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Tame Me-To Load-

Page 3

by Bloom, Cassandra

  “Oh, yeah.” He sat back on his heels and held his hand out to her. “Well, my name is Devon.” He shook her hand, released it and lifted her dress again.

  “Wait the fuck up!” Panic blurred her vision; she didn’t even know this man and her situation could be a dangerous one.

  “You know my name now, and if you wait any longer with this many needles in your skin, you will experience a delirium of sorts.”

  “Oh.” She released a breath. “Okay, but…”

  “Do you want them to stay there?”

  She shook her head.

  “Stay put a minute, okay?” Devon got up again.

  “I’m not going anywhere, apparently.”

  He went into the small kitchen

  Madeline heard the creak of a cabinet door opening, followed by a clinking noise.

  His face appeared above her. “Here, drink this.”

  Taking the glass, she drew it to her nose. “It’s whiskey!”

  “Yes, and you’re gonna need it.”

  “But I don’t drink.”

  “Well, now is definitely the time to start. You’re gonna be in pain once I start to remove these needles.”

  At the mention of the cactus, she winced and felt all the prickly, painful jabs in her thigh again.

  “Drink the entire thing straight down,” Devon urged and sat closer to her as he held the glass to her lips.

  “Ugh.” She swallowed the burning contents.

  “Now another one,” he prompted, refilling the glass and placing it in her hand.

  “Ugh.” She sighed and gulped it down. “Eww!”

  “Yeah, it’s not the best.” Devon fumbled around with something on the floor. “Okay, now.” Placing a small table next to the couch, he set a lamp on it and knelt close to her leg. “You’ve got to hold perfectly still, you hear? I mean it, and it’s gonna hurt, but if you jump around and fight this, it’ll be worse. “

  Madeline breathed out through her nose and nodded.

  Devon leaned over her and grasped her thigh with his warm hand.

  “Oh,” she exhaled the word with a sigh.

  “I haven’t even started yet,” he teased.

  She shivered from the timbre of his sexy voice. “Sorry.” The little pricks pinged on her skin. “Actually, I don’t feel a thing!”

  An amused twinkle appeared in his eyes as he studied her thigh. “Yeah, the wretched whiskey does that.” He plucked out another piece.

  Curious, she adjusted the position of her head to see what he was doing.

  “Hold still!”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” His face came into focus in the lamplight. Can a man be beautiful? Devon possessed a noble profile, a strong jaw line with high cheekbones, his face tan and smooth. Is he Indian? Madeline didn’t feel any pain while bemused and lost in wondering about him. “Where did you come from?” Her whiskey-fogged brain formed the words somehow.

  He continued to focus on her bare, cactus-torn thigh. “The mountain.”

  “Oh, you were born around here?”

  He gave a slight nod.

  She glanced lower to take in the rest of him. A magnificently wide chest stretched out his white T-shirt, which displayed muscular arms that appeared capable of embracing or tearing apart anyone who crossed his path. I choose embrace. She grinned.

  He lifted his head. “There, I think I got it all.”

  Staring at his long legs molded into faded jeans, a giggle escaped her. “Yeah, you’ve got it all, that’s for sure.”

  His gaze swung to hers.

  “You’re the finest piece of man I’ve ever seen!”

  “Oh, yeah?” He sat back on his heels.


  “I’ll be back, okay?”

  Madeline stopped giggling. “Where are you going?”

  “Gotta make a poultice.”

  “What?” The trailer door slammed behind him. He just up and left? She let out a breath and shifted her leg. “I felt that!” The room spun. Oh, man, I’m drunk! She laughed aloud. I actually told him what a fine piece he was! Her laughter grew louder.

  “Having a good time, are we?” Devon stood over her again.

  “Yeah, I suppose I am.” She stifled a giggle as his hand clasped her thigh again. “Man, you have wonderful hands.”

  An amused smile appeared on his lips as he laid a green poultice over her injured flesh and placed the warm, wet cloth over it. “Now, there should be no swelling.”

  Madeline released a jittery breath. “No, there should be lots of—swelling.”

  “You’re drunk, Miss Madeline Sayers.”

  “How did you know my name?”

  He shrugged and moved the table back to its original spot. “News travels fast out in Nowhere Land.”

  Stunned, Madeline gasped.

  “Your luggage tag.” He winked.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “I’m gonna stay and watch over you for the night, okay?” He took her hand.

  “You can watch over me forever, if you want.”

  “No, I really don’t have forever…” His deep voice faded away as he dropped her hand. “Do you need anything?”

  Yeah, you and forever would be nice. “Um, no, I’m okay.”

  Devon laid a blanket over her. “All right, I’ll be here on the floor.”

  “Okay…” Madeline was suddenly embarrassed at her own stupid jokes, and then fell instantly asleep.

  His hands roamed over her flushed skin. Oh, what a fantastic feeling. With smooth caresses, he spread her thighs open. “I am going to make you cry, Madeline.”

  “No, I don’t cry. I’ve never—” Her voice halted as he thrust into her and her pussy tightened around his throbbing cock. A tingling swept over her stomach. His thrusting grew faster and harder while pure adrenaline pumped furiously through her veins and her body coiled with delight.

  Abruptly, he withdrew and rose above her.

  “Why did you stop?”

  “You have no light in you.” His face faded from her sight.

  “Come back,” Madeline screamed. “I have light. I have colors!”….

  …“Hey, wake up!” Someone shook her.

  Staring up at his gorgeous face she could see Devon above her. She pulled his face to hers, and he grew very still while she stared into his dark eyes. Madeline fastened her mouth to his. Tugging his head closer and forcing his lips open, she eagerly pushed her tongue into his warm mouth. “Mmm,” she moaned low in her throat and heard his groan in response.

  Smoothing his hands lower over her body, he massaged them over her breasts. Abruptly, he bolted upright, breaking the kiss. “What the hell?”

  Madeline’s fingers rose to her lips. “I’m sorry, I was dreaming.”

  “Oh, you are something, Miss Sayers. Yes, you are!” Amusement colored his tone.

  “You don’t have to make fun of me, you know?”

  Devon’s face sobered and he moved away from her.

  “Where are you going?” No answer came. “Devon?” The thud of the trailer door shutting behind him told her little. She lay there a long while, her head pounding with tiny skilled jackhammers from the whiskey, and maybe from sheer mortification. I climbed all over him and physically attacked him! Full sunlight slanted in through the windows. Yeah, I ran him off. What the hell was I doing? I practically jumped his bones! She groaned with shame and covered her face with her folded arms.

  The door slammed again, and a masculine face peered down at her. “Who the hell are you?”

  He wasn’t Devon, but he looked familiar.

  Mute, Madeline stared back as her situation grew more bizarre every minute with these unexpected encounters with good-looking strangers.

  “I asked who you are. What the hell are you doing in my trailer?”


  Madeline tried to focus on the person standing over her. “Um…?” Bewildered by Devon’s disappearance, this man’s sudden appearance caused absolute disorientation.

block my road with your car, and then have a party in my house?” His irate gaze took in the whiskey bottle and empty glass on the table. Napkins littered the floor and his first aid kit lie flung open on the carpet.

  “No, I...” She groaned loudly and sat upright. “Jasp said I could.” Something heavy landed next to her.

  “I especially would like to know where you got this!”

  Madeline released a suffering breath. “The box?”

  With an angry stance, he folded his arms over his chest. “Yes, the box.”

  She peeked up at him, remembered the old faded photo her mother had left her and immediately realized who he was. Her father. Standing tall, with just a touch of gray at his hairline, wide-shouldered and wearing one hell of an angry expression on his face.

  “It was...” she swallowed heavily, “…my mother’s.”

  His arms dropped to his sides. “You’re Phoebe’s daughter?”

  “Yes, and apparently, you’re Rick Sayers, my father.”

  He took a stumbling step back. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  She winced. “Please don’t yell!”

  Rick steadied himself. “Okay, let me get this straight. Phoebe sent you here?”

  Madeline nodded.

  “And told you to bring the box to me?”

  Another nod, long and slow this time.

  “Why didn’t she come?”

  She lowered her head.


  “Phoebe died.” Even she could hear the flat tone in her response. Either because she didn’t care…or because she cared too much.

  Rick straightened his stiff posture. “What?”

  “Bringing you the box was her last request.” Madeline peeked up at him.

  He spun around and went out the door.

  Yeah, I ran two men off today. Madeline flinched as the front door slammed shut. Bye, Dad.

  Madeline absorbed the tranquil silence in the trailer for the next few hours. To her relief, the shower was a rather large one, which surprised her. When she finally got into the stall, a cool respite from the dreaded desert heat washed over her as the shower spray soothed her skin. She soaped herself up, rinsed off, and noticed that the slight pink streaks on her thigh were barely noticeable.

  Her mind floated with the comforting sound of the water humming against the shower wall, reminding her of the pulsing timbre of Devon’s sexy voice. She closed her eyes and the image of his face appeared with those amused dark eyes twinkling at her while a smile broke out on those yummy, kissable lips of his. Imagining the sensation of his warm, soothing fingers, she smoothed her hands from her thighs, up along her waist and thought of what it would be like if he were there in the shower with her.

  She jerked her head up while even the cold water spraying from the showerhead did nothing to cool the heat spreading along her body. What the hell am I thinking? She attempted to get her composure back and reexamined the pink spots on her leg. Did it even happen? With no sign of Devon anywhere, she wondered. Well, with the way I ravaged him, I’m not surprised.

  A strange vibe edged at her, and she pushed the entire embarrassing event away to focus on what loomed ahead. So what, if he’d held her thigh in his hands. His curiously smooth, but warm, broad palms. Transferring their heat to… Wait! No! Naturally, she found him attractive, any woman would. That’s all it was, physical attraction. No emotional attachment of any kind allowed; it would bring her progress to a halt. Technically, she’d completed the request—the box sat on Rick’s couch. Time to get the hell back to my life!

  A short time later, Madeline stepped out of the trailer and squinted from the blinding sunlight. It seemed to bear down on her with a livid glare. The wilting heat was already oppressive, although it was still morning. Her car sat in front. How did it get here? Bewildered, she went around to the driver’s side to see her purse sitting on the seat and the keys in the ignition. Okay, back to that crazy town, gas up and head back to reality.

  The place appeared busier than the day before when she finally pulled into the Trading Post parking lot. Wow, there must be ten cars here.

  People in shorts and sandals, baseball caps and short-sleeved shirts, milling in the shade, all studying what appeared to be some sort of flyer.

  She stood on tiptoe to peer over a shoulder, trying to get a look. A strange symbol adorned the page, but she couldn’t make out the words underneath. The emblem looked familiar. Where have I seen it before?

  “Are you attending?” The question came from behind her, asked by one of the most beautiful Native American women Madeline had ever seen.


  “The Man Who Cuts from the Sky has made a tribute in honor of the event,” the woman explained.

  “The event?”

  She smiled and patted Madeline’s arm. Abruptly, her expression grew alarmed and she drew her hand away.

  Startled, Madeline stepped back. “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  “Oh!” The native woman stared at her. “She experienced Ananza!”

  Madeline gazed around at the people who gawked at her. “Now listen, just keep calm.” She was alarmed by the baffling accusation and the crowd’s sudden interest in her. Someone grabbed her arm, and she found Rick next to her, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. She still reeled from a sense of disorientation—everyone around Nowhere showed up and disappeared suddenly. It was getting unnerving.

  “She is of my people and does not know of Ananza, Kamikowa.” Rick nodded in a respectful way.

  The woman who’d touched her lowered her dark eyes to the deck, and the small crowd around Madeline stepped away, speaking in low tones to each other.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Madeline asked.

  Rick released an irritated sound and pulled her into the trading post. Letting go of her arm, he strode down the center aisle, the strident sound of his boots tapping across the wood floor, and disappeared to the back of the store without a word to her.

  “Hey, little angel!” Jasp stood behind the counter.

  “Hey, Jasp.”

  “I see you made it through your first night in Nowhere.”

  Madeline thought of the cactus and the unbearable desert heat, along with the heat she’d experienced with Devon. “Just barely.”

  Jasp gave his usual chortle.

  “So, I’m gonna gas up and go now.”

  “You’re leaving already?” Jasp asked with disbelief.


  “I don’t think so,” Rick stated in a flat voice from behind her. “You aren’t done yet.”

  “Oh, yes, I am.”

  “Oh, no, you’re so not done.”

  “Can you turn the pump on?” she called to Jasp and spun to glare at Rick.

  “Yeah, sure I can.” Jasp hesitated. “I can turn it on, but it won’t do you no good.”


  “I’m out.” He shrugged.


  Jasp nodded. “Them Hualapai all filled their tanks, and, well, I’m bone dry now.”

  “The Hu-wala, what?” She shook her head at him. “Never mind. I may have enough to make it.”

  Rick stepped up next to her at the counter, looking concerned. “Don’t you think you should stay?”

  “What for?”

  Rick looked away. “We should talk.”

  “You’ve made it clear we have nothing to say to each other.” Leaving swiftly, the door slammed behind her.

  “She’s just like her mother, when I... ” The sound of Rick’s voice trailed away.

  She headed for her car, determined to leave Nowhere and its crazy inhabitants behind as soon as possible.

  Madeline got into her car. Not finished? I sure as hell am. Never wanted to come here in the first damn place! Turning the key in the ignition, she peered at the fuel gauge. No! Empty. In the red, even. “So, what am I supposed to—?” Her voice halted, remembering Devon’s words from yesterday.

  “Yeah, what are you gonna do?
” Devon asked through the car window.

  With a start, she smiled at him. Oh, wow, this man is gorgeous, like nothing I’ve ever seen! “I’m out of gas, apparently.”

  “You’re always in trouble, Miss Sayers.”

  She studied his face and experienced a shiver from the enticing timbre of his voice. I gotta get away from him. I need to get away from here!

  “So, what are you afraid of?”


  “You look terrified.” Devon let out a laugh.

  “Me? I am not afraid of...” Madeline glared at him.

  “Of…?” he asked with a raised brow.

  She avoided looking at him and swung her gaze out to the parking lot. “Do you know where I can get fuel for my car?” At his silence, she peeked over to glimpse him walking toward the back of the tire shop. Why does he always leave? He seems interested, and then just wanders away.

  Exiting the car, she followed him. You’re getting just as crazy as the rest of these fools in Nowhere! She kept walking, and avoided asking herself why as stepped around the far wall to find Devon seated on a magnificent black stallion.

  “Ever ridden bareback?” He grinned down at her.

  His smile elicited more shivers. “I’ve never ridden at all.”

  “There are a whole lot of things you’ve never done.” He reached out to her. “How about we start with this?”

  Madeline puzzled at his bold opinions while looking at his outstretched hand.

  “Afraid?” he taunted.

  Blinking at the challenge, she allowed him to help her up behind him, relieved to be wearing shorts today. That infernal sundress would not have sufficed.

  They rode for over an hour without a word spoken between them, and Madeline silently swore at the heat of the blazing Arizona sun on her back. I forgot the dammed sun block. Still, the real fire emanated from him. Her arms remained wrapped around his waist, and she sighed at the feel of him. For the first half hour or so, she attempted to ignore the sensual tingling emanating from where her chest met his back. Finally, she capitulated and gloried in the sensuous sensation of her nipples rubbing against him. God! I am so stupid for accepting this challenge.

  The horse scrambled between two towering rocks, the passage so narrow she held her breath.


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