by Mark Zuehlke
Simonds, Maj. Gen. Guy Granville, 17
Smith, Sgt. Basil, 21, 70, 110–12, 274, 277
Smith, Lt. Don, 19, 359–60, 362–63, 367–69
Smith, Pte. Ernest “Smoky,” 323
Smith, Maj. Herschell A., 177, 194–97, 203–5, 207–11, 214, 218–19
Smith, Lt. J.B., 237
Smith, Capt. Lloyd, 125–26, 228, 230
Smith, Chaplain Waldo E., 148, 179–80
Smith, CSM W.C., 310
snipers, German/Allied tactics compared, 280–83
Soley, Capt. Vic, 350
Springsteel, Pte. Elwyn R., 19, 253
Spry, Brig. Daniel Charles, 234, 272–73, 293, 298, 317, 336
assumes 1 CIB command, 232
and RCR attack toward San Leonardo, 131–34, 145, 148–49, 151
Stalingrad, Battle of, 48, 272, 283, 289, 313, 347
Steenhoff, Tpr. G. B., 242
Sten submachine gun, 24
Sterlin, Lt. Mitch, 132–35, 151–54, 232–34, 236, 374, 376
Sterlin Castle, 133–35, 151–54, 216, 376
Stone, Maj. Jim, 172, 242–43, 251–54, 257, 281, 302–3, 324, 328, 350
bold dash of, 261–65
described, 167
on mouse-holing, 286
Strait of Messina, 212
Strickland, Gnr. Bill, 115–16, 124
Stursberg, Peter, 121
Talbot, L/Cpl. Bill, 185
Taranto, 43
Taylor, Sgt. Bill, 355
Teece, L/Cpl. John H., 103
Telford, Jack, 277
Termoli, 20–21
Terry, Sgt., 237
Thomas, Capt. Ernest “June” Webb, 176–77, 185–86, 204, 243, 288–89, 308–9, 311–12, 321, 328–29, 343
commands Seaforth raid, 194–96
Thompson, Cpl. N.K., 126
Thomson, Lt. Col. Sydney W., 194, 196, 216, 244, 246, 320, 322, 330, 343, 346
assumes Seaforth command, 171
authorizes Christmas dinner, 312
confusion over orders to Thomas, 186
and Maj. Tom Vance’s death, 307–8
Toby, Dr. Bruce, 146
Tollo, 46, 222, 240, 271–72, 352, 356
Tomasik, Cpl. George, 354
Torre Mucchia, 313, 351–52, 356, 369, 379
Triquet, Georges, 202–3
Triquet, Louis-Desire, 202
Triquet, Capt. Paul, 202–5, 207–11, 214, 217–18, 281, 374, 376
Troy, 37
Tucci, Anna, 96–97, 157–58, 288, 376
Turnbull, L/Cpl. Bill, 59, 61, 267
Turnbull, Cpl. Gord, 59, 267, 331, 354
Turnbull, Cpl. Joe, 59–61, 267, 331, 345, 350, 354
Turnbull, Peggy, 60
Tweedsmuir, Lt. Col. John, 66
Tyrrhenian Sea, 10
Vance, Maj. Tom, 71, 73–74, 307–8, 374
Vasto, 21
Vatican City, 38
Villa Caldari, 34, 84, 107
Villa Deo, 47, 50, 159, 221
Villa Grande, 47, 102, 200, 221–22, 225–27, 230–31, 236, 271, 275, 340
Villa Jubatti, 34, 84, 107
Villa Rogatti, xi, 65, 67, 96, 104, 137, 374–75, 378
battle for, 76–91
exploitation through considered, 101–2
PPCLI withdraws from, 107–8
set as diversionary objective, 32–35
Vino Ridge, 165, 168, 170, 175, 184–86, 190, 238, 241, 345
Vittorio Emanuele III, 41–42, 44
Vokes, Maj. Gen. Chris, 14, 69, 78, 113, 115, 143, 173, 205, 293, 367
analysis of tactics of, 377–79
on battle casualties, 365–66
Christmas message of, 327
continues Gully frontal attacks, 213–17
Dec. 11 orders, 175–78
decides on silent Moro River assaults, 67
decides to flank Ortona, 271–72
describes soldiers, 22
gives 2 CIB chance to break off, 332–33
makes Villa Rogatti primary objective, 101–2
misjudges The Gully, 165–66
orders 2 CIB attack toward Ortona, 237–38
orders final Gully frontal attack, 234–35
orders renewed San Leonardo attack, 136–37
pressured by Monty, 188–90
sets new strategy, 196–97
strategy after Ortona, 351–53
takes command of 1st Canadian Infantry Division, 17
told Villa Rogatti bridge not possible, 108
troops’ opinion of, 18–20
urged to haste by Allfrey, 32
Walker, Lt. Stan, 110
Walsh, Lt. Col. Geoff, 101, 108, 137
Ware, Lt. Col. Cameron Bethel, 67, 76–78, 86–89, 104, 137, 168–69, 172, 176, 216
argues for Villa Rogatti exploitation, 107–8
crosses Moro River, 81–83
Warner, Pte. Vic, 307
Waterman, Maj. Ron, 192, 225
Watson, Maj. W., 79, 86, 168
Wellburn, Sgt. Stan, 312
Wellesley, Arthur, v
Wentzell, Generalmajor Fritz, 160, 212, 260, 347, 366
Westphal, General der Kavallerie Siegfried, 260
Wiley, Pte. Howard, 307
Wilkes, Chaplain Rusty, 148
Williams, Pte. R. J., 351
Winter Line, 10, 15
Woods, Jimmy, 57
Wyman, Brig. Robert Andrew, 137–38
Yearwood, CSM Cecil Napoleon, 150
York, Sgt. Alvin, 234
Young, Clayton, 274
1st Canadian Infantry Division, 4, 12–13, 70, 71, 136, 213, 351, 374, 377
1st Parachute Division deployed against, 269
assembles south of Moro, 28
breaches Moro River line, 155
campaign effects on, 52
at Campobasso, 9
and casualties, 56, 156, 340, 353, 363, 364–65, 367
CBC and, 120–21
Dec. 11 orders of, 175
Eighth Army HQ critical of, 188
general attitude regarding Hoffmeister, 18
Highlanders cut off from, 142
HQ plans after Casa Berardi, 237–38
and medical units, 145
move to Moro River, 17, 20–21
officers opinions of Vokes, 20
prior to Sicily, 3–4
response to snipers, 281
and Vokes, 17, 271, 327
5th Canadian Armoured Division, 373
1st Canadian Infantry Brigade (1 CIB), 127, 214–15, 317, 338, 352, 379
as base for cutting Ortona-Pescara road, 346
casualties of, 156
expands bridgehead, 102
fails to take San Leonardo, 136–37
Kennedy seeks attack approval of, 69
mounts northeastern offensive, 271, 273, 293, 297
moves into Moro River line, 28–29, 65
moves to Sangro River, 20, 22
Orders Group, 110
San Leonardo show, 113
2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade (2 CIB), 13, 69, 167, 300, 343, 345
assigned Ortona assault, 237–38
command of shifts to Hoffmeister, 17–18
committed to Ortona battle, 271
Dec. 10 attack on The Gully, 166–73, 215
effectiveness of after Ortona, 352
enters San Leonardo, 145
fails to capture Vino Ridge, 184
first Moro River attack of, 70–96
and Hoffmeister’s orders to Forin, 71
mired before The Gully, 177
mounts tank-supported assault on San Leonardo, 135
moves into Moro River line, 28–29
moves west toward Villa Rogatti, 102–4
in Ortona, 256
patrol reports of ignored, 175
patrols for crossings, 32
plans to seize Ortona-Orsogn
a lateral road, 165
prepares for night attack, 35
provides mortar support, 190
Vokes visits HQ of, 332–333
3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade (3 CIB), 178, 190, 217, 224, 356, 358
Allard provides mobile HQ link to, 204
and Brig. Howard Penhale, 20
crosses Sangro, 146
ordered into battle, 175
and R22e strength, 197
stranded on Sangro southern shore, 34–35
tasked to take Point 59, 352
and upper Sangro diversion, 16
withdrawal from upper Sangro, 28
Armoured Units
Canadian Armoured Corps 1st Canadian Army Tank (Armoured)
Brigade, 4, 9, 28, 52, 56, 93, 136, 156, 353
11th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Ontario Tanks), 177, 187, 192–97, 214, 219, 224–25, 316, 359–60
battle for Point 59, 367–69
breakthrough to Highlanders, 335–37
Maj. Smith’s raid, 194–96
supports Hasty P’s, 274–77
supports R22e, 205–11
12th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Three Rivers Tanks), 148, 329, 345, 374
Amazing knocked out, 331
attacks toward Ortona, 241–43
bombards Ortona castle, 344
in Dead Horse Square, 311–12
Dec. 26 strength of in Ortona, 339
on edge of Ortona, 254–57
fights in outskirts, 266–67
provides firepower to 2 CIB in Ortona, 282, 301
role in Stone’s bold dash, 262–65
supports Morning Glory and Orange Blossom, 226, 228–30, 233–34
supports RCR, 235,
Turnbull family’s service in, 59–61
14th Canadian Armoured Regiment (Calgary Tanks), 168
assigned to support Seaforths, 136
captures San Leonardo, 137–43
casualties at Moro River, 156–57
Germans fire on, 171–72
supports Carleton and York Gully attack, 190–91
supports Loyal Edmontons, 165
Infantry Battalions/Regiments
48th Highlanders of Canada, 271–73, 277, 352, 363
attack Riccio River ridge, 292–97
casualties of, 156
cross the Moro, 125–28
and friendly fire, 142, 233, 354–55
isolated inside German lines, 315–19
and Morning Glory, 225–31
plan for San Leonardo attack, 113–14
and RCR attempts to relieve, 298–99
ridge siege relieved, 334–39, 346
SLI resupply, 325–26
tasked with Morning Glory attack, 214–15
Calgary Highlanders, 13
Cape Breton Highlanders, 364
Carleton and York (C&Y), 19, 362–63, 379
attack The Gully, 190–91, 195
delayed south of the Sangro, 34
drive toward Point 59, 356, 359–60
mop up north of The Gully, 238
mount final attack on Point 59, 367–69
mount frontal assault on The Gully, 215–17
and Orange Blossom friendly fire, 233
ordered to take Point 59, 352
Pangman relieved of command of, 358
throw back counterattacks, 214
and upper Sangro diversion, 16, 28
Hastings and Prince Edward, 52, 122, 200, 295, 297, 299, 319, 346
attack towards Riccio River, 272–77
casualties of, 156, 318
driven back by counterattacks, 213
first Moro River crossing, 67–70
Highlanders’ move through, 292–93
and Moro River bridgehead, 102, 109–10, 135, 143–44, 149–51, 153, 160, 175, 238
move into Moro River line, 65
move to Sangro River, 21
and RCR pass through, 130–31
second Moro River crossing, 97–100
support C&Y Gully attack, 190–92
and Tollo Road ridgeline, 278
Loyal Edmonton, 19, 55, 57, 190, 238, 244, 332-34, 341–43, 374, 379–81
advance to San Leonardo planned, 143, 155–56
attacks through PPCLI planned, 83, 91, 102, 107
attacks toward Ortona, 241–43
and battle aftermaths, 349–52
breaks through to outskirts, 251–55
Cape Bretoners reinforce, 364
Christmas of, 324–25
Dec. 10 Gully attack, 167–69, 171–73, 215–16
Dec. 22–23 fighting, 278–290
Dec. 24 fighting, 301–14
Dec. 26 fighting, 328–30
house-to-house fighting starts, 265–66
moves to Sangro River, 17, 26
pushes into Ortona, 257
reserve at Villa Rogatti, 35
Stone’s bold dash, 261–65
strength of, 338–39
and Vino Ridge, 165–66, 176, 184, 190
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI), xi, 12–13, 56, 137, 146, 213, 374–75, 382
advances through Ortona, 351–52
assigned Villa Rogatti attack, 35, 65, 67
battles for Villa Rogatti, 76–91, 96
committed to Ortona battle, 345–46
extends lines, 215–16
on Moro River line, 32
moves to Moro River, 9, 17, 20, 25, 29, 53
mules, use of, 70
ordered to withdraw, 107–8
as Ortona reserve, 256
resupply of, 104–7
at San Leonardo, 155–56
in Villa Rogatti, 102
and Vino Ridge, 165, 168–72, 176, 184–85, 190–91, 200, 238
Royal 22e (Van Doos), 197, 213–14, 281, 352, 374, 376, 379
assault on Casa Berardi, 203–11
captures Tollo Road crossroads, 358
delayed by Sangro bridge washout, 34
siege of Casa Berardi, 217–21, 225, 227
stalled at Riccio River, 355–56
supports C&Y Gully attack, 190
and upper Sangro diversion, 16, 28
Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR), 142, 147, 213, 215–16, 325, 335, 339–40, 376
attacks toward San Leonardo, 113–14, 125, 127–29, 130–35, 144–45, 148–49
casualties of, 156
Christmas Eve attack, 297–99
defence of Sterlin Castle, 150–54
Orange Blossom, 225–26, 232–34
plans attack toward Riccio River, 272
relieves Highlanders, 346
takes Cider Crossroads, 235–37
tries to relieve Highlanders, 296–99, 318–20
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, 24, 88, 107, 148, 266, 343, 361, 374, 380
A company’s raid, 192, 194–96, 205
attack toward Ortona, 238, 241, 243–46
bury dead, 363
capture San Leonardo, 136, 138–43
casualties of, 155–56
Christmas dinner 320–23
Dec. 22–23 fighting, 278–90
Dec. 24 fighting, 300–313
Dec. 26 fighting, 328–33, 339
enter Ortona, 255–59
first attack on San Leonardo, 35, 65, 67, 70–75, 92–96, 108
at La Torre, 215–16
move to Moro River, 17
and Ortona aftermath, 350–52
rescue Currie-Smith, 344–45
and Vino Ridge, 165, 169–71, 175–76, 178, 185–86
withdrawn from San Leonardo attack, 101–4
West Nova Scotia, 200, 208, 211, 217, 352
attacks The Gully, 178–81, 190–92
effect of casualties on, 214
final attack on The Gully, 224–25
and German counterattack, 183–84
Gully flanking raid of, 186–87, 192–94
stuck south of Sangro, 34
and Upper Sangro diversion, 16, 28
Other Units
ps of Royal Canadian Engineers, 71, 137, 251, 257, 275
3rd Field Company, 72
4th Field Company, 241
bridge the Moro, 125, 128–30
and “impossible bridge,” 101–2, 108
and Moro River bridging, 32, 35, 93
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, 146
Royal Canadian Artillery 1st Antitank Regiment (90th Battalion), 278
1st Field Regiment (Royal Canadian Horse Artillery), 114, 122, 157, 178, 181–83, 191, 203, 218–20, 227, 374
2nd Field Regiment, 72, 75, 93, 98, 102, 114, 157
3rd Field Regiment, 114, 157
Saskatoon Light Infantry (SLI), 18, 53, 81, 105, 114, 123, 169, 227, 292
deploys on Moro River line, 32
and Moro River barrage, 93, 97
resupplies Highlanders, 325–26
unit described, 26–27
Desert Air Force, 10
Eighth Army, 4, 26, 44, 50, 180, 260, 262, 339–40, 366, 377–78
in Africa, 40, 48
artillery tactics of, 67
and “colossal crack” plan, 9–11
and German strategy toward changes, 162
and Moro River barrage, 115, 157
mules, use of, 70
password protocol of, 105
Pescara-to-Rome attack strategy of, 15, 30–31, 188–89
plans for Ortona port, 238
and snipers, 281
strength of, 268–69
V Corps, 15–16, 30
2nd New Zealand, 15–16, 30, 340
5th Infantry Division, 16, 28
8th Indian Division, 15–16, 33, 114, 136–37, 157, 227, 231, 340
78th Infantry Division, 15–17, 22, 25–26, 28–29, 32, 48, 65
Regiments and Brigades
4th Armoured Brigade, 16
4th Royal Artillery Regiment, 114
38th Brigade, 32, 35
44th Royal Tank Regiment, 76–77
57th Field Regiment, 114
70th Royal Artillery Medium Regiment, 114
98th Army Field Regiment, 114
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 29
Royal West Kent Regiment, 108
5th Army, 4, 10–11, 15
82nd American Airborne Division, 41
1st Parachute Division, 315
1st Para Regiment at Point 59, 356, 358, 369
3rd Para Regiment, 160, 161, 197, 200, 268, 275, 312
4th Para Regiment, 313
casualties of, 366–67
Dec. 22–23 fighting in Ortona, 279–91
Dec. 24 fighting in Ortona, 303–14
defends Casa Berardi, 205–11
described, 160–61
destroys Cattedrale San Tomasso, 246
Fretz joins, 199–200
Illi’s service in, 197–99
initial defence of Ortona, 252–74
reinforce 90th, 205, 211–13
relieves 90th, 200–201
siege of Highlanders broken, 334–39
snipers, use of, 282–83