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Bruce Chatwin

Page 77

by Nicholas Shakespeare

  When the war . . . Magellan Times, 12.12.28

  We met this . . . Judith Jesser, ND 1975

  On a wet and . . . 2.3.75

  I tried to picture . . . IP, 181

  XXIII: I Don’t Know What You’ll Make of It

  stuffy as all hell . . . BC to EC, 7.6.75

  It is slightly . . . 7.6.75

  I’m sorry I’m . . . BC to parents, 25.8.75

  I don’t want . . . 11.12.74

  I am going . . . 25.8.75

  not quite sure . . . EC to GC, 25.10.75

  The fatal thing . . . BC to UG, 30.1.80

  Like old lacquer . . . Tatler, October 1982

  Writing is the painting . . . Box 34

  his splashed ink . . . Box 30

  the essence of . . . Introduction to John Pawson (Gustavo Gili, 1992)

  whittles his possessions . . . Box 12

  One of his obvious . . . Gregor von Rezzori, Anecdotage (Farrar Straus, 1996), 41

  This is very extraordinary . . . 11.8.76

  To my immense . . . BC to Gerald Brenan

  I’m chicken about reviews . . . ABC, 25.1.83

  It is rare indeed . . . TM to BC, 25.10.77

  It’s an athlete’s book . . . Harold Beaven, ND

  without writing to . . . PLF to BC, 18.1.78

  in a state of emotion . . . Jean Raspail to BC, 5.6.79

  My problem with . . . George Steiner to TM, 13.9.77

  Perhaps none of them . . . FW to BC, 25.10.77

  Don’t flap too . . . BC to Keith Milow, ND [1979?]

  peculiarly dotty book . . . BC to DR, 1.12.77

  the FORM of . . . BC to CW, 5.11.77

  in poetry, but more . . . BC to SS, 26.7.78

  For what it’s worth . . . BC to Clarence Brown, 14.4.79

  VERY VERY slowly . . . CW to BC, 19.10.77

  He spent many . . . Charles Milward, Journals, 182

  I once made . . . Granta 21, 1987

  on a cursory glance . . . Box 35

  how he was . . . Oswaldo Beyer, Introduction to Memorias del Uno Carrero Patagonico, by Asencio Abeijon (Editorial Universitaria de la Patagonia, 1994)

  I have always . . . BC to JTZ, 16.6.83

  set up on . . . Journals, 199

  a worthy recognition . . . CC to BC, 17.10.77

  Surely it cannot . . . MB to BC, 28.11.77

  If I am in . . . BC to MB, 10.6.78

  With little exaggeration . . . Manfred Pfister, “Bruce Chatwin and the Postmodernization of the Travelogue”, LIT, Vol. 7, 1996, 253–267

  XXIV: “Kicked by Amazon”

  How much did it . . . ABC, 8.5.84

  He operated several . . . Box 35

  They were mostly elderly . . . Fawn Brodie, The Devil Drives: a life of Sir Richard Burton (Eland, 1987), 213

  Do descend if . . . Brendan Oxmantown to BC, ND

  wandering among . . . Box 31

  half open . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  le tabac est le produit . . . Pierre Verger, Flux et Reflux de la traite des Nègres entre le Golfe de Bénin et Bahia de Todos os Santos, du XVII au XIX siècle (Mouton, 1968), 30

  a magic nose . . . Hugh Thomas, The Slave Trade: the history of the Atlantic slave trade 1440–1870 (Picador, 1997), 354

  After staging a . . . WAIDH, 136

  This town, an old . . . BC to parents, February 1972

  as thick as . . . The Slave Trade, 356

  that most resembled . . . A. B. Ellis, The Land of Fetish, 1883

  Whenever a woman . . . Joseph Skertchley, Dahomey As It Is, 1874, 458

  A man came in . . . Box 23

  He was a tall man . . . VOO, Preface

  The story is wonderful . . . BC to EC, 29.12.76

  quite exhausting . . . BC to EC, 14.1.77

  One or two . . . 14.1.77

  his self-discipline . . . Keith Nicolson Price, unpublished memoir

  the allure of otherness . . . TLS, 31.7.98

  I met the famous . . . BC to EC, 14.1.77

  a French scholar . . . Sunday Times, 29.1.77

  story . . . WAIDH, vii

  Sunday morning began . . . Box 35

  the badge of a mercenary . . . ABC, 14.3.84

  Amazon . . . Granta 10, 1984

  In one little country . . . James Lees-Milne, 3.2.78

  XXV: Brazil

  I want to forget . . . Box 34

  Will walk off . . . Box 35

  the cat-like figures . . . Box 35

  infinitely alluring . . . 16.2.70, Box 34

  solitary wanderings . . . VOO, 56

  unburden his load . . . VOO, 57

  cowed and lacking . . . BC to FW, 10.3.77

  I want more . . . February 1972, Box 34

  The architecture is wonderful . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  a world where . . . TLS, 31.7.98

  the ‘daughters of the god’ . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  Her shoulders shuddered . . . VOO, 81

  He came in off . . . Box 35

  His green eyes . . . VOO, 63

  The lineaments of . . . VOO, 64

  yet he could . . . VOO, 57

  I have to say . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  I am heartily sick of it . . . BC to EC, 7.3.77

  Everything’s gone wrong! . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  unstuck for me . . . BC to Belinda Foster, 9.3.77

  the de Souza’s are . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  None of the black . . . BC to EC, 7.3.77

  who was sold . . . BC to EC, 7.3.77

  the terror of Brazilian life . . . Box 35

  What to make . . . Journal, Box 35

  know such expressions . . . Pierre Verger, Les affaires Americains, 1954

  vaguely second-rate . . . Box 35

  The Director wishes . . . Box 35

  the Brazilian secret police . . . SL, 180

  with a neat arrow-head . . . Box 35

  I’m not entirely sure . . . BC to Nigel Acheson, 25.8.78

  One with sub-machine . . . Box 35

  XXVI: New York

  The Greeks . . . Granta 21, 1987

  Like the evolution . . . Walker Books, 1980

  Cats have personalities . . . Walker Books, 1980

  I can’t think . . . BC to CW, 5.11.77

  Talked to DR . . . 1.5.80, Box 35

  I do love the borders . . . DR to BC, ND

  Such a monumental . . . BC to SS, 18.6.78

  is Australian . . . BC to SS, 26.7.78

  England more depressing . . . 9.12.78, Box 35

  Two friends of ours . . . EC to GC, 17.6.78

  The dandy confronts . . . Introduction to On the Marble Cliffs (Penguin, 1969)

  DR easing up . . . Box 35

  committed every outrage . . . AOR, 85

  They dressed up as women . . . Patricia Morrisroe, Mapplethorpe (Random House, 1995), 201

  by far the best essay . . . TLS, 14.2.97

  a black bedroom . . . “An Eye and Some Body” in Lady Lisa Lyon (St Martin’s Press, 1993), 9–14

  I really don’t . . . Box 35

  Maybe it was . . . TLS, 14.2.97

  By pushing back . . . NDBW, 499

  the image of people . . . Sebastian Walker to CT

  As if to purge himself . . . Box 35

  the pleasures of pain . . . Box 35

  I live with that . . . SL, 147

  On Monday, stuck . . . BC to SS, 18.6.78

  Reviews from U.S . . . BC to EC, 12.9.78

  Who knows . . . BC to MC, 17.8.78

  my mother’s namesake . . . Chanler Chapman to GC, ND

  Ushered into a . . . Box 35

  The BIG NEWS . . . BC to EC, 16.2.79

  Paul Theroux . . . BC to SS, 29.4.80

  Called at 1040 . . . Box 35

  Was it John . . . Box 35

  Dear Maxine . . . BC to EC, 16.2.79

  All our encounters . . . CW to BC, 19.10.77

  Bruce loved to . . . JI to NS, 22.10.98

  XXVII: Oh, mais c’est du Flaubert!

e felt a slight . . . Draft of “November”, EC collection

  I wanted to . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  this mythical beast . . . BC to JK, 27.1.86

  I think I’ll sit . . . BC to JK, 7.3.77

  As you know . . . BC to EC, 14.1.77

  the state of hysteria . . . BC to JK, 1.10.77

  wherever I go . . . BC to NA, ND [1979?]

  I just pace up . . . BC to Peter Eyre

  At the end . . . Box 34

  Those of us . . . AOR, 22

  It’s not far . . . EC to GC, 29.5.77

  The whole of . . . BC to EC, 24.10.77

  Flat is exactly what I wanted . . . BC to JK, 1.10.77

  cosy reading corners . . . JK diary

  He was a cuckoo . . . Shapes on the Horizon, 122

  This is better . . . BC to FW, 20.10.77

  I know exactly . . . BC to EC, 11.3.77

  I had thought . . . BC to CW, 5.11.77

  Kas mentioned to me . . . TM to BC, 5.12.77

  At its best . . . TM to BC, 16.1.78

  The greatest master . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  I am very serious . . . BC to Jonathan Miller, ND

  As an Englishman . . . BC to NS, June 1987.

  the Flaubertian conte . . . BC to Keith Milow, [1979?]

  how to string . . . BC to Margharita, 17.8.78

  At all costs . . . BC to Bill Buford, ND

  A trick I learned . . . BC to NS, 27 August 1988

  One quite useful . . . BC to NS

  an exquisite neo-Classical . . . BC to SS, 26.7.78

  Ow! the strains . . . BC to FW, 2.9.78

  Five hours of . . . BC to SS, June 1978

  I have a huge . . . BC to EC, 6.9 .78

  Apparently when . . . BC to EC, 12.9.78

  Xannikins has gone . . . BC to EC, 16.9.78

  Bruce came in . . . 10.8.79

  A house is . . . Box 35

  Everyone, in . . . BC to John Pawson, 23.1.86

  I think we’d better . . . BC to Gerald Brenan, 26.8.76

  As one gets older . . . BC to EC, July 1970

  Patmos is the most . . . BC to EC, 30.8.70

  she insisted on . . . FW to TLS, 21.5.99.

  The strain of living . . . VOO, 55

  she carried her devotion . . . OTBH, 153

  I simply can’t begin . . . BC to EC, 6.9.78

  I left England . . . BC to JK, 7.9.78

  the ugliest little . . . EC to GC, 10.11.78

  I have to say . . . BC to EC, 16.2.79

  XXVIII: Border Country

  NO LIVING WRITER’S . . . TM to BC, 23.10.80

  bemusement of reviewers . . . WAIDH, 138

  It’s very good . . . Georges Borchardt to DR, 3.12.79

  I had the distinct . . . TLS, 14.2.97

  on a pair of Welsh . . . BC to SS, 29.4.80

  No man can . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  a penny a pound too much . . . Paths of Progress: A History of Marlborough College, Thomas Hinde (James & James, 1992), 189

  We set off . . . 25.7.55, Marlborough College archive

  I remember Penelope . . . Independent, 14.5.87

  She was a . . . OTBH, 219

  I think she was . . . EC to Michael Cottrill, 1989

  The loss is hardly . . . BC to MC, July 1986

  The story she told . . . BC to Graham C. Greene, 8.6.82

  Two or three . . . David Plante, “The Restlessness of Bruce Chatwin” in Bruce Chatwin: Searching for the miraculous

  It was a squint at the nineteenth . . . ABC, 8.5.84

  musty masculine smell . . . Box 35

  exactly like the . . . Box 35

  air of saintly detachment . . . Box 35

  They went to . . . mad . . . Box 35

  We never went . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  The two brothers . . . Box 35

  which of course . . . BC to MB, 23.10.83

  I look forward . . . ND

  were pretty gay . . . TLS, 14.2.97

  Novel is of incest . . . Box 35

  Some of the details . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  when I went . . . BC to FW, ND 1981

  For example, you . . . SH, Adelaide, March 1984

  Another coincidence . . . R. Zazzo to BC, 28.3.85

  Before the War . . . BC to GCG, 8.6.82

  The dogs howled . . . Box 35

  I hope ’e comes . . . Box 35

  I don’t see . . . The South Bank Show

  a lovely place . . . BC to EC, 25.10.83

  believed, seriously, the road . . . OTBH, 90.

  When someone else . . . Esquire, October 1990

  Bruce rings up . . . EC to GC, 24.4.81

  a sort of’monastery’ . . . BC to MW, 27.4.81

  When Bruce Chatwin . . . From “A Nomad Collector”

  I could see . . . Anecdotage, 246

  a place where . . . AOR, 26

  One morning she . . . Anecdotage, 35

  I think it an . . . TM to Fred Gibb, 17.6.82

  Bruce will be . . . Rupert Lancaster, ND

  Reluctantly I began . . . 19.12.82

  Some good . . . EC to GC, 3.10.82

  general herbaciousness . . . Karl Miller, Doubles: Studies in Literary History (Oxford University Press, 1985), 402–9


  There’s very . . . ABC, 8.5.84

  You meet her . . . Box 35

  XXIX: A Judicial Separation

  Lunch with Elizabeth . . . Box 35

  frantically looking . . . EC to GC, 24.4.81

  Bruce is v. busy . . . 15.5.80

  there is a gap . . . EC to BC, ND

  E seems to . . . BC to MW, 27.4.81

  It’s much better . . . EC to GC, 16.8.81

  Spent a week . . . BC to parents, 22.9.81

  Some of what . . . Chetwynd-Talbot to BC, 15.12.80

  I realised, battling . . . BC to parents, 7.11.81

  The trouble with . . . BC to parents, 7.2.82

  Coughing of a leopard . . . Box 33

  I do think . . . GC to EC, 6.4.82

  I suggested that . . . BC to Jorge Zavaleta, 16.6.83

  Bruce is in . . . EC to GC, 12.7.82

  I have to man . . . 5.8.82

  But don’t say . . . 10.11.82

  I’m so sorry . . . 6.9.82

  Thank you for . . . Sybille Bedford to BC, 17.9.83

  XXX: Australia

  Shanghai! Montevideo! . . . The Moor’s Last Sigh (Jonathan Cape, 1994), 382

  my tremendous difficulty . . . BC to EC, 12.1.83

  With so many . . . BC to parents, 12.1.83

  I’m glad he’s . . . EC to GC, 3.1.83

  I am turning . . . BC to Robin Ravlich, 25.6.82

  a mindless time . . . ABC, 23.1.83

  The reviews such . . . BC to EC, 12.1.83

  Good for Sir Victor! . . . BC to FW, 11.1.83


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