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Escaping The Beast: A Darkhills Romance (The Darkhills Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Elizabeth Greene

  “Let her go,” Lucian grit out between clenched teeth.

  Outside a crack of thunder shook the ground, the rumble vibrating through the great hall making the journalist yelp and then curse. Yes, he had lost his temper and Mr. Daxton would feel his fury.

  “Now, Mr. Daxton, or so help me God-”

  “I’ll let her go when you give me my money. Then you and this little slut can get on with whatever sick and twisted shit you get up to and I’ll be on my way.”

  “Daddy?” Katherine whimpered.

  “Don’t ‘Daddy’ me, you double-crosser. You’re no daughter of mine if you chose this monster, this beast over your own flesh and blood,” Kyle hissed angrily in her ear, dragging her backwards again with a brutal shake.

  “He’s not a beast, he’s a million times the man you are,” she bit out, trying to twist in his hold, “you’re the only monster here.”

  “Katherine, please darling, try to keep still,” Lucian begged, his heart in his mouth as he watched her father continue to press the barrel of the gun into her temple. If she didn’t keep still, her father might accidentally pull the trigger before he could get to her.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Lucian saw the journalist trying to silently get his attention. She held her bag aloft and a second later she dropped it with a clatter to the floor.

  Kyle immediately looked over his shoulder at the noise, giving Lucian the opening he needed, within an instant, he had pulled the gun away from Katherine’s head and pointed it at the sky. The sound of a bullet being fired rang out in the great hall, followed by the scream of the journalist who had crouched to the ground with her hands over her ears.

  Katherine shoved her way out of her father’s hold and Lucian wrapped his free hand around his throat, lifting him effortlessly off the ground. The crunching of bone was swiftly followed by a strangled howl of agony and the clatter of the gun being dropped to the ground.

  Kyle’s free hand scratched and scrambled at Lucian as he continued to hold him. He bared his fangs as his claws extended and sunk into the man’s neck, blood instantly oozed down his hand. The rage that filled Lucian was all-consuming, he would destroy the pathetic man for daring to threaten his love. He would tear him limb from limb until there was nothing left.

  “Lucian, please.”

  Katherine’s soft voice, pleaded in his ear her hand reached forward and held his wrist, her father’s blood, running down over her delicate fingers.

  “Don’t kill him.”

  “He would’ve killed you,” he snarled, his voice dripping with the darkness that was his innermost companion.

  “That doesn’t mean you need to become a killer,” she reasoned, her voice steady and unwavering. She slunk in under his arm and placed her hands over his chest as she snuggled into him. Her presence between him and her father again, made his heart pound at the potential danger. The need to wrap her up in his protection overwhelming. He threw the man across the room, his body hitting the ground with a scuffling thud.

  Lucian growled possessively and pulled Katherine in tightly to his chest, bending his head to breath in her scent, reassuring himself of her safety.

  A squeak of sneakers drew his attention and his eyes flicked up to meet those of the journalist as she tried to sneak towards the door.

  “Miss. St Clare?” He called, capturing her attention, her eyes held his, which was exactly what he needed. He threw his influence into her and watched as her eyes glazed. “You need to stay where you are until I tell you otherwise.”

  She nodded and became still, easily falling under his thrall.

  “Lucian, she tried to help us,” Katherine reasoned.

  “I know. I won’t harm her,” he replied, releasing Katherine from his hold to pace over to where her father was wheezing and coughing on the floor.

  Lucian crouched and pulled the sunglasses from her father’s eyes. The moment he looked up, Lucian captured him under his influence, commanding him to remain prostrate on the floor.

  “What would you have me do with him if you do not want him dead?” Lucian stood and turned to Katherine, she joined him at his side, her eyes taking in the crumpled man on the floor with detached consideration.

  “I honestly don’t care what happens to him now. I just don’t want him anywhere near us ever again,” she took Lucian’s bloodied hand in her own and he gazed down at their interwoven fingers.

  “Killing him would achieve that,” he pointed out, his need for violence against the man still pulsing in his veins.

  She shook her head, her golden hair hanging limply around her shoulders. “I don’t want that hanging over us. I just want him gone, I’m done with him having any influence over my life. I want to be free of him.”

  Lucian nodded his understanding. As much as his dark soul still called for the man’s blood to be spilt, he wouldn’t go against her wishes. She was the light that chased away the shadows, to ignore her wants would be to embrace the darkness that he so desperately wanted to escape.

  “Stand up, Mr. Daxton,” Lucian ordered and waited while the man got to his feet with a slight wobble.

  “You will leave this place and return to the city with no recollection of your association with me,” He bored his order into the man’s subconscious making it take root and begin to grow.

  “The name Katherine Daxton will mean nothing to you. If ever you are reminded of your daughter you will deny her existence, as far as you’re concerned you never had a daughter.”

  Katherine gripped his hand tighter and took a long fortifying breath.

  “Your debt is cleared, Mr. Daxton. Now get out, and never return.”

  The man turned on his heel and without a backward glance walked out of the hall.

  Katherine’s shoulders slumped and she leaned into his side, “I can’t believe he’s gone. It’s over.”

  “It’s not quite over,” Lucian nodded in the direction of the journalist.

  The woman stood perfectly still as she had been instructed, her bag clutched in her hands, her deep chocolate brown eyes staring into nothing.

  “I know you need to make her forget,” Katherine sighed, “but, can you be gentle with her?”

  “She made a poor choice in allying herself with your father,” Lucian frowned,

  “He’s a conman and a scammer. I’ve no doubt he did a good job of convincing her to go along with it all.”

  “Very well, I’ll make sure she doesn’t remember. But we’ll need to wipe her phone of any evidence. She has been filming everything, she likely still is,” Lucian conceded.

  “OK, I’ll wipe her phone, you clear her memories.”

  They stepped forward together and while Lucian spoke his commands into her mind, Katherine reached into her pocket and took out the woman’s phone, deleting the footage before dropping the phone back into her pocket and securing it with the button.

  The woman blinked a few times and took a few stumbling steps backwards.

  “I...” she began, rubbing at her head, “I don’t understand.” She looked about her with confused and frightened eyes.

  “There is nothing for you to understand,” Lucian spoke softly to her, her eyes glazing over once more, “you need to leave. Now.”

  She nodded absently and walked out of the great door and into the misty fog that still surrounded Tumbricane like a heavy veil.

  Lucian turned and met Katherine’s eyes that were filled with apprehension. He frowned and cupped her face in his hands, she leaned into his touch and closed her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Lucian. I’m sorry for-”

  He hushed her immediately. There would be time for words, but for now, he needed to reassure himself that she was once again, safe and cared for. He kissed her lips softly before lifting her into his arms and taking her to his room.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Katherine stood in a trance-like state of bliss, her eyes closed as the hot spray of the shower flowed over her. Lucian’s fing
ers were gently massaging her scalp and the familiar and comforting scent of argan oil soothed her. He hadn’t said another word to her, but simply undressed her and ushered her into the rainfall of the overhead shower and then stripped out of the clothes that bore the blood of her father, and climbed in behind her.

  She knew the spell would break soon. They would have to face each other and they would both need to bare their souls. She wanted to explain her actions, she wanted to demand answers for the way he had so cruelly dismissed her and why he was now tending to her with such cherishing caresses. Her snarky and suspicious mind tried to convince her that this wouldn’t last, that he would toss her aside again. But her heart for once was standing its ground. It refused to give up on the possibility that Lucian loved her. This time she wouldn’t walk away so easily from the promise of what there was between them.

  For now, she would enjoy the moment. Relish the closeness and the feel of his body pressed against hers and the way he pulled her in tightly and pressed his lips to her shoulder.

  They stayed that way for a while longer, her back to his chest, the warm water trickling over them. Eventually, Katherine turned in his hold and they shared a look that said the moment needed to end. With a silent nod, Lucian stepped back and led her out of the shower and wrapped her in a fluffy white bathrobe, and pulled out a large towel for himself to wrap around his waist.

  Katherine took a deep breath and walked out to sit on one of the leather armchairs in front of the fireplace. She looked to his bed and tried to shut out the memories of their many shared moments there. She needed to focus on the conversation she was about to have. Lucian came and took a seat across from her and caught her gaze with his own look of determination. She felt the chill of the space between them and fought back the shiver that tracked down her spine. There was only a few feet distance between them both and yet it felt wrong.

  She squared her shoulders and tried to exude the confidence that she simply didn’t feel. Lucian opened his mouth but she held up her hand to silence him.

  “Please, I need to go first. I need to get this out.”

  He nodded quietly and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, giving her his full attention. For most people, it would’ve been intimidating, but for her, it was a calming balm to her nerves.

  “I was scared, Lucian. I was frightened of what would happen if I let myself fall for you. That’s why I told my father I would help him. He offered me a way to run away, to get away from him and to get away from you, and in that moment I just wanted to shut out everyone and just be safe, on my own. But when it came to it, I couldn’t do it, I didn’t want to betray you. You had already become too important.”

  She paused and looked into his steady dark gaze, drawing courage from his unwavering strength. “I think you understand that I don’t let people in easily. I’ve got my reasons for being that way. So letting you in, letting you have an influence over me is a huge risk. You could ruin me Lucian, and I don’t know if I would ever be able to come back from that.”

  Katherine took another deep breath and looked down at her hands, “we also can’t ignore the obvious. You’re a vampire and I’m human. I’m going to get older. Eventually that will become an issue and I can’t expect you to want to turn me, making me like you, and then be lumbered with me for the rest of God knows how long. I know I’m difficult. I pick fights and I always like to have the upper hand. I’m not exactly lovable,” Katherine shook her head, “two parents who clearly didn’t think I was worth the effort, is testament to that.”

  Tears spilt over her cheeks unbidden and she sucked in a breath.

  So much for being strong, Katherine berated herself.

  A hand gently clasped her chin and lifted her head. Lucian was there, knelt in front of her, his dark eyes filled with kindness and soft encouragement.

  “You’re wrong,” Lucian spoke quietly, but his tone was firm. “Loving you is as easy as taking my next breath. It is an inescapable truth that I love you with a ferocity that will not be tamed.”

  Katherine felt fresh tears spill down over her flushed cheeks at hearing his declaration.

  “Then why did you send me away? Why did you say those things to me? You were so cruel, it was like you knew exactly what to say to hurt me.”

  “I love you, Katherine, despite knowing that I shouldn’t.”

  “What?” Katherine stammered, fresh pain stabbing at her heart. “Why shouldn’t you? I know I’m not as strong as I first made you believe but...”

  “You’re stronger than I first thought. So much stronger,” Lucian refuted urgently, “I felt as though I was not worthy of you. You have a bright and impressive future ahead of you. I knew if I were to pursue a life with you, I would be robbing you of all that you have worked for, all that you want and deserve.”

  “Why can’t I still have that if we’re together?” Katherine argued back, bitterly. “Why does a relationship with you and my ambition have to be mutually exclusive? Am I not allowed to have both?”

  Lucian sighed and stroked his thumb over her tears, wiping them away.

  “It’s not just that my darling,” he took a breath, his body shuddering as he released it.,“your blood.”

  “What about my blood?”

  “You’re blood type is O negative.”

  “I have no idea what blood type I am. Why? Is O negative bad?”

  “It’s good. Very, very good. But it can be powerful and drugging to a vampire. It’s also valuable to humankind. You are a universal donor, your blood has the potential to save the lives of many. The vampire elders prohibited the drinking of O negative, its qualities have the potential to cause war among our kind, therefore those with your blood type are protected from birth.”

  “Protected how? Am I protected?” Katherine frowned.

  “Usually magical wards are put in place to shield you from the notice of paranormal creatures upon the day of your birth. Sometimes guardians are assigned to watch over the individual if there is a more serious risk of them being discovered by those that would seek to use them for ill means,” Lucian paused, “you do not have these protections in place.”

  “Why not?” Katherine asked.

  “It is a good question, sometimes people fall through the net I suppose, but it is incredible that you have remained unharmed for as long as you have. Until I came along and tasted your blood,” He shook his head and stood.

  Lucian turned his back to her and leaned against the mantle, staring into the fire.

  “What will happen if these elders find out? Will they punish you for drinking from me?” Katherine asked, fear for him being hurt because of her, churned in her veins.

  “Potentially. But far worse they would interfere in your life, Katherine. They might prevent you from doing what you want to achieve, you’d be assigned a guard, possibly a team of guardians, and you would be watched wherever you went. Without your knowing, your relationships with others would be monitored and most likely arranged for you,” Lucian slammed his hand against the mantle and cursed under his breath. “You deserve better, Katherine. You deserve freedom, you deserve to feel the sunlight on your skin and to be able to live your life unhindered.”

  “What if I want a guard?” She asked quietly.

  Lucian braced himself against the mantle and hung his head low.

  “I would understand your desire for safety and I would make the necessary arrangements with the elders.”

  Katherine stood and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to the smooth skin between his shoulder blades.

  “What if I want you to be my guard?”

  His back expanded as he drew in a shaking breath.

  “I can’t be your guard, Katherine. I’ve tasted your blood, I yearn for it. It’s a powerful siren call that I burn for.”

  His words sent a shiver of heat to coil low in her belly. She longed for him to drink from her again, to feel that delicious pull on her body that demanded she give herself over to the pulsing
connection that drew them together.

  “I am what you would need to be guarded against the most. We cannot be allowed to be together, it will only end one way, regardless of how strong my will is, eventually I will be unable to resist tasting you again, and eventually, I won’t be able to stop.”

  “Do I get a say in any of this? What if I don’t want you to resist? What if I want you to taste me again?” Katherine argued.

  Lucian turned with a pained groan and gripped her shoulders.

  “Katherine, please. I’m trying my best to give you what you deserve, it’s why I pushed you away. I hoped you’d believe I had lied, used you, and that you’d use your hatred of me to spur you on to do the things you wanted.”

  “And what? I’d be out there unprotected? How long would it have been until someone else stumbled across me and I would’ve become someone else’s tasty snack?”

  Lucian growled, his eyes darkening further. “No one else will taste you, Katherine. You would’ve been protected. I had arranged for it.”

  “I know, the Darkhills pack were supposed to protect me. But I gave them the slip easily enough.”

  “Something that I will be taking up with the Alpha,” he growled.

  “No, you won’t. It wasn’t Cayden’s fault,” Katherine snapped back, planting her hands on her hips, “I’ve had enough Lucian. You don’t get to decide who protects me, and nor will a bunch of crabby, old vampires decide how I should live my life.”

  Katherine stepped forward and glared directly into Lucian’s eyes, tilting her chin up in defiance.

  “I get to decide what happens to me. I get to choose. And I’m choosing you, Lucian Nightingale.”

  “Katherine, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “Yes, I do. I want to be with you, I want to be free to love you and be loved by you and if I just so happen to want you to bite me, then that is exactly what you will do.”

  Lucian growled and pulled her against him, his hands gripping her firmly.

  “And when we’re discovered and torn apart from each other, what then?”

  “Then we will fight them. I love you Lucian and I want to love you for the rest of my life.”


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