Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 8

by Hobbes, Amelia

  "Well... See you guys later," Amber finally said, shuffling awkwardly back out of the room.

  Evelyn lifted her hand in an equally awkward wave, trying to pretend her cheeks weren't flaring with embarrassment at that moment.

  "Oof, teenagers," Hannah said, with a chuckle. "That was so weird!"

  "I'm sure she'll start acting like a normal human again in a few years," Evelyn joked, although the comment reminded her with sudden and painful clarity of just how young Amber was. "...Let's finish this episode..."


  As the evening was winding down, Evelyn felt her phone buzz... The message was from Amber:

  'Come upstairs when ur done? x'

  Evelyn was unable to keep the smile from her lips as she read the message, feeling her pulse quicken slightly. How did that girl not know what she was doing to her? Evelyn's eyes went to that little 'x' at the end of the message over and over, imagining it was a real kiss, just for her...

  "Who's that?" Hannah asked, smiling herself. "I see you grinning! Is it your girrrlfriend?"

  "Oh, uh... Amber just wanted me to come up and say hello before I leave," Evelyn explained, quickly. "I think she was just feeling worn out when she came home."

  Hannah peered at Evelyn hard for several moments, and the auburn-haired woman felt sweat on her brow. She was sure any moment now Hannah would say something, somehow read Evelyn's mind, seeking out the thoughts that screamed in her head 'kiss Amber! hold Amber! love Amber!' ...And Evelyn felt like her completely serious, hurried response probably only made things worse...

  But after several seconds, Hannah just shrugged and smiled.

  "Okay," she said. "Thanks for coming over."

  "Thank you for having me," Evelyn replied, second nature after so long. "I'll come say goodbye in just a moment..."

  As she headed upstairs towards Amber's bedroom, Evelyn had a spring in her step. Despite how she was trying to fight and deny herself, she couldn't change that it made her happy to get to see Amber... and especially to get to see her while she put her in a diaper.

  She rapped her knuckles on the door, and when Amber replied 'come in!', she entered, smiling warmly at the young woman laying on her bed, clutching her phone once again.

  "I swear, you kids are always on your phones," Evelyn said, with a chuckle, as she pushed the door shut behind her. "My mother used to say I'd get square eyes if I sat so close to the screen all day."

  "Hey, I'm not a kid any more. I'm 18 now," Amber said, playfully, although Evelyn picked up on a hint of genuine offense. "I'm graduating high school soon, remember?"

  "And you're so mature, is that right?" Evelyn asked, giggling as Amber smiled bashfully and looked away. "It's okay... I think I went the route of getting older, but not wiser."

  "I think you're pretty wise," Amber said softly, picking at her comforter. "I mean... You've given me a lot of advice and help lately..."

  The sincerity in Amber's voice was deeply touching, and it made Evelyn's heart ache yet again. She was such an angel... and Evelyn knew she'd be so much happier if she let her move on, have her first gay kiss with somebody else. Evelyn would hate her to get hung up on someone as old and boring as she was...

  "Well, I'm here to give you help now, if you want it," Evelyn said. "Are you... getting ready for bed?"

  "Um, yeah," Amber replied, her bashful grin spreading. "They're uh... tucked in behind there."

  Evelyn got out the two diapers and slit the inner one in silence, while Amber slid down her jeans and underwear. She watched Evelyn, her skinny, bare legs kicking back and forth, until finally she was done - and Amber lay back down, waiting.

  If Evelyn didn't know better, she would almost say that Amber was enjoying being diapered now. She looked down between her legs as Evelyn pulled the diapers through them, peering closely as the tapes were secured. She looked peaceful, curious, like the little baby girl she half-looked like now that Evelyn had snugly taped the diaper up, especially since Amber was only wearing a t-shirt on top.

  "All done," Evelyn said, patting Amber's padded crotch gently, on a whim. "...Do you think you'd be able to do it yourself from now on?"

  Amber's eyes moved quickly up from her diaper to Evelyn's face, her surprise obvious. Evelyn thought she saw a small frown, before Amber opened her mouth to speak again:

  "Um, maybe?" Amber said, blushing. "I, uh, I could try... If you don't want to do it..."

  Amber looked nervous and guilty, as if she thought Evelyn was trying to weasel out of a horrible chore she was doing for her. If only she knew, Evelyn thought to herself.

  "It's not that, don't worry," Evelyn said, smiling reassuringly. "I'm happy to help you for as long as you need... I'm just going away this weekend. I won't be here tomorrow evening. I need to take Mitzi and Lala to the cattery before I go."

  "Oh," Amber said in relief. "I thought... Well, that's okay. I'm sure I can manage for a couple of days."

  Her expression didn't look entirely certain, but Evelyn felt guilty enough for her part in prolonging the diapering. It would be better for Amber to start doing it for herself sooner rather than later.

  "'preciate it, kiddo," Evelyn said, leaning over and kissing Amber on the forehead gently. "...See you soon, okay?"

  "...Okay," Amber eventually responded, sounding disappointed. "...See you soon."


  When Evelyn got to the bottom of the stairs, Hannah was waiting for her. Evelyn swallowed hard as the other woman's sea green eyes stared into her own light grey pair, watching her carefully for signs of... something.

  "...Is Amber okay?" Hannah asked, although Eves felt like she was asking something else entirely.

  "Um... y-yep," Evelyn eventually managed, the tension between them palpable. "She's just fine..."

  Hannah kept staring for a moment, then straightened up, and sighed.

  "Okay. Good," she muttered. "...It was nice to see you."

  After that bizarre moment, things seemed to return to normal. Soon Evelyn and Hannah were hugging and saying their goodbyes, promising to meet again soon - and then Evelyn was walking to her car, the long weekend ahead of her.

  ...Plenty of time to get over this ridiculous crush, right?

  Chapter 12 - Amber

  On Friday evening, Amber peeled the first diaper open, staring at it as it lay unfolded on the bed.

  A second diaper lay right beside it. Amber frowned slightly. Kiki was busy tonight (although she was VERY excited when Amber told her about what happened the other day, and how she'd snuggled up to Evelyn while they slept), and Evie herself, of course, wasn't there. So Amber had to figure out how to do this herself, and do it right this time.

  She could just not wear one tonight. It wasn't like she actually needed diapers, she thought with a small guilty frown, remembering how she'd originally lied to Evelyn... How she was continuing the lie now.

  "Ugh," Amber groaned, shaking her head. "...Maybe when she comes back I'll tell her I don't need help anymore. She'll probably forget all about this eventually..."

  Amber hated the thought of Evelyn forgetting anything about her, but she knew her immature crush couldn't go anywhere. For just a moment the other day she'd had the briefest flicker of hope that the older woman might be interested in her, too... Now she felt stupid for even fantasizing about that.

  Back to the diapers.

  Without a knife or anything to cut the first one with, Amber decided to try using her nails instead. She easily ripped through the thin plastic, pushing her fingertips into the fluff and small granules of SAP and wriggling them around to make the holes bigger.

  It definitely wasn't as neat as when Evelyn did it. Little white flecks were scattered on the comforter below the diaper, insides opened to the elements.

  Amber unfolded the second diaper, and with as much care as possible lay the first inside it. At least now the fluff inside couldn't spill anywhere else...

  Standing up, Amber tugged down her leggings and underwear, turning around so she coul
d aim her pert backside towards the diapers. It took several attempts, but eventually she managed to position herself roughly in the center, wriggling backwards just slightly to unpin the plastic that was tucked under her thighs.

  "Okay, do up the first one first," she muttered to herself. "Start with the... bottom one?"

  Uncertainly, Amber peeled open the first tape and clumsily stuck it in roughly the right place. She figured it didn't matter too much if she got the inner diaper taped exactly right, since the one on the outside would hold everything together.

  It still felt so weird, in a nice way, to be actually putting herself into diapers. Again, Amber felt the tickly butterflies fluttering in her stomach, making her smile as she secured the first diaper.

  The second she was more careful with, spreading the front of diaper across her stomach, and pulling it taut before she even touched the tapes. Amber very carefully opened the first one, and tried to fix it right where Evelyn usually would.

  When she'd finally taped herself up, Amber could tell the diaper wasn't on perfectly... but it was a lot better than her first attempt. With a giggle, she patted her thickly padded crotch firmly, bringing her thumb up to her mouth. It slid between her lips, and Amber closed her eyes, sucking her thumb quietly for a few moments.

  "I'm sucha baby," she murmured, as she looked down between her legs at the doubled diapers, swinging her feet childishly. "...Where'sh my binky?"

  A few weeks ago, Kiki had sent Amber a small parcel. Inside was an adult-sized yellow and pink pacifier, with a big silicone nipple that fit just right in Amber's mouth. Most of the time, Amber was too nervous to use it, or even forgot it existed... but right now she felt so tiny and cute, a pacifier seemed like just the thing...

  "There you are!" she squealed happily as she pulled it out of her drawer. "Nmmf!"

  Suckling happy on her binky, Amber leaned slowly to the side until she toppled over, giggling loudly. With happy little hands, she reached out for Butterscotch, rubbing her nose against his soft, cream-colored muzzle.

  "Sorry I din' bring you th'other day, Buttershcotch," Amber mumbled into his fur. "I diden't want Momma Evie to know I's a baby..."

  Butterscotch nodded his head in wise understanding, and Amber giggled, hugging him tightly.

  In her diaper, in her bedroom, Amber felt her worries about everything slowly drifting away. She was cute, she was little, and there was nothing to be upset about... just a warm bed to snuggle down into.

  Yawning wide, Amber shuffled downwards, pushing her comforter down with her feet. Sucking her pacifier as she wriggled under the covers, once she was all cocooned up in their warmth she sighed happily, feeling completely content.

  "Ooohhh," she murmured, pressing gently at her tummy. "...I needta potty..."

  Her feet slid back and forth against the sheets as she focused on the feeling of pressure in her lower belly. With a soft whimper from behind her pacifier, Amber pushed, and began to slowly wet herself.

  A strange pride bubbled inside Amber as she felt the warmth growing, the wetness sucked into the doubled layers of padding as she let go completely. It felt so good to empty her bladder right then and there, making her feel innocent and helpless.

  Amber didn't have to move a muscle or leave the warm comfort of her bed to relieve herself. She just lay there quietly, rhythmically sucking her pacifier as the soggy SAP swelled and grew warm with her own pee, running up towards her back. Soon the entire thing was more or less soaked, and Amber wriggled her bottom happily, enjoying the warm, comforting feeling.

  "Ahhh..." she murmured, closing her eyes with a smile from behind her binky. "...Ni ni, Butterscotch..."

  As she drifted off into sleep, feeling little and peaceful all over, Amber imagined she was back in bed with Evelyn, snuggled up to her... in a wet diaper, and holding her favorite plushie close.

  Amber fell asleep with a smile on her face behind the binky.

  Chapter 13 - Evelyn

  Evelyn yawned, stretching her entire body under the warm blanket she was laying under. Birds twittered happily outside her window, coaxing her from her slumber.

  Last night she'd driven all the way to her parents' old house, falling asleep within a half hour of arriving. Now Eve was waking up in her childhood bedroom. Light shined softly in through the curtains, and Evie sighed, looking around at the books and trinkets she'd left here when she moved away.

  It was a familiar, comforting feeling, being back in her family home. Far away from her busy job of managing people, far away from her thoughts about Amber and the mess she'd be in with Hannah if she ever found out...

  Evelyn had so many memories here. As she sat up, she blushed, remembering the first time she kissed a girl...

  It was in this very room. They'd been having a sleepover, and somehow they'd ended up closer and closer... until Evelyn's soft lips were pressed against her friend's. Jessica, her name was. She had red hair. But Evelyn didn't remember much else about her, just how right that had felt.

  Years later, she'd brought Mikey back here, the girl who'd introduced her to ABDL. It was Mikey who'd eventually encouraged Evelyn to come out to her family... and she'd delivered the news to her Mom right there, on this very bed.

  Evelyn felt a weight in her gut as she imagined Amber having to do the very same thing soon. How would Hannah take it? Evelyn loved her best friend, but you never knew who had secret prejudices... Would she blame Evelyn for corrupting her sweet little girl?

  And then, Evelyn wondered who Amber's first kiss with a girl would be. When she'd first go all the way with a woman... if she ever did. Evelyn reminded herself that Amber still seemed interested in boys, apparently.

  Even though it was just idle musing right now, it still made Evelyn feel a strange, bittersweet sadness to think of Amber kissing anybody else. Of course, she knew it would eventually happen, and she'd be happy for her - she would never want to stand in the way of the girl's happiness. But it never felt nice to picture someone you loved with somebody else.

  Shaking her head, Evelyn chuckled at herself as she got up out of bed, long nightdress falling to her calves as she walked to the door. She was being ridiculous. 'Love' was a very strong word for what she was feeling... It was a silly, passing infatuation, based on nothing more than her strange interest for girls in diapers. It would pass soon.

  Evelyn told that to herself over and over as she took the stairs down to breakfast, the smell of cooked oats and maple syrup filling her nostrils on the way.

  By the time she reached the last step, she almost believed it.

  But not quite.


  "Morning, sweetheart," Evelyn's father, Jack, said from his chair, which was wheeled right up to the breakfast table. "How'd ya sleep?"

  "Really well, thank you, Daddy," Evelyn replied, giving him a kiss as she passed. "I really missed waking up with the dawn chorus - instead of my alarm clock."

  "I'm making oatmeal," her mother said from inside the cozy little kitchen Evelyn had grown up with. "Do you want anything mixed in yours?"

  "Raspberries, if you have them, please?" Evelyn said, pouring herself a cup of orange juice from the big glass jug in the center of the table. "And brown sugar."

  "There's always brown sugar, darlin'," Jack chuckled, his own spoon loaded with brown-sugar swirled oatmeal as he lifted it up towards his lips.

  Soon, Betty joined them for breakfast, and all three of them ate around the heavy oak table that had been in their family for generations. Evelyn's mind went back to the years spent here as she grew up, the countless family breakfasts and dinners they'd shared together. It made her heart swell happily, remembering there were other kinds of love in the world as well...

  "So how's the city?" Jack asked, when the food was gone and plates were cleared. "Still working hard?"

  "It's... busy," Evelyn said, with a half-chuckle. "I mean, it's good... But it's a little hectic."

  "Mmhmm, mmhmm," Jack said, nodding, before he went on in a suggestive tone of
voice: "And... how's Hannah?"

  Evelyn laughed out loud at that, but it was a laugh that reminded her how lucky she was to have such understanding parents - even if that 'understanding' only went so far. It was obvious they loved her, at least.

  "She's good," Evelyn finally said, with a wry smile. "...Still straight."

  "Hmm..." Jack said, frowning. "...Well, I just want you to be happy..."

  "You know who I saw in town yesterday?" Betty interrupted suddenly. "That old friend of yours, Mikey Jones."

  Unconsciously, Evelyn sat up a little straighter as she heard that. Mikey was back in town?

  "Did you really?" she asked, trying to sound casual. "I thought she moved forever ago."

  "I heard her Pops got sick," Evelyn's mother explained. "And she's looking after him for now. P'raps she'll come by later, wouldn't that be nice?"

  Betty hummed to herself as she stood up and began to clear the table, a small smile hidden on her lips that she didn't realise Evelyn could see.

  Evie rolled her eyes, certain that Betty had in fact already invited Mikey over, and she'd be around to see her before lunchtime. She could see right through her parents, who wanted desperately for her to fall in love with a nice girl and get married like they had been for 43 years. They just wanted Evelyn to be happy, at least...

  After a moment's musing, Evelyn excused herself from the table and headed upstairs to get washed and dressed. At least when Mikey did come over, she could look nice.


  Sure enough, just as Evie was brushing out her hair, she heard the sound of knuckles rapping against the door. The old wooden house carried the sound right up to her room, and she allowed herself another chuckle at just how predictable her family was.

  Her mother opened the door, and Evelyn heard her faux gasp - before she called her down, with a 'guess who just decided to drop in!'... Evelyn made sure her brown, flowing skirt was properly secured, and then she headed downstairs to see Mikey.


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