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The Last Howard Girl (Tudor Chronicles Book 3)

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by Lesley Jepson

  The Last Howard Girl

  Tudor Chronicles Book Three

  The Last Howard Girl © 2016 W L Sutton .

  All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be replicated, redistributed, or given away in any form without the prior written consent of the author/publisher or the terms relayed to you herein.

  This is a work of fiction.

  References to historical events, real people or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  For Sid, who inspired me to write,

  for Carrie, who always makes it better

  And for Rachel, an absolute star

  With much affection

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Part 2

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 1

  xecuted, Ralph? Tom Seymour, executed?’ Meg carefully placed their new-born baby daughter in the cradle and turned to look at Ralph, concern creasing her heart-shaped face.

  ‘At the end of the month, my Meg. Even his own brother condemned him for plotting to kidnap the King.’ Ralph took Meg’s hands in his own and kissed her knuckles, leading her to a seat near the window.

  ‘Ned Seymour never did have a high opinion of his younger brother, Ralph. But to allow him to be condemned …..,’ her voice trailed away and she shook her head.

  ‘He plotted against the King’s person, my love. For all that Tom Seymour is the King’s uncle, and the brother of one of the Lord Protectors, he has been so reckless of late, I think Ned sees him as a liability.’ Ralph kept hold of Meg’s hands and rubbed them for warmth.

  ‘Hmph! He has always been a liability, Ralph. But now that he has become a liability to his brother and his awful wife, they find a reason to rid themselves of him.’

  ‘It was John Dudley that presented the evidence, Meg. Ned and the others only had to listen, and it was clear that Tom is no longer thinking clearly. He is a danger to the crown.’

  ‘He was always dangerous! When he married the Dowager Queen so soon after King Henry died, that was dangerous. When they had Princess Elizabeth living with them, God knows that was dangerous too. But now, after Queen Kate is dead because of his neglect, and his poor little daughter is looked after by strangers ….!’

  ‘Hush, my love. Don’t get so upset. You’ll wake the baby.’ Ralph tried to soothe his wife as her voice began to rise with distress. Meg swallowed and tried to calm herself.

  ‘I understand, Ralph. Please don’t think I am ignorant of how these things happen. I know that my Lord Somerset could not save his brother, and I know that my Lord Warwick would present the evidence fairly, and God knows I have no sympathy for Tom Seymour. But I had thought that now Edward was King, and the Princess Elizabeth was safe at court with her brother and the others, that things would be different somehow. Safer.’

  ‘You are safe here, my Meg. Safe with our children away from court.’ Ralph pressed her fingers and smiled his lovely smile at his wife. Meg raised her hand and ran it along his jaw, then bent forward and kissed him lightly.

  ‘I am pleased to be away from court, Ralph. I am happy that Cat has trusted us to look after her children along with ours in our nursery since Lady Mary died.’ Meg’s eyes filled with tears at the thought of the death of her patron and friend Mary Boleyn, then she sniffed and sat up straighter, shaking off the sorrow.

  ‘Tommy and Lettice are coming along nicely with their lessons, as is our Richard, my love. And the little ones are growing and thriving with their nurses. As for your beautiful daughter,’ Meg smiled as they heard snuffles from the baby in the cradle ‘she will be wanting her feed soon, so I shall take her to the nursery. Will you accompany us, Ralph? Your boys would enjoy seeing you.’

  ‘I shall enjoy seeing them too, my love. I don’t get enough time away to spend with you as I would wish. I want to see how well Richard is forming his letters, and how young master Thomas is getting on with the difficult business of walking.’ Ralph laughed at the memory of his sturdy second son trying to balance without grasping at the furniture. ‘And I shall be most happy to watch you feed our beautiful Anne, unless you have finally succumbed to my suggestion of a wet-nurse?’

  Meg walked over to the cradle and picked up her daughter, soothing the fractious child against her body and smiling as the tiny girl rooted into her bodice, instinctively smelling the milk contained in her mother’s swollen bosom. Meg raised her eyes to her husband.

  ‘Not yet, Ralph,’ she whispered. ‘Let me enjoy having her all to myself while she is still so tiny. We have so many servants to run the household and nursemaids to look after the children, that caring for Anne is no trouble to me. And she makes me feel closer to you when you are away at court.’

  ‘As long as you don’t tire yourself out too much then, my love. I am sure our Anne enjoys every moment with you.’ He put his arm round Meg’s waist, already slender again after her third confinement, and accompanied both his girls to the nursery before he returned to court.


  Cat raised her head from her needlework at the commotion from the other end of the room. She was sitting at the far window of the school room with the other ladies in waiting while the Royal children Edward and Elizabeth took language lessons with their tutor and the other children allowed to be part of the Royal Household.

  Cat smiled at the sight of Elizabeth, head bowed over her Latin alongside her
cousins Lady Jane and Lady Catherine Grey. The older children of the Earls of Warwick and Somerset were also being educated in the Royal household as befitted their rank. The influence of the Dowager Queen was still felt, even after her death, as the young people of the court enjoyed pitting their wits against each other in their lessons. As chief lady-in-waiting to Princess Elizabeth, it was her duty to stay nearby; as Elizabeth’s older cousin, it was her pleasure.

  The Earl of Warwick had come to request that the young King interrupt his lesson to sign state papers and Cat watched as his sons straightened in their seats at the sight of their father sweeping grandly into the room and demanding the attention of the King. Both Robert and Henry Dudley were good students, and Cat could see that their father was proud of the young men they were becoming. She knew though, that his youngest son, Guildford, had no aptitude for learning, and preferred to spend his time gazing out of the window ignoring the lesson, or sneaking off to play his lute with the court musicians.

  ‘And this is what, my Lord?’ Edward’s clear young voice carried across to where Cat still sat with the ladies, ignoring the sewing in her lap. She saw John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and one of the chief lords of the Protectorate bow low to his King.

  ‘The Bill of Attainder for the execution of Thomas Seymour, Majesty.’

  ‘Sssss,’ Elizabeth hissed a low gasp and put her hand over her stomach. Cat looked over anxiously and prepared to put her sewing down.

  ‘It must be signed now, my Lord? While I am at my lessons?’ Edward held the document in his hand and looked up at the Earl in surprise.

  ‘My apologies, Sire, but we want this matter dealt with as soon as possible. If any others conspired with him to harm your Royal person then we need to seek them out and stop them, before any harm comes to you.’ The Earl bowed as he spoke.

  ‘Aaah – oh,’ another pained gasp from Elizabeth, who sat forwards and then back in agitation.

  ‘Very well, my Lord,’ Edward scratched his signature at the bottom of the parchment, just above the Royal seal. ‘As you say, we must attend to our safety.’ Edward passed the document back to Warwick.

  ‘Oh…oo..ooh.’ Elizabeth gave a cry somewhere between a sigh and a groan, and stood, pushing her chair back and noisily scraping the legs across the wooden floor. Everyone looked towards the Princess, who was almost doubled over, clutching her midriff and breathing rapidly.

  Cat lumbered to her feet, almost eight months along with her latest pregnancy and delaying her confinement as long as she could. She went towards the Princess but quickly realised Robert Dudley had stood at the same instant as Elizabeth and was leading her away from the curious gazes of the children and servants into a window embrasure. Cat reached the young couple and took one of Elizabeth’s trembling hands in her own before sitting heavily on the window seat, rubbing her hands over Elizabeth’s freezing one. She could hear Robert whispering.

  ‘Hush, Bess. Don’t let them see you are upset.’ Robert had taken Elizabeth’s other hand in his and he was gently stroking the back of it.

  ‘But what if they come for me, Robbie? What if your father or Tom’s brother Somerset brings another Attainder? An Attainder for me?’ Elizabeth’s voice was high and thin with panic. Robert turned to face her, and while Cat determinedly held on to Elizabeth’s left hand, Robert kissed the knuckles on her right and, bending low, placed his forehead on Elizabeth’s, stroking her jaw and whispering to her. It reminded Cat of how she had seen Robert gentle a horse in the tilt-yard, stroking and whispering until it was calm.

  ‘They won’t come for you, Bess.’ His soft voice was firm and reassuring ‘They questioned you and they believed you and then they let you go. You are here, with me. With us.’ He glanced quickly at Cat as he spoke.

  ‘I didn’t plot against Edward with Tom, Robbie. I didn’t. I wouldn’t. I love Edward, and I love my life here. I don’t want anything to spoil this.’ Elizabeth’s voice was still full of panic but it was lower and more controlled. Her dark eyes, such a contrast to her copper hair, flared and raked over the room, seeking out those who might wish to harm her.

  ‘Princess,’ Cat kept her tone even and calm, as she continued to hold Elizabeth’s hand and Robert continued his petting of her, slow rhythmic strokes designed to soothe, ‘we all know you were innocent of the charges. Edward knows how unpredictable his Uncle Thomas has become, and he also knows how much you love him.’ Elizabeth nodded into Robert’s forehead, eyes closed, breathing calmly.

  ‘But now, Princess, you must return to your lesson. There are always spies in court, and you wouldn’t want them to report you weak.’ Elizabeth gasped and Robert continued with his hushing whispers, then she straightened and opened her eyes, looking directly at Cat and nodding once.

  ‘Come, my Lady,’ said Robert, more loudly, ‘it was just a sharp stomach pain, and it is gone now. Let us finish our lesson and then we can ask Mistress Ashley to prepare a warm posset so it doesn’t come back.’ He led her towards the group.

  Cat watched Elizabeth glide back to the lesson table and take her seat again next to the Grey sisters, bending her head to her Latin. Robert looked back at Cat and nodded towards her as he resumed his seat, folding his length into the small chair next to his brothers. Master Ascham began the lecture and Cat returned to the knot of ladies still gossiping quietly so as not to disturb the lesson.

  As she took her sewing back into her lap, the baby kicked and moved determinedly and Cat knew that she couldn’t delay her confinement much longer. She just hoped it would be a quick birth and that she could get herself blessed swiftly and return to Elizabeth at court. Cat knew that Meg would rejoice to have another little mite to care for in her nursery, and she knew all her children would receive the love and care they needed in Meg’s household. It was Elizabeth, already almost a young woman at 13, who needed love and care, and Cat was determined to honour her mother Mary’s dying request that she would take care of this latest Howard girl at court.

  Chapter 2

  elaxing on the day bed in Meg’s solar at Sutton House, Cat helped herself to the dish of comfits her friend had carefully placed within easy reach. Cat had delivered a healthy baby boy named in honour of the King two weeks previously. He was now ensconced in the nursery with his wet-nurse and brothers and sisters, as well as Meg’s own children.

  ‘I can’t ever thank you enough, dearest Meg, for allowing Francis and me to leave our children in your household whilst we are at court.’ Cat smiled at her friend and munched happily on another comfit.

  ‘You know we are pleased to have them, Cat. And our house is so much nearer to court than yours at Rotherfield Greys. You and Francis can see them whenever you get a few moments away.’ Meg poured herself a cup of small ale, and brought another to the table beside Cat.

  ‘It is still a comfort, knowing they are loved while they are away from us. We both know how important love is when children are young.’ Cat’s voice filled with emotion as they both remembered the tragic end of Kitty Howard, Henry’s fifth Queen.

  ‘I miss your mother so much, Cat.’ Meg’s voice filled with tears as she remembered how kind Cat’s mother Mary Stafford, formerly Mary Boleyn, had been.

  ‘Delivering Edward would have been easier if she had been there, Meg,’ smiled Cat, ‘she would have organised the maids far better, and the midwives.’ Cat laughed at how practical her mother had been in such situations. ‘Do you remember how she bundled that old crone away from Queen Kate, and then how she slapped Tom Seymour?’ They both laughed their tears away, remembering how forceful Mary could be.

  ‘And that reminds me, after I have been churched on Sunday and can go out into the world again, I must take some wine and bribe money to the Tower for Monseigneur.’

  ‘Are you sure you are well enough, Cat?’ Meg gave a
worried look to her friend. ‘You only went into confinement a week before Edward was born, and he is only a fortnight old now. You are scandalous, breaking convention like this, you know.’ Meg bit into a comfit and chewed, smiling at Cat as she snorted her contempt.

  ‘Hmmph! I don’t have time to be away from court for six weeks before I deliver a baby and then six weeks afterwards! I know Elizabeth has Kat Ashley and Blanche Parry and the others to look after her, Meg.’ She smiled across the rim of her cup. ‘But they can’t protect her like I can. They don’t have the power that the Howard name gives me. Monseigneur might be in the Tower at the moment, but I have no doubt he will be released at some point, to stride and swear about court once more.’

  Cat snorted into her drink with laughter as Meg’s eyes widened at the memory of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk and self-styled ‘Monseigneur’ to his family. She knew Norfolk was not a likeable man, and she remembered how fearsome he could be. Nevertheless, she felt a duty towards him on behalf of her mother to pay her respects. He was still the elder statesman of the Howards, regardless of his imprisonment.

  ‘I shall go and see him on my way back to Westminster palace next week, Meg. I shall have the steward prepare some bottles of watered wine, and I shall try and find a purse of coin in case he has need of some funds during his stay.’ Cat chose another comfit and chewed slowly. Meg got to her feet.

  ‘Come, Cat. Let us go to the nursery and be with the children while you can. My Anne will be ready for feeding soon, and I imagine baby Edward will wake with all the noise of the others.’

  Cat swung her legs off the day bed and took her kerchief from the pocket of her gown, wrapping the rest of the comfits in the fine linen to give to the children when they got upstairs. She always liked to take them a little something when she got the chance to see them.


  ‘A little something for you, Monseigneur, as remembrance of my visit.’ Cat placed four bottles of carefully watered wine down on the side table in her uncle’s apartment, together with a velvet purse bulging with coin. She looked round the room, noting that the hangings were quite heavy and the coverlet on the bed was fine. Norfolk was obviously not being made to suffer privation, even if he was incarcerated in the Tower. He was allowed servants and had a suite of rooms for his use. He just wasn’t allowed his freedom.


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