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First Encounter

Page 4

by Ginny Michaels

  Someone once told him that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. The fact that he could see the war taking place inside her head made him believe that statement was true. Without the aid of passion to cloud her judgement, she was obviously having second thoughts about what they’d done.

  While he knew it was difficult for any woman to make that leap into submission, he’d never expected Maggie to want to go there to begin with, meaning this was especially hard for her.

  After several long moments, she finally nodded and turned to walk to the bed, where she pulled the sheet up to her waist. He decided not to push the issue again. If he wanted her to stay beyond tonight and become his perfect submissive, he’d need to take his time and give her a little space.

  He took the lid off the large tray and set it aside. Then he picked up some fruit and one of the finger sandwiches, set it on a plate that he then offered her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, taking the plate from him.

  “You’re welcome.” He made his own plate then sat down next to her, wondering how to bring her back around to where they’d been before her bath. Maybe complete and total honesty was the way to go. If he could remind her why she’d come here to start, he might have a chance of getting her to stay. “What made you choose to join Exotica?”

  She appeared to consider his question for a moment before she spoke. “I guess it comes down to the fact that my curiosity about the dark side of sex finally got the better of me. I started watching videos online and would find myself masturbating to the images. The idea of being spanked with a flogger, being tied up and ordered around was intriguing.” She glanced up at him, and he noted how the flush she’d worn minutes before had returned.

  “Go on,” he urged, picking up a piece of watermelon.

  “I don’t know why I found it so fascinating, but the more I saw and read, the more I knew I wanted to at least try it myself and see what it was like.”

  “I take it from your earlier statements that you were unsatisfied with your sex life as it was?”

  “Not exactly. I mean, I had orgasms, but more and more when it was all over I found myself feeling restless and empty. The orgasm hadn’t satisfied my needs the way I’d hoped it would.” She picked up a piece of cheese, set it back on her plate, only to pick it up a second time. Was she nervous or embarrassed he couldn’t tell, but one fact was clear. He could totally relate to the feelings she described. When he’d come to Exotica eight years before, he too had been looking for something that was missing from his sex life. It took him being a submissive to find his dominant side and the satisfaction he’d been missing.

  He nodded. “I know that feeling. I used to get it all the time before I joined here.”

  She smiled a little at his admission. “I’m really glad to hear that. You know it isn’t easy to admit that I want more out of my relationships than that vanilla sex.”

  “That’s because we’re conditioned that way, hon. It took me years to accept that it was okay to want more satisfaction out of sex than one orgasm. It was only after I did that I really freed myself of my inhibitions and dove headlong in this world.”

  Maggie nodded, her eyes showing the understanding he’d hoped he see. “That’s pretty much why I joined, Julian. I wanted to experience the bliss I saw on the faces of those women on the internet video sites, but I didn’t know how to go about it. Then one day while I was perusing a particularly interesting site, I stumbled across an ad for Club Exotica. It caught my attention because it was local and I decided to check it out.”

  He frowned, his need to protect her flaring to life with such suddenness, he pushed a hand against his chest in response. “Not everyone who lives this lifestyle is an upstanding person, Maggie. You could have been walking into something bad.”

  “True, but with everything I had to go through just to be accepted, it seemed to me that undesirables wouldn’t spend that much time, effort and money to get in. They’d simply choose an easier route to get what they wanted.”

  Smart girl. “That’s a pretty good assumption. I know for a fact that you would have been safe with any of the Doms downstairs, even Xavier.”

  She paused. “Was he the really tall, skinny man with the long jaw and dark eyes?”

  “That’s him.”

  She visibly shivered. “He gave me the creeps. I think if he’d chosen me, I probably would have backed out.”

  “Your instincts are right about him. He likes to use electrodes to induce pain on his subs. It’s less work for him and produces a quick result. Still, when it comes right down to safety, he respects the rules as much as the rest of us.”

  “I definitely wouldn’t have liked being shocked there.” She glanced down at where the sheet currently covered her. “Who’s to say doing that kind of thing wouldn’t end up changing my cell structure and cause cancer or something?” She shook her head. “No way, huh uh. I’ll take a good spanking over electrodes any day.

  “Speaking of which.” He climbed from the bed, grabbed her list off the table and returned to his original position. “We’ve only began to touch your list. There’s so much more to do, but there’s one thing in particular that interests me.” His finger rested next to item number three on her list.

  The ménage.

  Maggie’s food suddenly lodged in her throat and she wondered if she could actually swallow without choking. When she’d written a threesome on the paper, she’d been hyped up, into the moment. Now she wondered if there was a good way to backpedal without sounding like a wimp. Would he even allow her to backpedal? “I really wasn’t thinking straight when I wrote that on my list. I certainly wouldn’t be heartbroken if we skipped that particular activity.”

  He arched a brow. “So you’re telling me you’re not even a little curious to know what it would be like with two men?”

  She hedged, knowing total honesty was the only way to go in this situation. “Well, I’d have to admit that I am curious, but Julian, I’m really not sure I could go through with it.”

  “You could go through with it, Maggie, and you certainly would if I ordered you to, but honestly, I don’t think you’re ready.”

  Disappointment and relief washed over her at the same time. While she had to admit she’d been curious, and still was, about sex with two men, so much had happened tonight she wasn’t sure she could take on that particular task.

  “But if we don’t do it tonight?”

  “We’ll simply wait until you are ready.” He lifted a hand and stroked a knuckle along her cheek. “You paid for a full year, non-refundable membership, honey. I know you, and you wouldn’t have put out that kind of money if you hadn’t thought the situation through. Still, I think it would be best to take things slow. There will be plenty of time for us to work you up to the more difficult stuff.”

  Knowing he wasn’t going to push her beyond her current boundaries, she smiled. “Like sex with two men.”

  “Among other things, yes.”

  “Does that mean you want me as you submissive?”

  “Do you want me as your master?” he countered.

  Her smile widened. “I can’t think of anyone I’d like to have more.”

  He leant forward and captured her mouth, drawing out a kiss that left her wanting him again. When he pulled back, she let out a breath. “Wow. I can’t remember ever being with a man who can turn me into a blubbering puddle with just a kiss.”

  His lips tipped at one corner, offering her a cockeyed grin. “Good to know.”

  She slapped a hand over her mouth. Had she actually said that out loud?

  “I’m guessing you didn’t mean to speak that thought?”

  She shook her head.

  He threw his head back and laughed. It was a deep rich sound that caused her pussy to flood with desire.

  “You are a gem, Maggie, and I’m going to have fun teaching you exactly what it means to be a submissive.”

  She was certainly going to have fun letting him. “We have a few hours le
ft. So what’s on the agenda for the rest of tonight?”

  He grinned. “While I don’t think you’re actually ready for a real ménage, I do want to give you a taste of what it would be like.” He picked up the tray and moved it to the table, then returned for her plate and glass. “Time to play, little one. I want you on the floor in front of the mirrors in the corner.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Nerves danced in her belly for the third time that night as she followed his orders. What would he do to her now? There were many things she’d written on her list that she would have rather forgotten. However, she doubted Julian had any intention of letting any of it slide.

  She watched his reflection in the mirror as he approached, ropes in hand. Whatever he was going to do, it would once again involve her being bound. He crouched in front of her, bound her wrists together, then proceeded to once again wrap the rope around her breasts. “Just so you know, I really like your breasts bound. It gives them a sexy look.”

  Her sexy? She nearly snorted at that idea, but thought better of it. She wasn’t in any position to be contradicting his words. He pulled the ends of the rope up her back and over each shoulder, eventually tying them to her bound wrists.

  With still another rope, he moved beside her and pulled her leg up and out, spreading her wider and positioning her right leg so that her thigh pressed against her upper arm. He bound them together, repeating the process on her left side until only her feet and head remained free.

  Unable to look over her shoulder, she shifted her attention to the mirror and froze at what she saw. Julian stood behind her, holding what had to be the biggest anal plug she’d ever seen. Surely he wasn’t going to try and put that thing inside her?

  “One of your wishes was to have anal sex, correct?” His question carried with it a sternness that seemed to all but challenge her to lie.

  Oh man! She eyed the plug with some wariness and nodded. There wasn’t any use in lying when it was written on her wish list.

  “Good. This,” he held up the plug for her inspection, “is going to help achieve two goals. First, it’s going to stretch that tight little hole of yours so when I’m ready to give you the ass fucking you crave, you’ll be prepared to accept me without too much discomfort. Second, it’s going to give you a taste of what it would feel like to have two men buried deep in your body at the same time.”

  He walked in front of her and crouched. “It’s fresh out of the packaging and, from this point forward, will be yours only. Now, since I know you’ve never used one of these before, I want you to inspect the toy and see what it’s all about.”

  She had to admit that her curiosity was piqued despite the nerves she harboured. Never having seen an anal plug or any other toys besides her trusty vibrator up close, she wanted to check it out, but she couldn’t lift her hands to take the item from him. “How can I do that when I’m bound like this?”

  Julian smiled. “Open your mouth.”

  Her eyes widened at his command. That’s why he’d made a point to tell her it had come right from the packaging. Still, knowing where it was about to go made the idea of putting it in her mouth even less appealing.

  His smile slowly disappeared as he waited. “That wasn’t a request, Maggie. Now open up.”

  Unwilling to use her safe word over such a silly thing, she conceded, parting her lips. The taste of rubber filled her taste buds as she tentatively licked the phallus shaped object.

  “More,” Julian ordered his words rough with desire.

  She opened wider, allowing him to insert the plug farther. Her teeth grazed over the rubber, showing her the smooth softness of the object. Slowly, he began stroking it over her tongue. “See how it feels, sweetheart. Now imagine it sliding into your sweet ass.”

  Chapter Six

  One of her wishes was to be fucked in the ass. While Julian had no problem making that particular wish come true, he wanted to make sure she was ready to receive him. That meant stretching and preparing her for his cock. Oh yeah. He was going to enjoy watching her tight little hole accept the honking plug.

  He pulled the plug from her mouth and moved back to the table where he retrieved the lube. “Are you ready, little one?”

  “Master, may I ask you a question first?”

  He’d given her permission to ask questions, hoping that by doing so it would help to build the trust a good Dom/sub relationship needed to survive. He’d accepted the fact that they’d already be fighting an uphill battle because of their pre-existing friendship. Creating firm, acceptable boundaries between their sex life and friendship would be necessary if they had a hope of making this relationship work. So far, they seemed to be making progress and he didn’t want to do anything to derail their path. “Of course. What’s your question?”

  “Have you… Well, what I mean is…do you know how it feels?”

  He arched a curious brow. “How what feels, baby?”

  “The plug.”

  His ass clenched as he remembered one particular night on his path to dominance. At that time, he’d still been learning what it was to be a submissive. His Domme had been an Amazon of a woman who’d lead him down the golden road of pleasure.

  She’d taken great joy in tying his balls until they nearly turned blue, then bending him over and fucking him with a strap on. While he wouldn’t deny that he’d enjoyed the feel of the fake dick ramming into his ass while in the throes of the moment, when it was over, he’d spent countless hours wrestling with the idea that he just might be gay. It was Cain who’d finally settled his fears when he revealed his own experience and pleasure at the hands of the same woman. At that moment, Julian decided he had no interest in men and what had happened had been a good learning experience and nothing more.

  “Yeah, baby, I know how it feels. Trust me, when I say that you won’t be disappointed.”

  After several seconds of apparent consideration, she nodded, her gaze never leaving him in the mirror or what he was about to do to her.

  If she’d been any other woman, he would have already had the blindfold back in place, under the guise that the lack of sight would heighten her experience. It was much easier to dominate a person, to provide them with both pain and pleasure when you didn’t have to look them in the eyes. However, he couldn’t quite bring himself to do that with Maggie. To watch those wide, expressive eyes change and darken with a touch here or a movement there made his balls ache with a deeply rooted desire he hadn’t known existed. She trusted him to give her the experience of a lifetime and he would in no way breach that trust.

  Julian dropped to his knees, flipped open the lube, dribbled some onto a finger, then smoothed it over her backside, testing her entrance with a slight probing. Wow, she was tight. The idea of sinking deep inside her fine ass had his balls drawing up tightly against his body. “Have you ever had anal sex before, Maggie?”

  Biting her lip, she shook her head. Damn, he would be the one to take her anal cherry, and more importantly, she was going to let him. Unable to speak with the amount of emotion building inside him, Julian cleared his throat and turned his attention back to stretching her hole.

  Inserting one finger to the knuckle, Julian paused, waiting for her to adjust to his invasion before slowly sliding the probing digit out. He repeated the process a few more times before he began to feel her muscles relax around his finger. Pulling out, he reapplied the lube and gently inserted a second finger.

  His gaze lifted to the mirror, where he found her reflection staring directly at him. Her eyes flared and her lips parted with a silent cry. The muscles, relaxed mere minutes ago, once again clamped down on his fingers.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, concerned by the pained expression on her face.

  “No, sir,” she managed to reply.

  “Good. We’re halfway there.”

  As her muscles once again began to relax, Julian began scissoring his fingers, working her hole until he knew he could do no more. Time to see just how far she’d go. T
aking his time, he lubricated the plug in a way that showed in the mirror for her to see, slicking the rubber until it shined in the low light of the room. “When you feel pressure, push against it,” he ordered.

  He lowered the plug, gently brushed it over her anus, then began the entry process. Slowly, he pushed, then retreated, then pushed farther and retreated a second time. Gently he worked her hole and watched her eyes widen with each deeper thrust. His gaze shifted from her face to the plug. Fuck if that wasn’t a pretty sight. Her ass stretched around the flesh-coloured rubber with nearly the entire toy nested inside her tight tunnel. Only the widest part still showed.

  “It burns,” she said in a choking voice.

  “I know, sweetheart. The last few centimetres are the toughest. Breathe and push hard. Trust me—the pain will be worth it.”

  The plug pushed back against his hand, and without mercy, he shoved it forward, seating it all the way inside her tight little ass. There was pain in her initial scream, which quickly turned into a sigh of pleasure. “Oh. My. God,” she whispered.

  “Are you still hurting?”

  “No. It’s weird, because I know it doesn’t belong there, yet it feels wonderful,” she announced with a renewed desire.

  Julian smiled. “I told you it would. And if this piece of rubber can feel this good, just imagine what it will feel like to have my dick there instead.”

  She moaned. “God, yes. Oh, Julian, show me more, please.”

  His cock twitched at her plea. Man, how he wanted to sink deep into her pussy. “You want more, honey?”

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  The need to feel her wet heat wrapped around his cock took control. Quickly he removed his fingers, lined up his cock with her pussy entrance and shoved home, filling her in one deep, earth-shattering thrust.

  Maggie cried out, her back arched and her pussy throbbed around his member as he pumped in and out of her channel with wild abandon. God, she felt like heaven.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she sobbed. Her head thrashed from side to side while she shoved back against him, giving as well as she received. “God, Julian. Harder, please, fuck me harder.”


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