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It's You

Page 2

by Tracy Tegan

  Evan just couldn’t wrap his head around all that had just happened and he wouldn’t have time to try to sort it all out because there was a knock on the door. Unsure who it might be, Evan quickly adjusted himself, and did his best to make himself look presentable.

  “Evan, you okay in there?”

  It was his sister Kara. Of course it was Kara. She was probably worried about him and there he was being a total ass, messing around with her best friend, the one thing she had asked him not to ever do.

  Walking out of the room, he gently closed the door behind him. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that, Zoey just ….”

  He trailed off. What could he say? He didn’t want to lie but he knew he couldn’t exactly tell her the truth either. Not right then. Maybe later.

  “It’s okay,” Kara said as she put a loving and understanding hand on her brother’s shoulder. “I know you were just trying to look out for Zoey’s best interest. But you have to remember we aren’t little girls anymore. We are all grown up and that means we get to wear our big girl clothes now.”

  Evan just groaned, and he and his sister joined the rest of the guests who were now in the dining room, including Zoey who was sitting on one side of Stefano while his own date, Ami, was sitting on the other.

  Evan froze, unsure of what to do. He had a decision to make. Should he take the empty seat next to Zoey or the one next to Ami, his date for the evening? Luckily, his sister made the decision for him, guiding him to the chair next to Ami, while she sat down next to Zoey. When he sat down next to Ami, she didn’t even seem to notice, she was too busy giggling and flirting with Stefano. But then again, so was Zoey. What was that man saying that was so damn funny?

  When his sister took her seat at the table, the servers started to bring the food in. As they sat the plates of food down in front of each person, Evan couldn’t seem to stop staring at Zoey, but she barely acknowledged his existence and instead kept chatting with her date, Stefano.

  Zoey did notice his strange glares at her but she couldn’t quite understand why he was giving her that look. Did he really regret their intimate encounter in the bedroom that much? She was the first to admit she didn’t have that much experience making out, but still, she didn’t think she was that bad, not bad enough for him to be glaring at her like that.

  This night wasn’t turning out like she had thought it would at all. Her dream date Stefano was a dud and she made a complete ass of herself by kissing Evan. Zoey wasn’t a big drinker but with all that was going on, she had found herself asking for a few more refills of her wine than she normally would have.

  By the time dinner was over, she realized she had had way too much to drink. More than anything, she just wanted this night to end so she could go home and sleep off her buzz. She turned to Kara to say that maybe she better call a cab and that she would pick her own car up tomorrow, but as she twisted in her chair she dropped her napkin, and when she bent over to pick it up, she glanced under the table at Ami’s hand on Stefano’s lap and he was as hard as a rock.

  Zoey quickly jumped up, hoping to avoid anyone realizing she was under the table when she bumped her head. The loud thud caught everyone’s attention. Great, this night just keeps getting better.

  “Oh sweetie, are you okay,” Kara said as she lovingly rubbed Zoey’s head. “What were you doing?”

  “I dropped my napkin and I …” she turned to look at Ami, who didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered by the fact that she might have been caught rubbing Stefano under the table, and then to Evan who, she was sure, was still going to be scowling at her, but much to her surprise, he wasn’t. He had a genuine look of concern on his face.

  “I guess I’ve had too much to drink. I think I better call a cab.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Evan will take you home.” Kara said, gesturing to her brother who nodded in agreement.

  “No, really, it’s okay. I can just call a cab. They’ll be here in no time.”

  Evan rose from the table. “Go grab your things, Ami, it’s time to leave.” He grabbed Zoey by the arm and drug her to the living room, who continued to insist she could find her way home on her own. “I’ll take you home.”

  Ami and Stefano followed Evan. “Actually Evan,” Ami said sheepishly. “If you don’t mind, Stefano said he will take me home later.”

  When Evan didn’t respond, she continued. “He has this collection of Geek artifacts and I want to check them out.”

  “I think you mean Greek artifacts, honey,” Zoey replied, trying her best not to burst out laughing.

  Evan just rolled his eyes and with a firm grasp still on Zoey’s upper arm, dragged her out of the apartment and to the parking lot without saying a word. When they got to his car, he leaned over to unlock the door but Zoey stopped him, using her body to block the door.

  “Why are you being such an ass?”

  “I didn’t realize taking you home was me being such an ass. That’s good to know.”

  Zoey arched an eyebrow. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  He reached up and rested his hands on her hips. “No Zoey, I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I’m sorry if you regret what we did earlier, but I don’t. I thought it was wonderful.”

  “Apparently so wonderful that it made you want to go flirt and chat up Stefano all during dinner.”

  “Not hardly! He was my dinner date and I was just trying to be cordial. I don’t have a thing for him, he’s not my type. Plus he was too busy getting an under the table rub and tug from your date.”

  Zoey put one hand on Evan’s chest and then let the other slide down between his legs. “Want me to show you what I saw?”

  Evan sucked in a breath when Zoey let her hand slide over the growing erection in his pants and squeezed it firmly.

  “I don’t need a Greek playboy, when I have the real thing right here.”

  Evan looked around to make sure there was nobody else around. Could he really do this? Could he make out with Zoey in the parking lot of his sister’s apartment building? Fuck it.

  He pulled Zoey in for a deep passionate kiss. Her lips were sweet and tasted like strawberries. He wasn’t holding back and neither was she. Lost in the magic of the kiss, he clung to her wildly and desperately, fearing she might walk away like she had done earlier, if he didn't hold on to her tight.

  Before things could progress any further, there was a bright light from an oncoming car. He pulled away, unlocked and opened the door for her so that she could get inside of his car. He rushed to get into the driver’s side and when he did, he turned to see Zoey’s skirt had slid up and he had a perfect view of her pink silky panties.

  Evan couldn’t force himself to look away, this was the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his entire life. How was it possible that Zoey could make him feel this way just by sitting there in those cute little panties?

  “See something you like?” She asked in a breathy, seductive voice.

  Evan couldn’t answer, all he could do was nod his head.

  “I do too,” she said as she nodded toward his stiffening cock. Then she reached over and started rubbing her hand against his erection.

  “Take your panties off,” Evan commanded.

  She smiled and without hesitation pulled her panties off as she was told to do.

  Evan couldn’t resist putting his finger inside of her. She was glistening wet and while he was enjoying slipping his fingers in and out of her, he desperately wished they were back at his place already.

  She spread her legs further and moaned, “Don’t stop.”

  Evan stuck another finger inside, enjoying the feel of her wetness.

  Zoey savored each second of pleasure as he worked his fingers in and out of her. Soon her breath became erratic and Evan knew she was about to lose it.

  The sensation of his fingers inside of her felt so overwhelmingly good, all Zoey could do at that moment was grind against his hand, wanting more than anything to come.

he couldn’t believe this was happening, but all that mattered was that Evan was giving her such riotous, unbelievable pleasure. Her body began to shiver uncontrollably, on the verge of release. She was out of her mind with need for him.

  “Come for me baby,” he murmured as he began to rub her clit faster.

  “Yes, oh God yes,” Zoey moaned loudly as she began to thrash around, while an orgasm rocked her body. She shuddered in his grip and the pleasure of it all lasted for long, precious moments as they sat there in silence enjoying the experience.

  Evan couldn’t believe what just happened. His chest tightened with the full measure of lust and tenderness he felt for her. He wanted nothing more than to just hold her in his arms and make mad passionate love to her.

  Evan finally pulled away and with distance now between them, Zoey felt the loss of his touch. She could think of nothing but his strength and the warmth between them. The emotions were almost overwhelming and she needed an anchor. She needed to remember that Evan didn’t do serious relationships. He was the king of one night stands and she was nothing more to him than one of his bimbos. She had no sooner acknowledged her feelings before his hand moved. He cupped her cheeks, forcing her head upward.

  “You okay Zoey?”

  “That was incredible Evan.”

  He leaned over and kissed her forehead, and then started the car. “Guess we better get out of here.”

  “You know how to get to my house?” Zoey asked.

  hEvan was taken aback by what she had just said. He was sure they were going to go back to his place and finish what they had just started. “You don’t want to go back to my place?”

  “No Evan, it’s pretty late, I better head back home. I have an early morning thing.”

  Evan didn’t argue with her, instead he just drove her home in silence, while trying to figure out where things had gone wrong between them.

  Zoey didn’t really have plans for the next morning, but she knew Evan hated having girls at his place and never did it. She was sure he was just inviting her over to be polite. He probably felt bad for what they had done, but whatever, Zoey wasn’t going to be one of those clingy girls she had heard Evan complaining about over the years. But damn, she finally got it. Evan was amazing and she completely understood why those girls wanted to hang around for more.

  When they got to her house, Evan walked her to the door and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead before heading off into the night, alone.

  More than anything she hoped Evan would demand to come inside and stay the night with her. But she knew better than that, she knew the score. He didn’t do serious and he probably already regretted what they did in his car.


  Early the next morning, she awoke to her phone buzzing. She scrambled to find it, wondering who in the heck would be calling her so early. It was Kara.

  “Hello?” Zoey said groggily.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Ugh. Why are you calling me so early, Kara? Is this to punish me for drinking too much last night at your dinner party?”

  Kara laughed. “No, not for that.”

  Zoey wondered what she meant by that. Did she possibly know about what happened between her and her brother? Oh God, please say she didn’t know yet.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing, Zoey. I’m just teasing you silly. I only called to let you know that my brother and Trevor are on their way over to drop your car off. Evan was over early this morning for breakfast and afterwards I sent him and Trevor to deliver your car.”

  “Thanks Kara. I appreciate that.”

  “Better get dressed, they should be there any minute.”

  When Zoey hung up the phone, she ran into the bathroom to fix her hair and clean up her face. She had taken a shower the night before and now her hair was a frizzy mess. There was nothing she could do with it now but throw it in a ponytail.

  Zoey was in such a hurry to fix her hair and makeup, she completely forgot to look at what she was wearing and when the doorbell rang, she ran to answer it without giving a second thought to the fact that she was standing there in only a t-shirt and panties.

  Evan leaned on the door frame, letting his eyes rake over her half-dressed body.

  “Where is Trevor?” Zoey asked while trying to see over his shoulder.

  “He’s downstairs waiting for me. I just came to drop these off.”

  Evan handed Zoey the keys.


  Zoey started to shut the door but Evan put his hand up to stop her. Looking down at her attire he asked, “I thought you had something to do early this morning?”

  “Oh, yes,” she said, remembering her lie from last night. “It was just a conference call. I finished up a few minutes ago.”

  “Want to go get some lunch? I can swing by and pick you up on my way home in about half an hour.”

  Zoey knew he was just being nice. He couldn’t possibly be hungry because Kara said they just had breakfast.

  “Thanks Evan, but I’ve got some stuff around the house I really need to get done. Maybe some other time.”

  With that they said their goodbyes and Evan was on his way back down to a waiting Trevor.

  “What’s that look for?” Trevor asked as Evan got into the car. “Everything okay?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know.”

  “Did you give Zoey her keys?”

  “Yeah she has her keys.” But what he wanted to do was take her in his arms and give her a kiss. Why did she have to answer the door looking so cute in her little t-shirt and panties? Evan couldn’t help but wonder if she wore stuff like that on purpose, just to drive him crazy.

  “Did something happen between you two last night?” Trevor asked.

  Evan didn’t want to admit the truth because Trevor was married to his sister, and that was the last person in the world he wanted to know what was going on. But he was frustrated and confused and he didn’t know what to do. Maybe Trevor could help.

  “Yeah, something did happen. But just to be clear, she came on to me.”

  “Okay, so you two finally slept together,” Trevor said casually, as if he had known it was going to happen all along.

  “What do you mean ‘finally’?”

  “Oh please, Evan, anyone who has ever spent more than two seconds in a room with you two knew you were going to eventually hook up.”

  Evan groaned.

  “Well, we didn’t exactly have sex, but close.” He sighed. “What the fuck do I do now?”

  “I guess the real question is Evan, what do you want to do?”

  “I know my sister is going to be pissed but I’m in love with her, man. I think I’ve been in love with her for a long time.”

  “If that’s true, then your sister isn’t going to be half as upset as you seem to think.”

  “What do you mean? Of course she is. The one thing she told me to never do is hook up with her best friend.”

  “Your sister didn’t want you to hook up with Zoey because she knew you had a tendency to sleep around. She just didn’t want you to hurt Zoey.“

  “Guess it doesn’t matter anyway, Zoey clearly isn’t interested in me.”

  Trevor didn’t know what to tell his friend so he just took him back to his wife, knowing that if anyone could help Evan it would be Kara.

  When he and Trevor got back to his sister’s, Evan confessed his feelings for Zoey and asked Kara for her help. He expected her to be angry, or at the very least give him a speech about keeping promises, but she didn’t. Instead, she gave him a knowing smile and a big hug.

  “I knew this was coming for a while now.”

  “Yeah, apparently everyone but me did,” Evan huffed out while glaring at Trevor.

  Ignoring her brother’s comments, Kara continued on. “The problem is, Zoey is probably sitting there right now thinking she is just another notch on your bedpost.”

  “But we didn’t actually have sex, not really.”

  “Evan, I lo
ve you with all of my heart, but let’s face it, you’re a man whore. You’ve been with so many girls over the years and you’ve never been serious about a single one of them, so Zoey probably assumes you would feel the same about her if the two of you were intimate.”

  Evan opened his mouth to protest but then quickly shut it, realizing his sister was right. He hadn’t ever been serious about another girl before now but that was only because none of them had ever been Zoey.

  “How do you know that’s what Zoey is thinking?” Trevor interjected.

  Kara smirked at him. “Because I’ve known Zoey almost my entire life and I know how her mind works.” She turned back to her brother. “Let me guess, immediately after you two were intimate, she did her best to get away from you?”

  Evan sighed. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “And did you ask her to stay the night with you or go on another date and she refused, saying she had other plans?”

  “Both. Last night she said she couldn’t stay the night with me because she had something to do early this morning, and then when we dropped her keys off I asked to take her to lunch and she said she couldn’t because she had some stuff to do around the house.”

  “Exactly,” Kara said with a smug smirk on her face. “She probably doesn’t want you to think she is one of those girls that are all clingy, the ones you are always complaining about.”

  Evan hated to admit it but he knew his sister was right. Zoey probably was trying to avoid him because she felt like a trashy one night stand, and that was his own fault for letting things get as far as they did in the car.

  “So how do I fix this?”

  Kara seemed to think about it for a moment, then a huge smile came across her face. “You are going to have to make one of those grand gestures that you always see in romantic comedies. Are you up for it?”

  Evan hesitated before answering, not because he wasn’t up for doing whatever it took to win Zoey but because he knew how devious his sister’s mind could be sometimes and he partly feared what idea she had come up with.


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