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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

Page 12

by Lisa Gerkey

  I don’t want to put a label on my feelings just yet, because I don’t even know if I believe in love anymore, but I know going home alone tonight doesn’t appeal to me the littlest bit.

  “Girls, it’s time to get my ass out of here and go home before Grant comes to find me.”

  “I’m just glad to see you happy, Jaycee. I can tell you’re in a better place since you’ve been spending time with him, and I agree with Em, something special is happening between you.” Madison wraps me in a big hug.

  It’s almost ten o’clock when I pull into my driveway. I haven’t heard from Grant. After my outburst this morning, what if he’s decided it’s not worth it, I’m not worth it? What if he doesn’t come back?

  Around eleven, about five minutes after I climb into bed, my phone vibrates on the nightstand.



  “Grant, where are you? I thought you’d be here when I got home.”

  “Is that what you want? You want me there, Jaycee?”

  “I didn’t say that, but I need to know if I should stay up and wait, or if I should just go to bed.” There’s no reason I need to tell him I’m already in bed.

  “I’m in your driveway. Do you want me to leave? If you tell me you do, I’ll go. I have things I need to talk to you about, but it can wait until tomorrow.”

  “Fine. I’ll unlock the door. But, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  Why does the sound of his chuckling make me so furious? And, why the hell does it cause this tingling sensation between my legs every fucking time I hear it?

  After I unlock the door, instead of waiting for him to come in, I go straight back down the hallway to my bedroom.

  I hear the door open and close, and his footsteps behind me.

  I crawl back in my big comfy bed all while careful to avoid looking over my shoulder. Even though I’m glad he’s here, I’m still not ready to let him off the hook for the way he acted this morning.

  “Why won’t you look at me?”

  I hear a thump as he removes each shoe and kicks it to the floor, and then the rustling sound of clothes being removed. When he’s in bed beside me, I roll over to my back where I can look at him. I never sleep in total darkness, so the light coming from my bathroom allows just enough, I can see him. He’s stretched out on top of the covers in only his boxer briefs.

  “You hurt my feelings this morning when you accused me of being with Josh.”

  “I know. I let myself hear only a part of what you were trying to tell me and jumped to conclusions for the rest, and I’m sorry.”

  Grant rolls over until he’s half sprawled across me. I wiggle around until I’m facing him. His leg is resting over mine, pinning me in place. He works his hand underneath my hair and cups my neck.

  “Grant…” The way he’s looking at me, his name spills from my lips. His dark hooded eyes smolder with want.

  “First, I’m going to kiss you senseless. When I’m finished, I’ll tell you the news I learned today.”

  He tangles his fingers in my hair and draws my lips to his. It takes only a moment’s tease and a sweep across my lips until his tongue finds mine. He skates his hand down my side until he finds the bottom of my thin shirt. He drifts, giving me time to stop him. My body shudders when he cups my bare breast in his palm. His thumb brushes over my hard nipple, causing me to moan and wiggle my lower body in search of something to ease the ache.

  “I want to make love to you, Jaycee.” He thrusts his obvious need against me. “I don’t know how much longer I can go on without it. Forever, I guess. If that’s what you tell me, but damn, baby, I don’t want to wait anymore.”

  My body is singing, responding to every touch. Am I ready to complete that final act? Feelings and emotions are liable to get tangled up between us once we cross that line. My pussy is a perfidious bitch. With only a kiss and the slightest bit of touch, I already need to change my soaked panties. She’s tired of playing it safe. She’s ready to tango with Grant’s cock.

  It’s almost like he can hear my thoughts, my insecurities. He slows his kissing and nips gently before he raises his head to stare into my eyes. “If you’re taking this long to think about it, I’m assuming you want to wait?”

  “It was only this morning when we had a major disagreement. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a little more time. I’m not telling you no, Grant, I’m just asking for a little more time.”

  “At least let me stay in your bed tonight.”

  I move around until I find the right spot to rest my head against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat comforts me when I close my eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Jaycee looks so peaceful snuggled against my chest, even though I’ve been awake for close to an hour, I don’t dare move for fear I’ll wake her.

  It disappointed me last night when she said she still needs time before she’s willing to try a more physical relationship between us. I’m disappointed, but I understand. It’s not something I can push. It’s a little hard for me to accept because I’m so used to calling the shots, but with Jaycee it’s different.

  Her small delicate hand skims across my arm and over my chest.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s still early, around seven.” I kiss her forehead, for no other reason than because I can. “I’ll get up and take a quick shower in the guest room while you get ready for the day. We have a lot to discuss.”

  I take longer than I’d expect. After I get out of the shower, I call Jon to let him know I’m planning a trip to Memphis.

  I’m sure once I tell Jaycee everything I’ve learned, she’ll be excited to make the trip with me. It’ll give me time alone with her, especially if we drive. I’m a little apprehensive about taking her into a situation that could be dangerous, but I know nothing will stop her from going to see her sister if she’s still there.

  I see Jaycee standing in front of the kitchen stove when I come down the hallway but before I get to her, the doorbell rings. She turns around, her eyes meet mine and I can see her fear. She wants people to believe she’s brave and fearless, but she’s about as much so as a mouse in a room full of cats. “Relax, baby, I got the door.”

  My bare feet sink in the plush carpet as I walk through the living room. I pull the door open and find Josh standing there. “What are you doing here, man?”

  “I figured Jaycee would have questions. I took the morning off from the shop so I can talk to her.”

  “Talk about what, Josh? What are you doing here?”

  Jaycee is giving us both a look that says somebody had better start explaining things.

  “It’s what I told you we needed to talk about, baby.”

  “Baby? Damn, you two are moving fast.”

  I give Josh a look that requires no words for him to understand he needs to shut the hell up.

  “Sorry. Whatever’s going on between you is none of my business. Jaycee, didn’t Grant tell you we talked last night?”

  “No. He didn’t, but someone better talk now. I seem to be missing something, and from the way you all are acting, it must be big.”

  “Can we all have a seat somewhere? Is breakfast ready? We can all go in the kitchen and sit. We can talk while we eat.”

  Instead of giving her time to argue more, I gently steer her to the kitchen. Thankfully, there’s enough food. She’s cooked a big spread of several things and has it all on the table.

  “Baby, I went to see Josh yesterday about the picture you saw on his phone.”


  I’m a little hurt when she ignores me and turns to him. He pulls a chair close to hers and turns her so she’s facing him. The cocksucker takes her hands in his.

  I don’t hear their conversation. I’m too busy watching the bastard put his hands on her knees. Perhaps it’s meant only to soothe her while she processes everything he tells her about Kennedy and how he met her at a club in Memphis, but it’s more because he�
��s looking for any chance he can find to touch her.

  When I finally snap out of it, I realize Jaycee’s looking at me. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “When are the three of us going to Memphis? We shouldn’t wait, Grant. Oh, my gosh! Can you believe it? I’m about to find her! We have to go today!”

  “It will take a few hours to drive. We should plan a little before we go. I’m sure Josh needs to get to the shop. I have all the information for the club where he met Kennedy, so we’ll be fine if just you and I go.”

  Since Jaycee isn’t paying attention to either of us, I give Josh a look that tells him he damn well better have work to do. I intend to have this time alone with Jaycee. If it turns out we need help, I’ll get Jensen or Troy to come with us. It damn sure won’t be Josh.

  Josh puts food on a plate. I’d rather he’d get the hell out of here so I can be alone with Jaycee, and so I can talk to her about what we should do to prepare for our trip, but when she dishes food onto her own plate, I stay quiet. At least she’s eating.

  “I don’t understand why we have to wait, Grant! I know it’s a long drive, but the longer we wait, the more time Kennedy has to move on somewhere else. If you don’t want to go, maybe I can talk Josh into driving down with me tonight.”

  “She’s still around, Jaycee. I have contacts, baby. Do you think I’d risk letting her slip through the cracks on us? I know how bad you want to get to your sister. I’ll make it happen, but I want to know everything I can about her situation and the bastards she works for before we walk into the middle of something we aren’t prepared to handle.”

  While she and Josh finished their breakfast, I made a few calls and sent Troy and Jeremiah down to Memphis ahead of us. I knew nothing would keep Jaycee from going, so I had to make sure it’s as safe as possible for her.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do with myself until tomorrow?”

  “Pack what you need for an overnight trip and a few extras and go with me to my house. We’ll stop for lunch on the way.”

  “You frustrate me, Grant. It’s hard to wait.”

  It feels like it’s been twice as long since I woke up with her snuggled against me. I know there’s a good chance she’ll deck me, but I still pull her into my arms.

  “I have a few ideas to pass the time, but first, you need to get ready so we can go.”

  I kiss her forehead that’s wrinkled slightly from the frown she’s wearing, and slap her on the ass for good measure causing her to gasp and squeal.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Do you want the tour now, or after you’ve had time to settle?”

  I don’t know if he thinks I’m impressed, but nothing about the oversized house gets my attention other than there’s plenty of space. That’s the only reason I bought the home I did. I hate being in small spaces since my kidnapping ordeal. I’d love a smaller home somewhere out in the country.

  “You don’t need to show me much, Grant. It’s only for one night. You can just show me to the guest room.”

  “Follow me.” He picks up the two bags I brought, one with the clothes I’ll need and the other containing my laptop and things I’ll need to work.

  “Do you clean this place yourself?” Everything is spotless, even the hardwood floors shine.

  “Someone comes in three days a week to help keep things clean and in order.”

  I follow him up the stairs and to the first door at the top.

  “You’ll be staying in my room tonight.”

  The walls are a light gray color with white trim. There are a fireplace and a television in the room.

  “What are we doing, Grant?”

  He puts my bags on a chair next to the window before he returns his attention to me. “We’ll find something to keep ourselves busy for a few hours and then we’ll go to bed. To sleep, Jaycee, that’s all. I already told you, I won’t ever push you to do anything.”

  “Why did you get so angry with Josh earlier?”

  “Why? It’s because I know he wants to fuck you, Jaycee. I watch him when he’s with you.”

  “Isn’t that what you want? You want to fuck me, don’t you, Grant?”

  A giant step forward, his big hands clasp my hips and he throws me onto the bed. He’s on top of me before I have time to think or react, and he stares into my eyes.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever tried to hide it, Jaycee. As soon as we’re on the same page and you admit you want it as much as I do, it’ll happen. I’m a jealous bastard, and I can’t help it. I don’t like seeing his hands on you, and I don’t like knowing he’s had his hands and his eyes on your sexy body when he did the tattoo.”

  His cock hardens between us and just looking at him while he talks; I understand how serious his words are. When I expect him to say more, he proves me wrong. He crushes his lips against mine. There’s no time to think, only react. I cup his face with my hands. Feeling his short beard against my soft palms sends waves of heat between my thighs. It’s more than sex though. When I touch him, I have the sense I’m familiar with him now, I know him. I trust him. And, I want him.

  He claims me with his kiss, sucking and biting at my lips. I situate my lower body so my legs spread, allowing him to grind his hard cock against my pussy while his tongue penetrates and mingles with mine.

  Our clothes are in the way and it frustrates me, so I tug at his t-shirt, hoping he’ll get the hint. I crave the feel of his rough male skin touching mine. He breaks the kiss and gets up to his knees to peer down at me. “There’s no pressure here, baby. You say the word and we’ll stop. Okay?”

  I nod my agreement. I feel a little nervous, but I don’t want to stop. Even with all the friction between us, I want this.

  Once his shirt is on the floor, he slides mine over my body and discards it to the floor to rest with his. I expect him to relieve me of my bra just as quickly, but he slows his movements. He hooks a single finger under one strap and lowers it down my shoulder and then does so with the other.

  With one finger he traces a line from one side to the other over my chest. I wish he’d move faster so I don’t have time to second guess my decision, but I can tell a quickie isn’t on Grant’s radar.

  He pulls one cup down to expose my breast. I watch his face while he explores my body with his eyes and the tips of his fingers. He licks his tongue across his bottom lip. I can feel it go straight to my core, causing me to shiver. He feels it too. His eyes find mine. “You respond perfectly to my touch, Jaycee.”

  He unsnaps the front clasp, letting the bra fall open then he brushes his thumbs over my nipples, causing them to tighten even more while we both watch. He lets a low growl escape and leans down to take a puckered bud between his lips and swirls his tongue and sucks before he lets go with a pop and moves to the other one to show it the same attention. I run my fingers through his messy hair and concentrate on the feelings he ignites with every suck, every nip. Is it possible to come from this alone?

  I grind against him. He grips one hip as he assists by thrusting against me a few times. He keeps his focus on my tits a few seconds longer and then he kisses and licks a path over my neck, returning to my lips for a quick nip or two.

  When he climbs off the bed, I almost call out, thinking he’s ready to walk away, leave me in this condition, but when he releases the button and lowers his zipper to remove his jeans, I know we’re just getting started. He removes his jeans and boxer briefs, adding them to the pile of clothes already on the floor.

  Without getting on the bed, he reaches for each side of my yoga pants and panties and strips them away leaving me naked and exposed on his bed. A few weeks ago, it wasn’t a possibility. Now, even though I’m still nervous and a little unsure, I’m ready to take this step with him. I think I need him because I feel like he could be the missing piece my body and soul needs to feel whole again.

  He places both hands around my ankles and then slides his fingers further in the direction where I ache for him most. When he gets to
my knees, his eyes never leave mine when he lifts them and spreads me open before him. “Tell me how you feel, baby. Is your pussy wet for me?”

  My face flushes with heat. I try to look to the side of the room to avoid his eyes. I’m sure women he’s used to being with have no trouble with his questions, his dirty talk.

  “Don’t. I don’t want you uncomfortable or embarrassed when you’re with me, baby. Look at me.”

  He uses that voice. The one that dominates and controls…and turns me on like nothing else does. I turn my eyes back to his.

  He drops his eyes down and watches as he slides a finger through my folds. It’s weird knowing his eyes are there, but it’s hot as hell watching how it affects him when he gives me pleasure. When his finger circles my opening, I wiggle around trying to find more of him. “Please, Grant.”

  “Please? What do you need?” He circles his thumb around my clit a few times. “Tell me, Jaycee.”

  “More! I need more.” When he thrusts two fingers inside, I grab hold of the pillow beneath my head. “Ah, mm, that feels so good. Fuck.” I close my eyes, lost in the sensations that spiral through me, so close to falling over the edge. Until he stops. And, he lies down on his back beside me.

  “What… Why did you stop?”

  “I want you to have control this time, baby. I need inside you so fucking bad, I can’t stand it, but I want you to take what you want, what you need.” He fists his swollen cock and slides his hand up and down a few times.

  “You want me to…what do you want me to do?”

  “Climb up here, sweetheart.” He guides me to sit up and straddle his body. “I want you to put me inside you, and I want to watch you slide up and down, ride my cock until you come.”

  He guides my hand to him. Just like he did with me, I keep my eyes on his while with his help I wrap my fingers around him and pump my palm up and down his shaft. “Fuck, Jaycee. I’m like a loaded gun, baby. I won’t last long.”

  It surprises us both when I lean down, and I swirl my tongue around the tip, licking away the beaded moisture on top. “Damn, that feels so fucking good, but you don’t have to do that.”


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