Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 9

by Hobbes, Amelia

  Even though it had been so long, Evelyn's heart still began racing as soon as she saw the slightly shorter woman. Mikey's trademark grin was there, her chest hidden under a white t-shirt and a rumpled plaid button-up. She'd put on a little weight, but it didn't look bad on her, rounding out the curve of her ass slightly.

  When they were younger, Mikey had kept her black hair tied up in a ponytail at all times, so it didn't get in the way. Now she'd cut it short instead, one side hanging down longer than the over, giving her messy, boyish bangs.

  "Hi there, Eves," she said, with a grin. "You look nice."

  Evelyn smiled quickly, looking at Mikey and then down at the floor. She guessed you never forgot your first real love, even if that love had ended in heartbreak. As she approached, Mikey grabbed her hand and kissed it softly.

  Evelyn's heart fluttered. It was nice to have someone outwardly express interest in her...

  "Wanna go for a ride?" Mikey asked, now that Evelyn's mother had slipped away to give them some alone time. "I rode my tractor up here."

  That made Evelyn laugh, but she nodded behind her hand.

  "Sure thing," she said, with a grin. "...Just drive carefully this time."

  "I always do!" Mikey protested, with a grin of her own. "...Most of the time."

  "Really? Because I remember a certain girl who rode right into the wall of a half-raised barn one night..."

  "I'm pretty sure she was drunk," Mikey said, grinning. "...Or was that her girlfriend at the time?"

  They slipped back into easy conversation like almost no time had passed at all. Evelyn was reminded of how nice it was just to spend time with old friends... and she couldn't deny that her heart rate quickened whenever Mikey got close to her in the small cab of the tractor.

  ...But she also felt herself pulling away at the same time. Why was that?

  "This is much nicer than the one you had before," Evelyn remarked, stroking the material that lined the seats. "At least you won't get wet while you're riding it."

  "Mmm," Mikey agreed. "It's a lot better with the mileage, too..."

  Evelyn nodded, leaning back against her seat. She looked out of the window silently for a moment, watching the birds flying overhead, the acres of land spread out all around them. It was easy to feel like you were completely alone, as long as you didn't look back to see the small town behind you, growing smaller with every mile they travelled.

  "Where are we going?" Eve suddenly asked, noticing they were traveling further into Mikey's property. "...The barn?"

  Despite her tough image, Mikey blushed often if you hit a sensitive spot of hers. Her interest in being Mommy's babygirl was one of those things, and they'd first explored that (and much more) in her father's barn.

  "Um, yep," she muttered. "...If that's okay? I brought some supplies..."

  Evelyn eyed the backpack hanging in the back of the cab. It had been such a long time... and the experience of putting someone in a diaper because they liked them was sure to be a lot different to doing it so they didn't wet the bed... Uncertainly, Evie nodded. She could always back out if she changed her mind.

  "Sure," she said, smiling. "It sounds fun."

  When they reached the barn itself, Mikey offered her hand, and carefully helped Evelyn out of the tractor. The contact made goosebumps appear on her skin, her chest tingling with butterflies once more as she followed her former lover into the barn they'd spent so much time together in.

  It was full of hay, as usual, but once she'd closed the heavy door behind them, Mikey lay out a thin plastic changing mat, decorated with duckies and raindrops. She flushed as she caught Evelyn watching her, smirking. Mikey really did have her soft spots, didn't she?

  There was a brief flicker of hesitance between them, before Mikey lowered herself down to the mat. She worked her laces undone, sliding the heavy boots carefully off of her feet and placing them beside her. A moment later, and the fly of her jeans was tugged downwards, and Mikey shimmied herself out of them, revealing her plump, pale stomach.

  "They're, uh, in the bag there," she mumbled, her bravado apparently gone with her lower layer of clothes. "The um. You know?"

  "The what?" Evelyn teased, a playful smirk on her face as she knelt to rummage through the backpack. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what I'm looking for?"

  Pouting playfully, Mikey sighed a moment later, the blush spreading up to her ears. Her smile said she wasn't too torn up about it, though...

  "The diapers," she finally said. "MY diapers. They're in there."

  "Oh, look at you, using your big girl words," Evelyn said, with a grin.

  She was right, it did feel very different doing this for an actual ABDL. For one thing, she could be a lot more overt, teasing Mikey in the way she loved, as if she was a little baby and she was her... babysitter. Thinking of herself as 'Mommy' felt too... familiar... for now.

  "These are adorable," Evelyn said, impressed as she grasped the thick diaper in her hand. "Look at all these dinosaurs..."

  "Mmmhmm," Mikey replied, grinning shyly. "I love dinos... They've made so many cool diapers lately. You should really get back into the community some time, Eves..."

  "Hm," Evelyn said. "Maybe I will eventually..."

  For a moment, there was silence, other than the sound of Mikey sucking her thumb quietly, and Evelyn unfolding the crinkly diaper. She wasn't surprised when she slid Mikey's panties down and found them sticky inside, the adult baby girl always aroused by the somewhat humiliating act of being diapered. Acting like she didn't notice, Evelyn slipped the diaper under Mikey's backside, straightening the back and sides carefully.

  "Ahh... I missed this," Mikey mumbled, smiling around her thumb. "...Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Mommy around here?"

  "Lightning never strikes twice, does it?" Evelyn said, with a bittersweet smile of her own. "...Legs."

  Obediently, Mikey pushed her chubby thighs apart, and Evelyn threaded the diaper between them. The material was so much nicer than the store bought ones she'd put Amber in, the bright patterns just a bonus. These diapers had a clear plastic landing zone that loudly crackled whenever Evelyn touched it, holding the tapes securely in place as she set them down.

  For a moment, unbidden, the image of Amber wearing them came to Evelyn's mind. She blushed, but couldn't stop picturing it, her slender backside covered in playful yellow and pink dinosaurs.

  "Y'done?" Mikey finally asked, and Evelyn nodded in response, gently patting the thick mass of padding.

  "All done," she mumbled, and Mikey sighed happily, reaching her hands down to pat and stroke the diaper herself.

  Evelyn looked down at her with something like love in her eyes. She could see her chest rising and falling like Amber's had while she slept, the plastic rustling quietly with even that gentle motion. Like this, Mikey's features seemed to soften, her gruff, teasing exterior melting into an innocent little girl's total obedience and happiness at being with somebody she loved.

  It hurt. Evelyn didn't know why, but it didn't make her as happy as it had before. It just... hurt.

  She was glad to see Mikey enjoying herself, of course. But somehow... it felt all wrong.

  Not knowing what she was thinking, Mikey shuffled upwards on a pile of hay, and slid her hand into Evelyn's. She squeezed it, gently, giving her a loving smile, the kind that would usually have made birds sing and trumpets play inside of Evie...

  But today she just felt guilty again.


  Mikey giggled playfully as she tugged Evie downwards, so they were laying side by side, looking up at the rafters of the barn. She squeezed Evie's hand, and she squeezed back, gently.

  "...I've missed you," Mikey muttered, quietly. "I really have."

  Evelyn didn't say anything, but she nodded in understanding. She didn't have to say it back...

  "You know," Mikey said, sighing as she rolled over to face Evelyn, her brown-green eyes crinkled with emotion. "I've had a lot of time to think. About what you said. About
this being a... a sex thing, for me, and not so much for you..."

  "Yeah?" Evelyn replied, intrigued.

  "Well, lately I think... I think..." she swallowed, flushing. "...I think maybe I'm more interested in being really little than I thought."

  Evelyn's attention was completely focused on Mikey now, who went on, her voice remarkably soft and quiet, cheeks bright red.

  "...I think I'd like you to be my Mommy," Mikey mumbled, swallowing. "For real, this time."

  Evelyn's heart pounded more quickly. When they were together, she'd have given anything to hear Mikey say those words. Even now, they provoked a certain reaction from her, a happiness felt by the part of herself that still lived here, in her home town, pining over her long lost love...

  But they didn't make her heart soar like she'd imagined they would. Evelyn had spent years hoping Mikey would change her mind and say she wanted to really explore being little with her... and now it had happened... and it just felt hollow.

  She barely noticed as Mikey tilted her head, lifting it upwards. For a brief moment, Evelyn's eyes opened wide as Mikey crushed her lips against hers and kissed her, a kiss that spoke of deep, unspeakable longing...

  Evelyn pulled away, turning her face, blushing.

  "I'm sorry," she mumbled, curling her hands into fists. "I...I can't."

  Mikey sagged backwards, her eyes closed, a small, bitter smile on her own face.

  "Shit," she said, her voice thick with tears. "...You have it bad, huh?"

  Evelyn swallowed, hard. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but Amber was a lot of the reason she couldn't feel anything like that for Mikey right now. She didn't want to tell her parents... but...

  "Y-yeah," Evelyn admitted, unable to repress her own tiny smile. "But it won't work out. She's too young for me."

  Mikey snorted as she sat up, blinking away the tears she wouldn't let herself shed.

  "Well, if she makes you happy, and she's an adult... where's the harm?"

  Frowning, Evelyn thought about that for a moment. Amber was definitely an adult - but that didn't mean Evelyn wasn't going to feel weird about actually putting the moves on her. Even if she longed to have Amber's lips on hers, kissing her, that spark racing through her veins once more...

  "No hard feelings," Mikey remarked, as she stood up and pulled back on her jeans. "I promise."

  She sniffed, long and hard, but then the tears were gone. Evelyn wanted to ask if she was okay, offer reassurance... but Mikey was a strong woman who would mourn in private. She even helped Evelyn back up, crinkling slightly underneath her jeans as she stuffed her feet back into the boots.

  "...Thanks for the diaper," Mikey said. "Let's head back to your folks, huh?"

  Nodding, Evelyn followed her quietly. Anything she could think of to say would probably only add insult to injury. It was better to just let Mikey shrug it off and move on in her own way.

  They climbed into the tractor in silence, and drove off that way too.

  In the quiet of the cab, Evelyn thought of Amber the whole ride back... and felt her heart racing once again…

  Chapter 14 - Amber

  Amber was lounging on the sofa, actually studying for once, when her mother came into the room wearing her coat and boots.

  "Hey," Amber said, letting her battered chemistry textbook slide down her skinny legs. "Are you going out?"

  "It's Aunt Millie's birthday next week," Hannah explained, tugging her purse over her shoulder. "I'll be home at 6-ish. We can get take out if you like."

  "Chinese?" Amber asked, hopefully.


  Hannah leaned down to kiss Amber's forehead, and for a moment there was a double-image in her mind as she imagined Evelyn doing it. Only there wasn't a burning excitement inside her when her mother did it, only the warmth of familial love.

  "See you later," Hannah added, clearly in a hurry. "Love you!"

  "Love you too!" Amber called, as she heard the front door open and close.

  She slid off of the couch and went to the window, watching as her Mom left. Amber felt giddy with excitement - she hardly ever had the house to herself...

  "Sorry, Miss Hyma," Amber muttered to her chemistry book as she closed it and tossed it aside. "I have way more exciting things to do than homework..."


  Twenty minutes later, and Amber skipped down the stairs, crinkling loudly with every footfall. She had picked out a cute pink and yellow poketmon t-shirt, which hugged her pert chest tightly.

  She was thickly diapered, having doubled up and then decided to add one extra layer to the outside, just for cuteness. Butterscotch dangled from Amber's left arm, while her right hand twirled the ring of her pacifier for a few moments - before she popped it into her mouth. Suckling on it gently, Amber felt adorable as she waddled through the house into the living room, and picked up her phone.

  Kiki hadn't responded to the cute video Amber sent earlier of a cat and a donkey who were best friends, but Amber was pretty sure she'd take notice if she sent her a photo of her current outfit... With a playful giggle, Amber lifted the phone high with one hand, while the other snuggled Butterscotch the horse against her cheek.

  A big grin visible from behind her pacifier, Amber flashed a peace sign and took a photo, making sure her poofy diaper was visible peeking out from under her shirt. Once the picture was taken, she grinned and flopped backwards onto the couch, enjoying the 'whoompf!' noise of her padded backside landing on it hard.

  toddlerAmber: [sent pic1023.png]

  toddlerAmber: :P

  toddlerAmber: my mom went out ^_^

  While Amber waited for a response, she put her phone down and headed to the kitchen, humming happily. It felt so daring to be scampering around the house in her diaper and t-shirt. Something about it made Amber feel extra little, wandering around as if she was a real toddler, not keeping it hidden up in her bedroom so nobody saw.

  She did a little dance, swirling on the kitchen tile using her slippery socks as she took out a can of soda from the fridge.

  "For a thirsty widdle baby," Amber murmured to herself. "...And maybe a sammich, too..."

  Amber wished she had a real baby bottle to drink out of... Maybe some day. For now, she spread jelly and peanut butter on two slices of bread and then pressed them together, cutting them into small triangles on the plate.

  It wasn't exactly baby food, but it was kiddy food. Amber carried her snacks back out into the living room, putting the plate down on the arm of the couch. As she picked her phone back up, she was pleased to see that Kiki had messaged her back.

  PinkPunkKiki: WOA u look ACEEEE girl o3o

  PinkPunkKiki: did ur sugar momma put that on you?

  PinkPunkKiki: wana hav an e playdate? :333

  PinkPunkKiki: lolol Imma call u!

  Just as Amber was reading the last message, Kiki did, in fact, call her. The phone screen lit up and buzzed so loudly Amber jumped, nearly dropping it - before she lifted it to her ear and answered.

  "Hello? Keeks?"

  "Baby siiiiis," Kiki squealed down the end of the phone to her. "You look adorrrable!"

  Amber giggled and blushed behind her hand, shuffling her feet self-consciously even though Kiki couldn't see her. She never really got used to hearing she was cute, and it pushed right back into that happy, childish state of mind she treasured so much.

  "Taaaaaaank you," she said, babyishly, bouncing gently on her diapered bottom. "Um... what did you mean an 'e playdate'?"

  "Oh, like, we could both get on cam and watch a movie together, maybe?" Kiki suggested. "I think it would be fun..."

  "Oh, yes please!" Amber said excitedly, always pleased to get to spend time with her ABDL big sis. "...Let me go get my laptop."

  A few minutes later, and they'd transferred the call to the laptop, Amber carefully balancing it on the arm of the couch. Her sandwich was now on her lap - although she may or may not have taken a couple of bites while she moved everything around...

iii!" Kiki said, waving at Amber from her bed as she appeared on the screen.

  Like always, Kiki's bed was covered in an army of pink stuffed animals, and Kiki herself looked very pink as well, her black hair providing a striking contrast to the pastel outfit she was wearing. It looked like the kind of school uniform girls wore in Japanese cartoons, only instead of a color like red, or blue, it was varying shades of pink all over.

  "Oh my gosh, KIKI! You're the one who looks adorable!" Amber gushed instantly, feeling both happy for her friend and intensely jealous at the same time.

  "Eh, it's just because I have all this stuff on," Kiki said, waving her hand dismissively. "I'm not naturally cute, like you are."

  Amber pouted, wanting to refute that - but Kiki interrupted her before she could say anything else.

  "What do you wanna watch?" she said.

  "Um, I don't know," Amber admitted, looking away nervously. "You can pick... just... something appropriate for little kids?"

  "Ah, something for my BABY sister, okay," Kiki teased, with a giggle. "...How about The Princess Bride ?"

  "That sounds perfect!" Amber replied, with genuine glee.

  She loved that movie, and knew Kiki did as well. They could both probably recite the entire movie, line by line. Amber was honestly surprised they'd never watched this together before - they'd only really watched anime together, which Kiki was a much bigger fan of than Amber.

  As Kiki set the movie up to play, they both said 'goodbye' and ended the call so it wouldn't interfere, Amber leaning into the screen to watch as it started...


  The movie was just as good as Amber remembered it being, of course. She laughed at all the funny moments, and teared up a little when things got emotional. Some people (like Kiki) may have implied Amber was 'sobbing like a baby' at the end of the movie, but Amber quickly typed back that there were no witnesses to prove that - except a stuffed horse who'd keep his mouth shut if he knew what was good for him.

  Amber had finished her sandwich within the first ten minutes, and abruptly washed it down with the can of soda. Now she lay back on the couch, diapered and kicking her feet, occasionally letting out a small burp behind her hand.


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