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Page 6

by Gillian Archer

  I gasped as he pulled my legs apart and proceeded to crawl between them until his shoulders nudged my thighs wider. Almost like he knew what I was thinking earlier—and judging by the naughty twinkle in his eyes he did—he sprawled between my legs just as I’d pictured him earlier. Ducking his head, he pressed a gentle kiss on one of the hearts decorating my panties. He repeated the gesture until he’d kissed every single one. Suddenly, my silly underwear didn’t feel so silly. I could feel his hot breath against the thin material covering me. It was agonizing. I wanted to feel him with nothing between us. I wanted him inside me.

  Reading my body, Austin gripped my panties in his teeth and tugged at them. But I was so wet they hardly moved. With a grunt of frustration, Austin sat up slightly, grasped my underwear in his hands, and ripped them off my body. A zing of desire shot through me. That was so fucking hot.

  Austin grunted. “Finally. Now I can feel you, sweetheart.”

  I could only gasp as he assumed his earlier position and stared straight into the heart of me. The elastic still circled my waist as he nudged aside the limp material. And a beat later, I felt his breath on me. A beat after that, I felt his tongue or finger nudging against me. I didn’t know because my eyes were clamped shut. Then his tongue swept over the seam of my sex, and I shivered.

  Austin murmured something, but I was too lost in sensations to focus on his words. He nudged the lips of my sex apart as he ran his tongue slowly up and then down. Up, until he nudged at my hidden clitoris, then down, circling my opening. His teasing was intoxicating. Delicious. And enraging. I wanted to scream at him to just fuck me already, but I was too busy biting my lip to keep my whimpering inside. I was half afraid that he’d think the sounds were me not enjoying his foreplay, given all the times he’d already checked in with me.

  Then he gripped my ass in his palms and raised me to his mouth, and I think I forgot to even breathe. He devoured me. Licking, sucking, at my flesh, stabbing his tongue inside me until I couldn’t hold my whimpers in anymore. I started to plead with him.

  “Please, Austin. Oh my god. Oh God. Oh. Oh! Right there. Please! Just a little more.” I panted as I tried to arch my body toward him, but the way he held me made it impossible. And apparently I didn’t need to.

  Austin hummed in the back of his throat, and I felt the vibrations inside me. My whole body tightened as I built toward my orgasm. Austin hummed again as he attacked my clit, and I went over. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed through my body. And through it all, Austin kept licking and sucking until it was all too much. On my fourth aftershock orgasm, I rolled away, and Austin let me go.

  My heartbeat still thundering in my ears, I shivered as Austin tucked the blankets around me. Bliss sang through my bloodstream as I smiled into the white sheet in front of me. That had been amazing. Better than either of my exes. Better than my one-on-one time with my rabbit vibrator. Better than my wildest fantasies. Austin Burns should have a PhD in oral. The man was a genius.

  I heard some rustling or something behind me, but I was too busy trying to remember how to breathe to keep track of what he was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to do it again. And again. And again.

  But maybe we should do him first.

  Rolling onto my back, I smiled drunkenly at Austin who was reclined next to me.

  He smiled back. “You ready for round two, sweetheart?”

  “Technically I think it would be round five for me. I just…” I shrugged helplessly. “That was amazing. I never, I don’t, I haven’t… I didn’t know oral could be like that.”

  What I left unsaid was that he just might’ve ruined me for all other men.

  Austin’s smile dimmed a bit before he grabbed a condom from the nightstand and ripped it open. “You must’ve been with some jackasses before me. Because nothing is hotter than getting a woman off. Especially with my mouth. I’ll be tasting you all night long.”

  Before I could even process what he’d said, he whipped the sheet off his lap and revealed his very naked body. His boxer briefs hadn’t been stuffed earlier. He was every bit as hung as I’d thought. And wide. His girth alone had me crossing my legs. I was still all giddy from my orgasms, but I was already tensing at the thought of him pointing that thing anywhere near me.

  And, oh my god, was that a piercing?

  A glint of silver sparkled near the head of his cock, and I just had to get a closer view. I shifted on the bed and bent toward his lap.

  Austin laughed. “That’s sweet, Rach. But I’m about two flicks away from embarrassing myself. If you’re still interested after this next round, you can play with him then.”

  “I’m not… I mean, I totally believe in reciprocity, but are you… Is your thing pierced?”

  He paused, holding the condom a few inches above his hardened cock. Fisting his cock in his other hand, he ran his hand up and down the length.

  I watched, spellbound, and sure enough, the end of his thing had a barbell piercing going through that extra bit of flesh just below its head.

  Austin coughed to cover his laugh. “Did you just call it a thing?”

  I shrugged as a wave of heat swept over my face. “You know…your penis or whatever.”

  “How old are you?”


  “And you still call cocks things?”

  “I just, it never feels right to use that word. And with my son we use pee pee or penis, but that doesn’t feel right either, so…” I trailed off weakly as Austin stared incredulously at me.

  Finally he snorted. “Yeah, whatever you do, please don’t call it a pee pee.”

  I buried my face in my hands and wished the ground would just open up and swallow me whole. Why did I ever think I could hold my own with Austin freaking Burns? The man dated models every other week if Sactown Magazine were to be believed. Despite our earlier connection and my orgasms, I was so over my head.

  “How about this?” Austin asked.

  I peeked between my fingers and held my breath as he gently rolled the condom over the piercing in his thing and then down the rest of the way.

  “You and my thing can get better acquainted after this round. And in the meantime, we’ll work on your dirty talk.” Holding the base of his penis in one hand, he awkwardly crawled until he settled between my legs. Austin smiled down at me with a naughty smirk that relaxed some of the tension from my body, and at the same time, made me bite my bottom lip in anticipation.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I tried to murmur sexily.

  “So glad you approve.” Austin smirked. He ran a finger through my folds then brought it to his mouth and sucked on it. “Still boiling hot and dripping.”

  “Kinda hard not to be when you’re between my thighs.”

  “Maybe you don’t need any lessons after all.” His eyes were hooded as he stared down at me like a hunter who’d caught their prey.

  I shivered in anticipation.

  Until my eyes landed on his condom clad thing jutting out from his body, and I remembered the size of him, how long it’d been for me, and how this was never gonna work.

  “You’re all tense and shaking again, sweetheart. What is with that? I thought you were ready.”

  “Sorry.” I winced and closed my eyes for a second. “And sorry for apologizing again—I know you hate that. It’s just…you’re all you, and it’s been a long time for me. I don’t think you’ll fit.”

  Austin smirked. “It’s kinda like riding a bike. Not really something you forget. You just take it slow.” His fingers returned and ran up and down my folds, probing, searching, teasing. He thrust one finger inside me while he ran his thumb over my aching clit. “We’re gonna go at your speed until you’re ready to ride without the training wheels.”

  I arched into his hand and couldn’t help but laugh at his teasing. “Is that what this is? Training?”

  “No, that’s what this is,” he murmured as he sank a second finger inside me.

  I gasped as his large fingers stretched my tend
er flesh. He thrust them into me once, twice, then slowly scissored his fingers. All the while his thumb stroked my clit, drawing my need out until I was whimpering again. “Oh. Oh God. Austin, please. Just…”

  “That’s my cue,” he muttered as his fingers left me and something larger probed at me. His thumb still working my clit, he slowly pressed his cock inside me. Just when I thought there couldn’t be anymore, he sank another inch into me. He kept up his slow approach, pressing a little more into me every so often. Finally, after what felt like the longest minute ever, he rested, with his pelvis kissing mine.

  “Christ, you’re tight, sweetheart.” He groaned. “Fuck, don’t squeeze me like that if you want this to last longer than two seconds.”

  I felt so full. I was afraid to move, but that didn’t stop my body from grasping at his thing that’d invaded me. “I can’t help it.”

  “Fuck.” Austin dropped his forehead onto mine and his breath puffed over my face. He smelled faintly of whiskey and smoke and him. He ground his pelvis into mine, and I groaned.

  “Who’s the one moving now?” I moaned.

  “Christ, you’re so sexy when you make that sound.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about. All I could think was that he was so big and was inside me. I arched my hips toward him, seeking that yummy sliding friction. I missed the feeling of his finger on my clit. It wouldn’t take much more to send me over—I’d almost climaxed before he sank inside me.

  Austin groaned as he slowly withdrew. I felt the rasp of something different against me, but it was gone before I could focus on it. He glided back inside me, his finger took up its position against my clit, and I couldn’t think about anything else.

  He slid into me. In and out. In and out. Slowly. So fucking slowly. All the while he caressed and teased the throbbing bud of my clit. I dug my heels into the bed and arched toward him as an endless stream of whimpers and pleas fell from my lips.

  “Please, Austin. Oh my god. Yes. Please. Harder. Harder. Just a little more. Faster.”

  But he wasn’t listening to me. He kept gliding into my body with his slow rhythm. Teasing me. Frustrating me. Just when I’d get close to coming, his hand fell away from my clit. I’d arch into him, urging him to continue, but he’d freeze until I stopped moving and then he’d go again.

  I stared, frustrated, into his face, but he just looked back at me with an almost blank face. The determination in his expression was the only clue that his slow, annoying rhythm was on purpose. Staring straight into my eyes, he glided in and out so slowly. And then I finally got his unspoken rule—we’d take this at his pace or not at all.

  Giving in, I wrapped my arms and legs around his body and just held on.

  Austin acknowledged my silent agreement to his rule and pounded into my body. No teasing finger, no caressing, just his cock and piercing stroking me, his hips grinding into me. I built toward my orgasm. Tension laced through my body, and I was so close. One more thrust took me over and my sex grasped at him, milking his cock until I couldn’t hold onto him anymore.

  But Austin didn’t stop. He slowed somewhat, but he kept grinding into me. He didn’t ask if I was okay. He didn’t say anything. He just kept moving. His cock thrust into me, once, twice, I lost track. Then with a strangled shout, Austin froze above me.

  I watched, transfixed, at the tendons that stood out on his neck. His face was frozen in an agonized bliss. His arms were a masterpiece of ropey muscles and tattoos as he held himself up above me, but I couldn’t look away from that expression on his face. I did that to him. I made him feel like that. It was awe-inspiring and empowering, and I wished that moment could just go on and on.

  But then all too soon, Austin groaned slightly, his whole body went slack, and he rolled onto his side next to me.

  “Christ, Rachel, I think you might’ve killed me.”

  I hummed happily.


  “What?” I sat up with a start. “Did the condom break?”

  “No. Sorry. Just occurred to me that we forgot your dirty talk lessons. We’ll have to see to that in round two.”

  I smiled drunkenly at him as I snuggled into the bed. Round two sounded pretty freaking awesome. The bed jostled as Austin got up to deal with the condom. A moment later I heard some water running in the adjoining bathroom. Burrowing into the downy soft comforter, my eyelids grew heavy as my body floated on the soft bedding. Despite the fact that I was in a stranger’s bed, everything felt pretty dang nice. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry about all my usual troubles.

  And that was the last thing I remembered before sleep overtook me.



  She was dead to the world when I came back into the bedroom. It’d been a while since I’d slept in the same bed with a woman. Usually it was wham bam, I’ll see myself out, ma’am. Don’t get me wrong, there was a thank you in there too, but I didn’t do relationships. I’d spent most of adult time ducking any hint of commitment with women. It was for the best. I wasn’t a happily-ever-after, white-picket-fence kinda guy.

  Witnessing your dad kill your mom tended to do that to a guy.

  I stood at the side of the bed, staring down at Rachel. I didn’t know her whole story, but I’d put together enough to know that life hadn’t been easy for her. She was so damn open and sweet and real. She sure as hell deserved better than the little bit I could give her. And I was afraid that she’d think there would be more if we woke up together in the same bed.

  I walked around the king size bed, pulled aside the comforter and crawled in until Rachel was nestled into the spoon I’d made with my body.

  Like I said, I wasn’t a good guy. See above.

  I closed my eyes and tried to fall into sleep, but I was still so wired. Without conscious thought, that night came back to me. The thud of his fists. Her cries. The gasping sound Ryan made when he burrowed into my arms. Something from deep inside the closet digging into my back. Him yelling. That fucking gunshot.

  My whole body flinched like I’d been the one shot.

  I rolled onto my back and scrubbed at my eyes with the heels of my hands. Christ. Think about something else. Rachel’s tits. That expression on her face when she came. Anything but him.

  Fuck me. It was gonna be a long night.


  The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon frying.

  “Aunt Wendy?” I called before the cobwebs cleared from my mind. Looking around the room, the day before came back to me. The email from the Department of Corrections. The liquor. The snow. The cleaning lady.



  I pushed aside the tangle of blankets. I was alone in the bed. Rachel must be the one cooking breakfast. That was a first for me. And I was afraid it’d mean that we needed to have a little conversation about expectations and how there weren’t any to be had between us. Goddamn snow.

  Grabbing some clothes from my bag in the closet, I stopped in the bathroom for a piss then brushed my teeth. A few minutes later I followed the smell and sound of crackling bacon into the kitchen.

  “Morning,” I muttered.

  Rachel grunted back at me and waved to the full coffeepot.

  I guess that was another thing in her favor. Nothing was more damn annoying than a cheerful morning person. Like my little brother, Dylan, the asshole. No one should ever be cheerful at six in the morning, especially when we went to bed at two.

  I grabbed a coffee mug and filled it to the brim with the sweet, sweet nectar of life. Black coffee. Then I rested against the counter and watched as Rachel moved efficiently around the kitchen wearing only my t-shirt.

  My t-shirt.

  It barely covered her ass. Her tits bounced, unrestrained under the material, reminding me of all the ways I’d wanted to play with them last night. Unfortunately, she’d fallen asleep before I got to do half of them. When she stretched up to reach for salt in the cabinet, the material pulled up revealing the tender curve of her aweso
me ass. It was sexy.

  And annoying as fuck.

  This was supposed to be wham, bam, go home, ma’am. Why was she wearing my shirt? Why the hell was she still here and cooking me breakfast? She had one pan frying bacon, another cooking potatoes, and a third empty, but given the carton of eggs next to it, it would be piping hot and cooking eggs in a few minutes. Was she under the impression that night meant there would be something more between us? Had she not heard my little one night only speech? What the fuck was going on?

  I drained my first cup then filled it again before I finally spoke to her.

  “How long have you been up?”

  Rachel jerked a shoulder but didn’t turn to look at me. “Maybe two hours ago? I let Blue out to do his business, and I think he’s chilling in the media room. My kid gets up early, so I guess I’ve forgotten how to sleep in.”

  Right. Her kid. The reason she should be driving down the mountain back home, not cooking breakfast for an asshole like me. “I-80 open yet?”

  She froze for a second and then ducked her head as she cracked the first egg into the pan. “I-80 is open, but it looks like the five miles or so between it and us are still buried beneath about three feet of snow. My little Subaru can’t make it over that.”

  “What? The snow removal service hasn’t come yet?” I slammed my coffee cup down on the bar and made my way to the front picture windows.

  Behind me Rachel murmured a soft, “wow.”

  If anything she’d underestimated the amount of snow out there. Her car was a white bump amidst the sea of white surrounding us. The road hadn’t been cleared. Shit. From my previous visits to Cole’s place, I knew he had a service that came and plowed his private driveway and the few miles between the highway and the cabin. They usually woke me up at six with their crazy sounds—scrapings, beeps, and the occasional shout. But no one had been here.


  Stomping to the media room, I grabbed my cell phone and turned it on. I thumbed through the contacts until I found Cole’s business manager’s phone number. Connecting the call, I paced as I listened to the hollow rings. Blue sprawled at one end of the room; his wagging tail thumped in time with my pacing. Finally voicemail picked up.


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