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Unavoidable Heat [Men of Iron Horse 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Morgan Fox

  Janie was excited. More so than she’d ever been about a new job. This had to have been the most professional office she’d ever seen. It was decorated to reflect a successful business—leather chairs, glass tables, glass walls, shiny and polished desks, and the men all wore suits, while the women wore dresses and heels. She was glad she’d chosen to wear her best suit or she would’ve stood out like a sore thumb.

  As they reached the desk that would be hers for the week, she caught a glimpse of the name on the door and all the air seemed to be sucked out of the room. But it wasn’t until she saw his face that she realized just what hell could be.

  “This is your desk,” Wanda told her. “And this is Mr. Victor Cadwell’s office. You’ll be assisting him this week with whatever he needs.”

  Janie was about to choke on her tongue. Whatever he needs? Did that include sleeping with him again?

  Shit, I must have pissed someone off in my last life.

  “Is everything all right?”

  Janie shook her head to clear away her panicked thoughts. “Great. I’m good. Thanks. You said you’d show me around the office.”

  “Oh, right,” Wanda said, leading her around the office to show her where the other assistants sat, the breakroom, the copy room, the file room, and the conference rooms. They circled back to Janie’s new desk. “If you need anything at all, please come find me.”

  “Ms. Perkins, have you seen my—” Victor’s gaze bore into Janie, his intense glare heated, almost savage. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mr. Cadwell, this is Janie Tatum. Your new assistant for the week.”

  Victor’s mouth hung open for a moment and then closed. The muscles in his jaw ticked and she was sure he was grinding his teeth into powder. “No. No. This is not going to work.”

  “Mr. Cadwell, I’m sorry, but Ruth is out this week. She has the flu.” Wanda’s comment seemed to catch his attention. She continued, “You’ve got a full case load this week and you have several dinners planned. I’m not sure you’ll want to try and tackle all that without a little help. Mr. Avery and Mr. Conner’s assistants already have too much going on to cover. I think you’ll need Ms. Tatum.”

  He clenched his jaw tighter, breathing like a bull about to charge. He eyed, Janie. “In my office. Now.”

  Wanda gaped at him, but Janie did as he asked. He closed the door behind her, nearly slamming the door in Wanda’s face.

  Janie folded her arms over her chest. The need to protect herself was all-consuming. She couldn’t lose her job. She needed this job. “Look, if you’re worried I’ll tell everyone in the office that we slept together last night, don’t be. I have an image to protect, too, you know.”

  He pressed his hands on his desk and leaned forward. “I’m not worried. You and I…last night was supposed to be it.”

  She huffed out a breath. “I didn’t know I was temping for you. I only got the company address and it wasn’t until I was standing in front of your door that I realized this was your office.”

  He chuckled harshly. “And the title Cadwell, Conner and Avery plastered on the wall didn’t ring a bell for you either?”

  She rolled her eyes at his pompousness behavior, her annoyance growing. “Believe it or not, you were not the first thought I had this morning, and no, seeing the names on the wall did nothing but tell me more than this office has three named partners.”

  “I’m the managing partner,” he clarified.

  “Good for you,” she told him sharply. “I want this job, Mr. Cadwell and I’m a damn good assistant.”

  He stood ramrod straight. “I thought you were just a bartender.”

  “No, I’m so much more than just a bartender.”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry Ms. Tatum, but I’m afraid this arrangement is not going to work.”

  “You’re right, Mr. Cadwell. It won’t work if you don’t remove that stick from your ass. Last night was last night and it has nothing to do with today. I’m here to do a job and damn it I’m going to do it.”

  “No. It’s not. I’ll have Wanda sign off for you to receive a day’s pay for your troubles but—”

  “The hell you will. I’m not letting you chase me off. I need this job, damn it. I want to be here. Do you think many other temps would say that and mean it?” He started to object, but her movement to close in on him, stopped him cold. “If you think for one second that I’m going to let you chase me away, you’ve got another thing coming. Unlike you, I don’t have a nest egg to sleep on at night. Sadly, I live check to check. I’ve got a family counting on me and nothing is going to stop me from taking care of my own. As far as I’m concerned, last night never happened and once this week is over we never have to see each other again.”

  Victor’s gaze narrowed on her. She watched him carefully as he took his seat. Her nerves stretched thin as she waited for him to say something, anything. The air between them buzzed like high-octane energy.

  “I’ll give you one day to prove you can do the job. If you can’t, you’ll be fired.” The corner of his mouth arched into a lopsided grin, as if to taunt her. “Are you up for the challenge, Ms. Tatum?”

  She pressed her hands on the edge of his desk and leaned forward. “Are you?”

  Again she saw his jaw twitch as if he chewed nails. “Get me a coffee. Black and make sure it’s hot.” His words were curt and there wasn’t a pleasant reflection in his voice or eyes. He was going to make her life a living hell.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied, turning on her heels and feeling like she’d just gone ten rounds with a grizzly bear and somehow managed to walk away mostly unscathed.

  * * * *

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Dennis Avery asked, sliding up to stand beside Victor.

  He groaned, staring out the conference room window. He was hiding from Janie. He couldn’t seem to think with her sitting outside his door. “I’ve got a new assistant. She’s a nightmare.”

  Dennis chuckled. “I’ve been there before. Is she at least attractive?”

  The image of Janie standing beside his pool naked and beautiful filled his mind and stirred his cock. “She’s okay.”

  Dennis smacked him on the back. “Sure. Whatever you say. Don’t forget about our dinner tomorrow night.”

  Victor cringed. He wasn’t ready to entertain new clients. He wanted to get this week over with as fast as possible. He’d shown a side of himself to Janie he never let others see. Sleeping with women was one thing, but he enjoyed Janie, more so than he ever had with anyone else. And now she was working for him and he was forced to see her every day. She was supposed to have been a one-night stand, not become his assistant whose scent only stirred him with alarming desires.

  “Can we reschedule?”

  “Reschedule? Are you kidding? It took us months to set up a client meeting. The Hunt family have a lot of legal firms wishing to represent them. They picked us to meet with. I don’t have to tell you that this could mean a great deal to the firm.”

  He didn’t have to tell him anything. Victor knew exactly what having a client like the Hunt family on their roster would do for them as a legal firm. That was why he wanted to reschedule. He had to get his head back in the game and off of the delicious blonde that unknowingly tempted him. How had he let her get under his skin?

  He stiffened his spine and faced Dennis. “Make sure your assistant forwards Janie all the details. I’m not sure she has them.”

  “Sure,” Dennis said, eyeing him curiously. “Are you sure you’re all right? You seem distracted.”

  Victor sighed. “I had a long night.”

  “Oh, right,” Dennis replied with a chuckle. “You drew the partner short straw. How was birthday happy hour?”

  Victor grinned, as he remembered the way Janie kissed him in the hallway at Iron Horse. That kiss had sealed his fate. He’d wanted her before the kiss, but after, nothing would’ve stopped him from sampling a little more.

  He cleared the thought away, concentrating on
the question. “It was fine. The boys drank and acted more like frat brothers than lawyers. I only stayed a short time.” He paused. “Next time it will either be you or Conner that gets to represent the firm at an afterhours function.”

  Dennis chuckled. “Right. I’ll be sure to rig the straws in my favor.”

  Victor smiled. “You do that.”

  His heart dropped into his stomach as Janie appeared in the doorway of the conference room. “Mr. Cadwell, I have a Vivian Jefferies on the line.”

  Oh, shit. He hurried back to his office. He’d nearly forgotten all about his conference call. Damn it, he really needed to stop being so rattled about Janie and do his job. He was not acting like himself at all.

  His call with Vivian went smoothly and thanks to Janie he hadn’t appeared to have screwed up. As soon as he finished his call, she came into his office with a fresh cup of coffee and a stack of folders requiring his attention.

  “Here are the legal documents you requested.” She glanced up at him. “You asked your assistant, Ruth, to get them. I saw her notes and followed up. I hope that’s what you wanted.”

  He arched a brow, slightly impressed. “Yes. Great. Thanks.”

  “I also added a few reminders into your calendar. Should you need me to cancel anything, please let me know.”

  “I will.”

  He returned to looking over the documents and heard his door close. Then, he slid his mouse to the side, bringing up his computer screen. Instantly he searched his calendar and there were the dinner appointments that he’d asked Dennis to make sure he had. Janie was thorough, fast, and efficient. He’d give her that.

  To his complete amazement his day functioned seamlessly. Thanks to Janie, he hadn’t missed a call or an appointment. She kept him on schedule and she didn’t seem to be bothered by their working relationship nearly as much as he was. That both pleased and annoyed him. Was it possible that he could actually work with her for the week and not let their affair affect their professional arrangement?

  He wasn’t sold on the idea.

  At the end of the day, Janie popped into his office once again. “Is there anything you need before I head out, Mr. Cadwell?”

  “No,” he said directly.

  She paused just before closing the door again. “You haven’t said anything about the job I’ve done today and if I’ve passed your test.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  She frowned. “I guess I’ll let you decide if you’d like me back for the rest of the week. If so, you can call my recruiter and let her know your decision. Ms. Perkins has the number.”

  She closed the door to his office, but he could still see her through the glass windows. He watched her as she collected her belongings and headed toward the elevator. The second she was out of site, he took a moment to think about the week ahead. He knew exactly what he needed to do and he didn’t like it one bit.

  Chapter Five

  The day was never ending. Janie worked a full day at the legal firm and was about to start bartending at Iron Horse. Right now, bartending was the only sure job she had.

  She pulled her phone out of her jean pocket and dialed her recruiter’s number. Surprisingly, Deb answered. “Hey, Janie. How did your first day go?”

  “I think it went well, but Mr. Cadwell and I might not have great chemistry.”

  “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “I think he doesn’t like change…or me,” Janie explained. “I told him to call you should he want me to come back for the rest of the week. If not, I’ll need you to find me something else.”

  “Sure. I’ll get my feelers out in the morning, regardless. I don’t want you working somewhere where you’re not happy.”

  “Great. Thanks, Deb.”

  “No problem. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  They said their goodbyes and hung up. Janie clocked in and moved around to the front of the bar. The place was already hopping with customers. Monday night was a busy night. The start of the work week was tough for a lot of reasons.

  Her friend, Nobel Truce was also starting her shift at the bar. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail, hanging down past the middle of her back. Nobel was a fitness freak, always at the gym teaching a class when she wasn’t bartending. It seemed that most people juggled two jobs, these days.

  “What’s up buttercup,” Nobel said cheerfully as Janie joined her.

  “Sadly, nothing much.”

  “How was the first day at the temp job?”

  Janie furrowed her brow. “You know about that?”

  “We all do,” Nobel snickered. “Sam was boosting about you. She said you are a workaholic.”

  Janie laughed. “And you’re not?”

  “I am, but I’m a gym rat, so it’s a total bonus for me to be at my other job.”

  “How can you be so full of energy all the time and not want to drop on the floor. I’m exhausted just watching you bounce around.”

  Nobel smiled. “Ever heard the expression that exercise gives you energy?”

  “But you feel almost dead by the end of the day,” Claire Buckman added, stepping up to the bar to collect the drinks her table had ordered. “I’ve got a daughter, a college career, and a fulltime job here. I’m pooped most of the time. Just thinking about exercising makes me tired.”

  For a single mom, juggling all that she did, Claire was well grounded. She wasn’t into flash or frills, didn’t wear make-up or do anything fancy with her naturally wavy, brown hair. She lived modestly and took care of her daughter. That was all that mattered to her. That was most likely all she had time and energy to do.

  Janie snickered, relating to Claire. “So true.”

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it ladies. You’ll be amazed what a healthy level of exercise can do for your libido.”

  Janie’s brow arched. “First exercise and now sex. Woman you exhaust me.”

  “I wouldn’t know anything about sex other than it got me my daughter. I haven’t seen a penis in”—she glanced to both Janie and Nobel—“a long damn time.”

  Nobel laughed.

  Janie said nothing and that seemed to draw their attention. “What?” she asked, feeling their gazes bore into her. She quickly busied herself, pulling the tag off the printer to make the drinks that had been ordered.

  “Is there something you’d like to share with us?” Nobel asked, poking at Janie’s ribs.

  “Please tell me you have something hot to share. I’m so dried up the deserts wetter than me.”

  Janie gaped. “Claire,” she snapped.

  “I can’t help it. I’m focused. But seriously, I’m a woman, too. If you’ve got something sexy to spill, I want to hear about it. Right now, I’m living through the experiences of others.”

  Jace moved up to the counter, slapping his hand down. “Janie, got the drinks for my table ready yet?”

  “Almost done.” She lied, just getting started.

  “Janie was just about to tell us all about some mystery guy she’s sleeping with.”

  Jace’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You actually went home with him last night?”

  Janie looked up to see several pairs of eyes staring at her.

  “So how was the stiff in a suit? Was he everything you hoped for?”

  Nobel’s mouth hung open and Claire gasped. “Seriously, you just met this man last night?”

  Janie grimaced at Jace. “Thanks,” she barked. “He’s a lawyer. Not a freak.”

  “I’m so jealous,” Claire said, taking her tray of drinks back to the waiting customers.

  “Was he any good? Or was it like that awkward, turn the lights off, get it over with one-night stand sex?” Janie looked at Nobel. “Not that I would have any idea what that’s like or anything.”

  She shook her head, placing the mixed drink on Jace’s tray and then popped the top off a beer. “I survived,” she said, eyeing Jace. “Your table looks thirsty.”

  He scoffed, picking up the tray and headi
ng to the table of waiting customers.

  When Janie turned around, Nobel was staring at her with her arms folded defiantly over her chest. “You went home with a lawyer dude last night. I want to know what happened.”

  “Nobel, you have your own”—she paused, searching for the right word—“conquests. You don’t need to hear about mine.”

  Her eyes rounded. “At least tell me if it was worth it?”

  Janie couldn’t answer that question. If she hadn’t gone to work for him today and he hadn’t acted like such a douche, she might’ve said yes. But seeing the disgust in his eyes as he realized she was his temporary assistant, she wasn’t sure she could. He’d wanted her gone and had been ready to send her packing. Had she not stood up for herself and pushed back, she’d be out of a job for sure. Victor Cadwell was a real piece of work. He obviously feared his reputation would be marred if someone in his office discovered he’d had sex with her—a bartender. She didn’t give a rat’s ass what others thought of her, but hearing him dismiss her as if she didn’t matter stung—a lot.

  Sadly, sex with Victor had been the most exciting of her life. Something she would never tell him. She’d gag on a knife, before giving him anything else to feed his insatiable ego.

  Nobel cringed. “Wow, that bad, huh?”

  Janie shook away her thoughts. “What?”

  Her brows rose up high on her forehead. “You don’t have to say anything to me about last night. That cringe-worthy look on your face says it all.”

  Janie moved to the new customer that sat at the bar and got his drink for him. She didn’t care if everyone thought that her one-night stand was awful. It wasn’t. She knew that. No one else had to. Especially Victor.

  * * * *

  Victor paced the spot next to his car. He didn’t know what to do with himself. All night long, he tried to come up with the right way to approach Janie. But all he managed to do was make the drive to Iron Horse and stand in the parking lot.

  What was it about Janie that twisted him up so much? Was it the fearlessness she seemed to possess? Was it the way she challenged him without even trying? Shit. He didn’t have a clue.


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