “Am I allowed to kiss you, yet?” he asked.

  Saul nodded, “Of course you are.” He breathed, giving in to his need for Laars, over his desire to tell him that he was from a completely surreal world where people really were magical and there were creatures that actually existed and weren’t just in fairy tales... “Please…”

  Their lips met. Fire swept through Saul’s veins, igniting his passion like nothing else had ever done before.

  He groaned against Laars lips, “Oh, God.” He murmured, “You’re so damned perfect.”

  Laars groaned along with him, his lips moving against Saul’s sensuously, “Beautiful,” he whispered between kisses, “Gorgeous. You’re so damned gorgeous.”



  Okay. He’s being nice. He’s just called you beautiful and that kiss was incredible. Now’s probably your best chance at him accepting the truth – take a deep breath and just tell him. What’s the worst that can happen?

  Well, that was easy. He could think he was crazy and never want to see him again… Still, in for a penny and all that shit.

  He took a deep breath, and still able to feel Laars’ kiss on his lips, he looked Laars in the eye, “I’m a witch.” He said as seriously as he could. Any second. Any second now and you’ll be leaving, never to see me again…

  Laars looked at him in amusement, “How much have you had to drink?” he asked with a laugh in his voice, “Because I’m pretty sure you were a cat last time I looked.”

  Saul rolled his eyes. “Not just tonight.” He said, “Always. I’m always a witch. I was born this way.”

  Laars laughed, “Drunk.” He said, shaking his head, “On two cocktails – you’re such a lightweight, it’s hilarious.”

  It didn’t surprise him that Laars was reacting like this. He even knew what was coming next. Aren’t you supposed to be a wizard if you’re a guy? Any second...

  “And shouldn’t you say wizard?” He cocked a perfectly groomed eyebrow.

  Saul grinned and shook his head, “Such a philistine.” He muttered.

  Laars punched him, “Hey,” he said indignantly, “I’m cultured.” He added with a laugh, “Go on then. I’ll humour you. Tell me what the difference is? How come you’re a witch, then and not a wizard?” his eyes twinkled playfully. “I’m genuinely interested – particularly since you’re dressed as a cat.”

  Saul, unable to resist Laars’ flirting, leaned forward and looked Laars in the eye, “Because, like I said, I was born to a witch and she passed on her gifts to me.” He said softly, “I can cast spells, make magic potions that help people and I’ve totally mastered the summoning charm since I’ve been here, too.”

  Laars nodded, “I hear you.” He said, “But what about your dad, then? What’s he?”

  Saul blinked. Good point… Why wasn’t he like his dad? Some of his friends had gained their gifts from their fathers but that was because their mothers had been from the non-magical world and his parents were definitely both from the magical world. He’d never really questioned it before. “Dad works for the government.” He said.

  Laars smiled, looking confused, “So, he’s not magic, then?”

  Saul bit his lip, “Yes, he is,” he said, trying to choose his words as carefully as possible, “He works for the Pyramid. It’s a branch of the government.”

  Laars nodded, trying to look as if the conversation wasn’t completely bypassing him, “Right – but can he do magic?”

  Saul frowned, “Ohhh, yes.” He said, remembering the cruel taunts his father always managed to direct at him for not being powerful in the slightest. “He’s one of the most powerful wizards ever.”

  Laars smiled, “I’ll bet he can’t do what you can do.”

  Saul looked at him, “What do you mean?” he asked in confusion. When had he ever shown his budding magical ability to Laars?

  Laars just grinned, “I’ll bet he can’t bewitch someone with just a smile.”

  Saul blushed. Laars was such a charmer, “I can’t do that…” he said softly.

  Laars snorted, “You can.” He said, “That’s exactly what you’ve done to me.”

  Saul grinned, “What else have I done to you?” He asked playfully, sending Laars already thrumming heartbeat into overdrive. God, he was a stunner.

  Laars shrugged, “I dunno,” he said, peering into his friend’s eyes, “But I definitely think you’ve bewitched me. I can’t stay away from you. It’s like I’ve been completely drawn in.”

  Saul smiled. He knew he’d meet his soulmate one day – and here he was. Shame he was such a non-believer. Well, he supposed he could keep a lid on that nugget of information for a while yet. It was going to be a bit of a challenge just to get him to believe that he was telling the truth as it was – to overload him with the whole soulmate truth was enough to tip him over the edge.

  “Well, I’m not responsible for the way you feel about me, I’m only responsible about the way I feel about you – and I uh, can’t actually help the summoning thing. I’m very attracted to you and I think about you a lot.”

  Laars grinned, “Relax, Saul.” He said, “I’m really happy that you and I really like each other. It’s such a relief to know you feel the same way about me.”

  “Kiss me again?” Saul asked, tipping his face up to Laars.

  Chapter 23 – Kissing…


  Laars looked into Saul’s eyes at his urgent request for another kiss. What he saw there told him that his feelings for Saul were absolutely solid and right. His dark, dark eyes were glowing pure gold. Saul was something incredibly special. Magical skills aside, he’d felt a connection with him as soon as their eyes had met across the Student Union bar that very first day. He leaned back in, eyes closed and pressed his mouth against Saul’s. Fuck. That felt absolutely perfect. He didn’t think he would be able to stop kissing Saul now even if his life depended on it – which it might well do if Saul’s father was to find them like this.

  Pushing all unpleasant thoughts about Saul’s homophobic, possibly powerfully magical, parents to the back of his mind, Laars concentrated on the here and now – which was getting hot and heavy with his new boyfriend, “Hell, yeah, I’ll kiss you all night.” He murmured as he leaned into Saul again.

  Reluctantly pulling away from Saul and his absolutely magical kisses, Laars looked his friend up and down. That catsuit really was super skin tight. His eyes settled at the crotch. What the fuck? He couldn’t stop the question from leaving his lips, “So, go on – where have you hidden your junk?” he asked.

  Saul gave him a disdainful look, “I’ve done what all the best drag queens do.” He replied, “I tucked.”

  “Tucked?” Laars asked, totally nonplussed. What the fuck was he on about?

  He nodded and then explained what tucking was and more importantly, what it entailed.

  “For fuck’s sake.” Laars exclaimed in horror, “What the
fuck have you done that for?”

  “Authenticity,” Saul snapped, “I’m a witch, not a miracle worker,” he added tartly, “and besides, I’m studying Geology, not anatomy. So, I’ve had to improvise – with sticky tape.”

  Laars winced, “Fuck.” He muttered, “It’s a good job you wax.”

  Saul grinned, “I don’t wax.” He said, “I think myself smooth.”

  “Well, of course you do.” Laars said, rolling his eyes.

  Saul chuckled, “Since we’re here, now – I’m guessing that we’re not re-joining the party?”

  Laars shook his head, “Not a chance.” He said.

  He stood up, “Then I’ll go and untuck.”

  He returned a few minutes later. “Good as new.” He said with a wink.

  Laars raised an eyebrow, “Does that mean I’m allowed to kiss and touch you?”

  Saul’s eyes widened, “Touch me?” he asked in an awed whisper, “Where?”

  Laars shrugged, trying his best to look cool even though his heart was about to burst through his chest and start pulsing on the floor in front of Saul, “Everywhere,” he growled, making Saul’s eyes pop. “Now come over here and we can work the rest out between us.”


  So, Saul was a witch, was he?

  Laars looked down at his sleeping beauty and marvelled at the length of his lashes. He was sound asleep on the bed and Laars was able to study his beautiful face (and his equally as beautiful body).

  He frowned slightly at the conversation they’d had earlier in the evening about Saul being a witch. There was just no way even though Saul had been absolutely adamant about the whole thing to the point that Laars almost got carried away and believed him.


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