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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

Page 4

by Hobbes, Amelia

  'Pee-worthy,' Amber thought, giggling a little.

  The suggested tips varied, from listening to the sound of waterfalls to sitting on the toilet in the diaper and pretending you were using it. In the end, Amber decided it would be too much trouble to actually get up and use the bathroom, not to mention that she'd have to try and be sneaky, again.

  She could, however, pretend she was in the bathroom and using the potty... The site suggested that, as well.

  Shuffling to the edge of the bed, Amber closed her eyes slowly. Imagining she was closing the door to the bathroom and sitting down on the toilet, her muscles relaxing... She'd been holding it all day, and at last, she could safely release her bladder's contents into the toilet bowl, sighing in relief as a hot yellow stream ran down to-

  Amber gasped so hard she nearly stopped the small trickle of urine that had started making its way out of her bladder. Instead, she squeezed and relaxed her muscles briefly - and felt the flow increase.

  "Oh my God," she murmured to herself in sheer awe as she put her hands between her thighs, pressing down on the diaper's crotch.

  It felt warm. That was the first thing she noticed, how hot the crotch of the diaper was growing as she wet it, how hot the liquid felt as it soaked into the inner lining, some of it bouncing back onto her soft skin and making that hot too.

  Then she felt the padding swelling underneath her palm, the pee seeming to run straight through the first diaper and into the one beneath. It didn't expand much, disappointingly. Instead, the wetness ran down to Amber's bottom, soaking the padding all the way up the back slowly. The heat spread and dissipated, leaving only a mild, cosy warmth against her most private areas.

  Playfully, Amber caressed the outside of the diaper more firmly. She could feel the padding was damp from the inside, and the swollen crystals of SAP that had thirstily sucked up her pee were pressed against the outside plastic, slightly visible through it.

  Wherever she pressed inwards, Amber felt the urine inside seeping out against her skin, displaced briefly until it was sucked up once more by the diaper. With a final, elated giggle, Amber moved her hand away, and picked up her phone to share the good news with Kiki.

  Her 'big sister' demanded a photographic update, and despite her embarrassment, Amber couldn't help but giggle as she took a picture of her wet diaper, the outside obviously yellowed from use.

  PastelPunkKiKi: Wow, nice going baby sis! You really flooded it!

  Amber squeaked, biting her lip as her cheeks turned bright red. The most embarrassing part was how it was really true. She'd used her diaper for the very first time - and it felt amazing.

  After a few sentences of mild back and forth ABDL rp, snuggled in bed in her soggy diaper, Amber yawned, finally starting to feel sleepy. She quickly let Kiki know this time that she was drifting, and then closed her eyes, nuzzling against her pillow with a smile on her face.

  Wetting her diaper had been everything she'd been dreaming of and then some.

  Chapter 5 - Amber

  After she woke up later that morning at a more reasonable time, Amber wasn't sure what to do with her used diapers.

  Eventually, she tore them off and balled them up in the bottom of a bag of trash before she took it downstairs, hopping into a hot shower right after. After successfully getting real diapers, Amber was bubbling with excitement...

  And confusion, if she was honest.

  Evelyn was so sweet to help her out with everything. But the feeling Amber kept having... whenever she thought about the older woman, leaning over her, wrapping her in diapers...

  It felt like her heart was being squeezed, ever so slightly, bubbly tingles running through her veins. It was like a crush, but Amber had never had a crush on another girl before...

  And there were other feelings mixed up in there, too. A hint of the wide-eyed devotion a child might feel for her mother, swirled up in a confusing sexual lust that made Evelyn's pulse quicken and face redden as she bit her lip, turning away and hoping nobody could magically read her thoughts.

  Her diapers were safely stashed away, but all through Saturday, Amber could think of nothing else except being put in one again. It was hard to focus on anything, least of all homework, and Amber ended up giving up after several tries after she ended up drawing adult little girls in padding all over her essay on Emily Bronte's writing.

  When the sun finally started to go down, Amber nearly took herself to bed again for an early night. She was sorely tempted to put the diapers on herself, longing for the crinkly embrace around her slender hips... But the only thing that made her flush with excitement more than the idea of just being in a diaper, was the idea of being put into a diaper by somebody else.

  So Amber waited downstairs, restlessly watching the window to see people going past, hoping the next person was going to be Evelyn. Her mother made idle chatter as TV shows played in the background, but Amber's mind was elsewhere, fantasizing about being diapered once more...

  Finally, Amber lit up as she saw a tall, feminine figure walking past the window, her auburn hair blowing slightly in the wind. She had to fight the urge to rush to the front door and throw it open - instead, she pretended she hadn't really noticed that Evelyn was there.

  "Oh, that'll be Evie," Amber's mom said cheerfully as she paused the television, leaving the room to open the front door.

  Amber heard the door open, and the muffled conversation... And then a moment later, Evelyn was in their front room, smiling at her.

  "Hey, kiddo," she said. "I don't have much time tonight... Do you want to go upstairs and get started on your... homework?"

  'Is that a blush?' Amber thought. 'Or am I just imagining it?'

  "Um, yeah, sure," she finally replied, sure that her own cheeks were blazing crimson. "That cool, Mom?"

  "It's fine by me," Amber's mother replied, sighing slightly. "Although I hope next time I get to spend a little time with you, Eve. I feel like I have so much to catch you up on."

  "Sorry, Hannah," Evelyn replied with a guilty shrug, even as she was leading Amber away. "I've been so busy lately... I wouldn't usually have time to help Amber, even, but, you know..."

  "I appreciate you making the time," Amber's Mom said, sincerely. "...You'd better get going then. Scoot!"

  Both Evelyn and Amber giggled, heading swiftly towards the stairs. Just before they went up, Evelyn gently placed her hand on Amber's shoulder, sending a little quiver of excitement straight down to the young girl's thighs. Swallowing, Amber tried to look at Evelyn's face, but the angle was awkward as they both ascended towards her bedroom.

  "So," Evelyn finally said, as she closed the bedroom door. "Mom still doesn't know?"

  "N-no," Amber stammered, sitting on her bed. "Uh. I don't think so, anyway? I tried to be discreet..."

  "She hasn't mentioned anything to me," Evelyn said, with what sounded like relief, but could have been disinterest. "So I think you're in the clear."

  "Thanks. It's not exactly something I want to talk to my mother about," Amber said, swinging her feet slowly as she looked down at them. "It's embarrassing."

  "But it's not embarrassing to tell me?" Eve asked, a note of... something... in her voice.

  "Um, a little," Amber admitted, but then looked up with a shy smile. "...It's different with you, though."

  A moment later, and Evelyn shared the smile. Time passed slowly for a second, as they both looked at each other, eyes meeting. Amber felt her heart racing.

  She wondered if Evelyn's heart was racing too.

  A moment after that, and the spell was broken, as they both abruptly looked away, embarrassed. Amber couldn't keep the rosiness out of her cheeks, but Evelyn cleared her throat, pretending not to notice.

  'Did she think that was weird?' Amber worried, swallowing as Evelyn moved over to the closet where her diapers were. 'God, maybe she thinks I'm some stupid kid with a crush on her. Cringy!'

  "Did two work last time?" Evelyn asked, as she began to pull out another pair of thin drug
store diapers for Amber. "I mean, did they hold okay?"

  "Um, y-yeah," Amber said, flushing once again. "...They held all the... the pee."

  "That's good," Evelyn replied, looking a little embarrassed herself. Amber imagined it was probably almost as awkward for the older woman to have this discussion as it was for her.

  "Do you want me to...?" Evelyn trailed off, gesturing downwards at Amber's still-clothed backside. "You know? Or are you not ready."

  "Oh! Um," Amber scrambled to stand up. "I'm, I'm ready. Just a sec."

  Her hands slid around to the front of her fly, fingers trembling as she began to unbutton it. She thought about warning Evelyn, telling her not to look, but she was going to see her completely naked in a second anyway.

  As her zipper slid down, Amber swallowed, her cotton panties slowly exposed as she slipped out of her jeans. Internally she cringed, wishing she'd worn something more adult, not her childish, faded Hello Kitty undies.

  Stepping out of her jeans, Amber hesitated a moment as she slid her thumbs into the waistband of those comfortable panties. Beet red, she glanced up at Evelyn, to find her watching her closely. Again, as soon as they made eye contact, Evelyn looked away, lips quirking downwards in a nervous frown.

  Argh. Best just to get through this as painlessly as possible. Taking a deep breath, Amber tugged her underwear down, revealing her shaved, virgin cunny. As she stepped delicately out of the underwear, she carefully grabbed her wrist with her other hand, stopping herself from covering her nakedness. Amber felt like being embarrassed by her body was probably a little kid thing to do... And she didn't want Evelyn to see her as a little kid, for some reason.

  ...Mostly, anyway.

  "Are you wearing your bra to bed?" Evelyn asked, teasingly, and Amber blinked, looking down suddenly at her small bust.

  "Oh! Oh, right," she laughed, feeling the tension ease a little. "Let me just... there."

  She'd reached behind herself to unhook it, and now the straps slid down her arms with ease. As she took off the bra one arm at a time, Amber felt her perky tits drop slightly, knowing her stiff nipples stood out through the thin fabric now they were uncovered.

  She wondered if Evelyn noticed them at all, as she lay down on the bed, legs spread slightly.

  "Here we go," Evelyn murmured, as she pushed both diapers underneath Amber. "This shouldn't take long."

  Amber tried not to look upset, wanting to savor every moment of this. Yesterday she'd been caught up in a whirlwind of unnameable emotions, barely able to believe this was really happening to her. Today every second seemed more real than the last, and Amber knew she'd cling to every last sensation as they hit her.

  Forcing herself to breathe steadily in and out, Amber bit her lip as she peered down between her spread thighs, knowing she was displaying everything she had to Evelyn at that moment. But not for long, because another second longer, and Eve pulled the diapers up between her thighs, one at a time.

  The inner, slashed diaper was pressed down, flattened across Amber's tummy, the bulk barely noticeable. Like before, the tapes were undone with a quiet unsticking noise, and Amber's heart pounded in her ears, threatening to drown out the exciting sounds of the first diaper being slowly taped up.

  "This should keep your bed dry," Evelyn muttered, and although it was just a throwaway comment, Amber felt herself secretly swoon, Evelyn acting like the kindly ABDL Mommy Amber had occasionally dreamed of.

  The subtle rustle of the plastic as Evelyn pulled the second diaper upwards between Amber's legs instantly drew her attention. The experience threw Amber headfirst into a clingy, tiny littlespace, a unique sensation she'd only gotten a taste of before.

  The final tapes going down were as loud as thunder in Amber's brain. She felt a strange wave of relief wash over her as she realized she was diapered, raised knee sagging and then slowly dropping to the bed, legs straight out for now.

  "Eep!" Amber squeaked as Evelyn patted the crotch of her diaper, chuckling gently. It felt a million times more babyish than doing it herself.

  Evelyn straightened back up, and smiled kindly at Amber. Again, they looked at each other almost longingly for several long seconds - before Evelyn coughed, bending down to pick her purse up once again.

  "Same time tomorrow?" she asked, flicking through her phone to put the date in her diary.

  "Yes, please," Amber said hurriedly, before realizing what she'd said. "I mean... I could still use the help, you know?"

  "I understand," Evelyn agreed, not seeming to bat an eyelid. "How about I give you my phone number and you can text me if you need me?"

  "Um, sure," Amber replied, relieved Evelyn didn't think she was a weirdo. "...Thanks a lot, Ms. Wood."

  "I've known you a long time, Amber," Evelyn said, with a fond smile. "You can call me 'Evelyn'... or 'Evie'.... or 'Eve'... Whatever you prefer."

  "O-okay, Evelyn," Amber said, the sweet name feeling like toffee in her mouth, sticking to her teeth, gluing them together. "...But really, thank you."

  For a moment, a flicker of sadness passed across Evelyn's face...

  And then it was gone, leaving Amber to wonder if she'd just imagined it.

  "Don't worry about it," Evelyn said, cheery once more. "Now I really do have to go. Try and get a good night's sleep..."

  Amber agreed, and for once, she knew she was being sincere. She sat up in the bed, listening until she heard Eve leave... and then Amber sighed happily, flopping back onto the bed, feeling herself full of happy pink goodness.

  A circus of giddy butterflies waltzed in Amber's stomach as her hand slid down between her thighs, patting her diaper gently. She felt safe, secure, little...

  And loved, too. God. There was no denying it now - she had a crush on Ms. Wood - that is, on Evelyn.

  "Evelyn," Amber repeated to herself under her breath. "...Evelyn. Evelyn."

  She'd known that was the older woman's name for a long time of course. But before now, it hadn't felt right to Amber to call her that. She was Ms. Wood... And now she was Evelyn, the elegant, beautiful woman who lived right nearby.

  Rolling onto her side, relishing in the sweet tingling feelings deep in her chest, Amber grabbed her phone, using one hand to message Kiki while the other pulled up her comforter. With a deep yawn, Amber found her eyes sliding closed once again, her body sending her into the land of sleep just as she hit 'send' on her last message:

  LilBabyAmber: OMG. Think I am in love. Tell you everything tomorrow.

  LilBabyAmber: Love you sis.

  LilBabyAmber: Goodnight.

  LilBabyAmber: P.S. am I GAY now? lol. X

  Chapter 6 - Evelyn

  Evelyn took a personal day from work the next day - she had plenty, because she almost never took a vacation, and was always happy to come in odd hours or work overtime.

  ...It was easy when you didn't have anybody waiting at home for you.

  She took her shower as normal, letting the hot water cleanse her of her impure thoughts about Amber. If those impure thoughts led to her hand sliding between her thighs and a more thorough exorcism of her personal Amber-shaped demons... Well that was her business.

  Now Evelyn lay on the couch in a bathrobe, sighing. Her hair wrapped up in a towel, the only sounds in the house the hum of the water heater and the sound of Mitzi batting around a toy mouse. Evelyn sighed, feeling alone again.

  She wasn't sure if it had been a bad idea or not to give Amber her phone number. She knew that it definitely made it easier for Evie to believe that the younger woman was falling for her. Maybe it wasn't healthy to give Amber a line of communication that went behind her mother's back?

  ...But then again, Amber was an adult now. And even if Evelyn had other motives, she really did want to help...

  Even if she also enjoyed getting to put an adorable girl in diapers, she thought with a blush.

  It had been Amber herself who'd asked Evelyn back, and Eve wasn't sure if that made her feel better or worse... It lit the small fire of hope inside her,
that Amber was actually somewhat interested in her at all.

  ...Or she was just a completely innocent teenager who had no idea Evelyn was turned into a blushing, nervous teenager herself just being around her. That thought made Evelyn feel sick inside, hating herself.

  "Is Mommy bad, Lala?" she muttered to the calico cat as she kneaded her stomach lovingly. "Ugh... Now even that word feels weird to say."

  Mostly because Evelyn was imagining Amber calling her that any time her brain was idle, much to her embarrassment.

  Lala had no answers anyway, mewing softly as Evelyn reached down to pet her under the chin. Evelyn smiled. At least in this context she could be a warm, affectionate 'Mommy' without doubting her own motives.

  After spending nearly half an hour laying on the couch in a pit of apathy, Evelyn finally groaned and sat up. She needed to go get dressed - it wasn't good to break out of her routine, and she could run some errands today...

  'And who knows when Amber might message you?' a tiny voice in Evelyn's head whispered, and she found herself blushing, protesting internally...

  But walking with a spring in her step from then on.


  The message came at just after 8, when Evelyn was winding down with a cup of tea. Her phone buzzed, and in her frantic scramble to grab it she nearly knocked her cup over.

  "Silly old woman," she teased herself with a small smile. "That little straight girl doesn't have any idea she has your heart on a string, and you can barely wait one second to look at a text from her."

  Evelyn pulled her auburn hair back into a ponytail as she read it.

  Disappointly, but not surprisingly, Amber's message was short and to the point... but the message was clear.

  'Come over now?' it read, and Evelyn was only too happy to.

  Inside Evelyn's chest it felt like somebody had uncorked a huge bottle of fizzy champagne, brimming with carbonated bubbles that tickled her skin. Her heart pumped as she took the short drive over to Amber's house, trying to make sure she looked collected and mature once she arrived.


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