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Tame Me-To Load-

Page 7

by Bloom, Cassandra

“You vanished again!”

  “No, you left me!”


  “I went to get the horse. He paused and let out a chuckle. “While you were fighting with your dress.”

  “You did?” Her arms dropped to her sides.

  “I brought the pony back, and no Madeline! No sign at all, except for the hoof prints.” Devon folded his arms over his chest.

  “Oh.” She felt deflated.

  He lifted her up tugging her body to his. “Then I found out you were sick from the swim.” Devon paused and drew closer to her face, while she studied his yummy lips. “I can’t have you gone.”

  Madeline remembered those words from her fevered dream. “So, you did come?”

  ”Uh huh.” He rested his lips on hers.

  “But, how?”

  Devon smiled and kissed her again, causing her to lose her breath, and after a long moment, he broke the contact. “Is that your dad I saw out at the counter?”

  Distracted, she reached a finger to her tender lips. I need to get control of myself.


  Her distracted gaze rose. “Yeah?”

  “Are you still feeling sick?”

  “Maybe a little?”

  Devon gazed around. “Did a tornado come through here?”

  “Family drama.”

  “So? Are you going to at least introduce me to him?”

  The thought had never occurred to her.

  “Unless, you have acquired cold feet?” he teased.

  Madeline laughed with bewilderment. “Cold?”

  “Yeah, about the wedding?”

  “You still want to?”

  “Always! Let’s go and make the introductions. You know in the old days when you wanted to get married, you had to...” Devon smiled at her perplexed expression. “I guess I could find a dozen ponies if I need them.” He ushered her through the door.

  Jasp jumped as the couple came over to the counter. Bucky and Jinx stood frozen behind him with their mouths agape.

  Rick stood at the window watching a car drive into the lot. “You got a customer, Jasp.” He glanced over at the couple who stood behind him.

  Devon smiled and extended his hand.

  Rick froze and gawked at Devon.

  Stunned, Madeline stared at her father’s odd behavior. “You’re being rude, Rick!”

  With a hesitant step forward, Rick shook his hand.

  “I wanted to meet you before. I understand you are close friends with my entire family.” Devon gave him a warm smile.

  Madeline gazed around in the utter silence to see Jasp fearfully step back from the counter with no Bucky or Jinx standing behind him anymore. “What the hell is wrong with all of you?”

  Devon cleared his throat. “Sir, I wish to ask for—“

  “Wait!” Rick cut him off. “Who are you?”

  Devon blinked at him with a puzzled expression on his tan face. “I am of the tribe—always have been—but I’ve been away for a while.”

  Rick released a jittery breath. “Well, do you realize you look exactly like him?

  Madeline peered at her dad’s face. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else, I suppose.” Rick continued to stare at Devon.

  “Who did you think he was?” she asked.

  Her dad let out a nervous laugh. “Never mind. I guess I’ve lived in Nowhere way too long.” He extended his hand out to Devon. “It’s a privilege to meet you.”

  Madeline breathed out a relieved sigh.

  “It’s all right. The mistaken identity has happened all my life.” Devon grinned at him.

  Rick nodded. “So, were you at college or out of state, or what?”

  “Rick!” Madeline admonished. “Don’t grill him, okay?”

  Both men laughed.

  “Oh, great, now there are two good-looking men in my life to tease me.” She gave up and joined the merriment.

  Devon faced her father. “Sir, I want to marry Madeline.”

  “Yeah, she tried to tell me.”

  “With your permission, then?”

  Rick’s expression grew serious. “I don’t know. I was wondering where my ponies were.”

  Devon studied the older man. “The idea of a wedding offering did occur to me.”

  Rick laughed and smacked him on the back. “No, really, it’s okay. I never—“

  “No,” Devon cut him off. “You’re entirely correct.”

  “I am?”

  He motioned to the open door. “My people.”

  Rick stepped to the door as his mouth dropped open.

  There were mounted riders coming into the lot, leading a long line of horses of all kinds: pintos, chestnuts, an Arabian and the much-coveted palominos.

  Madeline drew closer to the window to stare at all the horses. “Dev?”

  He stepped in next to her. “Yes, Madeline?”

  “You arranged this?”

  “Yes, Madeline.”

  Rick looked stunned. “But, how?”

  “Please just accept the gift. My people took a lot of time getting them.”

  “Do you love this guy?” Rick looked over at her.

  At the unexpected question, she stilled and couldn’t open her mouth.

  Devon stepped closer. “Maddy?”

  Trembling at his voice, she lowered her head. It became quiet in the store while real fear trapped her and its grip held her throat closed. Love? The word repeated in her mind like fire alarms.

  The front door slammed, and she glanced over to see Rick standing alone at the window. She drew in a surprised breath. “He left?”

  “Yeah,” Rick answered.

  “No!” She rushed to the door.

  He grabbed her arm. “Don’t, Maddy.”

  She yanked her arm from his grasp, as the group rode away. “But he can’t just leave me.” She couldn’t even see Devon through all the dust from the horses.

  Rick placed his arm around her. “You have to let him go, for now.” He squeezed her shoulder. “You would have shamed him in front of his people.” He directed her through the door. “He wouldn’t want you to make a scene. Let’s go home, you need more rest.”

  Madeline allowed him to lead her out, and a wave of numbness swept through her. Rick sat her in the seat and she looked straight ahead to the open desert, where the dust swirled across the flatlands.

  The large group of riders traveled swiftly over the barren landscape toward the Hualapai Mountains. Their wavering impressions became mere specks in the fiery waves of the mirage as it swallowed the sporadic image.

  Madeline watched even after they disappeared, and moisture gathered in her eyes as the thick dust from the Jeep flew over the dry road behind the vehicle.


  Sky Cutter Road

  Madeline slept for twenty-four hours. When she finally awoke, Rick served her a wonderfully large meal.

  The next day, she stretched out in the sun, but went inside again after an hour, doing absolutely nothing with her time but laze around and take long naps.

  The third day was spent restless and frustrated, thinking about how badly she’d screwed up with Devon. But I’m built this way. I don’t know what love is. Her feelings for him ran deep, and in the middle of the night, unable to sleep, she yearned for him.

  She spent hours reading Rick’s Art and Photography magazines. There were towering stacks of them, and she wasn’t surprised to note that most of them were about Phoebe’s work.

  Rick left every night after dinner, to spend time in his art shop, he said.

  Madeline told him he should schedule a show in L.A.; she was positive his stuff would sell big there.

  He just shook his head.

  So? Why not sell them? A smile tugged at her lips. She sometimes felt like these two non-capitalist dreamers could not have been her parents.

  Madeline tried to think about anything and everything but Devon. When his face appeared in her mind
—as it did often—goose bumps rose on her skin. I just can’t handle such a life-changing event. She’d finally admitted to herself that she wanted to see him at least one more time before returning to Malibu.

  She found herself feeling extremely low at the thought of going home.

  It wasn’t fair the way it all unraveled. I’ve only known him for a short while, and that whole getting married thing? A wild, spontaneous venture, and not what Madeline Sayers would do back in L.A.

  Sitting for hours in the swinging chair outside the trailer, she searched her soul and wondered about the sexy, mysterious man who’d appeared in her life.

  Madeline got up from the swing and wandered down the steps to gaze up at all the blazing stars. Multitudes of them twinkled above her. All that twinkling, just so bright and cluttered in the vast darkness of the desert night.

  “Do you know what happens if you spin around while looking up at them?”

  Stunned, she peered through the darkness. “Dev?”

  “You get dizzy!” His chuckle drifted through the yard.

  “Yes, ha fucking ha, very funny! Are you gonna just play games?” She looked all around. “Dev? I’m sorry, okay?” She released a disappointed breath and climbed the steps. “Damn man, I mean, for Christ’s sake, lurking in the dark?” She kicked at the swing.

  Another chuckle sounded from the black void of night.

  “Dev! Stalking is a crime, you know.”

  “So is kidnapping.” His low voice came from close behind her.

  She spun around.

  Devon stood on the top step. “But I don’t care.”

  Madeline devoured him with her eyes and licked her lips nervously. He looks so good, so delicious. “Why were you hiding?” She tried to control her shaky voice.

  He stepped close, scooped her up and carried her down the stairs.

  “What are you doing?”

  Devon smiled and put her on his horse. “Breaking the law.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Are you gonna resist?” He threw a leg over the horse’s back and settled behind her.

  She swallowed at the feeling of his hot breath in her ear. “Maybe.”

  He laughed and turned the horse toward the hills.

  “You can’t just ride around in the dark!” she yelled.

  The horse took them into the stark, black void of night, over the darkened desert floor.

  They rode for a long while, and she nodded off while Devon held her tightly. Exhausted by the ride, Madeline’s head rolled back against his chest.

  “Wake up, Maddy.” He set her on the ground.

  She couldn’t see anything. “How in the hell do you see in the dark?” Silent, Devon grabbed her hand, but she resisted, resulting in him picking her up and carrying her. “Dev, what the hell?”

  “Shut up,” he responded in a low tone.


  “You heard me.”

  A light gleamed ahead of them as he carried her up a path. Oh, it’s the cave.

  Devon walked over to the bed and threw her onto it.

  “Oh! What the hell!” she exclaimed as he leaned closer and pushed her back.

  He covered her body with his. “Maddy?”

  She bit her lower lip and avoided looking at his face. She could smell that alluring, sweet scent of pine again. “What?”

  “I am going to make you cry,” he spoke against her lips.

  At the odd threat, she stilled. “What?”

  He drew her up to the headboard. “I’m gonna make you feel.”

  “But, I do feel.”

  Devon gave her a wicked smile. “Maybe.”

  She drew in a breath. “So, what are you going to do?”

  “Seduce you.”

  “That would be way too easy for you.” Madeline grinned up at him. “You already know I want you.”

  Devon tilted his head at her. “But that’s not enough for me.”

  “What would be enough?”

  “I want all of you.”

  Puzzled, she wrinkled her brow. “Like what?”

  Laughing in a cold way, he rose above her. “You see? You don’t even know what I’m talking about.”

  “No, I really don’t.”

  “Well, I’m not above using any method necessary,” he threatened.

  “What does that mean?”

  Devon lifted her T-shirt from her, and she smiled with excitement at the prospect of feeling his sleek skin against hers. “Oh, yes, I have wanted you to do this for days now. “

  “Shut up!”

  She gave him a cold smile. “Why do you keep telling me to shut up?”

  He shoved her back, unsnapped her jeans and tugged them from her hips.

  She shook her head with an amused grin as he ripped her bra and underwear from her body.

  His eyes roamed over her. “So sweet and beautiful. Your face, your hair.” He reached a finger out and ran it over her cheek. “Your skin.” He traced a path across her neck and to her breasts, his angry expression counter to the sensuality of his touch. “But underneath, what are you?”

  At the soft swirling of his fingers, she shivered. “Just me.”

  “No, I’ve never really seen or even heard the real you.” Reaching forward, he hefted her over his shoulder.

  “Oof,” Madeline’s breath left her body.

  He carried her out of the cave.

  “Dev?” She suddenly realized what he intended to do. “Oh, no!” Panic tinged her voice. “No!”

  “Oh, yes. In the military, they use a needle to get the truth.” He dumped her into the rainwater pool. “Here, in Nowhere, we use pure lightning!”

  “Unh!” She gasped, as the silken water covered her skin.

  Devon stood at the edge, watching her.

  “I’m gonna kill you for this, Dev!”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  She wiped the water from her face. “Yeah!”

  He smirked. “Well, Miss Sayers, just how are you going to off me?”

  Madeline rubbed her arms and shuddered from the vigorous, lust-inducing effects of the water. “I...?”

  With a smug expression on his face, he stepped a little closer. “To kill me, you’ll have to get out.”

  Her head shot up as she remembered the last time. “No!”

  His expression showed intense interest. “Then, what?”

  She gazed around in search of an escape.

  “Nope, no weapons handy,” he quipped.

  “Dammit!” She smacked the water with her hand and gasped as an electric jolt hit her body.

  “The more you move, the more it moves you.”

  She released a frustrated breath and grabbed the edge of the pool. “Ohh.” Flashes of heat flamed across her wet skin while resting on the edge of the pool.

  He knelt close. “Are you sure you want to stay in?”

  At his taunting, a sense of panic accompanied the surging need in her.

  “I will be waiting.”

  At the purr in his voice, she shivered uncontrollably with tremors of pulsing desire. “You can wait in hell!”

  He laughed hilariously and leaned closer. “You’re so entertaining, really. I can’t wait for the second act.” He winked. “And don’t worry, I will help you through it.”

  “Oh, no, you won’t!” She lowered her head and fell quiet, remembering the last time he’d helped her get over the effects of this dammed water.

  The humorous expression faded from his face. “Maddy?”

  She groaned, and her body shook. “Dev, it really hurts!”

  “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.

  Madeline sprung up, grabbed his T-shirt, pulled him in, and he sank beneath her. “Yes!” she cheered, holding him underwater with her feet. “Take that, you devil!”

  The water rippled as they struggled for a few seconds, until he shoved her aside and came up for air. “Ahh!”

  “Yeah, see how it feels?” Madeline reached out and pushed at him. “You think I’m j
ust gonna take it?” Rage consumed her, and she pummeled him with her fists.

  “Stop, Maddy, stop!”

  “Oh, no, I am gonna beat you!” Grabbing his shirt, she ripped it away from his chest.

  “Be still!” he warned.

  “Oh, yeah, you would like that, right?” Madeline dove for his jeans, unbuttoned them and tugged them away as Devon floundered under the water. “I’m gonna strip you, now!” She laughed wildly. “We will just see who gets horny!”

  He rose from the water. “Madeline!” he yelled, and held her wrists. Panting hard now, water dripped from his face. “Run!”

  She breathed heavily with exertion and feeling. “What?”

  Devon let her wrists go. “Run away and hide.” He flinched as if in pain.

  Confused, she shook her head. “But to where?” The pool bubbled, and she flinched at the seething water.

  He swallowed and his voice grew deeper. “Run... now!”

  Madeline backed away from him, staring as the pool sparked with blue light. Run? The water glowed and emitted a crackling sound. “From what?”

  His eyes glowed as they reflected the same bluish color as the light in the water. “Me.”

  Madeline backed farther away from him.

  “Get out!” he shouted, as even the boulders around them shook with a thundering rumble.

  Uncertain, she got up on the ledge. “What is happening?”

  He hit the water with his hand. “You have never listened!” The voice sounded like Devon’s, but his skin grew darker and his muscles rippled in a strange way.

  At the surreal transformation, she sat stunned on the ledge.

  “You are not afraid?” His voice sounded strange as he glared at her.

  She held steady, but her heart pounded in her ears. “No.”

  Reaching out, he lifted her and raised her high. “You will be.” He gave her a chilling smile and stepped out of the pool, carrying her through the cave opening. He headed for the table, setting her in front of it. “You should have listened.” His words sounded clipped and thick.

  Shock settled over her. “What? Why?” Her body throbbed painfully.

  “You are his woman?”

  “His?” Madeline craned her neck to peer at him.

  Reaching out, he grasped a strand of her red hair. “A white woman?”

  Madeline stared at his face and saw that the usual amused twinkle Devon always had in his eyes was absent. She swallowed heavily, with trepidation. “Dev?”


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