Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two)

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Fighting Friction: (Playing it Safe Series Book Two) Page 16

by Lisa Gerkey

  I let my eyes dart around the room, looking for something I can use as a weapon.

  “Have you tried these drugs, Jaycee? They’re fucking magic, baby. They make me feel so damn good, I don’t think about anything else…well, I think about pussy…a lot…all the time…and you didn’t want to give it to me. But, it can be different now. I’ve learned the things you like, Jaycee. I can give you everything those other men gave you.”

  He comes toward me. When he reaches for me, I grab the arm I know I’ve damaged. I flatten my other hand, fingers straight and tight together. I tuck my thumb and hit the side of his neck as hard as I can. The blow stuns him. While he sways on his feet, I grab the first thing I can reach. It’s a frying pan, but it’s made of iron, heavy. Before he has time to shake it off, I grip the handle like a Louisville Slugger and swing with everything I’ve got, hitting him right in the face.

  Loud screams erupt from both Kennedy and David. Blood pours from his nose, which now sits at a funny angle, and splats onto the dingy carpet. David’s eyes are glassy, he looks confused.

  “Kennedy, can you stand?”

  I know she can’t take large steps but the string around her ankles is loose so she can take a few small steps to get distance and move closer to the door so I can get her out of here.

  “He’ll come after us. He will. You don’t know him anymore. He wants my money, and he’ll never stop until he gets it. That’s what he’s been holding out for, Jaycee. I didn’t want you to know about the things he did. I didn’t want both of us to have to live with it, not after all you’ve been through already. Jaycee, I’m so sorry. For months, I’ve done awful things trying to keep him happy and away from you.”

  “We’ll deal with what’s and why’s later, Kennedy! We need to go! Now!”

  She looks past me. Her eyes grow big and she whimpers. David lets out a loud groan and just when I turn around, he lunges toward me. We both fall to the floor, him on top of me. The table at the end of the couch tumbles over and empty beer cans and an ashtray running over with disgusting cigarette butts scatter over the floor.

  He knows what will hurt me far worse than a beating. He pins both my arms over my head, and works with the loose rope that’s dangling around one wrist until he’s secured me to the leg of the sofa. When that’s done, he reaches between us until he gets his hand between my legs. I lie as still as I can. I know if I fight it will only excite him more. He fumbles with his fingers. Even though I don’t mean to make a sound, a whimper slips out.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kennedy move. She crawls across the floor, her eyes fixed on a certain spot. David unzips his pants, but before he has time to do anything more, I hear a loud bang.

  Something wet splatters my skin. David’s eyes grow wide, and he takes a deep ragged breath that turns into a strange gurgling sound. I try to roll him off me, but he’s too heavy. His dead weight pins me to the floor.

  “Kennedy! Kennedy, honey, I need you to help me. Please. Please, get him off of me!”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  We’ve looked everywhere. Even had local businesses pull camera footage to see if we can track David’s vehicle after he left the hotel, but we’ve found nothing useful.

  “What do we do now, Jensen? We can’t just stop looking for her. Tell me. How the fuck can we find her?”

  “I know it’s tough, G, I do. We’ll find her. I’m sure of it. We’ve got a news crew setting up downstairs right now. We’ll get their pictures out there. They’re already all over social media. Someone will see something. You know how people love to get on those sites and talk. I guarantee we’ll get a lead soon.”

  Jensen follows me up to the hotel room that Jaycee and I shared. It seems so long ago when I went to sleep with her curled against me. I can’t bear to look at her things lying around the place. The little skirt and top she wore to the club, lying on the bathroom floor.

  A phone rings. Jensen and I both look at our cells, but neither of us has a call. It’s the phone in the room. Probably going to tell us to pack up and get the hell out. People have been checking out right and left since they’ve heard a woman is missing. I’m sure us hanging around is bad for business.


  “Um…who…who am I speaking with, please?”

  It’s a young woman’s voice. I can barely make out what she says.

  “This is Grant Masters? How I can help you?”

  “Sh…she needs help. I…please hurry!”

  “Who!?! Who needs help? Who is this?”

  Jensen comes to stand beside me while I listen.

  “Sh…ah…Kansas Street.”

  The line crackles, making it difficult to hear. The only thing I can make out is Kansas Street, and the phone goes dead.

  I turn to Jensen.

  “Kansas Street! I couldn’t make out most of what she said, but she said Kansas Street. Hurry!”

  He grabs the laptop and punches the keys. “There’s an old abandoned apartment building. This has to be it! Come on, and let’s hurry to find Jon and the police, downstairs.”

  Everyone’s gathered around the long table in the conference room. In the back, a crew is setting up cameras for a news segment.

  “I think we’ve found something. It’s the closest thing to a lead we’ve had all day. Let’s get a move on.”

  “We can’t go in blind, Grant. We need to line out the details, and I’m sure the police will get a SWAT team in place, just in case it turns into a hostage situation. You need to stay out of it and let them do their job. You’re too close to the situation. Have patience. You’ll have her back before you know it.”

  Patience is something I don’t have.

  “I’ll use my head, but I’m done waiting.”

  Jensen follows me. When we get to my truck, neither of us says a word right away.

  “Jensen, I understand if you don’t want to do this. You know damn well if we get there first, I’m not waiting. I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with, man.”

  “Just drive, G. You’ve done the same thing for me. Let’s find your girl.”

  I park in an empty lot behind the old apartment building. Instead of going in through the front, we cut through an alley.

  When Jensen and I get out, the smell of rotting garbage hits us. I’ve been in a lot of bad situations and seen nasty shit, but this might be the worst yet.

  “The fucker had the money Jaycee gave him, so how the hell did he end up here?” Jensen questions.

  “Likely drugs. I have theories, but until we can talk to him, we won’t know. I think he had something to do with Jaycee’s sister disappearing, too. After we saw that shit on the surveillance videos, we know he’s in contact with Kennedy. Wouldn’t surprise me to find out he’s been pimping her out and possibly got her involved with drugs. Josh warned us she’s a mess.”

  The cops will be here any moment. Most would tell me to hang back and stay calm. Let them do their jobs. I know Jensen and I are more qualified to deal with this than the local police. Looking around at this shit hole that’s sitting right in the middle of their town tells me how competent the local police are around here.

  “Jensen, you can stay out here and keep an eye on things. I’m going in because I can feel her here. I know my girl is in there and I’ll be damned if I’ll sit around or take orders from anyone.” Naturally, he doesn’t listen.

  The door creaks when I push it open. People scatter when they see us. A few sleep on the disgusting concrete floor. The stairs to the second floor contain fast food wrappers and used condoms, among more nasty shit I can’t name.

  By the time I make it to the third floor, the smell of feces and urine is so strong I nearly lose my stomach.


  Jensen is ahead of me, pushing doors open to look in each room searching for any sign of Jaycee, or anyone that can point us to her. When he calls out my name, I watch his eyes focus on something behind me.

  I he
ar heavy footsteps and a shout. My first thought, it’s the police. The agonizing pain that splits through my head, I know that isn’t the case. Luckily, I’m a tough motherfucker when I must be.

  My legs tremble slightly, but my nose flares when I swing around to face the asshole. “Are you the maggot that’s running a crack house here? Huh?”

  I throw several punches before I take the time to get a good look at the piece of shit. The iron bar he struck me with falls to the floor. I take only a few seconds more until his ass is on the floor with it.

  “What’s your name?” When he doesn’t answer, I lodge my knee in his gut. “Answer me, dickhead!”

  “P…Pete. I’m nobody. I…I didn’t know who was here. The…The boss will be angry if I let anyone snoop around here. He catches you here, you’re dead.”

  “Who’s your boss?”

  “Nah…Nah…I ain’t rattin’ nobody out.”

  Jensen’s voice cuts through my anger and frustration dealing with the sorry scum.

  “G! Hurry! I’ve got her! She’s here!”

  Thank fuck, just before I run after Jensen and my girl, a slew of uniforms nearly topples me when they run past.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I move my body around so I’m not forced to look directly at David even though he’s still on top of me. He’s dead. My little sister saved me. Then, she left.

  I replay everything that’s happened repeatedly in my head until finally, I hear someone at the door; several heavy footsteps and then voices and shouting. “She’s here!” Someone calls out.

  People move all around me, and then someone kneels beside me. At last, they lift the weight that’s kept my body immobilized for hours off of me. “We’re here, sweetheart. We’ll take care of you.” It’s Grant’s friend, Jensen, who works to unfasten my hands from the couch. It feels good to see a familiar face, but he’s not who I need most right now.

  “Grant?” I wrap my arms around myself and try to shrink away from everyone. It feels like I have forty hands touching my body and I want them to stop. “Please. I need him. I need everyone to leave me alone. Please, I just need Grant.”

  Someone pushes Jensen to the side and takes his place beside me.

  From the uniform he’s wearing, I know he’s a paramedic. “Miss, we need to have a quick look and make sure you have no injuries before we move you. We’ll take you to the hospital.”

  I’m no longer held down or tied. I need not listen to these people and do as they say. Not anymore. I sit up, weak and unsteady, but I do my best to not let anyone see. “I need to stand.”

  “Ma’am, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re in shock. You may not even realize you’re hurt. Let us do our job.”

  “No! No. No means no, damn it! I don’t want anyone to look at me. Please, get out of my space and leave me alone! Do you know the hell I’ve gone through today?”

  The apartment’s tiny. It’s cramped and too stuffy and hot with everyone in it. At last, he comes through the door, pushing anyone in his path out of the way.

  Grant pulls me to his hard chest.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m so goddamn happy to see you! Do you know how worried I’ve been? I’m never letting you out of my sight again, Jaycee Jennings.”

  “Please! Get me out of here!”

  He studies me for a minute. All of me. Reminding me I’m practically naked.

  “You need to go to the hospital, sweetheart, and I know the police will want to speak with you. This will all be over soon, but we can’t just run away. I’m here. I’ll stay by your side and take care of you now. Okay?”

  “I need time. Please! Please, I need clothes, and I need to get his filthy handprints off me! I’ll talk to whoever I need to later, but please, take me home.”

  I wait while Grant talks to someone, hopefully telling them we’re leaving. After a moment he and the man in uniform come over to talk to me.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Can you come with me? We need to get your statement before you leave.” He’s wearing a badge and his name tag has detective across the top.

  “Can’t I come in tomorrow to give my statement? Do you know the things I’ve been through, what I’ve seen? I can’t think clearly. I don’t even have clothes.”

  “We need to make sure nothing slips through the cracks, Ma’am. I’ll see if we can find you clothes to wear.”

  “I need out of this place! Don’t you understand that? I can’t un-see everything that’s happened here. I…please, let me come to the police station after I’ve cleaned up, or come to the hotel later. Anything.”

  “You know what? I’ll let you go, but we need to speak with you and get a statement soon. The more time we let pass, the greater the chance you’ll forget something that might be important to our investigation. We have information, the footage from surveillance, but we still have loose ends to tie up before we can close the case. We need to locate the young woman that was here with you. If nothing else, to make sure she’s okay. It’s obvious she pulled the trigger. Considering the facts, I’m sure it was self-defense, but we still need to talk to her, so if you hear from her, please encourage her to reach out to us.”

  “She saved my life, officer! The other woman you’re talking about is my sister! She ran because she’s scared. David fucked with her life too. He’s the reason she’s a mess. She’s done nothing wrong.”

  I can’t blame her for running. She killed the bastard. No doubt she’s run off somewhere to sort it all out and figure out how she can put her life back together. I was the running kind too after my ordeal with Malcolm. More than anything, that’s what I want to do at this very moment. Run so far away that no one will ever find me.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  When I get Jaycee back to the hotel, back to the room we shared, she still hasn’t spoken. I’d give up everything I own if I could know what’s going on inside her beautiful head.

  A fear like none I’ve known before gnaws at my gut because I can sense she’s pulled so far away, I don’t know if she’ll come back without help, and I know what Jaycee’s opinion is when it comes to outside help.

  “Baby, how about you let me take you in the bathroom and help you clean up? Then you should eat something. I also think you need to talk about everything that’s happened. It will help you process better.”

  Jaycee’s sitting on the side of the bed, still wrapped in the blanket the paramedic gave to her before we left the scene. She refuses to look at me. It’s like she’s not even here. I feel like I’m in the room with nothing more than the ghost of the woman I love.

  After a few minutes, she shakes her head from side to side. “I…I don’t need help. I’m…I’m fine. A shower and sleep are all I need. I want to forget about everything that’s happened. But, you…you need to find Kennedy, Grant. That’s what you need to do for me. Go out there and find my sister. She’s a mess. She…she saved me. He was going to…to…hurt me.”

  She doesn’t finish the sentence; she doesn’t need to, I’m well aware of what the bastard was about to do to her. He died with a hole in his head and his dick in his hand.

  Jaycee trembles, her whole body shakes when she stands from the bed and lets the blanket she’s clutched tightly for the past hour fall to the floor and rubs her palms up and down her arms like she’s trying to scrub away the memory of him touching her. “I…I need a shower.”

  “Jaycee, baby, I know you’re trying to shut down on me and push me away, but I won’t let that happen. You’ve been through a hell that no one should ever endure. You can’t process all this alone. I know you need space, but please, don’t ask me to leave you alone right now. Do you know how damn scared I was when I woke up and found you gone from my bed? Let me take care of you. Lean on me, baby girl, until you’re rested and strong enough to deal with everything. I’m not only asking for you, I need you right now too. I need to hold you and take care of you. Fuck. This isn’t the time to tell you, but I don’t know what el
se to do. I didn’t know if I wouldn’t get this chance. I’ve wanted to kick my own ass all day because I haven’t told you before now. I don’t think I realized the depth until you were missing, but, baby…Jaycee, I love you. I want your best and your worst. God, baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t wake up and protect you the way I should have. I’ll never forgive myself, just like I’ve never been able to forgive myself because I didn’t stop the shit that went down when Malcolm Phoenix had you locked away in his mansion. Of course, I didn’t know you then, but the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew you would be the woman I loved one day. One look at you and my chest just about exploded with how much I knew I wanted you.”

  “Grant! Stop! Please, please, stop! I…Not now. Not like this. If I let you get close, I’ll break. I don’t want to break. I’ve held it all in so long.”

  I wipe away the moisture that’s slipped down my face, and I pull her in my arms.

  “Shh…I know. You think I don’t understand, but I do. Your strength is what’s gotten you through everything. Hell, you, Jaycee Jennings are stronger than a lot of men I know, but it’s okay to break. I won’t run when you do. Instead, I’ll be with you every step of the way. It’ll surprise you how good it will feel when you finally let go. It’s fine if you’re weak for a little while, or hell, a long time, but face all the shit that’s happened. If you don’t, it’ll do nothing but eat at you, and keep eating until there’s nothing left. I’ll help you. You can use me as a punching bag or a pillow when you need a place to lay your head. I’ll also give you space if that’s what you need. Just promise me, you’ll let someone help you.”

  She pushes out of my arms and tiptoes to the bathroom. The angry marks the rope left behind on her ankles and tiny wrists nearly cause me to punch a hole in the goddamn wall. Maybe we both need to break and then we can put our shit back together from the dust that’s left and build our lives back up from scratch together.


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