Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 8

by Lisa Gerkey

  “Jaycee, what’s wrong? You’re white as a ghost. Is everything okay?”

  “Not really, but it’s probably too late to worry about it tonight. I don’t want to let anything interrupt our girl’s night.”

  Denial. I recognize it right away, but I don’t want to face things. I should contact Grant and let him see the messages, but I don’t want to deal with him tonight either. Once again, I’m denying. The truth is, I’d like to feel his arms around me, the way they were last night. I can’t ask for that though. The most I can hope for is he’ll help me sort everything out and find my sister.

  Kat knows it’s my routine, so she’ll think nothing of it when she wakes up and finds I’m gone. Instead of going to the gym to work out, I drive around until I’m sure Masters Security has opened. I watch through my mirrors to make sure no one is following me. Even though I see nothing suspicious, I still can’t shake the feeling that danger is lurking in the shadows.

  When I walk in, a beautiful young woman I’ve never seen before sits behind the receptionist’s desk. She’s around my age. She smiles sweetly when she sees me.

  “Can I help you? I don’t work here, I’m just hanging out until my brother returns, but I’m sure I can help you.”

  “Um, is Grant here? He’s working on a case for me and I have new information.”

  “Can I get your name?”

  “I’m Jaycee Jennings.”

  Her chair flies back and hits the wall when she jumps up, and the smile on her face grows even wider.

  “You’re Jaycee! I’ve heard so much about you…well, not a lot, but…shit, I’m sure you think I’ve lost my mind. I’m Emily, Grant and Jon’s sister. Shucks, I want to hug you, but you probably wouldn’t like that, would you?”

  I expect her to whip out an apple pie any second. It’s almost hilarious seeing how she’s acting and hearing her talk. Almost. If she recognizes my name it must mean someone’s talked about me.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Grant. I can come back later if he isn’t available.”

  “Oh, yeah, of course. I’m sorry, I got carried away. I’ll get him for you.”

  She leaves me standing in the front area alone while she goes to Grant’s office.

  A few minutes later, she reappears. Grant’s by her side, a friendly smirk on his face.

  “Jaycee, I’m glad you’re here. What happened to you last night? I came by your house, but you weren’t there. You didn’t answer my calls or messages.”

  Emily’s eyes bounce back and forth between us. Apparently, she wants to know the answer, too.

  “I stayed with Kat last night. I’m sure you know already though.”

  Grant pushes his sister toward the desk. “Go find something to do, squirt. I need time with my client. When Jon comes in, let him know I don’t want any interruptions.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll let him know. You all have fun.”

  Emily has a twinkle in her eyes. She’s dreaming if she thinks anything will happen inside Grant’s office. I don’t know what she thinks is going on between me and her brother, but she’s a long way from the truth.

  He closes the door and takes a seat behind his desk. Being closed in this small space with him rattles me. Not because I fear him. That was the concern the first time I came here, but now I’m more worried because I want to remove the distance between us.

  After the night I had, tossing and turning, worrying about the damn text messages I received and everything else that’s on my mind, I want nothing more than to feel what I did when he held me in his arms that night.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Jaycee looks like a wilted flower. She sits in the chair across from me with both arms wrapped tightly around her like she’s trying to hold everything together.

  I’ve always been a man who takes control. I’ve held back with Jaycee, afraid if I pushed too hard, she’d run from me. It’s time to change a few things. Jaycee needs someone to tell her what to do, show her what she needs.

  “Stand up.”

  She lifts her head. Her sad eyes fill with surprise when she hears my demand. She says nothing and makes no move to do as I say.

  “Stand up, Jaycee. Let everything go and trust me.”

  I expect to see her feisty side come out and hear her argue, but instead, she stands up without giving up the hold she has on her body. I think she hugs herself a little tighter.

  “Good girl. Now, walk around the desk and stand in front of me.”

  I slide my seat back to give her room to do as I ask. She takes small steps until she’s within reaching distance. I take one small wrist in my hand and pull her gently. She loses her balance and falls into my lap. I feel her body stiffen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I wanted to see how you’d respond, but more because I can tell something’s bothering you this morning.”

  She fits perfectly against me. The only problem I have now is keeping my cock under control. She wiggles her ass around and it’s almost more than I can stand. The urge to bend her over my desk is nearly more than I can take.

  “How… How did you know?”

  “Know what?”

  “Oh, Grant.” She shifts around even more on my lap, rubbing against my hard cock. She pulls away from my arms a little and runs her fingers through her long dark mane, fanning me with wisps of hair. I’d love to feel her long silky hair splayed against my bare chest while she rides my cock in the early morning. I’m so caught up in my thoughts I almost forget she has something important she’s trying to tell me.

  “The way it felt when you held me close the other night. I haven’t let anyone get that close since…well, it’s been a long time. It…It felt good. I didn’t think I’d ever enjoy something so simple again after everything that’s happened, but it was…nice.”

  I move her around just a little so I can see her face. The slight change of position allows her to feel my need. My cock is damn near burning a hole through two layers of fabric, trying to get to her.

  “Grant! I don’t…”

  “Shh…relax, Jaycee. It’s a normal reaction to you sitting on me the way you are. I can control myself. Why don’t you tell me what brought you so early this morning?”

  I stroke my hand up and down the length of her arm, fucking glad she can’t see the images it draws up in my head. I push the sweatshirt sleeve a little higher with each upward run of my fingers, craving the contact I’m finally able to make with even the smallest bit of her warm skin.

  “Last night, I received threatening text messages. I should’ve let you know sooner, but I was enjoying time with Kat while the guys are out of town.”

  She says it as casually as one would say they checked the mail today.

  “Do you have them with you?”

  When she stands up, I already miss the contact even before she’s removed herself from my reach. She walks around to the other side of the desk and digs around in her purse for a minute until she produces her cell phone.

  “Here. You can see it all for yourself.”

  I go to her messages and read through each one.

  “Jaycee, do you have any reason to believe your ex-husband might have something to do with your sister’s disappearance?”

  “I’m sure he does. I don’t know if it’s directly, but I know he plays a part. David didn’t like Kennedy. He bitched and complained the whole time she lived with us. Back then, I didn’t think he’d hurt her, but now…I don’t know.”

  I don’t want to hear her talk about her bastard ex, but if I’m going do my job, I have no other choice.

  “Did he ever hurt you?”

  There has to be a special place in hell for assholes who abuse women. I don’t care if it’s only verbal and emotional, it’s still abuse. In fact, it’s easier for a few women to recover from physical abuse than for the ones who have endured years of belittling and manipulation that involves only words.

  “The first five years were n
ormal. We got along like any married couple should. After Kennedy came to live with us, and after I got the money from my parent’s estate, he changed. He was always mad or angry about something. We’d argue almost every night when he came home drunk. He pushed me around a little when he was like that. One time he hit me. It was just an open-handed slap across the face though, nothing major.”

  “Nothing major? Are you kidding me? Jaycee, you have to know, open-handed or not, the bastard still assaulted you. Did you report it to the police?”

  “No. I didn’t tell anyone. Instead of talking about it, I decided to leave him. I came back home for a little while after the kidnapping. It was worse. As soon as I was strong enough, I left and filed for divorce.”

  I should convince Jaycee to go to the police with the messages and at least file a report. She’s already told me how she feels about the cops since they shut her out when she talked to them about her sister. They have a ton of cases to solve every day, so I understand why many get pushed to the side while others receive their full attention. I’ll do a little more digging before I become too insistent she talks to them.

  “Make yourself comfortable while I go have a word with Jensen and Jon. When I’m finished, I want to take you somewhere for the day.”

  I could ask Jaycee if she wants to do something, but she responds much better when I tell her. I’ve discovered two other things about her today, the ice-cold shield she keeps around her is slowly melting, and my beautiful Jaycee is submissive.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It’s okay to change over time, isn’t it? I mean, people aren’t expected to stay the same forever. Even when we swear things will only be a certain way in our lives. Sometimes things happen that we don’t see coming and, whether we like it or not, it changes the whole course of things.

  I built walls, and I had no intention of ever letting anyone over them. That didn’t include Josh or Kat, or hell, even Jeff, even though the asshole hates me. It didn’t include them because they were already a part of my life before I had the wall in place. They helped me get it where I needed it to be, securing my heart and my fragile mind.


  I didn’t see him coming.

  Months ago, I believed no man could ever interest me again, not the way he does. When he told me to come to him earlier, my feet guided me straight to him. It’s something to do with that tone of voice he uses. It’s so damn powerful. I not only went to him, the way he asked, I felt desires I haven’t experienced in so long, or maybe ever. More than that, I felt content and happy to be that close to him.

  The door to Grant’s office eases open. His sister, Emily, sticks her head in the office.

  “Can I get you something to drink, Jaycee, coffee or water?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thank you.”

  She comes inside and closes the door.

  “I’m sorry for the way I acted when you first arrived. You must think I’m crazy. It’s just… it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Grant like that with a woman. It makes me happy to see the way his eyes shine when he’s talking about you, and the way he looked at you this morning…I know you’re special. He cares about you.”

  Do I go on denying it? She’s not wrong. He’s said nothing to give himself away, but his body gave everything away earlier when I sat on his lap. I tried to sit still, pretend I didn’t notice, but I didn’t miss the hardness pressed against me. He said he can control himself but do I want him to control it, or perhaps deep down, do I want to take a chance with him? It’s a little too soon to tell.

  “I think you’re reading a little too much into things. He’s helping me with a few things, but there’s nothing else going on between us.”

  She grins and nods her head. The nod says she understands, but the smile on her face says I’m a big fat liar.

  “You’ve met Madison, right?”

  “Yeah, she’s something else, that’s for sure.”

  “What about Lindsey Hawthorne? Do you know her?”

  When she mentions Lindsey’s name, I know where she’s going with her questioning. Lindsey was younger than most of us, but she’d been with Phoenix much longer. She seemed so strong, considering the way they treated her.

  Lindsey was Jayson’s girl. That didn’t mean she didn’t get passed around, if the assholes paid enough money. Jayson didn’t care who fucked her or how many. When they finished, he still considered her his property.

  I nod my head in response to Emily’s question.

  “I found Lindsey in a women’s shelter a while back. She’s staying with my husband and me right now. I was thinking it would be fun if all of us girls could get together for a girl’s night. I’d like to see her find a few people she can connect with and get to know.”

  Grant comes back into the office before I have time to answer her. “Emily, are you in here being nosy?”

  “Oh, relax. I was just telling Jaycee that all us girls should have a night out and have fun, but you interrupted us before I could get her to agree.”

  “Maybe after we take care of a few things, I’ll be in the mood to do something. It was nice to meet you, Emily.”

  Fun. I don’t know what that even means. I didn’t tell her no, although, in my head, that’s exactly what I said.

  Grant and I argue back and forth about whether I should leave my car and ride with him. I finally give in and let him win, but when he tries to convince me to go to his house, I set my foot down firmly. It’s bad enough being in the same space with him, but at least in my home I feel comfortable, and the house is big enough I can put distance between us.

  “We should stop somewhere and grab a late lunch. Where would you like to eat?”

  “I can fix something when we get to the house. I can’t handle the public anymore today.”

  To avoid talking, I close my eyes and lean my head against the window so he’ll know I’m not in the mood. We make the short drive to my house in silence.

  I help Grant get his laptop and everything set up on a desk in the living room. While he works, I go to the kitchen to fix us something to eat. I need something to fill the silence while I work, so I scroll around on my phone until I find my favorite playlist.

  I’m busy chopping lettuce for the taco salad and listening as Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood sing The Fighter. The way Keith sings his part is what I hear every time Grant holds me in his arms. I won’t let you fall. I’ll never make you cry.

  Just because I’ve learned to hold the tears inside doesn’t mean I don’t want to cry. I’m terrified one day the dam will break. I fear if I take the chance and give Grant even the tiniest piece of my heart, he could be the one to do the most damage.

  He walks up behind me. Even though the music is loud, the goose bumps that quickly cover my arms let me know he’s close. He’s a brave man coming up behind me like this when I’m holding a knife in my hand.

  “Are you making tacos? I fucking love tacos, baby, they’re my favorite.”

  I reach over to turn off the music. The sound of his gravelly voice is music to my ears. I’ve learned his scent. He always smells musky and manly. He wears just a hint of cologne or aftershave. The aroma hits my nose and travels through my body, kindling a fire in other places.

  He places his hand on my side and uses the other to brush the hair away from my neck on one side. “I felt you shiver. With all these clothes you have on, I know you can’t be cold.”

  I beg and plead with my inner bitch to come out and help me.

  I need her to take control, turn around, and tell Grant to stop.

  Stop making me feel so damn much.

  I could give in to him. If I listen to my body, it would be easy to turn around and tell him what’s making me shiver and ache. I could tell him to put his hand inside my panties so he can feel for himself what he’s doing.


  He must read my mind. I let the knife fall to the counter with a thud. I reach out with both hands and grip the black g
ranite countertop with all my might.

  Please don’t let me fucking fall for Grant Masters.

  “I…if you want to eat, you’ll need to give me a little space, Grant.”

  “Turn around, Jaycee.”

  My inner bitch is down on the floor, kicking and screaming at me. She’s pissed and angry because I don’t listen to her, instead, I turn around, my eyes level with his chest.

  “Why don’t you go see if you can find more comfortable clothes to put on and relax for a few minutes? It looks like you’ve got everything I need here. I’ll take care of lunch.”

  What the hell?

  He knows I’m not rendered speechless or fucking shivering because I need to relax or because I’m wearing the wrong clothes. Just when I’m getting shit figured out, he hits me with something I don’t expect. I also didn’t expect to feel disappointed.

  I thought he would kiss me. Well, he can kiss my ass, and I don’t care if he has a problem with the clothes I wear. A fresh pair of panties probably wouldn’t hurt though.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I want to go through Jaycee’s closets while she’s sleeping tonight and toss out every pair of sweatpants and the bulky ass sweaters she uses to hide her delicious body.

  I chuckle lightly as I watch her leave the room, knowing I could be inside her before the day’s over if I pushed it. She’s aroused and even more so, she hates it.

  I didn’t expect her to heat up the way she did. It wouldn’t surprise me if I tiptoed down the hall to her room to find her with her fingers buried in her sweet wet pussy, searching for relief. I wanted to strip those damn awful clothes off her and throw her up on the counter so I could bury my face between her soft thighs.

  She hasn’t returned by the time I have the taco salad made and divided into two dishes, so I go look for her.


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