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Ortona Page 49

by Mark Zuehlke

  Blackburn, Maj. David B., 71, 102, 243

  Blaker, CSM Angus, 73–74

  Bluteau, L/Cpl. E., 209

  Bogert, Lt. Col. M. Pat, 178, 181, 183–84, 225

  Boire, Maj. Michael, ix, 373–74, 376–77

  Bologna, 43

  Bonaparte, Napoleon, 203

  Bowen, CSM Ronald, 252–53, 342

  Bowman, Lt. Buck, 298

  Boyd, Capt. Ed, 279–80, 341–42

  Boyd, L/Cpl. Roy, 351

  Brain, Maj. Donald, 168, 170

  Bren light machine gun, 23–24

  Brindisi, 42

  Buchanan, Capt. W.H., 71, 75, 92–94, 101–2, 125

  Buckley, Christopher, 289

  Bulger, L/Sgt. Victor, 122–24

  Burdett, Capt. Tony, 298–99

  Burns, Capt. F.H., 186–87, 193

  Calgary Herald, 12

  Cameron, Capt. Bordon, 312

  Campobasso, 9, 11, 17, 20–21, 59, 325

  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 119–20, 189, 346

  Canadian Officer Training Corps, 27, 53

  Carey, Lt. R., 86

  Carter, Capt. T. Lem, 72, 102

  Casa Berardi, 187, 193, 195, 201, 214, 281, 374, 376

  1 CIB operations at, 271–74

  battle for, 205–11

  becomes objective, 178

  described, 176

  R22e defence of, 217–21

  R22e isolated at, 225

  Casanova, Americo, 39–40, 45–46, 222, 240, 356–57

  Casanova, Angela, 39, 45–46, 240–41

  Casanova, Maria, 39, 240

  Casanova, Mario, 39, 45, 240

  Cassino, 15

  Cattedrale San Tomasso, 38–39, 122, 246–47, 304, 342, 380

  Caughey, Bob, 181–82

  Cercemaggiore, 11

  Cézanne, Paul, 121, 148, 373

  Christie, Lt. Earl, 57–58

  Churchill, Winston, 4, 161

  Cider Crossroads, 193, 214–15, 218, 224, 230, 238–41, 271, 275, 376

  becomes the objective, 165–66

  Carleton and York attack on, 190–91

  Edmonton confusion over, 168, 172, 175–176

  R22e attack on, 205–11, 225–26

  RCR capture of, 233, 235–37

  Clark, Gen. Mark, 15

  Clark, Maj. R.P., 169

  Clarke, Lt. F.P., 187, 192–93

  Clarke, Lt. J.G., 79

  Clarke, Maj. John, 228, 230, 294–96, 316, 334–35, 338

  Clarkson, Lt. John, 325, 335, 337

  Clover, Cpl. Bill, 349

  Cockford, Pte. John, 325

  Comfort, Capt. Charles, 121–25, 287–88

  Corsica, 48–49

  Coty, Leo, 342

  Cousins, Capt. M., 81

  Crane, Pte. Robert, 336

  Crecchio, 227

  Crofton, Maj. P.L., 172–73

  Cunningham, Maj. D.H., 189

  Currie-Smith, Pte. Gordon, 309–10, 344–45

  Danby, Maj. Dick, 358

  Darling, Lt. Bill, 132

  Davidson, Cpl., 237

  Davidson, CSM W.D., 85

  Day, Maj. Ted, 303

  Decorata Crossroads, 11

  de Faye, Maj. Thomas, 18–19, 26–27, 32, 53–54, 169

  Denison, Sgt. Gordon, 178–79

  De Pencier, Capt. C.R., 181–82

  de Young, Sgt. Jim, 18–19

  Di Cesare, Antonio, 40–42, 47, 50, 159–60, 221, 230–31, 358

  Dick, Co. Sgt. J.E.W., 324–25

  Dieppe, Battle of, 3, 381

  Dillon, Capt. Dick, 298

  D’Intino, Antonio, 43–44, 46–47, 221–23, 357, 376

  Doane, Lt. E.N., 183

  Donald, Maj. Archie, 58

  Donald, Capt. Bob, 203–4, 209–10, 218, 374

  Dougan, Lt. John Alpine, 19–20, 57–59, 167–68, 171–72, 241–42, 252–55, 265, 302–3

  Doyle, Dr. Arthur Manning, 53

  DUKWs (amphibious trucks), 34, 35

  Durnford, Maj. Roy, 148, 312, 321–22, 363

  dysentery, effects of, 53–54

  Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 42

  Elaschuk, Sgt. J., 244–46

  Engleberg, Max, 319

  Eshoo, Dr., 277

  Esson, Pipe Maj. Edmond, 321, 363

  Fairweather, Lt. Dave, 322–23, 331

  Fitzgerald, Capt., 298

  flame-throwers, German use of, 324–25

  Forin, Lt. Col. J. Douglas, 17, 70–72, 74–75, 92–94, 102–3, 141, 149, 169–71

  Foro River, 166

  Forrest, A/Cpl. Red, 233–34

  Fossacesia, 26

  Foster, Maj. Glen, 356

  Francavilla, 200

  Franco, Gen. Francisco, 40

  Fraser, Lt. George, 335

  Fraser, Maj. Robin Bothwell, 128–30, 137

  Fretz, Obergefreiter Willi, 199–200

  Gallagher, Tpr. Joe, 331

  Galloway, Maj. Strome, 130–31, 145, 148–49, 216, 232, 234, 236–37, 297–99, 318–20, 339–40

  Gambling on the High Seas, 28

  Garbutt, Lt. George, xi, 79–81, 184–85

  Garceau, Capt. Ovila, 203–4, 211, 217

  Gargliano River, 366

  Gauthier, Pte. Pierre, 133

  Genoa, 43

  Gibson, Brig. Graeme, 20, 25, 178, 192, 225, 356, 358

  Gibson, CSM Jock, x, 139–41, 244, 258, 284–85, 300–301, 328, 329–30, 332, 261

  Gildersleeve, Lt. Wilf, 306–7, 321–22, 362, 380

  Good, Bert, 181–82

  Graham, Brig. Howard, 69, 110, 127, 135–36, 145, 232

  Guardiagrele, 38, 42

  Guderian, General der Panzertruppen Heinz, 48

  The Gully, 173, 183–88, 223, 227, 233, 238–39, 241, 270, 297, 364

  crossed by Seaforths, 243–44

  described, 166

  final frontal attack on, 224–25

  flanked by R22e, 204–11

  flanked by raids, 190–97

  map errors regarding, 180–81

  paratroopers’ first action at, 200–205

  renewed frontal attacks on, 213–17

  tactics at analyzed, 376–80

  Vokes fails to appreciate, 175–78

  Haley, L/Cpl. Jack, 56, 81–88, 382

  Halton, Matthew, 119–24, 148, 189, 289, 346–47, 349–50, 373

  Hammond, A/Maj. Frank Joseph, 149–50

  Hanbury, Lt. D.C., 245

  Harley, Cpl. Carl, 354

  Harley, Capt. Don, 186, 194, 243–46, 255–56

  Harris, Pte. A.K., 72–75, 141, 169–71, 173–74

  Harris, Peter Carr, 251

  Harrod, Lt., 210

  Hawker, Maj. 317, 336

  Hawkins, Lt. A.W., 276

  Heggie, Lt. R., 324

  Heidrich, General Richard, 161, 212, 259, 272–73, 312–13, 338

  Herr, General der Panzertruppen Traugott, 51, 201, 347

  Hertzberg, Lt. Pete, 298

  Highway 17, 11

  Hill 736, 58–59, 303

  Hitler, Adolf, 13, 313

  Hocking, Sgt. Albert, 152

  Hodson, Maj. Ian, 234–37

  Hoffmeister, Brig. Bert, x, 71, 93, 96, 175, 238, 243, 262

  close calls of, 313–14

  commits PPCLI to Ortona, 345–46

  concern for wounded, 290–91

  decides Ortona is a “tough nut,” 256

  issues Ortona attack order, 155–56

  Jefferson reports success to, 167–68

  and Jock Gibson in Ortona, 300–302

  orders PPCLI out of Villa Rogatti, 108

  refuses 2 CIB withdrawal, 332–33

  relieves Forin, 171

  takes command of 2 CIB, 17–18

  urges flanking of The Gully, 192

  visits Ortona forward positions, 266

  Holmes, Arthur, 119–20, 123

  Hong Kong, Battle of, 3, 381

  Hughes, Tpr. J.B., 242

  Hunt, Capt. J.B., 213

Feldwebel Fritz, 197–200, 223, 283–84, 330, 347–48, 366

  Italy, surrender of, 41–42

  Jackson, Capt. Ernie, 298

  jaundice, 55, 71

  Jefferson, Lt. Col. Jim, 102, 167–68, 252, 262, 302, 314, 341–42, 349

  Johnman, Cpl. J.H., 351

  Johnson, Lt. Alon, 26, 35, 55–58, 254, 329, 348

  Johnson, Capt. F.W., 242

  Johnson, Maj. Winston, 356, 362

  Johnston, Lt. Col. Ian, 127, 142–43, 227–28, 230, 293–94, 296, 299, 315–16, 325–26, 335–37

  Joice, Lt. Jim, 319

  Jones, Lt. James Harvey, 187, 192–93

  Keeler, CSM Gordon, 335

  Kemp, Tpr. E., 242

  Kendel, Joe, 126

  Kennard, Pte. Jack, 185

  Kennedy, Lt. Col. A.A. “Bert”, 65–67, 69–70, 98–100, 110, 273, 275–77, 281, 297

  Kennedy, Maj. Burton, 360

  Kesselring, Generalfeldmarschall Albert, 10–11, 16, 160, 211–12, 260, 268, 326, 378

  King, A/L. Cpl. L.W., 170–71

  Krakauer, Dr. Charlie, 274

  Lanciano, 30

  Langstaff, Lt. George, 66

  La Spezia, 43

  La Torre, 34, 71, 93, 102, 125, 214–16

  Laughlin, Lt. W.N., 358

  Lavoie, Capt., 131–32, 135

  Lee Enfield rifle, 23

  Left Out of Battle (LOB) designation, 13–14

  Lemelsen, General der Panzertruppen Joachim, 211–12, 326, 347

  Leonforte, 58

  Liddell, Capt. Ronald Gordon “Slim”, 130–31, 135, 151–52

  Lithgow, Capt. C.H., 131–32, 233

  Littleford, Capt. Ted, 298

  Longhurst, Capt. Bill, 285–86, 343

  Lungerhausen, Generaleutnant Karl Hans, 160, 212

  Lynch, Lt. Stewart, 309

  Mabley, Pte. Howard, 279–80

  MacDonald, Lt. Ian, 316–17

  MacGregor, Lt. D., 210

  Macintosh, Capt. Hamish, 355

  Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, 59

  MacNeil, Capt. Bob, 191

  Mailer, Norman, ix

  malaria, 53–54

  Mallett, Pte. Fred, 305–6

  Malone, Maj. Richard S., 188

  Maraskas, Capt. L., 235

  Martin, Capt. Harald, 203–4, 218–19

  Maslow, Abraham, x

  Mathers, Maj. Bill, 232–34

  Mathers, Maj. N.L.C., 113–14, 269–70

  Matheson, Capt. John Ross, 178–81

  Maxwell, Capt. Elliott, 217

  McConnell, Pte., 138

  McCullough, Lt. J.L., 77

  McDonald, Pte., 319

  McDougall, Sgt. John, 142

  McGill, Capt. W.L.C., 88

  McGregor, Lt. Keith, 57

  McLaren, Maj. F.G., 125–27, 142

  McLaughlin, Lt. D.S., 170, 174

  McLean, Capt. John F., 139, 257–58, 321

  McNaughton, Sapper Milton C., 129

  McPhee, Pte. Melville, 266, 325, 330, 333–34

  McQuarrie, Padre Ernie, 362

  Meister, Cpl. L.F., 130

  Melvin, Lt. T.E., 242

  Mercer, Capt. Alan W., 138, 243–44, 257

  Merry, CSM Nelson, 126

  Middleton, Lt. Fred, 308

  Middleton, Lt. Tom, 308

  Milan, 36

  Mills, Dr. Frank, 146, 290–91

  Mills, Maj. J.P.C., 228


  Schützenmine (S-mine), 94

  Teller, 138, 258

  Mitchell, Maj. George, 203–4, 220

  Mitchell, Capt. Sandy, 320

  Modena, 36

  Molise province, 43

  Montgomery, General Bernard Law, 4, 14, 19, 29, 51, 326, 377

  leaves Eighth Army, 339–40

  plans breakthrough to Rome, 15–16

  promises “colossal crack,” 9–10

  response to Moro River crossing, 156

  sets Ortona as objective, 30–32

  urges Vokes to haste, 188–90

  visits Vokes’s HQ, 214

  Montreal Gazette, 189

  Morgan, Lt. H.G., 358–59

  Morning Glory, 225–32, 273

  Moro River, 4, 26, 37, 56, 112, 173–75, 197, 226, 369

  1 CIB operations north of, 177–78, 181

  90th’s casualties at, 159–60, 366

  battle’s effect on divisional cohesion, 364

  Canadian deployment before, 26, 29–31, 33–35, 52–53, 61

  first assault on, 65–110

  German line at, 16–17, 44, 47, 49, 51, 115

  media and, 189, 346

  ramifications of The Gully on, 166–67

  RCR north of, 216, 232

  second assault on, 119–55

  secured, 155–57

  today, 374

  Moro River Canadian Cemetery, 373–74

  Morrison, Tpr. J., 331

  Mottl, Sgt. J., 245

  Mount Etna, 13

  Mount Seggio, 13

  mouse-holing, 285–87, 301–2, 343

  Mowat, Lt. Farley, 52, 66, 69, 99, 276

  Munro, Ross, 289

  Mussolini, Benito, 37, 40–41, 289

  Nebelwerfer, 114

  Nelson, Maj. Gerry, 233

  nepadrine, 56

  New Coastal Highway, 16, 175, 190, 241, 351–52

  New York Telegraph, 189, 289

  New York Times, 189

  Nolan, A/CSM Bill, 112–13

  Ogilvie, Maj. William, 121

  Old Coastal Highway 16, 21, 29, 96, 326

  O’Neill, Pte. G.E., 342

  Operation Raincoat, 15

  Orange Blossom, 225–28, 232–34

  Orsogna, 156, 238

  Ortona, ix, 4, 43, 97, 155–56, 182, 293, 341, 354, 369

  “angels of,” 291

  assault on planned, 238

  battle’s last stage, 343–48

  becomes the objective, 30–31

  Canadian casualties in, 363–64

  Canadian looting in, 350–51

  Canadians attack, 241–46

  cathedral destroyed, 247

  Christmas dinner in, 322

  civilians return to, 357–58

  Comfort describes, 122

  Dec. 22–23 fighting in, 278–90

  Dec. 24 fighting in, 300–14

  Dec. 26 fighting in, 328–34, 338–39

  Dedscribed, 36–40

  early stage of battle for, 251–74

  flame-thrower used in, 324

  German behaviour in, 221–22

  German casualties in, 366–67

  Germans commit to defend, 239–41

  Germans fear loss of, 212

  Germans occupy, 43–48

  Germans prepare to defend, 222–23

  Halton tours, 349–50

  King Vittorio Emanuele II escapes from, 42

  Lemelsen’s lament, 326

  outflanking considered, 84, 102

  paratroopers sent to, 160–63, 197, 200

  PPCLI objective in, 168, 175–76

  press attention on, 189

  RCR attack toward proposed, 232

  today, 373–82

  visible from Moro River, 17, 35

  Ortona-Orsogna lateral road, 175, 225–27, 229, 238, 241, 255, 277, 379

  attack on from Villa Rogatti advocated, 102, 108

  as offensive objective, 35, 84, 136, 143, 156, 165–66

  R22e closes, 208–11

  as R22e’s first objective, 205

  as target of raids, 178, 187, 193

  Ottawa Citizen, 189

  Palmer, Pte. Charles, 126

  Pangman, Lt. Col. John E.C., 191, 356, 358

  Parma, 43

  Paulus, Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich, 272

  Pelletier, Helene, 202–3

  Pemberton, Sgt. Gordon, 149–50

  Penhale, Brig. Howard, 20

  Pescara, 15, 31, 36, 42–43, 162, 240–41, 269, 271, 304, 377

  Pétain, Gen. Henri Philippe, 210

  PIAT (“Projector Infantry Anti-Tank”) operation described, 87

  use at Casa Berardi, 206–7

  Pickering, Lt. Jack, 316–17, 354–55

  Point 59, 352–53, 356, 359, 367–69, 377

  Ponsford, Sgt. Maj. George, 110

  Porta Caldari, 41

  Powers, Lt. Bill, 298

  Price, Cpl. Thomas James, 139

  Quayle, Lt. Jimmy, 133–34, 151–54, 234–36, 318–19

  quinine, 55–56

  Rankin, Pte. Harry, 24, 286–87

  Rattray, Pte. C.G., 265–66

  Rau, Tpr. A.J., 242

  Regalbuto, 242

  Reggio, 36

  Reid, Charlie, 274

  Riccio River, 272, 351–52, 354–55, 367

  Richard, Lt. Marcel, 205–6, 208

  Richards, Lt. Jerry, 9–15, 29, 32–33, 53, 104–9, 146–47

  Riddell, Lt. W., 86–87

  Robertson, Capt. R.F.S., 78, 89

  Robinson, Lt. L., 246

  Rocca San Giovanni, 146

  Rome, 36, 38, 41–42, 50, 188, 326, 366, 377–78

  as Montgomery’s main objective, 10, 15–16, 30, 31

  Romkey, Lt. G.E., 187, 225

  Rousseau, Sgt. J.P., 206–7

  Royal Canadian Avenue, 216, 297

  Ruckdeschel, Leutnant, 89–91

  Saint Mary Magdalene, 39

  Saint Thomas, 38, 247

  San Apollinare, 175

  San Donato, 37, 96–97, 110, 113, 130–31, 157–58, 216, 288, 376

  Sangro River, 46, 48, 146, 157, 161, 175, 200, 291, 377

  3 CIB stranded south of, 34–35

  battle for, 14–17

  bridge washed out, 30

  Canadian move to, 9, 20–22

  crossing of, 25–29

  San Leonardo, x, 37, 108, 165–68, 214, 216, 236, 241, 274,

  as 3 CIB HQ, 204

  as base for new offensive, 155–57, 178–79, 181–82

  becomes the objective, 32, 35

  capture of, 136–43

  first attack on, 65, 70–75, 92–96, 101–2

  Highlanders’ O Group near, 227

  second attack on, 110, 113, 125–28

  RCR battalion parade near, 232

  Regimental Aid Post (RAP) in, 170–171, 173

  today, 375, 376

  San Nicola, 272, 293, 296, 315, 334, 352

  Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, 39, 243, 255–56, 262, 285, 312, 320–23, 380

  San Tomasso, 272, 293, 296, 315, 334, 338, 352, 354–55

  San Vito Chietino, x, 26, 30, 37, 53, 274, 287, 306, 312, 359

  as medical base, 145–47, 290

  and Moro River barrage, 121–22

  Sardinia, 48–49

  Sicily, 69, 121, 182, 269, 309, 364

  and 1st Parachute Division, 160, 201

  Baade commands withdrawal from, 212

  campaign in, 52–56, 58–60

  casualties since, 23–24

  Dougan wins Military Cross for, 303

  German forces concentrated in, 41

  German snipers in, 280–81

  invasion of, 13, 17

  and Montgomery, 10, 29

  strategy regarding, 4

  Simard, Lt. F., 257

  Simms, Maj. Graeme, 191


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