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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

Page 2

by Hobbes, Amelia

  The cheap, crinkly store-bought diaper enveloped Amber's bottom, enclosing her in softness. She could tell it wasn't done up very well, but at that moment the excitement she felt overwhelmed her disappointment. Giggling, she wriggled her bottom against the bed, the diaper crinkling and rustling against the comforter.

  "Amb? You okay?" Kiki asked through the phone, making Amber jump a little.

  "Um, yeah, sorry," Amber replied, blushing. "I was just doing it up..."

  "How does it feel?" Kiki asked.

  "...Really, really good," Amber said softly. "It's so comfy..."

  "I told you," Kiki said. "I'm so proud of you... I bet you look really cute, baby sis."

  "Do you wanna see?" Amber asked, excited and swept up in the giddy little feelings of being in a diaper for the first time. "Hold, hold on. I'm turning the video on."

  A moment later and Amber's camera was recording, Kiki turning her video on in response to show her reactions in real time.

  "Oh my gosh, you're already so cute," Kiki gushed as Amber started panning the video downwards. "Let me see the dip!"

  "Okay, okay," Amber giggled. "Here it is... I don't think I did a very good job taping it up."

  Kiki's eyes narrowed in concentration as the camera focused on the poorly taped diaper. It looked like it was hanging off of Amber's skinny hips, excess plastic rustling and gapping as she shifted to show it off. After a few moments of observance, Kiki snickered.

  "You're right, that is a terrible tape job," she said. "But what can I expect from a baby?"

  "Notta baby," Amber replied, pouting playfully as she brought the camera back up to her face. "I tried my hardest!"

  "Well, it'll get easier the more you do it," Kiki pointed out. "My first ti-"

  "Wait, hold on," Amber said, sitting up suddenly. "I heard the door downstairs..."

  Both Amber and Kiki were silent as Amber listened to the muffled sound of her mother's voice through the floor. She was talking to whoever she'd opened the door to, but Amber couldn't make anything out.

  There were muffled footsteps approaching the stairs, and Amber pulled the blankets over herself hurriedly to hide herself in case her mother came upstairs. Instead, a moment later she called upstairs:

  "Amber? Could you come down here a moment?"

  "Shit, I've got to go," Amber said, her heart pounding with panic. "My Mom's calling me down."

  "Good luck!" Kiki said encouragingly, and Amber quickly hit the 'end call' button, scrambling to grab her pants.

  She pulled them back on over her diaper, yanking hard as they got stuck around the diaper. Finally the thick padding was compressed all around Amber, pushed up between her legs. It made the thin padding feel even thicker, stiffly pinned between her bare bottom and her jeans.

  "Fuck... fuck!" Amber hissed as she tried and failed to do up the fly of the pants. "Come on!"

  "Amber! Are you coming down?" her Mom yelled again, and Amber whimpered, tugging her shirt down to cover her fly.

  "Coming!" she replied, wincing as she stood up.

  The thin diaper rustled with every step she took, no matter how small. Amber's face reddened as she imagined her mother hearing and noticing, certain that the diaper must be obvious through her pants.

  And why was she calling her down, anyway? Amber couldn't think of a reason, and that alone made her nervous... And her anxiety only got worse as she made it down the stairs and noticed that it was Evelyn Wood who was standing in their entryway.

  Did Evelyn tell her mom about earlier today, even though she promised not to? Amber felt her palms growing cold and sweaty again as she approached, but it was too late now to go back upstairs and stall. She just had to keep walking, the thin diaper crinkling between her thighs.

  She knew it wasn't true, but Amber swore the noise of her diaper was deafening, making her padded descent obvious as she finally reached the bottom of the stairs - and the two middle aged women who were waiting for her.

  "Um, hi Ms. Wood," Amber mumbled shyly, trying not to hyperventilate. "What's up?"

  "Evie was just telling me she ran into you at her store earlier," Amber's mother said, and Amber's heart stopped for a moment - until she continued. "...And she said you asked if she could come over and help you with some, um, what was it, Eve?"

  "History homework," Evelyn replied with a smile, as Amber felt a wave of dizziness wash over her from the sudden whiplash of thinking her mother knew about her diapers to realizing she hadn't been told. "Remember, that was always my best subject at school."

  "Right, right," Amber's Mom said, oblivious to the tension radiating off of her daughter. "Well, I know Amber was getting an early night, but I'm sure she'd be happy to stay up a little later to go over that, right, kiddo?"

  "Um, um, yeah," Amber said, after a long pause. "Let's um... go upstairs, I have a desk in my bedroom. That's where I do most of my, uh... homework."

  "Okay," her Mom went on. "Eve, I'll put on a pot of coffee for when you come back down. We can watch that soap you like."

  "Sounds good, Hannah," Evelyn said, still smiling politely. Amber swallowed as she watched her mother leave, walking towards the kitchen - and then turned around to go back up the stairs with Evelyn behind her.


  Evelyn waited until they were on the upstairs landing to say anything to Amber, but first she grabbed hold of the back of her shirt and tugged it down.

  "You know," she said, matter-of-factly. "Your shirt was riding up. I could see your diaper the whole time we were walking up the stairs."

  Amber's beet red, wide-eyed expression made Evelyn burst into laughter, reaching over and ruffling Amber's hair affectionately like she had when she was much younger.

  "Don't worry, your Mom didn't notice," Evelyn said. "I just thought it was cute."

  "Oh... O-okay," Amber said, fighting to lip to keep her embarrassed smile off of her face. Evelyn had always made her feel a little small, but now it almost felt like she was deliberately pushing her buttons.

  "...S-so. Why did you come over?" Amber finally asked as she sat on her bed, very aware of the quiet rustling noise that her rump made as she did so. "Um... Not that I'm not glad to see you. I'm just surprised."

  "Well, actually, I came over to see if you needed help with your, uh, protection," Evelyn explained, her own cheeks pink at the embarrassing topic. "...But it seems like you managed to get it on okay."

  Amber swallowed, her mouth dry. She felt herself nodding slowly, but her mind buzzed with indecision. She could tell Ms. Wood that she'd managed to put on the diaper perfectly, and she'd leave, and things would be more or less normal...

  Or she could be honest... And see what happened next.

  "Um, actually," Amber said, slowly. "I... I had a little trouble."

  With surprising boldness, she reached down to tug her pants downwards. With the fly still undone, the small bulge they made was obvious already, and they came off much more easily than they went on. Amber couldn't look at Evelyn as she stepped out of them, revealing her sloppily-taped diaper, barely hanging onto her hips.

  Her face was hot and her heart racing, nervous about somebody 'normal' seeing her this way, but Evelyn seemed more or less unphased. She reached over slowly, waiting to see if Amber would stop her, and then lifted the last inch of her t-shirt up, exposing the front waistband of the diaper.

  "Oh dear," Evelyn said with a chuckle as she looked at how badly Amber had done the diaper up. "I'm glad I came over then... Um..."

  The older woman trailed off, blushing before she made herself carry on. Amber felt like everything was moving in slow motion, hyper-focusing on Evelyn's slightly nervous, hesitant expression. Amber had an idea what Evelyn was going to ask next, but at the same time, she almost couldn't let herself imagine it until she heard it for real.

  "...Would you like me to help you with that?" Evelyn finally asked, tension crackling in the air.

  "Um. Um. Yes please," Amber managed to squeak. "If, if that's okay."

Of course it is," Evelyn said, her smile calm again now that she knew she hadn't offended Amber by asking to diaper her. "Just lay down on the bed for me and take that old one off."

  Amber did as she was told, untaping the diaper with clumsy, trembling hands. One of the tapes tore off, and she frowned, knowing she wouldn't be able to use this diaper again - but having somebody actually put her in one completely made up for that. A moment later, the crumpled up incontinence brief was placed neatly beside Amber on the bed, as she shyly shifted her feet up and down on the sheets.

  She hadn't been naked in front of anybody like this since she was an actual kid, and it felt so weird. Amber worried her body was weird, or that Evelyn would think she was strange, for some reason, for being ashamed of being undressed, or not being ashamed enough. Evelyn slipped her purse off her shoulder and put it on the other side of the bed, at Amber's feet.

  Seeing the older woman carefully unfolding a fresh diaper brought Amber back to reality, as fantastical as reality felt right then. Evelyn looked at the open brief with a small frown.


  "What's wrong?" Amber asked, worried Ms. Wood had changed her mind about diapering her.

  "It's just... These diapers aren't very thick," Evelyn said, still frowning. "...We should probably double them up."

  "O-oh," Amber stuttered, her heart doing flips. "Okay."

  'Okay' was an understatement - not only was Ms. Wood going to diaper her, but she wanted her diapers to be thicker... doubled up, like in some of the stories she'd read in the past..

  Amber watched with interest as Evelyn produced a small knife from her purse, using it to make several slashes in the outer plastic of the diaper she'd opened first. The second diaper was spread out on the bed below Amber's bare backside, and she gulped in happy anticipation as Ms. Wood put the first diaper inside the second, smoothing it out so they lined up.

  "Can you lift your bottom for me, hun?" Evelyn requested, and Amber obediently complied, feeling a flush of warmth travelling down her body and into her lower belly. "Good girl."

  The diaper felt soft against Amber's bottom again as she lowered herself onto it, but thicker now, noticeably lifting it off of the sheets. She could hear her own breathing, loud through her nose as she watched Evelyn reach down and twitch the wings of the diaper upwards, pulling them higher on the hips.

  Amber already noticed that the diaper was much further up at the back than she'd had it. Knowing she'd had such a hard time made her blush, feeling like she really was too little to know how to put on her own padding.

  "Here we go," Evelyn muttered, mostly to herself, as she slipped the inner diaper up between Amber's thighs. "Let's try and get this nice and tight..."

  Evelyn pulled the front of the diaper taut across Amber's belly, making sure to tuck the legcuffs in so they'd seal correctly. Amber was amazed at the difference in sensation as the padding was wrapped so tightly around her body, snug and comfy, just the way she'd always imagined a diaper would feel.

  The sound of the tapes being undone made her shiver, and she watched, biting her lip as Evelyn carefully pulled them into place, sticking them down firmly, one by one. She noticed that Ms. Wood made sure to switch sides after she taped the first tape, doing one whole row before she moved onto the next set. Amber made a mental note to remember that next time.

  Without saying anything else, Evelyn quickly pulled the second diaper up over the first. She did the same as she had before, smoothing it over Amber's belly, pulling it tight. Amber shivered as she ran a finger along the legcuffs, an unasked for touch that made her feel even tinier than she already did.

  With two diapers on, Amber could feel their presence more clearly. She could tell she'd probably still be able to close her legs, but it would take more effort. Instead of feeling flimsy and pliable, the double layers felt thick, sturdy... and babyish.

  Evelyn bit her own lip in concentration as she fastened up the second diaper, getting it nice and snug around the first one. The two layers slid against each other, creating even more rustling every time Amber moved on the bed, making her smile gently in happy embarrassment.

  "...Wow," she finally said, as Evelyn stood up after taping the diaper closed. "Um. Thank you."

  "It's no problem, sweetie," Evelyn said, with a slightly embarrassed smile. "...And I think you look very cute like that, if I can say so."

  Amber giggled shyly, grabbing a stuffed horse plushie, Butterscoth, that she usually slept with from beside her pillow. She hid her face behind him cutely, peering out at the older woman who'd just put her in diapers.

  Endorphins rushed through her body, exhilarated by the experience - but also deeply relaxed by it. Right then, Amber felt invincible.

  "Aww, you look like a real baby with your stuffed animal," Evelyn teased, chuckling. "...I hope that's okay to say. I don't want to embarrass you."

  "It's, it's fine," Amber replied, aware that she'd suddenly gone bright red. "I don't mind."

  Part of her didn't want Evelyn to leave her bedroom... But there was no reason for her to stay any longer, and the older woman apparently had the same thought a few moments late.

  "Anyway, I should go," Evelyn said, a small blush on her own face at doing something so intimate with her friend's daughter. "...But, um. If you like, I can come back again tomorrow night to... help. If you think it would be useful..."

  "Yes," Amber said, almost too quickly. "...I mean... Yes, absolutely. Please come back tomorrow. I think I still need a little help..."

  She swallowed gently, hoping that only she could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears and her nervousness wasn't obvious. But to her relief, Evelyn seemed to relax and smile at that idea too...

  "Of course," Evelyn told Amber softly. "I'd... Well, I'm happy to help."

  The two women looked at each other with gentle smiles for a few moments, before Evelyn cleared her throat, blushing.

  "Well... Like I said. I should go," she said, starting to awkwardly back out of the room. "Sleep tight, kiddo. It was... it was nice to see you tonight."

  "Y-you too," Amber stammered, her heart racing as she watched Evelyn leave.

  Amber's heart stopped pounding quite as hard as the older woman walked out, and Amber shoved her face into Butterscotch's furry side, screaming silently into him as she kicked her legs, releasing all the tension that had built up inside her. The bedsprings creaked and complained, but it was the sound of her rapidly rustling diaper that Amber really noticed, the thickness between her legs keeping them slightly parted.

  "Oh my God, oh my God," Amber muttered under her breath, the full force of what had just happened hitting her. "I cannot believe she did that..."

  It had felt so strange, but so lovely, to be taken care of that way. Sure, it wasn't the full TBDL treatment like she'd fantasized about for so long... But it was real and that made it a hundred times better than any story or imagined daydream.

  Amber couldn't wait for Evelyn to come back again tomorrow. She swore she'd felt electricity between them - and it didn't seem like it was just the diapering. Maybe she actually had a teeny, tiny crush on Eve, which was embarrassing... But she didn't think she could be blamed, under the circumstances.

  Taking a deep breath that she then let out in a big sigh, Amber closed her eyes and laid back in the bed, one hand reaching down to pat her padded crotch.

  Grabbing her phone from where she'd left it earlier, Amber hurriedly messaged Kiki about Evelyn coming to her house.

  "OMG! You won't believe what just happened!" she quickly wrote, floating on a cloud as fluffy as her diapers.

  She wouldn't get much sleep that night, she was sure.

  Chapter 3 - Evelyn

  Evelyn managed to keep herself smiling and acting normally until she ended up downstairs. Having tea with her best friend felt like a world away from the bedroom in which she'd put said best friend's teenage daughter into a diaper.

  "Crap on a croissant, I can't believe I did that," Evelyn muttered to herself on the w
ay home in her car. "What was I thinking?!"

  About 7 years ago, Evelyn had had a girlfriend who liked to call her 'Mommy' and wear diapers in the bedroom. During their passionate year-long affair, Eve had learned all about the ABDL lifestyle, including how much she enjoyed it, too.

  There was nothing quite like the warm feeling she got inside from mothering an adult baby girl, the knowledge she was making somebody else feel so safe, and so small. Being parental to somebody she loved in every way possible: sexual, romantic, maternal...

  Unfortunately, she and that ex had broken up after just a year. While her ex saw being a babygirl as something only for the bedroom, Evelyn was much more invested in her role as 'Mommy'.

  Evelyn had dated since then, but inside she always secretly longed for another adult little girl to take care of, spending time online in ABDL communities... But never meeting another little one who wanted her to put them in diapers.

  When she'd found out about Amber's bedwetting problems, Evelyn had tried to stay detached from the topic, even as she found herself unable to keep the mental image of her best friend's adult daughter in a diaper out of her brain.

  From then on it was hard to Evelyn to detangle what had been purely altruistic on her part, and what had been her unconsciously indulging her fantasies. Of course she'd always want to help out somebody she cared about, and Amber was definitely somebody she'd always cared about... But was it different now?

  Amber wasn't a little girl anymore. Evelyn blushed, imagining her very-adult figure as it was now.... The body she'd seen so much of earlier that evening. Okay, there was undeniably an attraction on her end, but maybe Evelyn could keep things moral as long as she didn't act on it.

  Breathing out hard through her mouth, she calmed herself. She'd keep helping Amber out with her diapers as long as she wanted, and eventually she'd stop, and they'd both move on.

  Amber didn't even know Eve was gay as far as she knew... So there was no reason for her to suspect anything. The last thing Evelyn wanted was to ruin their relationship by being the creepy older woman that fetishized Amber's bedwetting. She just needed to keep in control for however long Amber wanted her help.


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