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Pearl on Cherry

Page 14

by Chanse Lowell

  She dropped her head and looked up at him through her lashes. Her head ached. “People will know. They will discover that you dress me in fine packaging to hide what is really inside this plain old box.” She placed her hands right under her collarbones. “I am nothing fancy. I am a common girl.”

  “No longer. You are mine, and I deem you worthy, because you are.” He took her hand, pulled her to her feet and dragged her through the house out the front door. “You see the Walton mansion over there?”

  She nodded and squeezed his hand tight. What if someone saw her like this? She wasn’t even aware of what she was wearing. She still refused to look. What if it was a mortifying disaster?

  “You see the Vanderbilts’ home as well?”

  Once more she jostled her head about.

  “They are nothing more than any other man. They reek of riches only because they were lucky, maybe a little smarter than most, but nothing more. Who is to say they are better than you? If you had been born with a little more money and given a better education, you could be living down the street from me. I have never met a woman more intelligent than you. Believe it. You belong here. With. Me.” He placed her hands on his chest.

  Oh, but his heart raced like a train down a straight, sure track.

  “If you say so,” she said, still a little wary.

  “I do. Trust me. ‘Twill be all right. Just be your bright self, and you will fit in perfectly.”

  She inhaled and allowed that breath and his look of confidence to spread throughout her body.

  “Okay, Will.”

  “Yes? No more self-doubt?”

  “No—I will behave for you.”

  “Magnificent.” He kissed her.

  Out here? She about fainted from the way he held her so intimately in public.

  “Mine,” he growled, then took her back inside and propped her before a full-length mirror that had not been in this room last time she was here.

  His eyes went wide. Was it because he relished the idea that he meant to watch himself fucking her raw in the dark room? Or was it rather because of how transformed she was in this moment with flushed cheeks, a soft mossy green dress that reflected his vibrant eyes and her silken, see-through stockings?

  He looked her over like she was stunning.

  And for once—she felt he might be right about something.

  Chapter 11

  William towed Clarissa behind him, beaming like a madman all the while as he showed her around his expansive home.

  She made small gasping sounds with each room he took her inside of.

  “When does it end? How many are there?” she whispered, hunched over as he pulled her into the servants’ quarters.

  “Twenty rooms in total,” he replied.

  She paled at that.

  “Fret not. It’s of no consequence to you. You’ll be relegated most likely to my bedroom, the dark room, along with wherever you choose to serve to earn a wage. And of course, the parlor is for your use if you’d like it.”

  “P-parlor?” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  He chuckled. “Salivary issues, have we?”

  She nodded with large doe eyes, and he laughed harder. “Darling girl—amusing as ever.”

  She tossed him a cutting look. “As usual, you are amused by odd things. When I am trying to entertain you, I daresay you shall know.”

  “Yes, I daresay I will.” He bowed to her, and she blushed.

  “Now, meet the staff so they will become accustomed to your presence,” he said.

  “You mean so I will become accustomed to them, rather than dodging them like the thrust of a rapier.”

  “I’ll grant you my rapier.” He took her in his arms and thrust his cock into her, though he was flaccid.

  “Will.” She smacked his arm and giggled.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and stole her to the kitchen first.

  He knew that was where most of his staff congregated when they were done with chores.

  He cleared his throat, and they all jumped to their feet from the table they had gathered around.

  “This is Miss Clarissa Stone. I intend to have her here in my home often. You are to treat her always as a most treasured guest.” He eyed them all in turn.

  They each bowed. All except Pauline.

  He narrowed his eyes at her, and she followed suit, but as stiffly as possible, and with her eyes shifting between Cherry girl and him.

  His arm was still around Clarissa.

  “Nice to meet all of you,” Clarissa said. She stepped out of his hold and walked up to Pauline on the left end first. “I truly hope we can be friends.” She curtsied, then shook Pauline’s hand.

  Pauline looked as if she had been struck by a plank on the back of the head.

  William almost gloated at her.

  His girl. His!

  She was brilliant to do something like that.

  She went down the line. “And you are?”

  “Mrs. Garrity, ma’am.”

  Another curtsy and handshake by Cherry girl.

  Next she met Willamina, the head cook, followed by Davis, a few other essential personnel, then she finished up with Samuel.

  “Ah, yes—my hero. I suspect you are the one that granted us wood when we most needed it? ‘Twas a chilly night when that bundle arrived.” She gave him a mock glare.

  He laughed. “Yes, ma’am. You have discovered my secret. I tend to slip out at night to find people in need of wood for their stoves. Sometimes I deliver coal instead.” He bowed to her, grinning with a twinkle in his eyes.

  She patted his shoulder, and at once, William was pulling her back, his chest tightening like mad. “Yes, well, that’s quite enough of all of that. Clarissa has much to do today. She insists she will join you all soon in the ranks, but I’m a hard man to move.” He grinned at her and squeezed her into his side.

  “Yes, I’m hoping you can all enlighten me as to what position needs filled,” Clarissa spoke up when William was hoping she understood his meaning.

  He dropped his disapproving gaze on her.

  She ignored it and approached Mrs. Garrity. “Can you tell me if you need a window washer? Maybe an assistant cook perhaps?”

  “We need someone to help on the grounds. The garden has been neglected since we lost two of our gardeners as of late,” Garrity replied.

  Pauline cut him a nasty look.

  Oh good heavens. Yes, woman, they quit after they heard and a few saw what I’d done to you at that tree, stroking your naked body with a cut switch.

  He rolled his eyes. How ridiculous. He’d done much worse than that before, only this time, he’d failed to warn his staff to stay away or to dismiss them for the night.

  “Oh j’en serai ravie!” Clarissa said with a little hop. “J’adore les jardins d’ici. Ils sont stupéfiants avec leur magnificence. Si luxuriant et exotique!”

  When she slipped into French, most of them had eyes as big as the round windows in his bedroom.

  He chuckled and pulled her back in line next to him once more. “You will turn their brains to mush if you keep at this pace, darling.” He kissed her nose, and there was a quiet gasp.

  He’d be damned if he was going to pretend this woman was anything other than irresistible.

  She flushed crimson, then smiled back at him with a furtive look and dropped her eyes.

  “Yes, well, she will return later to dazzle you with more French.” He took her hand, patted it and removed her from the kitchen.

  But right as he was leaving, his phone rang in his study.

  “This can only mean trouble.” He groaned and brought her into his office with him.

  As soon as he answered, he’d wished he had not.

  “You must get down here at once,” Morgan said.

  William took a seat behind his desk.

  “Why must I? Give me a good reason.” William reached for her, then patted his lap.

  “All hell is bursting loose on Wall Street�
�the banks are having trouble, and we need our greatest financiers here to back them, just in case . . .”

  Clarissa sat on his lap, and he stroked her back.

  She purred. The woman arched into his lap like a perfect little kitten.

  He scratched at her scalp, loving the feel and look of her loose curls. Did she have to put it up to go out?

  “Did you hear me, Ferrismore? We need you, man,” Morgan bellowed in the phone.

  “Yes, all right. Mind you, I will only stay to settle things, then I leave. I have other responsibilities outside of dealing with these trained circus chimps.” He ended the call and huffed.

  “Something wrong?” she asked, shifting on his lap.

  “Yes, everything’s wrong, because my plans have been misaligned. I must make an appearance at the bank.”

  “Oh, I’ll . . . I’ll start out in the garden today while you are gone,” she replied.

  He tensed from head to toe. “You most certainly will not.” He gripped her arm and turned her on his lap so she faced him. “You wear these beautiful clothes so I can bring you with me today.”

  “To the bank? But the men there . . .” She gaped.

  “They will do whatever I say, and if I choose to have you on my arm, they will have little to say about it.”

  She gave him a disbelieving look. “If you are certain.”

  “I am, Cherry. I am to go get my cravat affixed in place, my coat, hat, cane and then my shoes placed on my feet. You have shoes set in the room next to mine. I meant to tell you—if you will persist in saying you will not room with me, then you have the one next to mine. It is where I have placed all your clothing, your undergarments, shoes and various sundries you shall need.”

  She lit up. “Truly?”

  “Yes, truly. Now, go before I ravage you on my desk.” He smirked.

  She made a squeal of delight and then jumped off his lap, running in a most unladylike manner down the hall.

  He loved her uninhibitedness, and as he went back to his bedroom and was assisted by his footman, Worley, he prayed she would stay this unbridled and innocent.

  He sighed—his chest feeling light, though this day would probably be less than pleasant.

  With her at his side, maybe he could manage it a slight deal better.

  When he got to her room, Pauline was in there, pinning up Cherry’s hair.

  He grunted in annoyance, initially from the pinning until he caught the tail end of what Pauline was saying.

  “. . . twice I had to fight him off. He’s a brute of the most ‘orrid fashion.”

  William clapped his cane on the ground, and Pauline snapped her eyes to him and only smiled at him as she slid another pin in place for Clarissa.

  “Oh, that’s dreadful. I am truly sorry,” Clarissa soothed her.

  “Madam, we are called forth. Are you ready?” His tone was icy.

  Pauline glared, then finished with Clarissa’s hair and stepped back. “You look every bit the high-priced lady.”

  Clarissa cringed. Was Pauline giving these backhanded compliments on purpose? Did she know that Clarissa was already concerned about people thinking her some type of call girl?

  He huffed, grabbed Clarissa at the back of the elbow and led her out of the room.

  “Do not listen to her inane prattle,” he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

  “I do not need lessons from you on who to trust,” she hissed back.

  “Must I take you to visit Miller in the hospital? Hmm . . .”

  She bristled silently at his side.

  “Oh, I am saddled with the highest moral authority in the land. How fortunate for me,” she retorted as they stepped out to his favorite motorcar, already running.

  Samuel helped her in, then swept aside so William could get inside next.

  “We will not require your services today,” William dismissed him, then moved to the wheel.

  “Yes, sir.”

  William drove off, and he could feel her eyes boring into him.

  “Problem? Why do you take offense at my driving?”

  “You know why.” She turned away from him.

  “No, Cherry, I do not. Enlighten me.”

  She turned back to him with fire in her eyes. “He is like me. He wishes to make an honest day’s wage, and now what will he have to do of value to fill his day while you gadabout town without employing his uses?”

  He blinked and shifted in his seat. “I had not thought on it. Perhaps he might enjoy a break?”

  “Unlikely. I loathed the moments I was not kept busy. When he loafs around your house, what is there for him to do?” she asked.

  “He may trouble the ladies if he likes. Maybe he will have a firm talking to with Pauline and explain to her she is not to come near you.”

  “Too late for that. Have you ever spoken to Samuel—at any kind of length? He is very much like me. We have heaps in common. He came from Cherry Street just like I did. Years ago, he and his sister left it and they parted ways. He was trying to help her survive, sending her money to keep her off the street, but she passed away recently. Killed. He’s hurting without any family at all. He only has this—his employment, and you take it away from him at a whim with no thought to his state of mind over it. ‘Tis insufferable to think of him languishing away in your house with nothing to give him back his self-worth. Do you ever speak to him?” she repeated at the end. “Do you even know this man?”

  He sighed and shook his head like she was an annoyance. “Yes—I speak to him frequently, and I know all my staff.”

  “Really? I never see you speak with any of them outside of ordering them around.” She sniffed. “As I have said—you are too late. I have already spoke to Pauline, and her situation is worse than what mine had been. She is in dire need of a roommate, so I am to move in with her tonight.”

  “What?” His hands accidentally jerked the wheel to the left, and Clarissa slid into his side.

  She pushed off him right away.

  “Yes, I am sure we will be suited as friends and roommates.”

  “Good Lord, woman, how you try me,” he growled.

  “Well, that is partly your doing. I did not ask for you to thrust me into your life.”

  He wanted to make a crude remark about how he would thrust inside her until she accepted him in her life, but his blood was already near boiling.

  “Clarissa, do not take on so. You are being too rash,” he said, gentling his tone.

  She only smirked back.

  “What do you think will happen to me when you do this most dastardly of deeds?” His tone edged on needy.

  She chuckled. “Oh, I do not think it worth trifling over. It is none of my affair. I am certain you will find someone else to dress up with your fine lingerie.”

  He sniffed. “That is it!” He pulled the car over, and regardless of the way she cried out and said she was aghast at his rudeness, he slid over to the center of the seat, took her over his lap, and lifted her skirts. “Punishment is in order.”

  Slaaaap. Slaaaap. Slaaaap.

  “No, not now! We are in public!” She tried to wriggle off his lap, but he had a firm grip around her waist.

  “You are due—with this obstinate behavior. I love you, I shower you with affection and you take no thought for me, your master.”

  “You do not own me,” she argued.

  “This is true, because you refuse to submit.” Slaaaap, slaaaap, slaaaap, slaaaap. “What must I do for you to accept me as I am?” He was barely contacting her flesh as he spanked her, and he was in complete control of his faculties. He had to do this because she simply wouldn’t listen. The only time she ever seemed to listen to him was when he spanked her bottom.

  “Stop brandishing your hand over my backside, first off.” Her hand gripped his ankle.

  He released her, but instead of being humbled, she was more defiant than ever.

  “Clarissa, you are acting the spoiled brat. Why? Tell me what I have done to deserve this censure?�

  Her eyes finally clouded with tears, hovering about her lashes. “Not every little thing is about you. Pauline needs help, and I want to give it to her. It will be temporary. I need time to adjust. I cannot be shoved into your home without any thought. You must integrate me slowly. Going from Cherry to Pearl Street is disorienting—and frankly, my head hurts over it.” She patted her hair, checking to make sure her pins stayed in place.

  They had.

  “You do me great harm by leaving or even desiring it. I need you.” He took her hands and put them on his chest like he had once before. “Look deeply in my eyes and see if I need you more than she does. I will find her a suitable companion to live in her place if that is what is required for you to stay.” He exhaled, his body tired from this argument. “Against my better judgment and against my own ego, I have already agreed to allow you to work for me, no matter how absurd it is.”

  “What is absurd? I want to be needed.” She pursed her lips.

  “I need you. I need you—I need you! This is what I repeat ad nauseum, madam. Are you in need of having your hearing checked?”

  Her hands dug into his chest as her eyes decreased to slits.

  “I mean in a profitable way. Yes, I am there to love and adore and lavish you with affection, but just as Samuel will suffer from lack of work, so would I. Would my losing self-value be good for you? If you care about me, Will, then you will want me to feel productive.”

  “Then I shall fill your womb with babies. No more pulling out. I shall spread my seed all across your womb so you are thickening about the middle and busy gestating. Then you will stay in my home and be mine.” He said the final sentence like a question. His fingers shook as he placed them over her hands. “Please—this cannot be the way. I will surely expire if you leave again. It killed me the last time you let me in and then snuck out in the middle of the night while I slept.”

  “It means this much to you?”

  He blew out, his cheeks puffing, then deflating. “Yes. I promise you with all that’s in me—it is of dire importance.”

  “And it is important to me to work. I will work, and I will stay in your home, but we need to find some way to help Pauline.”


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