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Cocky Rockstar: Gabriel Cocker (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 10)

Page 15

by Faleena Hopkins

  “How long has it been?”

  “One year three months three days.”

  “You’re counting.”

  She smiles, “Don’t look at me like that. Your phone is ringing.”

  I hurry over to the kitchen counter and dig it out of my purse. “Hey Mom. You got my message saying I’m back?”

  “Your brother contacted us.”

  My heart skips as I walk into the living and motion to Carrie that this is important and I’ll be right back. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s still in it, hon. He wanted to come over but he sounded jittery. When I asked if he was still gambling he wouldn’t answer me, acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about. I firmly told him, Bobby, I love you. You are welcome here as soon as you get clean and we can trust you. It’s completely up to you when that will be.”

  “What did he say?”

  Mom sighs, “He called me a bitch.”

  “Oh no!”

  “He’s fighting it, but honey, these are the last stages.”

  “What if he never comes out?”

  “I’m afraid that’s his choice, not yours. He saw my recovery. Bobby knows what he can do when he finally surrenders, more than most people.”

  Closing my eyes at how hard this is to say, I whisper, “Please don’t tell Bobby where I am.”

  Mom’s voice is heavy. “I can only imagine him gutting your friend’s home for what he can sell.”

  “I don’t want to even think like that but I have to. I’m so torn though. Like if he knows I’m here then he’ll reach out and take my hand.”

  “How long did you hold it out?”

  Sighing I admit, “Two years.”

  “And did he take it?”


  “I had you kids at home, my very own children, and I still disappeared for weeks. It wasn’t until the locks were changed and I was told I couldn’t return or see my family that the veil lifted and I finally realized I had a real problem.”

  “I didn’t know Dad changed the locks!”

  “He kept you in the dark on purpose, Paige. You and Bobby had been through so much. You don’t know it, but things got really nasty for a while. Anyway, your friend is waiting for you. But I have to know, how was the trip?”

  I smile at the soothing reminder of Gabriel. “We had a great time, Mom. We were in Milan for just three days and it was so industrial that he rented a car and drove us to Verona so we could be somewhere more romantic.” Pausing I tell her, “I feel safe with him. He looks out for me.”

  “When can we meet this fancy musician person?”

  Chuckling I tell her, “Soon. We’re getting to know each other. I need to find a job. Just let me get settled, okay?”

  “Take your time. I should probably listen to some of his music, too, so I don’t come off as some old lady who’s out of touch!”

  “You’re not old. I have to go. Thank you for storing everything for me and making that trip possible. I love you, Mom.”

  A surprised pause on her end makes me realize I haven’t said that in a long time. Filled with emotion she says, “I love you too, Paige. Talk soon.”

  After we hang up I don’t move for a few seconds, and whisper, “Wow!”

  Carrie’s head pokes into view from inside the kitchen. “That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”


  She leans on the doorway, head tilted. “I lost my mom when I was eighteen to cancer.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Her eyelashes dip toward the floor. “We all have hard stuff to go through, I guess.”

  I walk over to give her a big hug, pulling away to ask, “Can we be friends, like real friends?”

  With a huge smile she says, “Mags and I were saying that we hoped we’d be friends with you!”

  “You did?” I laugh. “Really?”

  “Anyone who will go along with that crazy scheme we made up to hide the fact that you and Gabriel banged it out in a car on the first date, is okay by us.”

  Covering my face I crack up. “Oh my God! I think I love you!”

  On a wink she says, “Don’t tell my girlfriend that. Now let me show you the garage because the light switch isn’t where it should be.”


  “Charlie’s in labor! Get your ass to the hospital!” Ethan shouts before the line goes dead.

  Adrenaline shoots through me as I stare at the phone, excited for him and also noting that he called me himself, didn’t activate the family’s phone vine. In a situation like this, our version of a phone tree would definitely be the way to go. So I’ve gotta admit – I feel special right now. He wanted to tell me himself. I wonder if Hannah told him I feel left out where the older cousins are concerned.

  Calling Paige I wait for her sweet voice to answer. Seems like it takes forever but that’s because I’m dying to get to that hospital.

  “Well hello there, Handsome,” she says with an audible smile.

  “Hey Beautiful, you still with Carrie?”

  “She just left.”

  “I’m coming over to pick you up. My keys are already in my hand and I’m heading out the door right now. My cousin’s having the baby!”

  I told her about everyone while we were traveling. We had a lot of hours in the day and I know for a fact I overwhelmed her, but she impresses me by remembering his name. “Ethan and his wife? Oh my God!” She pauses, losing the happiness. “Wait, do you think it’s a good idea that I go with you?”

  “Why not?” I mutter, locking up. “Oh shit, I didn’t think about my dad.” Raking a hand through my hair I look up at the blue sky and feel like nothing can go wrong today. “Fuck it. This is a big day in our family’s lives and I’m not leaving you out of it.”

  “That’s so sweet, but Gabriel…”

  “Don’t argue with me. What did I say to memorize?”

  “Something about you being right all the time.”

  Jumping in my purple Audi I mutter, “Never forget it.”

  A chuckle disguised as a cough comes through the phone before she says, in forced seriousness, “Got it memorized…Gabriel Cocker is always right. All the time. With everything. No exceptions.”

  As my Audi purrs to life I smirk, “Keep it up. You’re making me hard.”

  Breaking into laughter she can’t hide anymore Paige says, “Your ego could power this whole block.”

  “What are you talking about, block? The whole fucking city! I’ll see you in minutes.”

  As soon as we hang up I call Ben, but drop the call before the first ring. At least I hope it didn’t go through. Fuck, I really want to hear his side of what went down with Dad and Paige so I can mentally prepare myself for this. But Ben still hasn’t called me back so this isn’t the time to ask for advice. Fucking asshole. How long is he going to let this go on?

  Growling I dial my brother. “Hey, Elijah, Ethan call you?”

  “No, Emma did. You heading to the hospital?”

  Surprised Elijah got the phone-vine treatment I say, “On my way there now.”

  “I’m in D.C. and will fly out tonight.”

  “Dammit,” I mutter, seeing a yellow light and going through as it turns red. A guy honks at me and I flip him off and yell, “Fuck you!”

  Elijah laughs, “I’ll get there as soon as I can, jeez.”

  Frowning despite his joke I explain my situation, “Dad’s met Paige already and not in a good way. I don’t know what to do. Her brother has a gambling problem that Dad stepped in to fix.”

  “How’d that happen?!” Elijah barks. He knows full well how our Dad feels about that shit.

  “Ben called him when he was trying to get in Paige’s pants. How do I handle this?”

  Elijah is silent as he thinks about it. Then he exhales loudly. “You’re bringing her to the hospital, aren’t you? You’re too fucking stubborn to keep her at home and introduce her at a better time.”

  “Have her miss something this important to the
family? Fuck that!”


  “No, you don’t get it, man. I was like you. Remember how much grief I gave Ethan when he knocked up Charlie? A fucking billionaire wants to settle down when he can get all the pussy in the world? Remember I told him that?!”

  “Yes,” my brother groans, impatient and imagining the worst with our father meeting Paige under the circumstances we’re in.

  “I couldn’t understand why he would do that, Elijah, but I get it now. You’ll see when you find your girl. Something happens in you. She’s a part of me now and I’m not leaving her out of this important day. Dad will just have to deal with that.”

  “No, you’ll have to deal with Dad, but whatever,” he grumbles. “And don’t tell me how it’s going to be for me, okay? You don’t know what you’re talking about. Marriage is good for Ethan, Hannah, Ben, you. I know Emma is dying to settle down if she can only find a guy who doesn’t bore the shit out of her. I’ve no doubt Eric will get married and have like eight little jocks. But me and Sofia, we aren’t like you guys.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” I mutter as I pull up to Carrie’s single-story house.

  His voice is dark and annoyed as he says, “I know who I am, Gabriel. It’s you who didn’t know who you were. Ya think you weren’t destined for one woman? I always knew you’d go that route. You’re like Uncle Jason! An artist with your heart on your sleeve! You couldn’t write those sappy fucking songs that make girls cream their panties if you weren’t a hopeless fucking romantic. You mean that shit when you sing it. It’s not an act. I’m like Dad. You can’t go into politics and be soft. If Hannah hadn’t come into his life then he and Mom wouldn’t have made it. And that lightning won’t strike twice. I’m going to be the first President this country has ever voted into office without a wife, you watch.”

  Paige appears in the doorway wearing white jeans, ballet flats and a silk, lavender blouse. Staring at her from inside my car I tell my jaded brother, “My girl is walking toward me right now, and if you could feel what I do as I’m looking at her, you wouldn’t fight this so hard. I’ve gotta go.”

  “Tell her I said hello.”

  “You got it.”

  Hanging up I jump out to open the door for her. She steps into my arms and kisses me. “I’m nervous.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She gently laughs. “You make it sound like your Dad might attack me.”

  Kissing her nose I open the door and guide her in. “My brother just gave me some speech about how he’s never going to love anyone.”


  I make quick strides to the other side, swooping in and shutting the well-designed door with a quiet click. As we pull away from the curb I explain, “He’s saying I’m the romantic one like our Uncle Jason and he’s like Dad. Which is ridiculous.”

  “Didn’t you say Jason is a musician?”

  “Music producer. It’s not the same thing.” I glance to Paige as she cocks an eyebrow. “It’s not! They’re behind the music. Listen to this.” I reach for the volume and tell her, “This is a rap album he produced a decade ago. You think this sounds fluffy?”

  Paige argues, “I’m sure Elijah didn’t call your music fluffy!”

  The passenger window shatters, glass flying.

  Our airbags explode.

  I grab Paige’s hand as her body bends toward mine.

  The Audi flies left.

  It slams into another car.

  Everything goes dark.


  Where the fuck am I?

  My head is pounding.

  Blinking at the ceiling I see one cold, fluorescent light fly by. Then another. And another. A woman’s face appears, long black hair flowing as she runs by my side.

  “Gabriel! Who am I? Do you know who I am?”

  Touching the wetness draped in pain on my forehead I moan, “Mom?”

  “Oh thank God,” she whispers.

  I hear Dad’s voice shouting, “No photographs! Someone keep these people away from my son!” A pause then, “Jaxson! Jason! Jake! Thank God! Help me get these bastards out of here!”

  “Where am I?” I rasp as her fingers tighten on mine. “Is this a dream, Mom?”

  “No, honey, you’ve been in a accident.”

  My memory hits me as I jackknife up. “Where’s Paige?!”

  “Gabriel, shhh, lay down! You’re bleeding really badly. You need to stay still!”

  Two doctors fight me as I shout, “PAIGE! PAIGE!!!”

  My dad pushes them back and holds me by my shoulders. “Listen to me! Calm the fuck down! You are hurt!”

  I give in and let him push me down onto the gurney as it turns into a sterile room. Scrubs tell my parents they have to leave but I call out over their patient voices, “Dad! Where is she? Is she dead?”

  “She’s in surgery.”

  “Who is Paige, Justin?” Mom asks, confused and scared for me.

  The door closes and a mask is put over my mouth as I hear him say, “Just a girl.”

  Everything goes dark again.


  “Hey,” Bobby chokes, holding my hand.

  From under the weight of medication I blink at him. “Bobby? Where are we?”

  “You’ve been in an accident. The hospital called me. I’m your emergency contact on your insurance…ironic, huh?” Tears jump to his eyes. “I thought you were going to die!”

  Mom and Dad appear in the doorway behind him. From the looks on their already worried faces they didn’t know he was here. I shake my head a little to let her know not to do anything about it. It’s so good to see them all together.

  I rasp, trying to understand what’s happened, “My throat…”

  Bobby glances to our parents and explains it to them as much as to me, “Glass from the window cut you. It just missed your jugular. They stitched it up…your head and arm, too. You broke two ribs.” He wilts onto my hand, bent over as his shoulders shake.

  Dad rests a calming hand on his back.

  Mom comes to the other side of my bed, lovingly pushing matted hair from my cheek. “We came as soon as the Senator called.”

  The memory of the accident slams into my drugged haze. “Gabriel,” I choke, terrified.

  Dad says, “I don’t know if you still call him Senator when he’s no longer in office.”

  “Oh who cares,” Mom mutters.

  “GABRIEL! Is he…”

  “He’s alive,” Bobby says, gripping my hand tightly to reassure me. “He’s okay, but the hospital is surrounded with fans and reporters. His family has gotten into some fights with them, protecting him. It’s crazy out there.”

  “What they made us go through to prove we were your parents,” Mom mutters.

  “I need to see him!” I try to get up but Mom and Bobby hold me back. “Let me go! I need to see him!”

  “Can you give us a minute?” a deep voice says. We all look over to find Justin Cocker standing in the doorway, his jaw tight. “I’d like to talk to Paige alone.”

  My dad doesn’t like the look on his face and, just like he was argumentative about calling Mr. Cocker a Senator, his spine protectively straightens again. “Why do you need to? How’d you know our number anyway?”

  “Stephen!” Mom cries out.

  But Dad isn’t going to let her steamroll him this time. He locks eyes with her. “Elaine, Paige is hurt and this guy doesn’t look friendly to me.” He turns to Mr. Cocker and snaps, “I’m sure you’re used to getting your way but I’m not letting you near my daughter until I know more about you, understand?”

  Ice-green eyes narrow as Mr. Cocker slides his hands into his suit pockets. He’s about to speak when a beautiful, older, raven-haired woman appears and touches his shoulder with love. She must be Gabriel’s mom. That’s where he got the striking dark hair and that brown streak in his eye. “Justin, what are you doing?”

  He glances to her. “Jaimes…”

No,” she gently whispers, squeezing his hand and grazing over my parents and brother before settling on me. She walks passed her husband. “I’m Jaimie Cocker. You must be Paige,” she smiles, and glances to my family. “And you are?”

  They each introduce themselves and shake her hand. It obvious she’s a politician’s wife because her poise stills the room.

  I can’t stop staring at her. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about his parents and seeing them here without Gabriel by my side brings so many emotions in me that tears are sliding down my cheeks because I feel it all coming to an end. “Please don’t tear us apart,” I whisper before I even know I’m doing it.

  Mrs. Cocker’s face contorts with emotion. Bobby lets go of my hand and steps aside so she can stand closer to me because she wordlessly told him this is where she needs to be. Gentle fingers float down to rest on mine. “Sweet, sweet girl, I wouldn’t do that to my son.”

  Mom is blindsided. “Paige, why would Mrs. Cocker try to do that? I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  Bobby chokes, “Because of me, Mom.” He crashes out of the room and Mr. Cocker has to step aside to let him go.

  Realizing that they haven’t been told everything, my father demands, “What is going on!?”

  Mr. Cocker exhales like he doesn’t want to do this, but will anyway. “I bailed your son out of a bad situation. I’m not sure if you know about his gambling addiction.”

  Dad looks at Mom, but doesn’t betray her secret. She’s paid enough. “We know.”

  “He stole a debit card from Paige’s friend and we got the money back, but it was a dangerous situation for everyone as you can imagine. I thought she was dating my nephew, not my son. I don’t want…”

  Mrs. Cocker interrupts him, “What my husband is worried about is the mental and financial well being of our son. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you are intelligent people and you can see he’s upset. I don’t want you struggling to guess why. It’s better to simply talk about these things. I wasn’t raised in the South where everything is underlying and unspoken. In Boston we say what’s on our minds. I think that’s best so that everyone is aware what we’re dealing with and can get past it.”


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