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No Final Destination (Happy Endings Resort Series Book 17)

Page 8

by Penny Harmon

  Chapter 18

  Clark put the last of his books into a box and sat down on the couch. The only thing left not packed was his clothing and personal items. He could do those anytime in the next week or so. He wasn’t heading out for two weeks, but he hated to leave things for the last minute.

  He had spoken to Susan last week and she had agreed to hold Sarah and Sophie for him until he left for Maine. From the moment he decided to make the move he knew he couldn’t leave them behind.

  Thinking of Sarah and Sophie, however, brought him right back to thoughts of Paige. He’d tried. He would have followed her all the way to Arkansas if he hadn’t run into her in Georgia. With a sigh, he realized none of it mattered now. She’d made her decision.

  When he had called Jade back and let her know that things hadn’t worked out as planned with Paige, she’d insisted that he come to Maine for a fresh start. Things were pretty hectic with the family’s arch nemesis missing in action and hopefully he’d be able to help.

  Earlier this morning, he’d had his telephone interview with the Sheriff in Maine and as long as he showed up within two weeks the job was his. Everything was going according to plan.

  His plans were to stay at the lodge until he could figure out where he was going to live. Jade and her family had offered him a small piece of land for a great price, but he’d still have to figure out what he would put on it.

  Stretching his back and shoulders, he winced as his side hurt. It had only been a few weeks since he’d been shot, but he was feeling a lot better. Still sore, but that was to be expected or so he’d been told.

  A knock sounded at the door jarring him out of his thoughts. Opening it, his jaw dropped as he found Paige standing directly in front of him.

  She didn’t meet his eyes, but instead stared at the steps and asked, “Can I come in?”

  He took a step back and opened the door wider. She looked great and he wanted nothing more than to pull her close to him and wrap his arms around her to hold her tight. Controlling his urges, he turned around and shut the door behind him to follow her in the living room.

  He found her standing there looking at the room full of boxes. “You’re leaving?” she asked quietly.

  “I am, but not for another week and a half or so.”

  “Maine?” her voice quavered.

  “Yes, I’m taking a job on the Sheriff’s department up there…figured I needed to get out of here…it couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  Paige nodded her head and sat down on the couch. “I’m happy for you,” she whispered.

  “Why are you here, Paige?” he asked standing in front of her.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t think it matters now.”

  “It matters, Paige.” He bent his knees and crouched in front of her. Still, she didn’t meet his eyes.

  “I…I just…it doesn’t matter, Clark,” she whispered.

  “Damnit, Paige. Why did you come here?” he growled. “I need to hear you say it.”

  Paige blinked her eyes. “I…I wanted to say I’m sorry for how I acted…for leaving…for everything.”

  “Why?” he asked. He needed to hear her say the words he needed.

  “I just thought that…I didn’t know you were leaving.”

  “Me leaving has nothing to do with this or us, Paige.”

  Paige shook her head and, when she tried to stand up, he placed each of his hands on each side of the couch, blocking her exit.

  “No, you are not walking out again until you tell me why you’re here.”

  Paige, looking like a deer caught in headlights, just stared at him. His breath caught in his throat when she reached her hand out and touched his cheek. “I’m sorry for what I did. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just…I got scared, Clark.”

  “Scared of me?” he whispered.

  “Scared of what I felt…that I would get hurt and I couldn’t let that happen,” she cried.

  “Oh, Paige. I would never hurt you…I wish you knew how much I care about you,” he told her and leaned closer.

  Paige’s arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. Her face nuzzled his neck and he felt the wetness of her tears on his skin.

  “Everything is going to be fine, Paige…just you wait and see,” he whispered.

  Chapter 19

  One Year Later

  “Did you pack your swim shorts?” Paige yelled to Clark from the walk-in closet.

  “Yes, I did. I told you I’ve been packed for a week. I didn’t wait ‘til the last minute,” he laughed.

  Paige made a face, unseen by Clark, but then she smiled. She and Clark were very different, but it worked. She still couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  Married just six month now, they were finally taking some time off to go on an actual honeymoon. When they had first moved to Maine there hadn’t been time.

  They had combined their money and purchased a large piece of land just a few miles from Clark’s family and then took a mortgage out on home loan to build themselves a small log cabin. Of course, they were going to have to add on now, but Clark didn’t know that yet.

  Yesterday, she had taken a trip into Presque Isle to see her doctor and he had confirmed that in eight months, they would become parents. She was saving that news for when they got to Endings.

  When Clark asked where she wanted to go for their honeymoon, she had smiled. Happy Endings Resort was the perfect place to celebrate their marriage.

  She remembered the day that she had come back from Georgia to find that the manager had already rented her trailer out. For Clark, it had been a no-brainer. She could stay with him until he moved. She had no idea that he was going to push her so hard to move with him.

  Now that she thought about it, she knew she would have done anything that Clark had asked. Once she had removed the barriers, she’d fallen fast and, a year later, she still couldn’t get enough of him.

  “What are you doing in here?” Clark asked as he came through the door of the closet.

  Paige smiled. “Just thinking about us.”

  Coming closer, he pulled Paige into his arms. “We are perfect.”

  “Yes, we are,” she whispered as she brought her lips to his.

  A second later, they were interrupted by barking. They quickly left the closet to find out what had gotten the dogs in such a ruckus.

  Sarah and Sophie were standing on the porch while the miniature donkey that had just come to stay with them tried to crawl up the steps.

  “Looks like we have an escape artist on our hands,” Clark laughed.

  “You just want some attention, don’t you?” Paige giggled. “She really is sweet, but I think she needs some company.”

  “You want another one?” Clark chuckled.

  “How about a goat?” Paige continued to stroke the donkey’s back. The donkey had already put on more weight in the two weeks it had come to them after being rescued from a hoarder.

  “It’s a good thing we have twenty acres,” was all Clark replied.

  “You sure that Johnson can handle all the animals?” she asked. Johnson was Jade’s younger brother and had spent a lot of time helping them when they built their house.

  “Don’t worry. Johnson will take good care of them.”

  Sitting down on the steps of the porch, Paige looked around at her surroundings. Their log cabin was perched on the side of a small hill and they had a great view of the field to the side and the mountains in the distance.

  She had never expected her life to be like this. She’d been on the run for almost ten years, but hadn’t discovered until it was almost too late that she wasn’t running from anyone but herself.

  It had taken Clark to make her realize this about herself and, once she did, she’d never wanted to run again.

  When Clark sat down beside her, she reached out and held his hand. She couldn’t wait to see how he would react when she told him that she was carrying a child.

  Looking up at him, she smiled. “You
ready to leave tomorrow?”

  “I’m ready for anything,” he whispered just before his lips touched hers.

  Want to know more about Clark’s family in Maine? Interested in finding out what happens between Clark and Paige? You will be able to find them in:

  The Moose Valley Series

  Look for:

  Jade’s Promise: Coming in June 2017

  Also, be on the lookout for the next book in The Happy Endings Resort Series

  Enjoy the prologue for Book 18


  By: K. Pinson

  Coming May 1, 2017

  My day had started like any other but things felt much different. Newfound confidence helped me get through my days even with the anxiety pouring through my veins. I lived in a dark mental place which she illuminated every time she was near. Of course, I could never tell her. The weight of pressure wasn’t something she dealt with well. In fact, relationships were not her forte. I tried to understand where she was coming from, I know some about her past though she never really wants to talk about it with me, but my feelings are very strong for her and the selfish part of me just wants them to be reciprocated. Even if that means cutting herself open at the vein and pouring all the bad out so she can let me in. This girl had been through so many things that I could never dream possible. Had I known she was forced to endure that abuse, I would have murdered her Mother myself.

  I grew up at Happy Endings Resort. I hated every moment, knowing that I was never meant to spend the first part of my life there. My family lived in an enormous and beautiful house until I was eight years old. That year my Father unexpectedly passed away in a car accident. We didn’t have any savings and all the life insurance went to securing a new vehicle and paying for his funeral expenses. My Mom could not afford to keep us living the same lifestyle, even with her working two jobs. Soon after we were forced to move into Happy Endings. It ended up being one of the most important pathways in my life, leading me directly to her. Though I could not have foreseen the future then. I’m thankful for it now. Growing up alongside two girls who didn’t have life easy for them helped to mold me into the man I am today. I learned to appreciate things that others didn’t have and especially those who I cared about. I began to cherish the women in my life, even when that wasn’t always best for me. People may take you for granted, but it doesn’t mean you should stop trying. Never give up loving.

  I walk out of my trailer knowing that I won’t be back here for quite some time, if only to visit my Mom. Excitement for school has me completely lost in thought. My acceptance letter from The Art Institute arrived a few weeks back, and ever since I’ve felt nothing but bittersweet confusion. I knew that attending the art school was the best thing for me, however I was frightened at the possibility of leaving her behind. Leaving them behind.

  I shut my conscience down.

  This day is too important to let any sadness seep through. Hope filters in and I can’t help but smile. I’m going to ask her if she will go with me. I turn around realizing I walked passed my bike. I jump on my motorcycle and take off towards the town’s tattoo parlor.

  This girl has always been a walking contradiction. From the confident air about her to the way she snarks at everyone. When internally, I know she’s drowning. She doesn’t let many in to see that side of herself though. Always keeping a calm and collected demeanor, while dying inside. Even her appearance is off putting to some. She is covered in tattoos but has her hair the very same cut and color since high school, keeping it all natural. She wears minimal makeup but there is still something dark and smoky about her eyes. She is beautiful in every single way but doesn’t know it. Her beauty sneaks up on you because she doesn’t allow herself to be the center of attention, but it packs such a force that you’re knocked completely off your feet. At least, that’s what happened to me.

  My legs propel me, steadily making my way to the door. I can hear the music blasting and see her dancing around inside. I love her new sense of freedom, no longer bound by the chains of her past. She’s wearing ripped black jean shorts and a black crop top. Her lean body on display. I love when she wears her dark hair like this, piled on top of her head and messy, effortlessly gorgeous. I want nothing more than to wrap my hands around it and pull it down so I can run through the length of it with my fingertips. I sneak in, hoping she doesn’t hear the doorbell go off over the music. If she did, she doesn’t turn around. I saunter over to where she’s shaking her hips to the music, her back to me. I grab her around the waist and she melts against my chest, her body molding into mine perfectly. It is only recent that she doesn’t shy away from my touch. When I first tried that, she nearly jumped out of her skin. The thought of it immediately pisses me off again and I tense. The situations she has faced through her life that turned her hard and cold, unwelcoming to another human touch, twists my gut in a knot. She turns around in my arms and studies me. Her scrutinization used to make me feel self-conscious but now I revel in it. I like when she looks at me, really looks, right into my depths.

  “Mornin’.” She whispers, bringing her lips gently to mine. She holds me captive.

  Everything with her feels so natural and it’s hard to believe that we’ve gotten so close in the span of a few months. Sure, we’ve known each other since we were young. But our relationship is much different now than it was then. It didn’t help that I chased after her sister for years.

  “Hey Princess,” I whisper against her lips. She hates when I call her any type of pet names so I switch them up all the time. Whatever comes to mind that day, I just go with it.

  She pulls back with a grin on her face.

  “Ass.” She laughs and it’s a sound I want to hear more of.

  “Your ass,” I respond with a grin.

  We haven’t made anything official and this is the longest she’s let me hold her since we first realized our attraction for each other. She’s so different from other girls in many ways. There are parts of me that want to treat her like she’s made from glass and though she may shy away from my touch, I know she’s by no means fragile. She’s been through hell but doesn’t ever complain about it. She just keeps moving forward. I aspire to live my life the way she lives hers. I want my love to fill all the cracks in her hard exterior. I don’t want to change her or fix her, she’s perfect in every way. But I want to allow her to let go. I want her to get lost in me the same way I’m lost in her.

  “What do you say about closing down the shop today and just spending some time together?” she asks timidly.

  Like I could turn down an offer like that. The breath I’ve been holding in expels quietly and I feel like a weight lifts from my shoulders.

  “You better call Cyber and tell him not to come in today. I don’t want any interruptions.”

  Closing my eyes, I send a silent prayer up that today is the day she finally lets me in fully. That will make my question much easier. I know it is soon for us but when you know, you know. I just hope she feels the same way I do.

  She grabs her cell from the front desk and makes the call. He let her know he only had one client today anyway and was more than happy to take a day off. I lock the door and leave the sign where it lay in the closed position. We head upstairs to the apartment she has above the shop. Her boss lets her stay here for cheap. She’s one of the best tattoo artists in the area so he would probably let her stay for free if she would allow that. But she’s filled with chest swelling pride. I’ve been up here a time or two to hang out but usually with our group of friends. It has never been just us but for more than a few moments.

  The minute the door closes and our shoes are off, she turns around and wraps her arms around my neck. It is as if the world fades away and we are in our own dimension. Nobody here but us.

  “Hi,” I whisper into an already quiet room.

  She smiles, it creeps up, reaching all the way to her hazel eyes. Instantly my lips meet hers and every bit of feeling I have is exuding out. I need her to know how amazing she
is. We break apart and I instantly feel the loss.

  “I need you so much closer.”

  Those words send me into overdrive. They resonate within me because I feel it too. The need for my body to touch hers, for our hearts to beat together. To feel her shaky breath and her cracking exterior. The want for her to fall apart underneath me. The need for completion. I yearn for us to complete each other.

  Grabbing her leg and pulling it up to my waist, the other one naturally following suit as she wraps them around me. Her hair finds its way into my hand and I pull it down from its entrapment, throwing the ponytail holder to the ground. Laughing, she shakes her head from side to side like a shampoo commercial. My current reality is better than any fantasy. I walk us into her living room and place her gently on the ground. Trying to navigate to the bedroom just seems out of reach, I’m lost in her. Brain fog is real. Capturing her lips once more in a chaste kiss before parting to look into her eyes. The impending storm lies behind them and I can’t be sure where her head is at. As much as I want to rush, I'm her anchor. I need to keep her here, in this moment, instead of losing myself and potentially her as well. Slowing things down, I sit up and gently stroke her hair. The look of it splayed against her white carpet, stark in contrast, does something to me.

  “Come back to me,” I say with conviction.

  This intense vulnerability isn’t a card I want to show when she needs me as her show of strength. I can tell that this type of closeness is a huge step for her, a moment that I don’t want to get lost in the shuffle of all my feelings.

  “I’m here Cohen. Just taking you all in.” She lifts her body from the floor and leans back on her elbows, looking me up and down. My soul catches fire. This girl has ignited a passion in me. My only hope is that we don't get burned. But if that’s the case, then so be it. I’ll melt for her.


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