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Warm, Yummy, Wet & Salty: Black Star Canyon: Book 2 (Black Star Canyon Mystery Novel)

Page 11

by C. C. Wall

  Reagan took a big swig of his bourbon. He finished his glass. He spun around in his chair to look out the window. For a moment, he was quiet. He saw a bird on a tree. The bird looked like it didn’t have a care in the world. “You are probably right.” He turned back around and faced Chuck. He saw that even though Chuck had been drinking his drink, it barely looked like any was missing from the glass. “Hand me your drink.”

  Confused, Chuck said, “Okay.” He handed him the glass.

  “I like you because you are honest. You are a little too happy about everything, but I’m starting to like that too.” Reagan pounded the rest of Chuck’s drink. “Get me all the info you can on that hand.”

  Chuck smiled, “You got it.”

  “But first,” Reagan said. “Go out and get me some damn lemon jellies.”

  30 - Mothers

  Sue watched the monitors in Lukas’s room. She knew a little bit about how they worked but not enough to know how he was doing. She was hoping he would just open his eyes and help her out of this situation that she had caused. She knew that wouldn’t happen by her just staring at him though. She knew that much for sure. She figured that it was about time to check on Eric. There was a part of her that was happy to be able to take him home but another part of her that felt safer with him there.

  Eric wasn’t in his room. Her heart sank. She grabbed her chest and had to remind herself to take a breath. She then thought of somewhere he might be. She walked quickly down the hall and into Elizabeth’s room.

  “Hey mom,” Eric whispered. “She’s asleep. Let’s go to my room.”

  Sue breathed a huge sigh of relief. She wanted to smack him across the face for putting her through that, but then she realized that he has no idea what could be happening. There was no reason to take it out on him.

  Eric jumped up on his bed. “What’s going on? You seem like you have something on your mind.”

  Sue didn’t know what to say, “Umm,” she said. She almost spilled the beans. She wanted to be sure before she said anything. “What’s going on with you? You have been spending a lot of time with Elizabeth.”

  Eric looked down. His brow furrowed. “I actually could use some advice.”

  Sue went from cop mode to mom mode rather quickly and sat down next to him. “What is it?”

  “It’s this whole Jen thing,” he said. “I haven’t been worried about her at all this whole time. I felt like I was supposed to, but deep down I know she’s all right. Then, after talking to Dyer and Elizabeth, I’m starting to think that maybe Jen left with Jason.”

  “Oh baby,” she said. She ran her fingers through his hair. “Dyer said that?”

  “He eluded to it,” he said. “I’m not an idiot.”

  “So do you want to know how to handle it if that’s what happened?” she asked.

  “No,” Eric said. “Honestly, I don’t care.”

  “How come?” she asked.

  “Because I realized that the last few days with Elizabeth, that Jen was really nothing more than a friend,” he said. He looked his mother in her eyes, something he rarely ever did. “I have never felt this way about anyone, ever.”

  Sue felt out of her league in conversations about love and relationships. Her track record was nothing to write home about. Her brain raced, digging through any memory she could muster, trying to find any bit of advice that could be useful in this situation. “I guess, just listen to your heart.”

  Eric tilted his head in amazement. “That’s it? That’s all the advice you are going to give me? No big soapbox speech?”

  “That’s all you can do,” she said. “If that’s what you are feeling, that’s what you are feeling. Don’t put the Jen and Jason thing into the equation. If you love Elizabeth, it would have happened even if Jen was here.” She swallowed hard. “You can’t help who you fall in love with.”

  They shared an awkward silence.

  “How are we feeling today?” Nurse Janet said with a perfect bedside manner smile. “You ready to go home today?”

  Eric’s face turned downcast. “I guess so.”

  Sue assed the situation. “Janet? Can I talk to you alone for a moment?”

  “Sure,” she said.

  They walked out into the hall. “I need to ask you a favor,” Sue said.

  “Okay, shoot.” Janet smiled.

  “Things are just really crazy around here right now, I haven’t been home in two days. If there was anyway, Eric could stay here just a couple more days, until I’m sure he can manage on his own, I would really be appreciate it,” Sue said.

  “Well, I’m not sure,” Janet said.

  “Plus,” Sue said. “I think him spending time with Elizabeth is doing them both a world of good.”

  “You are right about that,” Janet said. “The only time Elizabeth talks at all is when he’s in there it seems.”

  “Please?” Sue begged with a playful look on her face.

  “This is what I can do,” Janet said. “He can stay as long as we don’t need the bed, But the second we do, you have to come get him.”

  “You are a life saver,” Sue said. She gave her a hug. “Speaking of Elizabeth, Has her mother been in to see her?”

  “No,” Janet said. “I called her and told her what happened, she asked if Elizabeth would be okay, I told her I thought so, and then she said she would be in when she could.”

  “That’s a little strange,” Sue said.

  “Well, to be fair, you just arrested her husband for murder,” Janet said. “I assume she has a lot on her mind.”

  Sue sensed a bit of venom in Janet’s words. Sue knew she should keep her opinions to herself. “You’re right. I’ll go tell Eric.”

  “Speak of the devil.” Janet motioned to Elizabeth’s room.

  Sue turned and saw Francine walking in. She didn’t look happy.

  Francine walked over to Elizabeth’s bed. Elizabeth was sleeping. She looked so pure and innocent. Francine smiled. The smile on her face didn’t want to last, and quickly turned to a frown. “Elizabeth? Wake up.”

  Elizabeth was sound asleep.

  Francine slapped her across the face. “Wake up!”

  Elizabeth opened her eyes. She said in a groggy voice, “Mom? What are you doing?”

  “I just came to let you know that I’m glad you are awake and that you are all right,” she said. “But, I cannot condone the fact that you are a whore.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears. “Mommy?”

  “Whores don’t have mommies,” Francine said. “Your father has been arrested for something he is completely innocent of and he needs my help.” She looked around the room and then back down at her. “I’m sure you will manage.”

  “Mom,” Elizabeth cried.

  Francine turned and stormed out of the room.

  Eric hugged Sue when he heard he could stay a couple more days. Sue was just glad that there would be people around checking on him just in case if what she feared actually happened.

  They heard Elizabeth scream. Eric ran out of the room and into hers.

  “What happened?” Sue called out to Janet.

  “I don’t know?” Janet answered.

  By the time Janet and Sue go into Elizabeth’s room, Eric was holding her tightly.

  “Eric,” Elizabeth said. “Don’t let go! Promise not to let go!”

  A part of Sue wanted to smack Elizabeth for being a drama queen and maybe even manipulating her son. But the other part of her felt that she had been through a lot and maybe her sweet, innocent Eric was exactly what Elizabeth needed. Plus, she was pretty sure Eric would get upset if she smacked her.

  “Have you checked on Lukas?” Sue asked Janet.

  “Yes,” she said. “Even though his vitals are low, they seem to be stable.”

  “All right,” she said. “I’m gonna go check on him.”

  “I would wait,” Janet said. “The father is in there with him now.”

  Sue was confused. “His father?”

“No,” Janet chuckled. “The priest.”

  “Lukas isn’t religious,” Sue said.

  “He said he was called in,” Janet said.

  31 - Rowboat

  The breeze still felt good. The air still smelled good. The sun still felt good. But, Lukas knew that it wasn’t real. He was having a hard time rowing the boat. The water seemed to be a bit choppy.

  “Could you please help?” Lukas asked.

  “I will not,” Mr. H said.

  “Why not?” Lukas stopped rowing.

  “I believe going back is a mistake,” Mr. H said. “You chose to come here. Here we are.”

  “I changed my mind,” Lukas said. He grabbed the oars and began rowing again. “This would go a lot faster if you helped.”

  “And we would be done already if you decided to stay,” Mr. H said.

  “Good point,” Lukas said. “I want to go back. There’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

  Mr. H had a very serious look on his face. One Lukas had not seen yet. “Are you challenging me?”

  Lukas quickly realized that Mr. H is a little bit different than most people he met over his life. “Not at all.”

  “I am very glad about that,” Mr. H said.

  Lukas faked a grin. “Me too.” The rowing seemed to be getting even harder for Lukas. “But I could really use your help.”

  Mr. H stood up. The boat rocked but he seemed to have perfect balance. “I think I am done helping you for awhile.”

  “What do you mean?” Lukas asked. “I don’t even know how to get back once I dock the boat.”

  “I meant what I said,” Mr. H answered. “Once you dock the boat, you will exit the boat. Have you never docked a boat before?”

  Lukas shook his head. “I understand the concept of docking a boat. I just don’t know how I will get back. You know, the land of the living.” He looked up at Mr. H and found no one standing there. Lukas quickly looked around to see if he was in the water. Lukas was alone.

  He continued to row. The water was progressively getting choppier. Lukas could feel his arms burning. Each pull of the oars felt like his arms would pop right out of their sockets.

  “I can’t do this!” Lukas yelled. “I need help!”

  “I’ll help you,” a voice said.

  Lukas looked across from him. There in the boat was a sight that Lukas couldn’t believe. The man was older than he probably should have been. The man’s hair was lighter than it once was. There was more grey in it than Lukas remembered, it was thinner too.

  “Chaney?” Lukas said.

  “Hello, Lukas,” Chaney said.

  “What are you doing here?” Lukas asked.

  “I’m here to help you,” he said. “So then you can help me.”

  “Help you what?” Lukas asked.

  “I need your help to avenge Sara’s death,” he said. “You need to help me track down Gus.”

  Lukas knew that this was not the real Chaney. But Lukas knew that he needed the help to get the boat to shore. “I will help you find him, and then we will arrest him.”

  Chaney thought about it for a moment. “How about you just help me find him then?”

  “Sounds like a deal,” Lukas said. He stared at him. Lukas was confused by the way he looked. “What happened to you? Where did you go?”

  “Scoot over and give me an oar,” Chaney said. He sat down next him and they started rowing. The water seem to calm down as they rowed.

  “Where were you?” Lukas said.

  “I was out,” Chaney answered.

  “Can you be more specific?” Lukas asked.

  “Of course I could,” Chaney answered. “But, I am focusing on rowing.”

  Land was getting close. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up.”

  “That’s why I’m here,” Chaney said.

  “Can I ask you a simple question though,” Lukas asked.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “Why are you dressed like a priest?”

  32 - Fathers

  The beeping of the machines that were hooked up to Lukas began to normalize. Lukas started to open his eyes. Everything was fuzzy. Lukas felt like he had vaseline on his eyes. He touched his thumb to each of his fingertips to make sure that they were working. He wiggled his toes. He rubbed his eyes. He saw a figure sitting next to the bed. The sun was shining in through the window and the brightness of its light obscured who was sitting there. Lukas tried to situate himself to sit up straight.

  “Chaney?” Lukas said.

  “I’m here,” Chaney said. He reached out and placed his hand on Lukas’s knee. “How are you feeling?”

  “Fine, I guess,” Lukas blinked repeatedly trying to get his eyes to adjust to the room. “Why are you dressed like a priest?”

  “Don’t concern yourself with my attire right now,” Chaney said. “There will be plenty of time to catch up. I just need to know that you are feeling better.”

  “Living feels better than dying,” he said. “So I think I’m good.” Focus came back to his eyes. He got a good look at Chaney. He was shocked but didn’t want to alarm him. “What happened to you?”

  “Like I said…” Chaney said.

  “No man,” Lukas interrupted. “We are having this conversation right now. You look like you have been through it man. Where were you?”

  “I don’t think you want to know where I have been,” Chaney said. “More importantly, I don’t know if I can explain it properly.” He paused. He squinted his eyes. “It was horrible.”

  “What? Are you all right?” Lukas asked.

  Chaney smiled. “I am better than ever. There are some things that I wished would have worked out differently, but as for me, myself, I have never been better or have been able to see clearer than I have right this second.”

  “So you didn’t find Gus?” asked Lukas.

  “Should I have been looking for him?” Chaney asked.

  Lukas was hesitant to say anything. He stumbled on his words. “We thought that’s who you went after.”

  “No,” Chaney said. “I was at my house and then I ceased to be there.”

  Lukas chuckled nervously, “Chaney, it’s been a week. Where were you?”

  It was then Chaney who was confused. “How long did you say?”

  “A week,” Lukas said.

  “No,” Chaney said. “That can’t be true. It’s been years.” Chaney’s face began to show the pain that he had been feeling.

  They heard a woman scream. Neither man gave it much of a notice.

  “Chaney,” Lukas said. “You don’t need to tell me now, but you and I are going to have to talk about this. I’m here for you man.”

  “I know you are,” Chaney said. “That’s why I came back. I knew you needed me too.” Chaney was staring off into nothing. Under his breath he mumbled, “A week?”

  Lukas seemed like he was troubled. “Have you ever rowed a boat?”

  “What?” Chaney looked at him in bewilderment.

  They heard footsteps getting louder as they were coming towards the room.

  “What the hell?” Sue said. She noticed Lukas was awake. “Lukas!” She ran over and hugged him, falling on top of him on the bed. “You’re awake! Are you okay? Are you feeling all right?”

  “There feels like a weight on my chest,” he said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Sue said. She pushed off of him. Then she kissed him on top of his head. She turned to the priest. “I didn’t know Lukas had any religious…” she froze. “Chaney?”

  “Hello Sue,” Chaney said. His voice seemed both joyful and solemn at the same time.

  “Holy crap!” Sue said. “This is great! The freaking team is back together!” She was having a hard time containing her excitement as well as her tears. She laughed through her tears. She wiped her nose on her wrists. “Why are you dressed like a priest?”

  Lukas put his hand on her arm. “Let’s not worry about that just yet.”

  “Okay,” she said. She put
her hand on Lukas’s face and held it. Tears rolled down her face and broke direction once they hit her smile.

  “How long have I been… gone?” Lukas asked.

  “A couple days,” Sue said. “There is a lot to get caught up on.” She looked at Chaney, “Even more so for you.” She ran over to him and hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad to see you. Where have you been?”

  “In a place that apparently none of us understand,” he said.

  Lukas was having his fill of people who spoke in riddles. “Never mind that Sue, catch me up as quick as you can, in the fewest words possible.”

  “There’s a lot, but most importantly Elizabeth is awake,” she said.

  Lukas widened his eyes. “Where is she?”

  “Down the hall,” she said. “She only wants to talk to you.”

  Lukas was trying to get up. “Pants. I need pants.”

  Sue began looking around for them.

  “What else?” Lukas asked.

  “Jonathan has been arrested for Michael’s murder.” She grinned awkwardly.

  “The mayor?” Chaney asked.

  “Yeah,” she answered.

  Chaney was shocked. “Who did he kill? Michael?”

  “Goodman,” Lukas said. “Henry’s nephew.”

  “The gay kid?” Chaney said in amazement.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “My God,” Chaney said. “Is Elizabeth even able to speak to anyone with all that going on with her father?”

  Sue nodded her head. “I think she is more devastated by her mother at the moment. But either way, I think she wants to talk.”

  “Strong girl,” Chaney said. “She must have been very brave.”

  Lukas was up and almost fell over. Chaney got up to help him.

  “Are you sure that you can do this right now?” Sue asked.

  “I don’t have a choice,” Lukas said. “Feeling sorry for myself and being selfish took me out of the game. I have to make up for the time I lost. I can rest when I’m dead.” He put his legs into his pants. “Well, the next time I die I guess.”


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