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Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Elizabeth Greene

  He swirled his wet tongue around her nub, possessively knocking her hand aside. The instant curl of warmth that unfurled at his touch meant she didn’t mind him taking control. Her hands fell to her side and she arched her head back closing her eyes as she gave herself over to his touch. It was exquisite and luxurious the way he licked, nibbled, and suckled on her. She was so wet for him and as he slowly inched two fingers inside her heat, she fell apart, gasping her climax and calling his name.

  She ran her fingers through her hair as her body came down from its high. She would miss this. She doubted she’d ever feel such intense and honest pleasure with anyone else. This kind of love belonged to Lucian and Lucian alone. She looked back down at him and saw he had shucked out of his pants and stood gloriously naked before her. He was the most handsome sight she had ever seen and the world around them seemed to fade away as his dark eyes held her firmly in their safety. She was his sole focus and the attention made her heart swell.

  This was it. She would finally experience the sheer bliss that she just knew would come from having the man she loved buried deep inside of her. She longed for the connection, her body was practically crying out for it and yet she knew the experience would break her. Unless she locked herself away, saw this for what it was. A means to an end. A way of getting her life back and being able to escape the dark beast that had always loomed over her. Never again would the shadow of her family and her upbringing, claw at her.

  Katherine summoned all her courage and determination and forced a smile to her face as she slipped the robe off over her shoulders. She lay back against the pillows and beckoned Lucian to join her.

  “I carry no diseases, nor am I able to give you a child,” he spoke solemnly, “but if you would like for me to wear protection, I will do so.”

  Katherine’s defences cracked. She didn’t miss the sadness in his voice when he told her he couldn’t have children. She had never really considered having any children. It just wasn’t something she felt the urge to experience. Her own upbringing had convinced her that some people just shouldn’t raise a family but the obvious pain in Lucian’s eyes reminded her that there were others who were made to be parents. She knew that had he the chance, Lucian would be the most loving and doting of fathers.

  “I want you, Lucian, just as you are.”

  His eyes closed briefly at her words. When he opened them again, the desire there burned her. He crawled over her body and took her mouth in a slow and tender kiss that had her heart crying out for the connection that she so desperately wanted to feel with him. Her hands roamed down over his shoulders and along his spine causing him to shiver at her touch. His lips left hers and began kissing down along her jaw. Her anticipation grew as his warm breath tickled the vulnerable pulse at her neck. Her mind and heart warring within her. She knew what she needed to do, but it felt like her entire being was screaming at her not to do it.

  “Katherine, you have no idea how much I hunger for you,” Lucian’s low voice tantalized her and she squirmed beneath him.

  His hand gripped her hip, positioning himself at her entrance, the hot hardness making her gasp. When he wove his other hand around the back of her neck and tilted her head to the side, she began to panic. His sharp fangs glinted in the moonlight that ghosted in from the windows and as he bent his head, descending upon her neck she stiffened.


  The words were out of her mouth before her rational mind could prevent it. Lucian paused above her, his teeth just a hairs breath from her skin.

  “Please, Lucian. Not tonight,” The more she spoke the more the uneasiness in her fell away.

  Lucian brought his head up to press his forehead against hers, his eyes boring into hers. They stayed that way for what felt like long minutes, just staring into each other's eyes. Katherine watched as the danger left his eyes and his will forced its dominance over the instinct to feed.

  “Katherine, I,” he began, his voice laced with pain and regret.

  “I know. I’m ok,” she soothed, her hand ran over his shoulders and she brought her legs up to hold him tightly to her, “you’d never hurt me.”

  Lucian kissed her hard, his eyes screwed tightly shut. Katherine hated to see him struggling with whatever inner turmoil he was dealing with. She was the one who should’ve been conflicted, but she had made her choice. At the moment she couldn’t go through with her father’s plan. She wouldn’t betray Lucian. She loved him. She might still end up alone in the long run, he might become bored of her and she might be opening herself up only to be hurt again but what she felt with Lucian would be worth it.

  She kissed him back, hungrily sliding her tongue over his, demanding he fight with her. A pained groan left his lips as he tore his mouth from hers.

  “Why can’t I resist you?” Lucian growled harshly as he lifted his weight from her and suddenly thrust his hips forward, piercing her with his hard and thick length.

  Katherine cried out at the delicious intrusion. The fullness was so satisfying and she swallowed hard at the sensation of being stretched and filled by him.

  “Because you shouldn’t,” she whispered, her hands clutching at his firm backside, as she ground herself against him, eager for him to go as deep as he could.

  “Fuck, Katherine,” Lucian choked out before pulling her hands away from him and pinning them over her head. She jutted her chin up defiantly at him while he stared her down. Her eyes rolled back when he began to move, sliding out only to sink back into her heat in a slow and torturous rhythm. As his hips rolled into her, she whimpered every time he knocked up against her aching clit.

  “Please, Lucian. More,” she pleaded, “harder.”

  She cried out as he slammed into her and held firm, pressing her back into the mattress.

  “Harder?” He husked, a wicked smirk lighting his face.

  “Yes. Don’t make me wait,” she snapped back.

  The low chuckle she got in response, made her smile as she flexed beneath him. She loved challenging him, being able to command him and she adored the way he grinned and met her challenge every time. He thrust again and she moaned loudly into the room. The stretching friction causing ripples of pleasure to pulse deep within her belly.

  “I’d hate to keep you waiting.”

  Lucian flexed his hands that held hers above her head and she rolled her body, luxuriating in his dominance as he rocked his hips into hers. The room filled with the sounds of their panting breaths and flesh on flesh. Her body tightened around him.

  “Look at me Katherine, please,” Lucian gritted out between thrusts.

  Her eyes found him and she didn’t fight the dark safety that enveloped her. She felt her defences drop and her heart leap out from its cage. She wanted to feel bathed in his love and she gave herself over to the sensations that were coursing through her body.

  She writhed against Lucian, carnal moans of passion leaving her mouth as she rocked her hips to meet his. He released her hands and ran his possessively over her body, his mouth greedily tasting hers. Katherine bit down on his bottom lip as his fingers reached between them and began to strum on her sensitive nub. They both groaned out their pleasure.

  Their movements became frenzied as Lucian pistoned his hips into her relentlessly. Katherine felt as though she was about to burst as the pleasure grew quickly like a bright light illuminating her from the inside.

  “Lucian, yes,” she cried out, as she dug her nails into his back, clutching him to her.

  Lucian kissed her desperately as he continued to take her in hard, punishing thrusts. Her climax struck her like lightning and she shattered around him, her body clenching his thick shaft as she threw her head back.

  “Katherine!” Lucian choked out as his hot seed filled her.

  Never before had she felt such complete and overwhelming euphoria.

  Lucian whispered sweet nothings reverently into her neck as he slowly rolled his hips into her, drawing their pleasure out until all that remained was a lingering tin
gle of warmth. Hot, wet kisses peppered her skin and Katherine smiled up at the ceiling. The moon shone in brightly, casting the room in a cool blue glow.

  “Come, my darling,” Lucian soothed as he lifted her and pulled back the sheets, “get some sleep.”

  Katherine couldn’t think of anything better as she snuggled down and buried her face into his warm chest.

  “I love you," she mumbled as sleep pulled at her.

  Lucian pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head and hushed her.

  “Sleep now.”

  A chill tickled her heart as she fell into a deep and satisfied slumber.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Lucian slipped from the bed just moments after Katherine’s breathing evened out into a steady, slow rhythm. He paced to his shower room and with an agitated flick of his mind, turned the water on to as hot as it would go. He needed to purge himself of the overwhelming guilt he felt.

  He barely registered the hot sting of the water as he ran his hands through his hair. She loved him.

  He didn’t deserve her love. Despite vowing to never drink from her again, he had lost himself in the moment and the only reason he hadn’t sunk his fangs into her tender flesh while he pounded into her was her quiet denial.

  She didn’t want him that way. She didn’t want to be fed upon and he had no right to do so. She was forbidden. He knew he should give her over to the elders so the appropriate protections could be put in place, but damn it he was too damn selfish and possessive to let her go. He pounded his fist against the tile cracking it. He took slow breaths and tried to rein in his temper.

  He had no right to her love. She was a magnificent soul that had opened and entrusted him with her fragile heart and he had the audacity to try to feast upon her, to covet her and keep her to himself. Even knowing it was wrong, Lucian couldn’t deny the warmth and desire he felt to keep her with him always.

  Making him no better than the monsters of his kind who would enslave her for her rare and highly sought-after blood.

  She loved him and he so desperately wanted to be worthy of such a prize. He couldn’t keep her, nor should she want to stay with him. She had her dreams and a whole life ahead of her, filled with opportunities and successes and days in the sun. Lucian could only imagine how radiant she would be with the sun glinting off her golden hair. All he could offer her was a paltry existence, a long and lonesome life in the shadows with only himself for company. Friends would come and go. She wouldn’t be able to pursue her aspirations of being a lawyer, how could she represent anyone when she couldn’t step foot in a courtroom during daylight hours? And the elders would eventually learn of her blood and would likely imprison him, leaving her all the more alone and betrayed.

  He could never be worthy of her love. Everything he was would never be enough. If he wanted to do right by her he would let her go. Let her go and then disappear, putting as much distance between them as possible. The thought of leaving her unprotected pained him deeply. He would do what he could, but he wouldn’t turn her over to the elders. They would stifle her and keep her from her dreams in their fervour to protect her precious blood.

  He stormed out of the shower, hastily drying himself as he went. He had an ally to visit and a couple of phone calls to make. So determined with his plans, Lucian ploughed straight into Katherine. He quickly spun catching her in his arms and steadying her.

  “Miss. Daxton, my apologies.”

  Katherine giggled at him, “you seem quite agitated, Lord Nightingale. Perhaps you should come back to bed?”

  Her sweet unsuspecting eyes were alight with humour and Lucian hated himself for what he was about to do, but it was necessary to ensure her future happiness and safety.

  “I’m afraid not, Miss. Daxton,” he extracted himself from her hold and summoned a suit from his closet. The items appeared and draped over one of the chesterfield wing-backs.

  “That is so cool,” she said from behind him.

  “Quite,” Lucian said, determined to keep their painful interaction short.

  He gathered up his clothes and dressed quickly, keeping his back to her.

  “Is everything OK?” Her confused tone cutting him like a knife.

  “It will be,” Lucian turned and steeled himself for the pain he was about to inflict, “thank you for this evening Miss. Daxton, however, I have business that I need to attend to.”

  “Lucian, what’s going on?” She asked, her eyes searching back and forth over his.

  “I no longer require your presence. Once again, thank you for a most pleasurable time, but I must insist that you leave.”

  “Oh erm, OK, I guess I’ll be in my room,” Katherine picked up her satin robe and wrapped it around herself tightly, “I’ll see you tomorrow evening?”

  The hurt in her eyes was too much to bear and Lucian turned away and opened the door to his suite, gripping the heavy wood tightly to stop himself from reaching out to her.

  “You misunderstand me, Miss. Daxton. I am no longer interested in the contract with which we agreed upon. I will seek to retrieve your father so that his debt can be settled. I request that you leave my estate within the hour.”

  “What?!” Katherine stammered. “You’re letting me go? Why?”

  “I’m bored and wish for you to leave.”

  “You’re bored? That’s it, you get one good fuck and you’re bored,” Katherine spat out, stepping into his space and glaring up at him

  “Please leave, Miss. Daxton,” Lucian gritted out. He looked to the wall behind where she stood, unable to look her in the eye.

  “Not until you tell me what the Hell is going on, Lucian.”

  “You are not in a position to make demands of me.”

  “Like Hell I’m not, we just shared everything with each other Lucian, don’t you dare try to tell me that none of that meant anything to you.”

  Darkness swelled and poured over him, the pain he was inflicting threatened to destroy his resolve, he drew the darkness around him like a cloak.

  “It was fun. Your father was quite correct, once you loosen up a little, you are most charming.”

  A hard slap whipped across his face. Lucian inwardly cursed, knowing that her hand would hurt a great deal more than his face did.

  “Don’t fucking lie to me,” Katherine shouted at him, cradling her hand to her chest, “you promised me honesty.”

  “Yes, and it was almost disappointing how easily you believed me,” Lucian felt as though his soul were being shredded as he tore into hers, “still, the end result was satisfying, regardless of how easy a conquest you turned out to be.”

  “Lucian. Don’t do this, you can’t mean that,” Katherine pleaded.

  “I would have you address me by the title which I hold.”

  “Stop it.”

  “I am putting a stop to it, now do as I have requested and leave,” Lucian forced the words out.

  “Look at me, Lucian. Look at me and tell me you don’t care. Look at me and tell me you want me to leave,” Katherine demanded.

  Lucian closed his eyes and steeled his resolve. He needed to be the abhorrent beast that everyone thought him to be so that he could give her what she deserved. Her life: uninterrupted and free. He shut away his feelings and opened his eyes to look at her. The pain and destruction he had caused shone back at him from behind her golden-brown gaze that could command his very soul.


  It was all he could muster. His hand held onto the door with all his might as he watched the last remnants of hope dim in her eyes.

  Katherine blinked back her tears and nodded silently.

  “Goodbye, Lord Nightingale,” she whispered quietly, her voice void of any feeling, “thank you for your hospitality.”

  She slipped from the room and he finally released his hold on the door, his feet moving on their own accord, following her to the stairs so he could watch her retreating back as she descended the dark and winding steps.

heart broke. He desperately wanted to go after her and beg her forgiveness but the damage was done now. The love she had professed for him just an hour ago was already dead. The only thing left for him to do was honour her by doing as he intended, give her the protection she would need to live out the rest of her life as she deserved.

  Lucian spun on his heel and gathered up his phone. He held it to his ear, as he waiting for the call to connect.

  “Lucian, to what do I owe the pleasure, at… two in the morning?” The gravelly voice of the Darkhills Alpha answered him.

  “Cayden, I need you to do something for me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Katherine angrily swiped away her tears as she pulled out of the underground garage. She’d taken the only car she felt Lucian wouldn’t miss, a beat-up, rusty-looking truck that had clearly seen better days. The deep rumble of the engine vibrated through her arms where she held on tightly to the steering wheel.

  She was an idiot. He had broken her just as she feared he might. It was all her fault, she should’ve listened to her head and not her heart and now, now her heart was a mess. She had fallen for him only to be played like a fool and it seemed her foolishness didn’t end there because she still loved him. She felt it in every tear and every curse she uttered. She had opened herself up to love and now the stupid, pathetic, stubborn emotion refused to leave her alone.

  She crunched the gears as she sped away across the bridge over the canyon. She glanced in her rearview mirror for one last look at Tumbricane and squinted as she could’ve sworn she saw the shadow of a man standing at one of the large windows.

  He had dismissed her. Told her to leave. There was no reason why he would be watching her go, other than to make sure she was off his property. She focused her eyes back on the road ahead and slowed her speed, growling out in frustration.

  Stupid mountain mist.


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