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Dragon Reign: A Paranormal Love Tale

Page 13

by Pressley James

  “Do I have to spell it out to you!” she spat angrily. “He ripped my daughter away from me, my beautiful precious Adrianna! His love was a curse. She embraced the monster as if he were human. But, he was anything but. In his world, he was a black dragon. But, he walked the earthly soils like a two-legged man, filled with dangerous venom powerful enough to wipe out the entire city,” she hissed uncontrollably. “For the longest, I couldn’t understand the lunacy that possessed my daughter. But, she couldn’t turn away from the love that she had for him. After all this time, I can’t turn away from my bitter disgust. I should have done more. I should have stopped him. Now, I bear the weight of my sin.” She stared at him coldly. “And now, like him, you plan to ruin Nicole! But, this time, I refuse to allow someone that I care about be destroyed ever again by the likes of him!”

  Shock reverberated through him and went straight to his core.

  His mind raced as the truth stared back at him. It loomed right in front of him like a giant elephant.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “You can’t ---”

  “Believe me,” she bit out nastily. “I have no more desire to claim you as my kin than you do. I loathed your grandfather. And I loathe you…my dear great-grandson.”

  Iron will clenched his muscles as his eyes clashed with hers.

  Bitterness and hatred shone in the old woman’s eyes.

  Finally, she turned away from him in disgust.

  “After my daughter became an immortal, she passed the gift of eternity to me. Now, I cannot die, but am forced to live this dead life on Earth. As I question if it’s a blessing or a curse, my immortal soul claims the latter. Like a fool, I couldn’t bear the thought of giving up my earthly life and chose to stay here. I have regretted that choice greatly for centuries, spending everyday yearning for the daughter that I’ve lost. Now, I crave death as my companion.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came.

  Was it true?

  Could he possibly be facing human kin?

  Then, that meant that he was also partly human.

  No, he argued inwardly.

  The thought wasn’t even feasible.

  It couldn’t be true……

  He started when she spoke again.

  “Willingly, Adrianna traveled to your distant, hidden world,” she whispered as tears filled her eyes. “And because of my newly appointed gift of immortality, I was able to tap into it more easily. My daughter bore a child, namely your mother, Catharina. Never has anyone possessed greater beauty than your mother, and her bloodlines were crossed with those of a human and black dragon.”

  He stiffened.

  Of all the years he’d roamed earth, this was the first he’d ever heard of his mother or his beginnings. Still, after a century, the pain was raw within him, and he yearned for the mother that he never knew.

  And he never would, he reminded himself angrily, which made it a moot point to long for something that would never be. Again, his words were cold. “You speak nothing but lies.”

  Still, he knew that she spoke anything but.

  “I wish that I were,” she went on miserably. “Naturally, Catharina evolved into a beautiful, spirited dragon princess. And it wasn’t long before she found love with your father, Brigham.”

  Rendered speechless, he stared ahead.

  Pain lanced through him again.

  Like any boy, he’d craved the love of a father. And it’d taken a long time for him to accept the fact that he’d never know him.

  His thoughts caught up with her words again.

  “Brigham was the rightful heir of Vale. A half-breed, he possessed the powers of dragon and vampire. He was a fierce fighter, lover, and opponent. But, nothing could equate with the powerful love that he felt for your mother.”

  “Then, what happened?” he asked, holding his breath.

  “I’m afraid that war broke out, and my visions weren’t clear for quite awhile. For the longest time I lost connection with your world,” she whispered breathlessly, her eyes sparkling with fresh tears. “But, years later, my aura was able to break through. And I was there cosmically as you were born. I can remember your birth so vividly. You burst into the world within great strife and calamity. As soon as you took your first breath, my connections perished with the ages.” Her eyes took on a faraway look. “Now, a century later, my aura has been reopened to your hidden world. And war still seizes it by day and night. It eagerly awaits your triumphant return,” she offered. “And I can be of great service to you. I will gladly make sure that you make a much needed return. Goodness knows that you have defiled this place and my memory enough.”

  He stiffened.

  Defiance shone in his own gaze as he countered her words. “You’ve had your say, old woman. And you’re right, you are no kin of mine, and I will never claim you as such. But, I don’t plan on going anywhere. Not as long as Nicole is in danger.”

  “But, don’t you understand? You are the danger. What good can you be for that girl? You will only hurt her,” she lamented passionately. “And I won’t let you. Do you understand me?”

  “I would never hurt, Nicole. Never,” he vowed, standing. “And I think that you know that. But, I’m not the one that she has to fear. Someone is after her, and your sick vendetta against me is not worth Nicole losing her life!” He walked over to her, and seized her by both arms. “Tell me what you know before I rethink my earlier position.”

  Charity jerked free. “I would never place her at risk, and while I don’t trust you, I’ve told you all that I know.”

  “There have been whispers of an underground vampire allegiance here in the city. What do you know about it?”

  “Nightwalkers,” the old woman said readily. “Many of them are a mixed breed and wield extraordinary powers unlike any other. Vincent Breaux, their leader, is fierce, deadly, and powerful. Mercy is as foreign to him as the gates of heaven. He’s a monster.” She paused briefly. “These creatures walk upright like humans, but beneath their chests there exists a dark void where greed, hatred, and death reside. Vampires, lycans, and other unsavory breeds have joined the pack---which only intensifies their thirst for desire and vengeance.”

  The psychic looked to him again.

  “And what about this crazed vamp who’s been terrorizing Nicole?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest. “How does he fit in with these nightwalkers?”

  “He is a part of the league, but that wasn’t always the case,” she went on. “My visions tell me that he was a prominent physician until his own sordid lifestyle caught up with him. He mingled with those in the undergrounds, and before long his life was claimed by no one other than Breaux. And unfortunately, he has succumbed to the darkness, being a willing slave to his every wish and command.”

  A frown pierced his brow. “Do you have his name?”

  “I’m afraid not,” she said regretfully as she sank down. “The moment when I think that I can determine his identity, everything becomes distorted.”

  With a guarded eye, he studied her.

  Everything that she said appeared to be valid.

  But, still, could she be trusted?

  “So, why Nicole---why is she such a high stake in this?” Xander demanded, taking a seat himself.

  Again, the regret stung her tone. “I’m afraid it’s a mystery even to me. But, Nicole has become the man’s private obsession. And I fear for her life each and everyday.”

  “He will never lay a hand on her. I’ll see to that,” he vowed strongly, his anger searing him like a gilded lance. “Is there any connection between the Nightwalkers and my own world?”

  “Another mystery, I am afraid---one that I have no answer to. But, I promise that I will do everything in my power to protect her from him---and you. Don’t force me to do something that I will regret. Walk away from her and never look back.”

  Xander laughed coldly. “Don’t threaten me, old woman. Once again, you have underestimated me. I don’t take threats lightly,
and you’ll learn that about me soon enough. Don’t get in my way. You’ll regret it.”

  Barely restraining his anger, standing, he moved for the door.

  Already, he’d had enough of his so called great-grandmother.

  This newfound knowledge rattled him.

  “Wait!” she exclaimed, stopping behind him. “While my hatred for you knows no limits, it doesn’t exceed my desire to save Nicole. I have some things that may be of aid to you.”

  The old woman scurried past him quickly.

  He followed behind her, and they eventually reached the front of the shop.

  Charity opened the doors on a large cabinet.

  His eyes widened at the ample supply of potion-laden vials, displayed in a rich array of blues, reds, and greens. There had to be at least ten shelves full of the intricate, glass bottles.

  The psychic’s hands shook as she seized two, slender bottles. One was filled with yellow-green liquid while the other gleaned a fierce, bright red. “Here, take these.”

  She passed the items to him.

  “What is this, love potion?” he muttered, cocking a brow. As he swished the two bottles gently, the liquids shone like liquid gold and ruby.

  “Funny,” she smirked, though she couldn’t tamper her humor. “In your left hand, you hold an antidote potent enough to hold the entire U.S. forces at bay. Nothing can penetrate past it! As for the other, the one that looks like red fire, it will transport you to a different destination, but I warn you, it will not be pre-destined. I would only use the latter under dire circumstances.”

  Her hard stare pierced through him.

  “I suppose that I should offer some gratitude,” he said grudgingly.

  “I don’t want it nor do I need it. And besides, I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for Nicole.”

  His bitterness was palpable. “For a split second, I actually believed a heart beat beneath your chest.”

  The psychic only stared back at him, and didn’t say a word.

  After he placed his hand on the doorknob, he stopped. “And just so you know it, you’re more of a monster than I’ll ever be. I would never turn my back on my own kin.” His last words were as cold as hard steel. “Have a good day, my dear lovely great-grandmother.”

  Without a further word, he stepped outside to the light of day.

  Chapter 6

  Hours later, the steaming, hot bowl of mushroom soup watered her palette as she faced Leslie across the dining table. As she lifted the silver-plated soup spoon to her mouth, her stomach churned. “I’m starving.”

  “You are such a great cook,” Leslie raved through noisy crunches of the Melba toast. “But, of course, you already know that. Let’s talk about a more stimulating topic, shall we, like your Mr. Wonderful. Nicole, I think that we can safely assume three things. A, he’s single. B, he’s certainly not gay, especially considering how he looks at you, completely hetero, trust me. And C, he appears to be a sane, normal guy although his good looks supersede the majority of the male population.”

  Shaking her head, she blew an exasperated breath.

  But, the words she spoke were true.

  “Tentatively, we need to consider the prospect of your advancement to the next phase of your relationship,” Leslie chatted, tapping her spoon against the smooth tabletop. “We, my friend, are going to reel him in: hook, line, and sinker!”

  Almost sputtering on the warm broth, she turned towards her. “First of all,” she said coolly, raising the crispy, thin toast to her lips, “he is not, and let me re-emphasize NOT my Mr. Wonderful. And the man’s personal life is absolutely no concern of mine. There’s not a next phase in our non-existent relationship, and I will not become involved in another of your crazy schemes. So, stop your meddling!”

  “Me, meddle?” Leslie drawled, sipping on the white wine from the goblet. “Of course, that’s exactly what I’m not doing. I am simply steering you into the right direction, and straight into his arms. Damn it, Nicole, you deserve some happiness!”

  She frowned heavily at her friend’s tone.

  Was Leslie really buying into this idea that something was brewing between them?

  Well, this was one occasion where she had it all wrong!

  “Don’t you think you’re getting carried away?” she asked flippantly, swinging her spoon in the air. “Xander and I are neighbors, for goodness sakes. And it’s only natural that we run into one another from time to time. Leslie, listen to me. There’s nothing between me and the man.”

  Even if she wanted it to be, she mulled, her appetite diminished somewhat.

  She spooned the soup into her mouth.

  The saltiness was now flavored with bitterness.

  She had as much chance of becoming involved with Xander as she was touching the moon.

  Yeah, her chances were nil.

  “Well, I object strongly to your misgivings. You definitely have more than a chance with him,” Leslie exerted, and then her tone turned serious. “I just wish that you could see the way he looks at you.”

  Stilling, she poised the spoon mid-air.

  Leslie definitely had her attention now.

  “What do you mean?” she prodded, laying the spoon down.

  “Oh, Nicole,” Leslie went on dreamily. “The two of you remind of the star-crossed lovers that I’m reading about now. And he looks at you with the same passion in his eyes.”

  Surprise lit her features.

  Surely, Leslie was exaggerating!

  Had they had both of their noses buried in those cheesy, dime-store romance novels for too long? As a matter of fact, she’d been foolishly projecting herself into the heroine’s shoes that she’d been currently reading about, too.

  The hero was sexy, brooding, and dangerous.

  But, more importantly, he’d faced any adversity to be with her.


  She shook her head.

  Now, she was being absurd!

  “…and he protected her to the ends of the earth, just like Xander has done. Trust me on this one. If there’s a match made in heaven, it’s you and Xander. And somehow, someway, I will convince you of that. As much as I’d love to hang around, I have to go, love,” Leslie said, pushing away from the table.

  “So soon?” she asked, standing as well.

  “Afraid so.” Leslie gave her a fast peck on the cheek. “It’s only 9pm and still early yet. And I have plans---and their rather tempestuous and daring, I must add.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t even want to know the details,” she muttered, shaking her head again. “But, I’m sure that tomorrow when your head is clear, you’ll tell me all about it.”

  “Naturally,” her friend began, and then laughed. “But, I have to get over the hang over first, so have the tomato juice and raw egg ready. I will most definitely and desperately need it. Oh, what you have to go through just to have a good time.”

  “You are priceless,” she added, following her to the door. “And after today’s practice, how do you even have the energy?”

  “What can I say, except that I keep going and going---”

  “And going,” she smiled as they shared a fast hug.

  Leslie stepped into the hallway. “Call me tomorrow. No, let me rephrase that. I’ll call you tomorrow. Oh, and I hate that I won’t be able to make your solo audition tomorrow. You are going to nail it! I just know it.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence. And don’t worry about not being there. I know that you have important things to take care of. Just be careful, ok?” she said concernedly, grasping the doorframe.

  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Goodnight.”


  Moments later, she was in the kitchen, and Macy whined from her corner perch as she bustled about. The dishes and silverware clattered noisily as she cleaned.

  Immediately, her thoughts strayed to Leslie’s earlier comment.

  Did Xander really look at her passionately?

  Or was
Leslie simply seeing things because she wanted her to be happy?

  Shrugging her shoulders, she shut the kitchen lights off.

  As usual, she was overly thinking things, too.

  After making it to the bedroom, she changed into the thin, cotton loungewear. The creamy, white top capped her upper arms while the bottoms flared out at her bare feet. And then, she brushed her hair with the usual number of strokes. Feeling around on the bed, she grabbed the romance book before trailing back to the living room. And as usual, Macy took a comfortable perch at the front of the sofa facing the TV.

  After sinking down in the large armchair, she found her place in the romance novel and traced along the Braille as she read. As she scanned a few lines, her smile died.

  She paused.

  At least somebody’s dreams and wishes were coming true.


  It’s about damned time, Xander thought irritably, glancing at his watch as the elevator chimed, announcing his arrival on the fourth floor.

  9:38 pm.

  He’d been more than satisfied when he’d landed back here at the apartment complex.

  To say that today had been a hellish day would be an understatement.

  After departing his newly acquired, whacked-out, so-called great grandmother, he’d gone to work on his latest case. And thankfully, it’d wrapped up in a satisfying, but surprising ending.

  Another worthless piece of crap had been apprehended and taken him off the Atlanta streets.

  He flexed his large hand.

  Even now, his knuckles still burned.

  Unfortunately, he’d been forced to use brute force, showing that he meant serious business after pulling the abusive bastard off his client. Needless to say, he’d knocked him around a few times with the hopes of knocking some sense into him. Maybe in the future, the man would stop mishandling poor, defenseless women, he thought distractedly.

  The elevator doors closed behind him.

  Instantly, his gaze fell on Nicole’s apartment door, and his steps were light as they carried him forward.

  Pausing, he fingered the items in his pants pocket.


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