Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend

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Diapered by my Mom's Lesbian Best Friend Page 10

by Hobbes, Amelia

  "Scuse me," she muttered to Butterscotch, as she covered her mouth. "I musta drunk too much pop..."

  A few seconds later, the credits from the movie disappeared from the screen, and the 'Kiki is calling!' icon filled it instead. Amber slipped her binky into her mouth, snuggling her beloved horsie plush to her chest, and clicked to answer it.

  "How was that?" Kiki asked. "Did you enjoy it?"

  "Course!" Amber replied enthusiastically, shooting her pacifier right out. "...Oops..."

  "Be careful," Kiki scolded her playfully. "Widdle babies need their binkies..."


  Amber's cheeks were pink, enjoying the gentle teasing. It felt so nice to have Kiki around to be little with, even if she couldn't really 'be around'... Maybe one day Amber would know other ABDLs she could see in real life. That would be amazing.

  ...But having such a good best friend was amazing too, no matter where she lived or how far away she was.

  "I was thinking... Maybe I could, uh... read you a story?" Kiki asked, her voice shyer than usual. "I mean... if you'd like that, haha."

  "Of course I would!" Amber said, her own voice cracking with emotion. Being small always made her more sensitive. "...I'd love it, big sis..."

  Kiki's smile grew in intensity for a moment, and then she nodded.

  "Well, I already have a book picked out," she said, grinning as she held up a children's board book with a pink fox wearing socks on it. "It's called 'the Frisky Fox who lost her Socks'! My parents used to read it to me all the time."

  "Sounds good," Amber replied, her heart fluttering.

  Actually, this day was pretty perfect as far as she was concerned. Part of her really wished Evelyn was here to share it too - but then Amber squashed that thought instantly, before it could hurt too badly. Evelyn wasn't a Mommy, no matter how nice she was about Amber's diapers.

  But sitting here in her living room, thickly padded, hearing the crinkling between her thighs, and about to have a story read to her, Amber felt truly, genuinely happy and small. As she settled down to listen to the story, she put the laptop up on the opposite end of the couch and made the picture full screen so she could watch Kiki as she showed the pictures.

  "Okay.... Once upon a time there was a little fox..."

  Kiki's voice was comforting normally, but as she focused on reading the story to Amber, the diapered adult baby girl found herself completely entranced by it. She grinned, giggling, clapping her hands at every new page and picture.

  There was only one small problem, that Amber was trying to ignore... but the book turned out to be longer than she'd thought, and right as the frisky fox was looking for her lost socks in a box of old, broken crocs... Amber had to interrupt.

  "Um... Sis... I need to go peepee..." Amber mumbled suddenly, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. "...Real bad."

  Kiki pulled the book away from the screen, with a smirk on her face, the kind of smirk that only made Amber blush harder.

  "So go, silly! You're wearing a diaper... I know you've done it before..."

  "I was alone then!" Amber protested, blushing. "I... I don't know if I can..."

  She sucked her pacifier worriedly, squirming slightly on the couch. Amber pulled her knees up and together, showing off the thick padding to the camera, and putting more pressure on her bladder, making her whimper.

  "It's okay," Kiki said, in her soothing voice again. "You can let go. Babies use their diapers. And you are a baby, right?"

  "R-right," Amber replied, feeling better even though she knew it was just a roleplay thing. "They do..."

  "And a nice, thick diaper like that, is sure to hold alll your widdle baby peepees, isn't it?"

  Amber whimpered, the cutesie words making her feel very fuzzy and small inside. She nodded, peering down between her thighs at the poofy mass of three store bought diapers.

  "...So then, I want you to be a good girl for sissy," Kiki said, authoritatively. "And wet your diapers."


  Amber closed her eyes, sighing softly as she focused on the feeling of relaxing her muscles. Slowly but surely, she felt the wetness dribbling from between her folds and into the thick layered padding, trickling down towards her backside.

  What started as a trickle soon became a river, and Amber shivered slightly as she emptied her bladder quickly into the diaper, feeling it being soaked up by the layers of diapers. It pooled at her backside before being quickly sucked up, and in no time at all, Amber was in a wet, squishy diaper, smiling bashfully at Kiki on camera who'd seen the entire thing.

  "Done?" Kiki asked, with a chuckle.

  "Y-yeah," Amber said, shyly, as one hand came down and gently pressed at the outer layer. "...It can still hold a lot."

  "Then you shouldn't change just yet," Kiki teased. "Especially since your big sis has more story to read to you..."

  Amber nodded, pushing her pacifier back into her mouth. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wet diaper between her legs...

  And listened to the rest of the story.

  Chapter 15 - Evelyn

  Evie left her parents' house early on Sunday evening, after bidding a fond farewell to everybody there. She and Mikey shared one last, tearful hug, before they parted - promising to stay on good terms.

  It felt like a resolution Evelyn hadn't even known she'd wanted. Yes, it was bittersweet, Mikey's confession coming just too late to sway Evelyn, who'd pined for her for years... But at least now they could say they were friends again, and mean it.

  The ride home was long and silent, and it gave Evelyn plenty of time to think. Now she'd told another person how she felt about Amber, everything seemed to click into place. It was obvious that she'd been denying the truth - at least, that was how it felt right now...

  Evelyn loved Amber. She was in love with her... It was Amber she wanted to be with. And it still felt wrong, dirty, forbidden to even allow herself to have that thought... But Evelyn had it anyway, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the steering wheel in defiance.

  Amber's beauty, her mixture of maturity and innocence, her kind, sensitive heart... those were the things that made Evelyn's heart beat faster, that brought a smile to her lips every time she pictured them. That was why Evelyn hadn't felt any spark with Mikey anymore... Because her heart belonged to somebody else, whether she knew it or not.

  Evelyn frowned slightly as she took a turn onto the highway. But... she'd known Amber all this time, and she'd only become interested in her after finding out about her bedwetting issue. How could she be sure she wasn't just infatuated with the idea of having an adult little girl who needed her to put her in diapers, who was actually far younger and needed Evelyn to look after her?

  Was she projecting far too much onto somebody who could never feel the same about her? Was she in love with Amber, and had only noticed how beautiful she was because of the incident at the store... Or was that the only reason she 'loved' her?

  Evelyn didn't know. And it scared her, to be unsure. But the one thing she knew now was that she couldn't just hide from her feelings. They would affect her and how she acted no matter how she tried to hide them.

  It was the feelings that Evelyn tried to keep hidden that led to her diapering Amber in the first place. And later, the feelings for Amber she tried to deny even to herself... led to her rejecting Mikey.

  So feelings changed things, whether she accepted them or not.

  So Evelyn was done with not accepting them.

  Narrowing her eyes, she pressed her foot down on the accelerator slightly, and sped towards home.


  By the time Evelyn had gotten both of the cats from the cattery and driven back to her townhouse, it was around the time Amber was usually going to bed. The big cardboard box that was waiting outside for her reminded her of how she'd bought those extra thick diapers earlier that week, and Evelyn chuckled at how long ago that seemed...

  "It's now or never, I guess," Evelyn murmured to Mitzi, as she stroked her
hand all the way down her back, now the case of diapers was inside and opened. "I hope she hasn't put herself in her own diaper already..."

  Just saying the word 'diaper' brought a small blush to Eve's cheeks, but she didn't have time to dwell on that now. She pulled out her phone and messaged Amber, telling her she was coming over.

  Without waiting for a response, Evelyn stood up, ripped a fresh, thick diaper out of the packaging, and shoved it into her largest purse. Her face was stern, but on the inside, Evelyn's guts felt like jelly, not sure what she'd find or how she'd feel when she got to Amber's house.

  It was so funny, because she'd come here every day for a week, and so many times before that, without really breaking a sweat... but now that she was finally embracing her truth about how she felt for Amber, Evelyn felt like she was the one who needed diapers - because it felt like she was going to wet herself from nervousness.

  She pulled up at the house, palms cold and sweating. She knocked on the door. Hannah answered - she seemed surprised to see Evelyn there, but not upset.

  Evelyn got through the interaction on autopilot, not even remembering what she said. And then she was climbing the stairs.

  And then she was at Amber's door, knocking, opening it... walking in.

  "...Hi," Evelyn said, softly, as she saw Amber laying on her bed.

  Amber's eyes widened with surprise as she saw Evelyn, her strawberry-blonde hair lightly tousled from resting on the pillow. Knees up, she used them to prop up her arms as she held her phone carefully - and Amber gave a small, nervous smile that made her pink lips thin and turn up at the corners, seeing Evelyn there.

  'Fuck.' Evelyn thought, as her nerve promptly failed her, and all she could do was stand, frozen, in the doorway of Amber's bedroom.

  "Um, hi..." Amber replied, equally softly. "...Are you okay?"

  Evelyn nodded dumbly, unable to think of anything to say for a moment.

  Then she remembered the diaper in her purse... it wasn't exactly what she'd come over here to say... but it was still something to say, now that her brain seemed to have stopped working.

  "I, uh, I got back a little while ago," Eve replied, taking big, confident steps towards the bed to hide how much she was shaking. "...I came over to... to help you, again."

  "Oh," Amber said, blushing. "...Okay."

  Silence again. Evelyn's hand trembled as she reached into her purse, and slowly slid out the thicker diaper she'd ordered, the firmer plastic crackling loudly as she lifted it up. Amber's eyes widened as she saw it, a flicker of something that could have been interest crossing them - but a moment later, it was gone, and Evelyn told herself she had imagined it.

  "I, I got these," Evelyn stammered, trying to control her breathing. "...I figured maybe you could wear one of these, um, more absorbent ones, instead of two of the, uh, thinner kind."

  Amber stared, seemingly dumbfounded, for several moments.

  "Um. Is that okay?" Evelyn asked, hesitantly. "I c-"

  "YES!" Amber said, hurriedly, and then squeaked, blushing. "I, uh. I mean, yes. That sounds much more um... efficient?"

  Her face was as blazing red as a tomato. If Evelyn had been in her usual state of mind, she might have questioned the reaction, but at that moment she was just relieved that Amber hadn't rejected her completely.

  "Cool! Um... do you want to just..." Evelyn began, but Amber was already shuffling out of her bottoms, quickly stripping so that Evelyn could diaper her. Then she lay back and waited patiently.

  Without even thinking about it, Amber's hand reached out, and she tugged her stuffed pony toy close to her. Evelyn's lips twitched in a half-smile for a moment - even when she was so anxious, Amber's natural cuteness could make her smile.

  The ritual of diapering Amber was surprisingly calming for Evelyn. Instead of feeling panicked and nervous, she felt confident and in control, performing practiced motions she could probably do in her sleep. As she spread the back wings out and slowly slipped the diaper underneath Amber, she felt her heartrate slowly returning to normal.

  The thicker diaper felt so much firmer in her hand as she pulled it up between Amber's thighs, and she could tell from the girl's soft gasp that she noticed the extra weight too. Store brands just couldn't compare with what you could get online now, Evelyn thought to herself. Maybe Amber would have been okay with something more colorful, like what Mikey had worn the other day...

  Biting her lip gently, Evie spread the wings across Amber's flat stomach, seeing it rising and falling quickly in time with her breathing. The buttery plastic crinkled loudly, too noisy to possibly muffle with underwear or pants over the top. Evelyn hoped Amber didn't mind...

  One by one, she secured the tapes, leaving the diaper wrapped around Amber like a thick, poofy pillow between her thighs. Amber sat up slightly, half in a daze, as she stared with big eyes down at the flattened bulge of her crotch.

  "Uh. Wow," she said, laughing nervously. "...It's big."

  "Yeah," Evelyn agreed, flushed herself. "They're for heavy wetters, so..."

  Amber immediately looked away, an incongruous little smile on her face for a second, her cheeks still burning red. Evelyn worried she'd said something wrong, and quickly tried to change the subject.

  "So, are you sleeping okay in them?" she asked, vaguely. "I know it must be difficult to get used to."

  "Well... I have trouble sometimes," Amber mumbled. "...It's weird having something so plastic and cr- and noisy, wrapped around me all night."

  Evelyn nodded, as Amber went on.

  "...Actually, I know it's really silly," she said, uncertainly. "But something that actually seems to help me relax and forget about everything else is, um... being read a bedtime story?"

  Evelyn's expression must have been pricelessly shocked, because Amber rushed to explain herself:

  "I'm sorry, I just, I mean, I know it's a little kid thing to want," Amber squeaked hurriedly. "But it just helps me to relax, and a friend did it for me, and-"

  "Shhh," Evelyn said, shaking her head with a smile. "Don't worry about it. If it helps, it helps. I know a lot of adults who fall asleep listening to people reading audio books... So it's not a 'little kid' thing to want at all."

  "R-really?" Amber said, with a small sniffle. Her eyes had filled with tears from her momentary panic.

  "Really," Evelyn reassured her, taking a seat on the bed. "...What would you like me to read?"

  "Um, anything," Amber replied, shuffling down into her bed. "...The three little pigs is on my bookshelf, still."

  Again, Evelyn felt the calmness of being in control wash over her as she stood up and grabbed the book from the shelf. With a pang of nostalgia, she turned it to the first page, where a much younger Amber had scrawled her name in all capital letters with half of them backwards.

  For a moment, Evelyn traced it with her fingers, pensive for a few seconds.

  She'd come here to confess her feelings, but this was a special moment too. She only wanted Amber to be happy, and even if she wasn't really a little... Evelyn got to take care of her in this way, at least.

  Noticing the girl watching her carefully from her pillows, Evelyn smiled, cleared her throat, and began to read...


  "...The end," Evelyn finally said, twenty minutes later.

  The story finished, Evelyn closed the book, and smiled lovingly over at Amber, who's eyes were half-lidded, a smile of her own on her face.

  Evelyn hadn't confessed like she'd planned to when she came over here... But this was still a magical experience. Who knew - even if Amber wasn't really a little, it seemed like she enjoyed some aspects of being taken care of. Maybe that was what Evelyn had been picking up on all this time...

  "Well, good night," Evelyn said, as she stood up off of the bed. "Sweet dreams, kiddo."

  "Mmm," Amber said, smiling. "...Thank you so much. That was really nice."

  Instead of saying something back, Evelyn slowly lowered her face, and planted a gentle, chaste kiss on Amber's forehead.

  As she did so, her pinkie twitched. She felt her heart suddenly pound harder, her pupils dilating. Just that small contact seemed to light a fire inside of Evelyn, her heart doing flips as she found that feeling that had been missing with Mikey.

  Evelyn moved her lips downwards, but found Amber's were already pressing up to meet her. Fireworks exploded behind her eyes as they kissed deeply, passionately. There was nothing chaste about the breathless moans of desire they both shared, arms reaching out for each other.

  Pulling away, panting, Evelyn looked deep into Amber's eyes for a moment, on top of her now. She looked for some sign her advances her unwanted, that Amber hadn't asked for this, that Evelyn was every bit the vile creep she'd warned herself she was...

  Her response came in the form of a hard, impatient kiss from Amber, urging her to do it again.

  In between kisses, Evelyn's hands began to roam, stroking Amber's soft skin sensually. Her hand slid under Amber's t-shirt, finding her small breasts, tucked into her cotton bra, nipples hidden but responding instantly to Evelyn's touch.

  "Ohhh," Amber moaned, back arching, heart racing as she felt them stiffen. "Ohhh my God..."

  Evelyn felt similarly, but her brain was currently unconcerned with anything as crude as words right now. Instead, she pushed Amber's shirt right upwards, exposing her chest for kisses and licks that were quickly bestowed.

  The young woman's bliss was evident, as she moaned and squirmed on the bed, spreading her legs, bucking her hips upwards towards Evelyn... Eager, excited, the older woman's hand trailed slowly up Amber's thigh, towards her crotch...

  ...Where she found that same thick, crinkly diaper she'd just put her in.

  Evelyn froze. Amber didn't notice at first that the attention had stopped, but Evelyn began to hyperventilate for all the wrong reasons as she thought about what she was doing.

  Amber had a serious medical condition, and Evelyn had... had... manipulated it, in order to get close to her. She'd let her own perverse fantasies get away from her - and she'd pushed a young girl into a sexual encounter under false pretenses.


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