Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 7

by Lisa Gerkey

  “Did… were you… I don’t even know how to ask the question.”

  Am I sure I want to hear his answer? He’s just admitted he helped with the kidnapping. Am I willing to let him tell me things I might not remember?

  “No! No, Jaycee. I didn’t touch you, not in the way you’re asking, but I had to do things I wasn’t proud of, things I didn’t want to do just like I’ve had to do with every job I’ve had.”

  He likely saw things that happened between those men and me. I wonder if he remembers it like I do. He probably thinks I should’ve fought harder. I don’t know what more I could’ve done, but there had to be more.

  “Talk to me, Jaycee. If there’s anything I can do to make things easier, tell me… But, that’s not the only reason I came here. There’s more we need to talk about, things that have nothing to do with Phoenix. Let’s sit down somewhere before we get into it.”

  Grant’s like a wrecking ball tonight. It feels like he’s come here to destroy every part of me that’s left. I’m terrified to hear more.


  “No! No, it has nothing to do with your sister. Like I said, we’ll get to that. We’ll find your sister. I’m talking about what happened at my club. The man who attacked you, you knew him?”

  I’m so damn relieved it’s not about Kennedy. I walk over to the couch to sit. Grant leaves little distance between us when he sits down beside me.

  “He’s my ex-husband. I don’t know why he was at the club. I haven’t seen or spoken to him in months.”

  “Your ex-husband. So, you’re divorced?” He sounds relieved.

  “Yes. I filed for divorce not long after the kidnapping. We had problems before that, but when I returned home, it was even worse. David hated Kennedy. She moved in with us right after my parents died in a car accident. Not long after she came to live with us, he started going to sleazy bars and came home drunk nearly every evening. I suspect he cheated more than once.”

  Grant reaches over and takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. It shocks me when I don’t want to pull away. I like the feel of his hand against mine. He tugs lightly.

  Do I seem too fragile if I take what he’s offering?

  In a moment of weakness, I slide closer and lean my head against his shoulder. I’m tired of resisting the need to be close to someone. I’ve never had such a strong urge until I met Grant.

  There’s a battle going on inside my head because I know he worked for Malcolm. Many people in my shoes would assume I should hate him, but how can I when I know he was only doing his job?

  It’s because of Grant and people like him that Phoenix, and other criminals just as evil and disgusting, are off the streets and put away where they’re unable to harm anyone again, so instead of blaming him or being angry because he did his job, I owe him gratitude because I’m sitting here.

  I didn’t walk away from the ordeal unharmed, especially where my mental and emotional state are concerned, but I know it could have been much worse. I could’ve been like the young women who end up dead or shipped off to other countries.

  “David…he didn’t believe the kidnapping took place. He thought it was a story I fabricated.”

  Grant shifts around a little so he can look down at me. “Why the hell would someone ever think something like that?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, when we were together, I sometimes…I suggested we…try things in the bedroom. He laughed and made cruel jokes about my ideas, the desires I had or thought I had…I don’t know why I’m even talking to you about this.”

  A month ago, I couldn’t stand it if a man looked at me. Now, I’m talking to Grant about my sex life. Perhaps he’ll agree with David and believe I enjoyed the things those awful men did.

  “Jaycee, I was there. I know damn well what happened to you, and I know you didn’t get yourself kidnapped on purpose. You have every right to discuss things that go on in your bedroom with your husband. There’s nothing wrong with you. You need to get that out of your head. We all like to explore and play around in the bedroom…or out of the bedroom, depending on who you are. Why did he attack you at the club? What the hell does he want?”

  “I think David’s just angry. When I left him, I took my money too. I left him with everything we accumulated during our marriage and enough money to help him survive until he figured his shit out. He’s run through every dime of it, doing whatever he’s been doing, and he’s even sold the house. David said I’ll never see Kennedy again if I don’t take him back. I don’t know if he knows where she is, or if he’s only saying things to hurt me.”

  “I’m not comfortable with you staying here alone, Jaycee. Phoenix’s nephew is still on the run, your ex is apparently a basket case, and then, you have your sister missing.”

  Everything Grant mentions scares me. I might tell no one else, but I’m always terrified someone will come after me. Now that it’s happened with David, I’m even more frightened, but I have nowhere else to go.

  “What do you suggest I do? Go to a hotel? I don’t associate with a lot of people. I’ve taken self-defense classes, and I have weapons hidden around the house, so I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Perhaps. I don’t doubt you can take care of yourself…In most situations, but I’m worried you’ll face something you’re not capable of handling. I don’t know, maybe nothing will happen, but I don’t want to take the chance.”

  My head is resting against Grant’s chest. It feels a little too right, but it scares me. If only it could be this easy. He might hold me in his arms and expect nothing tonight, but I know after a while, he’ll want things I can’t give him.

  “Jaycee, I…could…stay. In a guest room, of course. This is a big house. I’m sure you have space to share. You wouldn’t even know anyone is here. Or, if that doesn’t work for you, I could put a man on you and have him keep an eye on things.”

  “No! I don’t want a stranger hanging around my house. I don’t really want anyone around, but I guess…you…could stay, but only for a short time.”

  Since he’s staying, I should show him around the house, but to do that means I’d have to remove myself from his arms, and they’re awfully damn comfortable.

  Chapter Twelve


  Fear does a lot to people, but I didn’t expect Jaycee to let me stay with her.

  I’m sure a few will look at the situation and say I’m only doing it because I’m looking for a way to get closer to her. Hell, I’m sure Josh and my brother would both tell me it’s because I want in her panties.

  Feeling the softness of any woman lying against me would stir these feelings. I know it’s not all because it’s Jaycee. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  My cock thickens when her small hand grazes my chest. She lets it slide down and rests her arm across my abdomen. Her touching me is innocent. She doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in my head when I look down at her, snuggled in tight beside me. She’s about to fall asleep. I’m tired too, but I’ll say nothing to cause her to move. I’ll sit on her couch and hold her all night long if she’ll let me.

  Since I had no plan to stay, I have little with me for a sleepover, but luckily, I have a clean change of clothes and a toothbrush with me in a duffle I carry in the trunk of my car for emergencies. After I refused to take on more of those cases, I don’t get too far from home anymore, but the way I worked not too long ago, I didn’t know when I’d need to take off in a hurry.

  “I should probably show you around the house if you’re staying.”

  Moving her body around against mine does nothing to calm my throbbing cock. If she looks down, she’ll see the thick bulge pressed against my zipper.

  “How about we save the grand tour for the morning? Just show me where I’ll sleep and the bathroom for tonight. You’re tired, and I could use a few hours of sleep.”

  What I need more than anything is a long hot shower where I can take care of my aching need and calm my ass down, so I can rest. I’d give
anything if I could drag her in there with me. I’d push her against the wall and lift her up so I could sink into her warm body. For now, these thoughts will need to stay inside my head.

  It’s after seven o’clock when I awake. I’m surprised I’ve slept all night. After I take care of business in the bathroom, I walk quietly through the house. I figured Jaycee would be up by now, but there’s no sign of her.

  Her house is huge. She has more rooms than any one person could ever need. I roam around until I find a gym.

  After a hard workout, I take a quick shower and then I go out to the kitchen. Still, there’s no sign of Jaycee. Perhaps having someone in the house with her, watching over things while she sleeps, helps her relax, and she’s decided to sleep in this morning.

  I look around in the cabinets and the fridge to find a few things I can use to make a quick breakfast. I’m standing at the stove working on the scrambled eggs when I hear a racket at the back door.

  Jaycee comes in and tosses her car keys on the counter. It takes a minute for her to notice I’m standing a few feet away with my eyes locked tight on her smoking hot body.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  She brings her little angry streak out to deflect. I see how she’s looking at me. Both our minds wander to the same place. All I have on is a pair of basketball shorts. She’s dressed in body-hugging gym clothes.

  “Why are you going out dressed like that? You have everything you need to work out at home.”

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I got in my car and drove around until the gym opened. That’s what I do most days. Why are you dressed like that standing here in my kitchen?”

  I chuckle a little. I think she’s pissed off because she likes what she sees.

  “Well, I rarely dress in a three-piece suit to cook, babe.”


  Well, hell. Apparently, she’ll call my ass out on everything this morning. Every time we’re together, there’s enough friction between us to make sparks fly. She feels it too, I’m sure.

  “I’m sorry. I meant nothing by it… Jaycee… See, I know your name.”

  “Whatever. I should take a shower and change.”

  “No. Eat while the food is hot. You can do that when you’re finished.”

  I’m sure she wants to put on something bulky to hide her beautiful body from me. I hope she’s aware she can’t hide beauty like hers. She’s hot and sweaty. Her hair’s up on her head in a messy bun. She’s perfect.

  I’ve got off three times since I’ve been in her house. I can’t wait for the day when I can slide into her tight body. That’s the only way I’ll get relief. No matter how many times I take care of myself, it won’t satisfy me the way I know she can.

  We fill our plates in silence. I cooked bacon, scrambled eggs, and made pancakes. I found strawberries and whipped cream in the refrigerator to use for toppings.

  She takes a bite of her pancake with the whipped cream on top. When the sweetness hits her tongue, she leans her head back slightly and lets a little moan escape. The sound goes straight to my cock, not that the fucker needs anything more to get excited. He’s been raging hard and ready to go since she walked in the door.

  “Fuck, Jaycee.”

  Her round cheeks turn rosy when she looks at me.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Is she serious right now? She can’t be that clueless of the effect she has on me.

  “No, nothing’s wrong. I… I just hope you don’t make those sounds when you eat in public. That’s all.”

  “You’re turned on when you look at this mess?”

  She does a little wave thing down her body with both hands, flopping the fork around while she points to herself. She acts like it’s absurd to think a man could like what he sees when he looks at her.

  “A man would have to be blind or dead to not enjoy looking at you, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “What are your plans today? I assume you will work?”

  She ignores my statement about her looks and doesn’t even call me out on the endearment, but at least she’s not running away. I have things I need to get done, but damn, I don’t want to leave her. Besides, I don’t know if it’s safe to leave her alone.

  “Why don’t you come to the office and hang out with me while I work? I don’t think I have any appointments scheduled today, so it’ll be quiet. No one will bother you.”

  “I have my own things planned, Grant. You can’t expect to babysit me around the clock. I’ll be fine. In fact, you don’t even need to come back tonight. I can take care of myself.”

  She gets up and takes our dirty plates to the sink. My eyes follow every move she makes. What she does to those damn yoga pants she’s wearing should be illegal.

  She says nothing when she leaves the kitchen. I assume she’s going to clean herself up for the day. As much as I’d like to hang around and spend all day with her, I must work.

  I’ll focus on finding her sister. I can’t imagine something happening to my sibling. Kennedy’s the only family Jaycee has. I want to do what I can to get them back together.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After I shower, I hide out in my bedroom until I know Grant’s gone.

  I had to remind myself to stop looking the whole time in the kitchen with him. Just because I’m not ready to face it, doesn’t mean I can deny he’s stirred something inside me since I’ve been spending time with him.

  I crave to spend even more time with him, but I don’t know if it’s wise. Grant seems like a wonderful man, it might be a little too easy to fall for him. I don’t feel like nursing a broken heart, so it’s best I keep distance between us.

  Just thinking about the way he looked when he was standing in front of my stove has my thighs clenching. Desires I haven’t felt in years crashed through my body like waves on a beach. Holy hell, I never doubted it, but seeing that much of his hard muscled body on display blew my mind. The fine line of hair that trails from his belly button down inside his basketball shorts makes me want to touch it, trace it with my fingers.

  He did a lousy job hiding his arousal. I don’t know if it had anything to do with me, but the large bulge pressing against the fabric of his shorts was impossible to miss. The men I’ve known in the past would’ve pressed the issue, expected relief. Grant didn’t even acknowledge it.

  I think I’m figuring out, Grant isn’t like most men I’ve dealt with before, he’s in a class that’s all his own.

  Around mid-morning, I get a text message from Kat. The guys are going out of town to a convention. I don’t even have to think about it before I agree to spend time with her while they’re gone. That gets me off the hook from having to spend too much time with Grant.

  Kat and I kick back on her living room floor, our backs resting against the couch, an open bottle of wine between us, while we watch movies and talk. My phone has been buzzing all evening.

  “Don’t you want to see who keeps texting you?” She stuffs a handful of popcorn in her mouth and turns her attention back to the television.

  “I don’t want to talk to him right now.”

  Kat lifts her brow and looks at me. I bet she has a good idea who’s texting me. She probably wonders why I’m not freaking out a lot more because of it.

  “Are you going to tell me, or are you going to make me guess? It’s probably Josh, isn’t it? I haven’t heard from Jeff since he left, but if I know Josh, he’ll sneak off somewhere and get in touch with you. The dude’s in love with you, Jaycee.”

  I almost choke on the drink of wine.

  “Josh is not in love with me! Besides, it’s not Josh. It’s Grant. I’m sure he’s paranoid because I’m not at home, and I didn’t tell him where I’d be.”

  “And, why would he care? Better yet, how the hell does he know you aren’t home?”

  Why can’t I keep my mouth shut? There’s no reason anyone should know about anything that goes on in my personal life, but I have
a hard time keeping things from Kat. Since everything happened, she’s been the one person I can always go to, the only one I feel comfortable talking to about anything. Until now. I don’t want to talk to her about Grant, and I don’t know why.

  “Well…come on, Jaycee. Your silence is killing me.”

  “He spent the night.” I try to make it sound like it’s no big deal. It won’t work with her. She knows it’s a huge step for me to let anyone in like that.

  “Oh, my God! You and Grant? Jaycee! I don’t know whether to hug you or kick your ass.”

  “No! Nothing like that! After everything that happened at his club, he didn’t think I should be alone.”

  She doesn’t believe me. Hell, hearing it come out like it does, I don’t believe it either.

  “It’s been days since you were at the club. Grant has men working for him, so if his only concern is your safety, I’m sure he would put one of them on it and have them watch your house. He has his eyes on you for reasons that have nothing to do with your safety, Jaycee.”

  The phone vibrates twice more while we’re talking. I get up and grab it off the table.

  I have only two messages from Grant.

  He asks where I am, but he doesn’t seem concerned. He’s friends with Jeff and Josh too, so he’s probably talked to them. I’m sure he knows I’m with Kat.

  I forget all about his messages when I read the texts sent from an unknown number.

  Unknown: You can’t keep avoiding me, Jaycee!

  Unknown: I know where that fancy new house is.

  There are at least fifteen messages, all with a different threat, or promise.

  Fuck my life. I know they’re all from David.

  I wish I knew what happened to him. When I first met him and fell in love, he was a different person. Something changed him. I wish I knew what it was. It wouldn’t change things between us, but maybe it would help me understand why he seems so dangerous now. Could he be the reason my sister is missing?


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