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Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Elizabeth Greene

  The thought of returning to his estate filled him with both relief and curiosity. Relief that he would be better able to ensure her safety, knowing what he now knew about her rare and highly sought-after blood, the need to protect her was fierce and thrummed in his veins as he had never known. The city was too densely populated with the paranormal. Vampires tended to enjoy the abundant and vibrant nightlife that could be found in metropolitan areas and it wasn’t just his own kind he needed to be wary of. Any mage, witch, or enforcer worth their salt would be curious as to Lucian’s continued close acquaintance with Katherine. Vampires were usually solitary creatures, usually only pairing with another of their kind or something else that went bump in the night. When a vampire was paired with a human it usually meant one thing. Dinner was being served.

  He would be less likely to draw any attention back at his country estate. There was also the matter of inextricably wanting to have Katherine in his home. Have her comfortable there and well provided for. He would of course respect her wishes should she want to remain in her guest suite, but the thought of her sharing his quarters with him brought undeniable joy to his heart.

  He rubbed at his chest absently and paused as he took in the dark evening sky. The usual monotonous emptiness had gone. He hadn’t noticed until that moment that he didn’t feel trapped or weighed down by the prospect of his own existence. Now that he focused on it, he realised he was happy. He was looking forward to the most trivial of things; just the thought of what they would talk about on the journey home or what he might cook for Katherine that evening caused a small buzz of excitement. He chuckled to himself. He even couldn’t wait to find out what they might argue about next and the prospect of either making it up to her or taking their battle of wills to the bedroom stirred a fire within him.

  He sucked in a breath and smiled.

  He loved her.

  He had fallen in love and it was every bit as tantalizing and sacred as he had always hoped it would be.

  It had only taken him two hundred years to find the woman with whom he would spend the rest of eternity. Even the council of elders could hardly take umbrage at him having tasted a human of the forbidden blood if he were to spend the next millennia with her by his side.

  He spun on his heel and paced towards the stairs, intending to storm back into the shower room and sweep Katherine back to bed. The sight of her backpack stopped him in his tracks.

  She had plans. He reminded himself. She had ambitions. Rightfully so. Katherine was bright and capable and he was certain it was not just his own undoubtable bias that led him to believe that she would make a successful name for herself.

  What right did he have to take that from her? Love?

  Lucian might not have been in love before but he was no stranger to the true meaning of love. It was to willingly sacrifice all else for the sake of love. Love demanded he give her everything that she needed and desired, not bend her to his will. Just because he had waited two hundred years for her didn’t mean he had the right to call the shots.

  Katherine wanted freedom. She had a lot to prove and there was no way he could see her wanting to give all that up for the sake of a life with him. After all, what did he have to offer her? Wealth, immortality, sex, adoration, and a world of perpetual darkness. A life where friends would come and go. Family would wither and die and would no longer think upon you with affection but give in to the fear and suspicion that hung over your unusual extended existence.

  She would never know what it is to be called ‘mother’ if she stayed with him. He could never give her that.

  His phone vibrated in his breast pocket. A welcome distraction.

  Benson: The woman is some kind of journalist. I couldn’t get close enough to hear their conversation but I got a positive ID from the restaurant staff.

  A series of candid photos taken crudely on his phone soon followed. Lucian raised a brow. The woman looked to be a little older than Katherine. He zoomed in on her face and found a very familiar look of intelligent determination. The same look in Katherine had him smiling with an odd sense of pride. Yet seeing this young woman baring the same expression while meeting with the dubious Kyle Daxton, gave Lucian reason for concern.

  Lucian: Where are they now?

  Benson: They split after their meeting. I followed Kyle to another strip club then to the motel he’s been staying at. I doubled back to try to catch hold of the female's scent but she must’ve taken a cab. I couldn’t track her.

  Lucian silently cursed. The bear shifter was formidable and committed, but he didn’t have the keen nose that a wolf had. He regretted not having the Alpha, Cayden on the detail.

  Lucian: Fine. Forget her for now, keep eyes on Daxton. Let me know of any further developments.

  Lucian wasn’t sure if the woman truly was a journalist or something else. The vampiric elders had a number of agents who were not hindered by the rising sun. Perhaps the woman with the intelligent dark brown eyes was more than what she would have others believe? Lucian doubted that Kyle Daxton knew anything about the supernatural world that existed alongside his own. He might’ve had an inkling or suspicion of what Lucian was. But he couldn’t know about the rules that forbid the connection of a vampire with a human with O negative blood. He doubted the man even knew his daughter’s blood type.

  But if he were looking to sell him out, having used his daughter as bait then there was even more reason to be back at Tumbricane and away from the city as soon as possible. He needed distance from the human world and the prying eyes of any elders who would seek to determine his relationship with Katherine.

  Lucian pocketed his phone and put on a flash of speed, almost knocking Katherine off her feet as he entered the bedroom once more. She jumped back at his sudden appearance.

  “Do you usually whizz about the place like that?” She asked, picking up the earring back that she had dropped when he had barged in on her.

  “My apologies, I did not mean to startle you,” Lucian picked up his suit jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

  “I have a jacket you know,” she smirked, but willingly slipped her arms into the sleeves.

  “I know. I just like seeing you wearing what is mine,” Lucian said honestly, drawing a small shy smile from her. He kissed her softly, unable to resist. “Come, darling. We need to be leaving.”

  “Your car or mine?” Katherine snorted, “Or rather, your car or your other car?”

  “What’s mine is yours, Katherine but we will be taking the Aston Martin,” Lucian smiled back at her ridiculousness, “I will have the Evoque fetched from your college parking lot in the morning.”

  “Oh,” Katherine's smile faltered, a tremor of apprehension flitting across her face, “Ok, then. We had better get going then.”

  The poker face slid back in place. He watched as it happened and she shut herself away from him. Whatever was going through her mind, whatever she was feeling, she had locked him out.

  Lucian’s heart squeezed tightly in his chest. It was for the best he supposed.

  He smiled softly and held out his arm to escort her to the car. Then he would see to it that she was safe from all those that would wish her harm.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Damn did Lucian drive fast.

  Katherine had spent the first hour of their journey fighting against her discomfort, she needed to keep her poker face again. She had let it slip and had shown Lucian too much of her vulnerability already. When they had turned off the interstate and his speed hadn’t decreased as they wove their way along the freeway she gave up trying to appear unfazed and eventually asked him to slow down.

  He had the nerve to smile at her. Telling her he had wondered how long it would take her to voice her displeasure. Difficult bastard. He had slowed down, however, and brought her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles before returning his attention back to the road. She cursed herself when the simple touch of affection gave her a small shiver of warmth.

bsp; She had been staring out the window of the flashy and admittedly impressive car for a while now. Her mind racing with a whole host of unknowns. She had no idea what was happening between her and Lucian, what their relationship status was, but couldn’t bring herself to ask him. She didn’t even know what she wanted it to be so the prospect of asking him to lay it out for her when she had no idea how she would feel about what he said was terrifying. There were too many uncertainties for her to have any confidence that she would be able to keep control of the situation.

  He had said, what was his, was hers. That terrified her and prompted huge warning signs to spring up in her mind. That was the kind of thing that people said to each other when they were in love or married. Did Lucian really feel that way about her? She couldn’t fathom why he might. Their chemistry was off the chart, that was for certain, but the fact remained that he was a centuries-old creature of the night and she was a woman in her twenties trying to make something of her life. She wouldn’t bury her head in the sand about their differences. Love didn’t conquer all and she wouldn’t plough everything she had into trying to make a relationship work. Because it wouldn’t work and she needed to stay focused on what she knew was attainable.

  She didn’t have the same ambitions that some women might have. She didn’t dream of a white picket fence home with a husband to treat her nice and a couple of kids, barbecues in the summer, and a steady nine to five job. Experience had taught her that an easy, happy and steady life just wasn’t a reality for people like her. She hadn’t grown up with that kind of privilege and it was not on the cards for her future either. Instead, she had crafted dreams that she could control. Ambitions that she could make happen on her own, that weren’t reliant on anyone else.

  Where did a potential relationship with Lucian fit into that? It didn’t. That was the long and short of it.

  Then again, perhaps she was worrying over nothing. They had a contract. A limited-time contract. Lucian was just trying to make the best of the situation. No reason why he couldn’t get his money repaid and have a little fun in the meantime. He hadn’t done anything wrong in seducing her. She had gone along with it willingly and she had enjoyed the ride. There was no reason why he would intend their little affair to be anything more than a limited-time deal. Or maybe he was thinking that he could hit her up whenever he was in the city in the future. She knew what he was now. He wouldn’t have to explain anything and she could offer the whole package; dinner and date all wrapped up in one.

  The thought of what they had shared being simply a fling cut her heart like a knife. She had opened up to him, shown him so much of herself, handed over control, and found that the world didn’t come crashing down around her because of it. If she had misread the situation and this was all just part of some kind of game to him, then she had been made a fool of. She had stupidly believed him for all his charm and gentle manners and signs of kindness.

  Her heart ached. She wanted to get some space and re-establish her shields. But she couldn’t; she was stuck in a car with the bastard.

  “Would you like to stop for a break?” Lucian asked over the soothing classical music that filled the car.

  Katherine considered it. If they stopped she could get some distance, but how far could she get before she was dragged right back. Either due to their contract or because her stupid heart would miss the controlling asshole.

  “I’m good,” she replied quietly, not trusting herself to turn and look at him.

  “You’re not,” Lucian stated firmly, “you have been troubled for the entire journey. Will you not tell me what is wrong? I might be able to help.”

  The temptation to give in and just tell him what she was feeling, hung within Katherine’s reach but she wouldn’t make a fool of herself anymore.

  “I have a headache, that’s all. I just want to get home and go to bed.”

  Home. She closed her eyes and cursed herself. She already felt as though Tumbricane was home. She felt like the penthouse could be home. Everywhere Lucian was felt like home.

  “Of course, darling,” Lucian said softly, taking her hand in his as he kept the other firmly on the steering wheel. He gently rubbed his thumb over her skin and she could’ve wept at how comforting it felt. “Whatever you need.”

  She didn’t have the strength to pull her hand away, so she let him hold on to her for the rest of the journey. His touch gave her nothing but safety and reassurance. But she knew not to believe it. Whatever her foolish heart was feeling, couldn’t possibly be real. She wouldn’t let herself be an idiot. She would not allow herself to fall any further in love with Lucian than she already was. It hurt too much already. She wouldn’t survive if she let it grow anymore.

  They would have fun. They might fool around a bit more, she knew she couldn’t resist him. But he wouldn’t get her heart. She would play out the rest of their contract with her eyes wide open and when the two months were up, her father could come and work his debt off to Lucian and she would walk away. Her father deserved what he got and she would write off Lucian Nightingale as a distracting chapter in the history of the making of Katherine Daxton.


  She closed the door with a gentle click before leaning her forehead against the smooth mahogany. She hadn’t missed the disappointment in Lucian’s eyes when she had asked for some time alone in her room. He had quickly covered it up with his usual gentlemanly manners and pleasant formalities but she’d seen it. It was funny; she remembered wishing she could decipher his thoughts and feelings behind his constant black gaze, now she could read him like she knew him intimately and it hurt like a bitch.

  She hated knowing she was hurting him by shutting him out, she wished things could be different but she had to be realistic. They had no future and he most likely would lose interest in her, if he hadn’t started to already.

  Katherine pushed away from the door and methodically began unpacking her laptop, books, and notes and arranging them neatly on her new desk. The desk he had bought for her. She sucked in a breath. Most girls got mushy over chocolates and flowers, but she got sentimental over good quality office equipment and running gear. She turned away from the desk and her eyes landed on the vase of sweet-smelling roses.

  Who was she kidding? She got teary-eyed over flowers too.

  When their time was up she would miss him. Even if she distanced herself for what was left of their two-month agreement, even if she refused his invitations to dinner and didn’t give in to their carnal sexual chemistry; she would miss him. He had somehow burrowed his way into her heart and she didn’t know where to begin to extract him. What if she didn’t? What if she played his game for a while longer? The temptation was so strong. Even in that moment she could be lying tangled up in his bed with him, or even just sitting in the Rose Garden debating with him about whatever she chose to pick a fight with him about. If she chose to stay with him she’d have great sex, be surrounded by all of life’s fancy things, she’d eat like a queen and her days would be hers to do with as she pleased. Until she grew old and he got bored, then her heart would be well and truly broken and she would be even more of a broken shell than she already was.

  She knew she was broken inside but therapy was expensive and she would rather paint over the cracks and fix things the only way she knew how. By bunkering down and putting in the work, proving that she could and would survive on her own.

  It was better if she could just walk away from him now. Yes, she’d had a taste of the most blissful kind of love, but it was all she would ever have.

  Her phone began ringing from the bottom of her backpack that still rested on her desk chair. The annoying ringtone told her who it was before she even saw his name lit up on the screen.

  “Father,” she answered between gritted teeth.

  “Kitty Kat! How’s my little doll face?”

  “Peachy. What do you want? Have you come up with the money?” She asked, the tightening in her chest confusing her.

  “Fuck no. I ain’t
got a quarter mil, but I could do. I could have a whole lot more than that- we could have a whole lot more than that,” Kyle Daxton exclaimed eagerly.

  A quarter of a million dollars?! Katherine hadn’t even bothered to ask how much money he owed, she knew it must’ve been a lot otherwise she wouldn’t be in her current predicament, but $250k was serious debt.

  “Why are you ringing me then? What do you mean you could get the money- go and get it and then get back up here,” Katherine replied. She didn’t have an audience now so she would speak to her father exactly how she wanted.

  “That’s the thing, baby doll, I’m going to get that money from him. What I owe him and more!”

  “What the Hell are you talking about? Have you been drinking?” Katherine screwed up her face at the phone in annoyance.

  “That freaky Lord of wherever the fuck, is going to give me everything and you and me are gonna walk out of there scot-free. I got a plan.”

  “I will walk out of here scot-free, Dad! It’s your debt, not mine I’m just here as your safety deposit until your sorry ass is dragged back to work off what you owe. And I’m betting you’ll be here until your ninety with a quarter mil to pay off.”

  “Would you just listen to me?” Kyle snapped at her, “This ain’t gonna work unless you play your part.”

  “Dad, whatever it is I don’t want any part in it.”

  “You wanna get out of there, right? You wanna pay off those loans you got for that fancy college degree don’t you?” Kyle cajoled.

  “How do you know I took out loans?” Katherine bristled.

  “Oh, sweetheart, the bank told me they wouldn’t pay out anymore to you when I tried to get a hold of some cash a while back. Anyway, it doesn’t matter,” Kyle said quickly, “you want to get away from there right? Away from that freak?”


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