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Essence: Book 1 - Septima

Page 14

by Nick Braker

  “All the others looked like this one too,” Cienna added.

  “It has a window on the backside of each room and that backside dumps into a construction site that will offer us a quick and easy exit if needed.”

  “You think something is going to go wrong?” Septima asked.

  “Anything can go wrong. I simply want to increase the odds of surviving if it does.”

  “Septima,” Cienna said. “We’re going to need pure water to drink and Troy will need something to eat.”

  “I can order something for delivery in the room,” Troy replied.

  “No, Sep can get you something while she’s out,” Cienna told him.

  “Want me to go shopping?” Septima asked.

  “Yeah,” Cienna said. “Get some water for all of us, some quick heat and go meals for Troy and scout the area around the construction site. Troy is right. We need to be prepared to make a hasty exit.”

  Septima smiled, holding her hand out to Troy, palm up.

  “Things are the same everywhere it seems,” he said.

  Troy pulled out his wallet and handed her some cash. Septima adjusted her backpack, winking at him as she walked away down the street, looking for food while they entered the motel’s office. Troy made sure to get them a room next to the construction site. The clerk made Troy sign his name but since he never took his eyes off Cienna, he hadn’t bothered to actually look at Troy’s ID. Ignoring him, they found their room and went inside. Troy threw the room’s key onto the chest of drawers and searched the interior, checking first that the rear window would open. The place was a dump. The linens looked as if they had never been washed and the carpeted floor was sticky in several places. The two twin beds were lumpy and damp. The room smelled of mildew which was probably because the A/C barely worked. Before the Piran medication, there was no way in hell he’d ever stay in a place like this. The fear of germs alone would have sent him screaming into the night.

  After Troy was satisfied with his search, he turned on the television and pulled out his comm-device. He tuned the TV to CNN but then focused his attention on his device’s screen. Troy found several wireless signals nearby though all of them were secured. He tapped an option on the screen and the device cracked the encryption on the signals and then connected to each one.

  “You’re a regular hacker now,” Cienna told him.

  She sat next to him, watching his progress. The display was small so he had to tilt it her way a bit so they both could see it.

  “The device makes it easy. I’m not writing any code here.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “Research,” he replied.

  “Oh?” she said, leaning in closer to watch.

  Cienna’s shoulder pressed against his as Troy started several searches. His headache surged and he had to will himself to relax. It helped. Troy wasn’t due for his next dose of medication for several hours. Was it Cienna’s presence that caused his headache? Troy forced himself to concentrate as he set the device to search public and private records for any police officers who had done something heroic in the Augusta area along with several other searches for personal information on the current chief of police, the mayor and the governor. He didn’t need to code any programs, he simply entered what he wanted via text and the comm-device’s AI software interpreted and executed the request. If the AI had any questions, it would prompt him for clarification or further refining.

  The work would have been easier but Cienna’s presence bothered him. Was she playing him? She had never allowed herself to get this close but now she was intentionally trying to arouse him. Of course, that’s how Troy read it. If she intended to seduce him, Troy knew he would lose this battle. He had already thought about what he would say to drop sexual innuendos in his comments as they began feeling each other out. This could be innocent curiosity on her part and she simply didn’t realize the effect she had on him.

  Uh huh... she knows exactly what she’s doing and you don’t have a chance.

  “Let me know when you’re done,” she said. “I’m going to take a shower. A long... hot... shower.”

  So much for feeling each other out. She held up a flashing neon sign.

  Troy’s sexual energy exploded inside of him. Her words had ignited it like a powder keg. She pulled her top off as she walked away. Cienna was gorgeous clothed but her now exposed body went beyond that. Her back was smooth with a slight tan covering it. She had no tan lines and her curves were perfect, toned with years of hard workouts. Her hips swayed back and forth a bit more than usual, obviously for his benefit. She didn’t have to use anything complicated. The simple stuff worked fine for Troy.

  Oh yeah, she’s trying to seduce me, but why?

  She was a trained martial artist with a passion for killing. This could go badly. After all, what better way to get rid of him? Cienna stopped at the bathroom doorway. She unclasped her bra letting it slide slowly down her body. The right cup gently caught on her now erect nipple. It held on a few seconds longer and then sprang down, completely exposing her breasts. She let it drop, staring back at Troy. Her arms were folded gently under them as if she were hugging herself. The desire in her eyes made Troy gulp. Tohmas might be a natural at this but Troy was a rank amateur.

  Cienna left the door open. The sound of water running and her stepping into it made his head spin. He buried his face into his hands, breathing heavily. He had already made up his mind.

  “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” he hissed. “If Septima walks through that door, I’m fucked.”

  Troy locked the room’s door and then entered the bathroom taking off his clothes. He fumbled nervously at his own snaps but eventually managed to strip. He pushed the curtain aside and stepped into the far side of the shower. Cienna was completely naked, her body covered in soap and water. Her eyes were closed as she ran her lathered hands over her breasts, rubbing the slippery suds deep into her flesh. His eyes went to her abdomen which was flat and muscled. He started to examine more.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Cienna demanded, opening her eyes and glaring at him.

  Her words startled him so much, he froze. She had played him, tricked him into this embarrassing situation.

  “I should have known,” he said.

  “Get out,” she ordered. “Sicko.”

  Troy hastily dressed, forced to listen to her laugh as she continued her shower. What was wrong with him? He loved Septima and yet he was so quick to jump into the shower with her best friend. This was not like him. Something had changed within him. Was it Pira or maybe his new role? He’d always heard that power corrupts. Was he on that path already?

  Troy unlocked the front door and returned to the desk, picking up his comm-device. He had to divert his attention from the image of Cienna in the shower. He fumbled with the device while her naked body repeatedly flashed through his mind. He forced himself to focus on his search requests. The device had already returned several results, including two officers who had risked their own lives to save others but only one of them was still an active duty officer. Her name was Detective Angela “Kima” Anderson. She was the one he needed.

  Chapter 15


  Earth - 05:55am

  Septima closed the motel room’s door, setting the groceries on the desk. She leaned over and put her arms around Troy, kissing his cheek. Guilt tore at Troy as he pulled her in for a real kiss, setting her in his lap. She laughed, smiling at him. He wanted to tell her. The love in her eyes for him and the trust she had were like the innocence of a child.

  Tell her later.

  “Did you find the items Cienna mentioned?” Troy asked.

  “Yep. Everything we’ll need.”

  “What about the items I asked for in my text message?”

  “I have those too,” she said, nodding.

  “We’ll need a lot of proof if we’re going to get them to believe in us,” he said.

  “I also took time to handle
Alta’s request but you don’t want to hear about that, right?”

  “Essence work?” he asked. “Yeah, I don’t.”

  Septima frowned.

  “How are you going to pull this off?” she asked, changing the subject.

  He grinned.

  “Simple. I found a police officer that really cares about helping people and I know a name of one of them she saved that fits my criteria. Once I settled on Detective Anderson, I created a phony story based on the people involved.”

  “Some of them don’t care?” she asked.

  “The officers? Almost every police officer is a good one. I just needed someone that went above and beyond. I also needed to know who was rescued, names, ages, etc... In this case, I chose an older lady named Elizabeth Stanley. Since she happens to have four daughters, I tailored my story around them.”

  “And?” Septima asked.

  “You will be one of them for our little charade,” Troy said.

  Cienna walked into the room from her shower. She ran a towel through her hair, drying it, having already dressed but with a look of a wild beauty seen in fashion magazines. Troy found it easy to look away. She only brought angry thoughts to him and a ton of guilt for his actions. She had manipulated him, taking advantage of his weakened state. It simply was not like him to act like an animal in heat.

  “That was amazing,” she said. “It was the longest shower in a decade. I don’t remember what one felt like. Bliss.”

  Troy ignored her. He tapped away at his device, looking for a connection his system could hack which would make a phone call for him. He needed the detective to believe it was genuinely from Mrs. Stanley’s mobile number. The device confirmed the hack and he placed the call.

  “Quiet please,” he said, motioning them to silence.

  The call was made through his device and since it was designed to work in a conference style mode, Cienna and Septima could hear everything, as could the caller on the other end.

  “Detective Anderson. Who is this and how did you get this number?” the detective asked.

  It was her. Troy had already programmed his comm-device to replace his voice with that of a woman in her forties. His only gamble was to hope the detective would not be familiar enough with Mrs. Stanley to recognize whether it was actually her. The voice was realistic but very likely not the same as the real Mrs. Stanley.

  “Detective. This is Elizabeth Stanley. I do so hope you remember me. I--”

  “Yes,” the detective said. “I most certainly do remember you. How have you been Mrs. Stanley?”

  “Well... about that,” the comm-device’s female voice said. “I apologize for calling you direct. I called in a favor with one of my daughters who knows an officer who got me your number. I need your help, Ms. Anderson, please.”

  Troy wasn’t an actor but he was desperate. He used the death of his grandmother as the catalyst for helping him use the right tone and emotion. He wanted the detective to believe Mrs. Stanley was upset but determined to help her daughter, which was the premise behind how he would get the detective here.

  “Mrs. Stanley, I’d be happy to help but this is very unusual.”

  “I know, I know,” the female voice said. “I hate to ask but...”

  “What is it Elizabeth? And you can call me Kima,” the detective said, her voice showing concern.

  “I think one of my daughter’s was...,” Troy paused. “Oh dear God. Abused.”

  “Where are you?” Kima asked quickly.

  “A motel on Old Hickory highway--”

  “Is it the Clarion?” Kima asked.

  “Yes, that’s the one. Room 10.”

  “Is your daughter with you?”

  Cienna’s usual smug look disappeared and he enjoyed her What the fuck? facial expression.

  “Yes. I couldn’t leave her there. I got her out and we are staying in this motel. I have no one else to turn to Kima. At least give me some advice--”

  “I’m going to do more than that. I’m coming over--”

  “Can my daughter talk to you first?” Troy asked. “I had to beg her to get her this far. She believes it’s her fault.”

  “I understand. That is a normal reaction in these situations. You want me to come alone?”

  “If you are comfortable with that, then yes. She is willing to talk with you. You did save her mother after all. She trusts you, Kima.”

  “I’ll be there in 25 minutes. Do not leave that room or answer the door to anyone else but me. Okay?”

  “Absolutely. We’re both scared. If he finds out...”

  “Stay put.” Kima ordered.

  She hung up the phone.

  “Clear,” Troy said.

  “Nicely done, but what do we do when she gets here?” Septima asked.

  “We play the victims,” Troy answered.

  And pray it doesn’t break out into a gunfight.


  Earth - 25 minutes later.

  A knock on the door signaled the start of his plan.

  “This is the police. Mrs. Stanley, it’s Detective Anderson. Open the door.”

  They took their preplanned positions. Troy laid on the floor between one of the beds and the wall. It was tight but an excellent concealment spot from the door. Cienna stepped into the bathroom and closed its door while Septima stood ready to let the detective in. She gave both of them time to get in place before taking a deep breath and then opening it. Septima opened her eyes wide, pretending to be surprised to finally see the woman that had saved her mother.

  “It is you,” Septima said.

  “And you are?” Kima asked.

  “I’m Erin. My mother, Elizabeth, is in the restroom. Please come in,” Septima said.

  She stepped to the side as the detective entered. Kima stayed at the doorway but slightly inside the room. Troy couldn’t see anything happening but his keen senses could hear the two steps Kima took, the second one cushioned by the sticky carpet. The sunlight filled the room, so the door was still open. The detective was playing it cautious. This was no rookie and now Troy knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Their plan was to put her at ease but she wasn’t going to walk blindly into an unknown situation. On cue, Cienna flushed the toilet.

  Should I stun her? No, that wouldn’t go well trying to earn her trust.

  Troy wanted the detective completely in the room with the door shut but that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Detective,” Septima said. “She’ll be right out. Mom is so torn up inside, she’s not feeling well.” Septima paused. “Thank you for coming. This is all my fault.”

  “I know this is difficult but I’m going to help you get through it,” Kima said.

  “Thank you,” Septima replied. “I feel so ashamed.”

  Keep her talking, Septima.

  Troy’s plan included Cienna sneaking out the window in the bathroom and scouting the area. A good police officer would not come alone and that meant her backup would be outside the door or close by. Either way, he had to give Cienna time to find this person and neutralize them. Troy guessed Cienna was now coming around the front of the motel and getting her first look at the area and potentially the officer with Kima. If luck were with them, she’d find the other officer guarding outside versus sitting in a car out in the open.

  “Elizabeth?” Kima said. “Please come out.”

  The Detective was getting worried and Troy knew he had to move before she backed out of the room. Troy had to keep this contained to prevent people from getting hurt but balance it with gaining her trust.

  Troy sprang up, pointing his blaster at Detective Anderson.

  “Freeze!” he ordered, getting to his feet.

  She went for her gun while taking a lower stance but Septima had grabbed Kima’s wrist, holding it at her side.

  “Don’t,” Troy ordered. “I do not want to hurt anyone.”

  “You realize this is ultimately going to go badly for you,” Kima said, her hand still on her gun at her side.

“I need your help,” Troy said, moving to stand in front of her.

  He flipped his blaster around, holding it by the barrel and offering it to her. She looked surprised as her eyes moved back and forth between Troy and Septima. She didn’t trust either of them but Troy’s action gave her pause. The room was quiet and tense for several seconds as Kima weighed her options.

  “Please,” Troy begged, giving Septima a nod.

  Septima let go and stepped back. Kima relaxed some and moved her hand away from her gun. She reached up slowly and took the blaster.

  “What kind of weapon is this?” she asked, examining it but not taking her eyes off either of them for long.

  She was still very tense but at least she was speaking with him.

  “Please don’t follow protocol by involving your department in this,” he said. “I need your help and I also need time to explain.”

  “You have my attention,” Kima responded. “This weapon is real, isn’t it? It’s too solid to be a prop.”

  “It is an energy blaster, capable of killing if needed, though it is currently set to stun its target,” Troy told her.

  “My partner--” Kima started to say.

  “-is sleeping right now,” Cienna added, pushing Kima farther into the room with the butt of her blaster.

  She had come up from behind Kima, carrying a male over her shoulder.

  “This is not a great way to earn trust when you need my help,” Kima said.

  “He’s fine,” Cienna said, laying the man down on the bed.

  Septima closed the door, taking a position in front of it.

  “Detective, may I call you Kima?” Troy asked.

  “Yes, if I can get your real names,” she said, still holding the blaster.

  “This is Cienna and that is Septima behind you. My name is Troy.”

  Kima was as beautiful in person as she was from the press reports and background photos he had reviewed before choosing her. Troy wondered if his choice was entirely motivated for the right reasons but here they were. Troy’s ability to assess others was almost always spot on and, now that he could see her, he knew much more about her than any public record could reveal. Kima stood short of six feet tall. She wore a white shell, revealing biceps that were lean and defined. Her hair flowed past her shoulders and had a rich, lustrous black sheen. Her eyes were blue surrounded by pure ivory. Her skin was clear and smooth which gave Troy pause that she might be in the wrong profession.


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